Saturday 21 September 2024

TISHW Extra 4

Extra 4

Just when Jiang Yu felt that she was about to be swallowed, the person in front of her suddenly left again. Jiang Yu finally surfaced like a drowning person, panting rapidly.

Qin Shiyu leaned back to the driver's seat to calm his breath. Rubbing her head with one hand, he grinned, "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

Jiang Yu reached out to hit him in embarrassed anger. Qin Shiyu shrank back in shock, "Oh? You can't hit people even if you aren’t satisfied. Talk nicely.

Jiang Yu:...

Because the seat belt restricted her range of movement, she unbuckled the seat belt and rushed over. Laughing, Qin Shiyu wrapped around her waist and hugged her into his arms. He reached out and pressed the back of her head and kissed her again. This time it was a gentle like water kiss, carrying a soothing intention. Jiang Yu always had no resistance to this kind of kiss and gradually immersed herself in it.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Qin Shiyu stroked her back and kissed her forehead. "Go home first?" 

He chuckled, "I can't endure it anymore. Please feel sorry for me.

Jiang Yu immediately understood what he meant. Her face turned even redder. She hurriedly returned to the passenger seat, pretending not to hear his last words, and stated seriously, "Approved." 

Qin Shiyu smilingly rubbed her head before starting the car. 

In order to divert his attention and ease the awkwardness, Jiang Yu asked about his work, "When will you post a Weibo reply to the fans?" 

Before they were investigated, Qin Shiyu posted an emotional Weibo for once. At that time, Jiang Yu looked at the slander and abuse that came one after another and couldn't help but take the lead in replying to him. At that time, she just wanted to let him know that at least she would always be with him. Surprisingly, Ye Yuanyu and others followed suit later. Then more and more fans responded. That precious sincerity was moving no matter when one thought about it. 

Of course, it should be taken seriously. 

Now they have been back for almost a week and the number of replies under that Weibo was already amazing, especially after Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan were detained yesterday. The fans began to wait for him to announce his return. Yes, yesterday the paparazzi took photos of Qin Luochuan and Chen Yalian being taken away. These two people were now the focus of the whole nation. Their traffic was incomparable to the general entertainment gossip. Even in the villa area of ​​the rich, there were numerous paparazzi waiting to see them and those paparazzi actually snapped something.

In fact, ordinary rumors won’t cause detention so quickly, but the two of them spread rumors that the popular star was a spy. Whether it was the trouble caused to the country or the loss of Qin Shiyu's reputation, the situation was serious. So after the case was filed, the police took them away at once.

Offline, the case handling required procedures. Even if it went smoothly, it would take two to six months. Qin Shiyu would definitely not take the initiative to mention this matter before winning the case and the official announcement of the results.

Combined with this result, the netizens who understood the ins and outs could fully confirm that Qin Shiyu was framed. In their opinion, he should respond immediately.

Jiang Yu also thought so at the beginning, but Qin Shiyu hadn’t made any movement until now.

Qin Shiyu replied, "No hurry. I probably can't resume work for the time being. I will reply after it is finalized, lest that the fans get disappointed."

Jiang Yu was puzzled, "You can't resume work? Didn't Xu Lehua say earlier that there are many jobs for you?"

Qin Shiyu casually said, "En, Qin's Group has started to avalanche me these days."

Jiang Yu blinked her eyes. Then she figured it out, "He thinks that as long as you disappear from the entertainment industry, everyone will forget about this matter after a while and Qin's Group will slowly recover in a year or two?"

In a sense, Qin Xingye's idea wasn’t wrong.

As a giant business and there were no major mistakes in products and decisions, it would be impossible for Sheng Qin to collapse completely just because of public anger. Capitalism was about interests. So after Qin Xingye was investigated, Qin's Group stock price decreased. It had basically stopped falling today.

As for Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan, they weren’t involved in the company's important decision-making at all. So their detention had no impact on Qin's Group at all. At most, it would make netizens scold Qin Xingye again. As it was a personal morality issue, it couldn’t shake the foundation of Sheng Qin.

