Monday 1 July 2024


Chapter 159 The perfect holiday

Like most variety shows today, 'Perfect Holiday' was a live broadcast plus editing. The recording time was from Wednesday to Friday, three days and two nights.

At noon on Tuesday, the program team officially announced the broadcast time of the program and opened a warm-up window on the live broadcast platform, live broadcasting the preparations of the six guests who were confirmed to attend. The details were the process of preparing their luggage.

There was nothing unusual about the four permanent guests. They were all supported by their own fans. The live broadcast room with the largest number of people was this time's newcomers Sun Lingqian and Qin Luochuan.

Although Sun Lingqian's fans didn't explode as much as Qin Shiyu's after 'The Devil's Hour' officially ended, they increased a lot. The wealthy daughter persona she intended to stir was a big plus for her.

For example, in today’s warm-up, many passers-by and netizens flocked to her live broadcast room, all wanting to see the lives of rich people.

While packing her luggage, Sun Lingqian introduced the uses; clothes, shoes, bags, all kinds of luxury skin care products, and skin care equipment were packed into three large boxes for three days and two nights.

The audience watched in amazement.

Before departure, the program team took a tour of the Sun family's mansion under her guidance. The three-story villa had the word ‘rich’ everywhere.

Afterward, the three assistants each took a suitcase and they drove to the airport in a luxury car, attracting a large number of passers-by and fans.

As for Qin Luochuan, it surpassed it.

This person took great pains to suppress Qin Shiyu. He directly asked the program team to go to the Qin Family's old residence. In the center of B City where every inch of land was precious, the European classical architectural style that was popular in the early years was a world that ordinary people cannot imagine; the flower fields and lawns, the angel fountain, as well as the main building and two auxiliary buildings. 

According to the housekeeper who led them to the young master's bedroom, one of the two auxiliary buildings was for storing things, and the other was their staff dormitory.

The audience thought that the Sun family was exaggerated enough, but they didn't expect that they were nothing compared to the Qin Family.

The program team members didn't see Qin Luochuan himself, but his two life assistants packed his luggage for him.

The two even made a list, from clothes to daily accessories and various items they would use. They were clear and thorough. Their packing techniques were extremely professional. Even though they only used one suitcase, it packed a lot of things. 

After packing the luggage, the program team went to the Qin Group. The majestic office building gave Qin Group a wave of publicity.

The members of the program team were led by the secretary to the president's office floor. When they got out of the elevator, they saw Qin Luochuan coming out of the conference room in a well-tailored haute couture suit, followed by people who could be seen in financial magazines.

He straightened his tie a little, raised his hand to look at the time,, "Fortunately, I'm not late. Sorry, for the sake of a perfect holiday, I can only make the schedule a little bit tight."

Jiang Yu looked at the diamond collar clip, gemstone cufflinks and million-dollar watch on his wrist that he inadvertently displayed, and couldn't help but laugh, "In a sense, he is quite similar to Sun Lingqian." 

They both liked to show off their wealth.

Qin Shiyu came over, "Usually he has so much free time, but now he’s busy. A few vice presidents are accompanying him to the meeting. They are quite high-level in Qin Xingye's place. As he is being targeted by Qin Xingye recently, he doesn’t have a lot of big projects in his hand.”

Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing, so he is showing off from beginning to end?

"But the effect is significant. Look, the hot search is coming up?"

When other members of the program were doing warm up for the live broadcast, Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu were on the plane. After landing, they turned on their mobile phones and saw the topic #The wealthy male protagonist is brought into reality#. This had become ‘hot’ now.

The content was Qin Luochuan's live broadcast. At this time, the comments below about Qin Luochuan's mansion, clothes, and accessories were being heatedly discussed by netizens. The price of each item was amazing.

Jiang Yu was stunned, "This hot search has already surpassed that of Sun Lingqian."

Qin Shiyu came closer, "Sun Lingqian shouldn't feel offended this time."

Jiang Yu laughed, "Of course." 

She had seen how Sun Lingqian treated her and Qin Luochuan, arrogant to the former and respectful to the latter. She would probably feel very honored that Qin Luochuan could take advantage of her traffic.

"But Qin Luochuan's main contribution to his popularity is..."

"What?" Qin Shiyu looked at her innocently.

Jiang Yu looked at his handsome face that was so close and said expressionlessly, "You can check your phone."

The two of them had already arrived at the hotel. Qin Shiyu felt that the hotel arranged by the program team was too crowded, so he found another one with better privacy. Although they got two rooms, Qin Shiyu left his luggage and ran off to find Jiang Yu.

At that time, Jiang Yu was preparing to go online to learn about the situation she might face during the recording of tomorrow's program. He sat over and expressed his willingness to join her. Now, he was already looking at her mobile phone with her.

After being discovered, Qin Shiyu didn't feel the embarrassment of being caught. Instead, he put his arm around Jiang Yu's waist with a smile and drawled out, "Your phone looks better. Come closer, I’m short-sighted."

Shortsighted my ass.

Amused by him, Jiang Yu pretended to hit him, but she was no match for his scoundrel behavior. After confirming the relationship, he felt confident in everything he did. The two laughed and joked for a while. The final result was Jiang Yu nestled comfortably in his arms. as the two looked at her mobile phone together.

Qin Shiyu rubbed his chin against the top of her hair and listened as she continued to analyze the topic, "Although Qin Luochuan is known to netizens because of his involvement in CP with Sun Lingqian, it’s still rely on you to achieve such a high level of spotlight. "

After the official announcement of "Perfect Holiday" last Saturday, Sun Lingqian and Qin Luochuan worked together on marketing and even rode on the success of 'The Devil's Hour'. Still, their popularity was far behind Qin Shiyu.

However, the marketing accounts kept stirring up trouble with the classic cliché of ‘You used to be indifferent to me, but today I'm let you understand unreachable.’ Everyone's attention was easily drawn to Qin Shiyu and Sun Lingqian’s bad blood that happened because of CP stirring.

The incident wasn’t so long ago. Although the two didn't directly confront each other, the quarrel between the fans was indeed ugly. At that time, Sun Lingqian was ridiculed for using any means to stick, completely a Green Tea. Now that Qin Luochuan came out, it was her fans' turn to be proud and express how hilarious Qin Shi Yu was for overthinking.

He was a little better than ordinary people, but in front of Qin Luochuan, he was completely worthless.

Qin Shiyu's fans naturally refused to sit still to this stepping over So in such a dispute, Qin Luochuan's information was revealed by various real or fake insiders; his academic background, projects he had done, his past magazine interviews and so on have been unearthed. Netizens have learned more about him from the simple concept of ‘heir to the Sheng Qin Group’ and found him to be quite superior.

In all aspects of quality, he was on par with Qin Shiyu, but just being ‘successor to Sheng Qin’ had left Qin Shiyu a few streets behind.

In short, because of this comparison, Qin Luochuan's spotlight was temporarily raised to the same level as Qin Shiyu's.

Jiang Yu raised her head and asked Qin Shiyu, "Will this recording be safe?"

As soon as she finished asking, the alarm on her phone rang. The two of them had a new hot search, so they opened it and took a look: # Double A Couple ‘Perfect Holiday’ Mysterious Guest#

Below was a photo of Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu coming out of the airport. The two of them were tightly covered, but familiar fans recognized the two people by their body shape and expression.

The program group of 'Perfect Holiday' and 'All Rounder' were completely different styles.

'All Rounder' focused on content. They didn't even have any publicity warm-up for each episode. During the recording, they tried their best to show the high-spec moments of each guest and the interesting sparks between the guests.

And 'Perfect Holiday', just looking at the hot search this week, one knows that they prefer to create topics among the guests to arouse heat.

In every previous episode, they used mysterious guests to stir up topics. Usually three or four popular celebrities would be pulled out to accompany them. If everyone attracted a batch of fans, it would be considered a success.

This time was no exception. Netizens have been guessing who the mysterious guests were. In fact, not many people guessed Qin Shiyu. After rational analysis, many netizens and fans feel that the possibility of Qin Shiyu accepting this show was very small; but the expectations for him were the highest. After all, everyone liked to watch dramas. Netizens wanted to know whether Qin Shiyu will regret after ‘rejecting’ Sun Lingqian now that she was having a relationship with the heir of a wealthy family.

Fans hoped that Qin Shiyu would confront Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian and slap those trolls in the face.

In short, as soon as this confirmed topic comes out, one didn’t need to think about it to know that it will detonate the entire network. There will definitely be a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room tomorrow.

Jiang Yu said, "The program team will definitely take the opportunity to hype it up. Even if they don't want to, there’s the status of Sun Lingqian and Sheng Qin's heir. So they don't daren't listen."

Hearing her serious sarcasm, Qin Shiyu found it cute. He rubbed her hair and said deliberately, "Then let's make it official and scare them. No matter how much they jump around, we are true love. When the time comes, Sun Lingqian will be the green tea if she makes trouble and Qin Luochuan is a scumbag if he makes trouble. The program team is immoral if they make trouble and no serious celebrity will be willing to participate in the future. This show will be over then."

The final summary is, ‘Invincible with one move, no one of them can play any tricks.’

Jiang Yu stared at him expressionlessly, "Then I will be trending every day?" 

She harrumphed again, "Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Not making it official."

Qin Shiyu's face was full of regret, "Such a good traffic..."

Jiang Yu glanced at him sideways, "Yes, with such good traffic, I don't believe you didn't come up with a bad idea."

Qin Shiyu looked at her and smiled mischievously, "You seen through me?"

His smile was a little strange. Jiang Yu had a bad feeling in her heart, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Qin Shiyu suddenly leaned forward and pressed her on the sofa, grinning, "It must be very thrilling to date in front of so many people's eyes."

Jiang Yu:……


  1. I fear there's something missing at the end. Please fix it.
    Ps: thank you for this wonderful translation.