As for ​​Qin Shiyu returning to inherit Sheng Qin, Qin Xingye would probably never consider it. He was probably afraid of Qin Shiyu from the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, even a tiger would not eat its own cubs. Why else would he allow Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan to suppress Qin Shiyu to this point?

However, Jiang Yu was still perplexed, "What about the shareholders?"

It was obvious that Qin Shiyu's return would benefit Sheng Qin. At least the performance and stock could recover immediately. Even if Qin Xingye was unwilling, the shareholders should agree. After all, it was related to their own interests. They couldn't allow Qin Xingye to mess around for personal matters.

Qin Shiyu laughed sarcastically, "The three major shareholders are the ones who followed my maternal grandfather at the beginning."

Jiang Yu understood that it was these shareholders who shared the benefit reaped from Shuyi Electronics with Qin Xingye back then. So they and Qin Xingye were on the same side in this respect. If Qin Shiyu didn't go back, Sheng Qin would at most be in a slightly sticky situation. If Qin Shiyu retaliates upon his return, they would most likely lose Sheng Qin.

Facing an enemy that hadn’t yet grown up, killing him was the wisest choice.

It was actually easy for the capitalists to bury a star. For any resource, how was it not possible to change the person after getting thrown tens of millions? Anyway, there were so many stars in the entertainment industry. None of them was unique to the capitalists.

It only took Qin Shiyu two or three months to become popular. Without any work or news, it was enough for him to disappear in a month or two. This wouldn’t even cost the company a year's profit.

Jiang Yu sneered, "What nice idea they have! What are you going to do?"

She was usually well-behaved and rarely showed anger. The few times she got angry were because of him. Qin Shiyu's heart softened and he rubbed her head again, "Of course, bury them."

Jiang Yu burst into a chuckle and rolled up her non-existent sleeves, "Tell me, how to bury them?"

Qin Shiyu laughed out loud again. Look, she was always like this. With her around, he seemed to be omnipotent. Even if he fights Sheng Qin alone, she will never doubt it.

"Wait a little longer. It's about time they’ll contact me." Qin Shiyu stated. Sure enough, when their car drove into the community, a strange phone call came in.

Qin Shiyu clicked to answer the call and a middle-aged male voice came from the car stereo, “Young Yu, I'm your Uncle Qian. Do you remember me?"

Qin Shiyu drawled out, "Of course I remember. Uncle Qian held me when I was little."

Qian Kunpeng heard his calm tone and heartily laughed, "Look at the recent incident. We only found out that your father actually indulged Chen Yalian to this extent. Simply outrageous. When are you free? Let's chat." 

He continued, "Uncle promises that no matter what, Sheng Qin will have a share for you. But if the current situation goes on like this... You are  smart. You should know that in this situation, at most we will earn less this year. Once the heat dies down later, nothing will happen to Sheng Qin at all."

If they didn't bury him, then such words might be more convincing.

Still, Qin Shiyu responded in a tone of accepting the advice, "What Uncle says makes sense, but the problem is that I don't have a penny share of Sheng Qin. If you are sincere, get President Qin to call me. He should give me the money he spent on Qin Luochuan over the years. In addition, let Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan stay inside. I am really tired of them all these years and don't want to see them again." "They may not have done anything big, but they have caused a lot of small troubles. It shouldn't be difficult to do this?" 

"It's not difficult." Qian Kunpeng smiled cheerfully, "I was saying Young Yu, you are a reasonable child. To be honest, your father doesn't want to care about them this time. The lawyers are just going through the motions. They have been indulged for so many years and stirred a hornet nest this time. Let's not talk about other things, they will directly be given the highest sentence. "

Qin Shiyu replied with satisfaction, "Then I will wait for the result."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu said affirmatively, "One of the shareholders?"

"En." Qin Shiyu smiled, "Looks like a good-tempered peacemaker, but in fact the most insidious one."

Jiang Yu had already caught on, "This is to make you compromise. On top of that, it is under the guise of for your own good."

Qin Shiyu parked the car. With a turn of a hand, he exported the call recording and sent it to the lawyer, "Make an appointment to meet Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan as soon as possible. Let them listen to this recording and the information I gave you last time. "

Seeing his operation, Jiang Yu gave a thumbs up, "As expected, the strongest bury." 

This was sending them all in.

Look how they behaved toward Shuyi Electronics and one knew they weren’t honest people.

Wasn't there a saying that there was a 50% profit, the capitalists would take risks. If there was a 100% profit, they would dare to trample on all human laws. If there was a 300% profit, they would dare to commit any crime. They have already tasted the sweetness from Shuyi Electronics. Once some bottom lines were crossed, there was no way to pull them back. So during these years, they couldn't always behave themselves. 

Qin Shiyu smiled, "Qin Xingye already has a grudge against Chen Yalian and her son and must have a lot of leverage over Chen Yalian and her son. Although Chen Yalian is stupid, she has some tricks since she’s been able to sit in the position of Mrs. Qin for so many years. At least some means to deal with Qin Xingye. It depends on whether they want to make meritorious contributions while serving their sentence." If they were only sentenced to two or three years, they could bear it as long as they were still the wife and child of the Qin Family. But what about a lifetime? Not to mention a lifetime, just seven or eight years. How many seven years does a woman and a young person in his prime years have to waste?

"From the start, they didn't have mutual trust in their relationship." The two of them went up the elevator. After opening the door, Jiang Yu asked Qin Shiyu in confusion while changing her shoes, "Besides the recording, what else do you want to show them? If you want them to be at each other’s throat, you must have something powerful. ”

Qin Shiyu had already changed his shoes and was staring at her like a Chesire cat. “Compared to this, shouldn’t you be more curious about what the gift from the other key is?”

Jiang Yu paused almost imperceptibly, “I’m still more curious about how you’ll deal with Qin Xingye and the others.”

“Why do I feel like you’re trying to change the subject? Do you want to escape?” Qin Shiyu leaned over and slowly inching closer to her, smiling like a big bad wolf seeing a little white rabbit, “Are you afraid of facing the consequences now? I thought you were mentally prepared when you teased me.”

Jiang Yu was forced to step back step by step by him. Coughing lightly, she calmly replied while stepping back, “Then I admit my mistake? I wasn’t mentally prepared and was reckless. I apologize to you.”

Qin Shiyu was stunned. He didn’t expect her to admit her mistake so easily. He widened his eyes in surprise. This was a unique matter.

Jiang Yu said, "What? Surprised? Haven't you heard a saying?"

Qin Shiyu asked, "What saying?"

Jiang Yu said obediently, "Like is equally matched, but love is to admit defeat."

Qin Shiyu was completely shocked. Not only did she admit defeat today, she also said sweet words!

Jiang Yu estimated the distance. Taking advantage of his stunned state, she turned around and ran to the room! Nonsense. She wasn’t a fool. The dangerous kiss when she got in the car just now had made her realize that the consequences she estimated may not be accurate. When facing a bigger crisis, so what if she temporarily admitted defeat! She could also say sweet words!

Qin Shiyu watched her anxious and flustered behavior and became amused. He took two steps at a time with his long legs and hooked her waist when she pushed open the door of the guest bedroom. He gave her a princess hug, "Where are you going?" 

Jiang Yu exclaimed, "Put me down!" 

Laughing, Qin Shiyu tossed her higher up. Jiang Yu was so scared that she hugged his neck at once. Qin Shiyu took the opportunity to kiss her lips and meaningfully displayed a bad boy grin, "You haven't opened the gift yet? Where are you going?" 

Jiang Yu: I have a feeling that the gift he mentioned is not the one he wants to give her. This guy gave her a gift and he also gave himself one! Cunning! 

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