Thursday 19 September 2024

TISHW Extra 3

Extra 3

While Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu were messing around in the room, Zhao Meinong was changing into sportswear and preparing to go out for a run. Her years of athletic career had made her habit unshakable. As soon as she went out, she saw Xiang Chen leaning against the door, obviously waiting for her.

Zhao Meinong sized him up and down, "What? Came to apologize after sobering up?"

Xiang Chen's expression remained unchanged, still appearing gentle and polite and speaking in a soft tone, "Didn't you take my gift away as compensation yesterday?"

Zhao Meinong walked downstairs while stretching, "Oh, then we are even."

Xiang Chen followed her, "Talk while running?"

Zhao Meinong didn't comment. The two went out together.

The place Qin Shiyu chose was good; beautiful mountains, clear waters and fresh air. For those of them who were busy all day, it was a great place to relax.

Xiang Chen also had the habit of exercising, but after running with Zhao Meinong for a while, he was impressed by this heiress. He actually went all out to keep up.

They were already some distance away from the villa when Zhao Meinong stopped, "Tell me what happened."

Xiang Chen paused, "Please keep what you saw last night confidential."

Zhao Meinong also halted, "I'm not a big mouth.

Xiang Chen obviously didn't believe it. This heiress seemed to be willful and put everything on Weibo.

Zhao Meinong detected his suspicion and rolled her eyes. But considering how he just had his heart broken, she didn't be petty with him anymore. Instead, she asked curiously, "Aren't you going to tell Jiang Yu?"

Xiang Chen's contempt for her during the treasure hunt yesterday made Zhao Meinong irked, so she took advantage of his slow reaction to steal his treasure clues. Later, Xiang Chen probably got annoyed and simply hid when Zhao Shunong was not paying attention. But he was a little drunk after all. He didn't hide far away and just sat on the steps in the backyard. Zhao Shunong thought he had found a clue and wanted to sneak a peek from behind him. Instead, she saw Xiang Chen staring at his phone. On the phone was a photo of him and Jiang Yu, which was probably taken when recording 'All Rounder'. No matter how slow she was, she could see something this obvious and finally understood why Xiang Chen drank so much. -- He actually liked Jiang Yu.

And Jiang Yu obviously didn't know it at all.

Zhao Meinong didn't know what he was thinking. At least one should let the other party know about this kind of thing. Although it was the other party's business whether they liked themselves or not. Still, being rejected after confessing was also an explanation to themselves, wasn't it?

Xiang Chen probably wanted to persuade her to keep the secret and explained, "I tried my best. If she was hesitant, I could be one of her choices and would naturally tell her. However, her choice is firm. If I tell her, it will only cause her more troubles, and I will lose a friend. "

Zhao Meinong didn't know what to say. On the one hand, she felt that this man was really considerate and even came to attend the proposal ceremony of the person he liked as usual; on the other hand, she felt that he was escaping.

"Do you think Qin Shiyu is too strong and can't compare to him?"

Xiang Chen looked at her indifferently, "This is Jiang Yu's choice. It has nothing to do with Qin Shiyu. If you like whoever is stronger, then why don't you like Qin Shiyu?"

Zhao Meinong shuddered, "Don't curse me.

Xiang Chen said, "Anyway, please keep this matter confidential." 

He contemplated and continued, "In exchange, I can promise you one thing."

Zhao Meinong snorted, "What can you do for me..." 

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly received a call from her assistant, urging her to check her email early in the morning. Zhao Meinong had a headache. She really didn't want to read it. It was too annoying. She suddenly looked up at Xiang Chen. He was an elite after all even when he wasn’t as good as Qin Shiyu. 

She stretched out her hand and grinned, "Deal." 

Xiang Chen took in her expression, suddenly feeling a little uneasy. Did he accidentally sell himself to the capitalist? But it was not his style to take back what he said, so he could only shake her hand, "Deal." 

He added, "Within the reasonable scope of law and discipline.” 

Zhao Meinong snorted and lazily waved to beckon him to follow.

When Jiang Yu changed her clothes and went downstairs, she saw Zhao Meinong and Xiang Chen running back together. She was a little surprised, "You guys?"

Zhao Meinong glanced at Xiang Chen and saw that he had a warm expression, nothing unusual. She felt that this man was a gentleman who would not make others suffer. She replied, "We happened to meet. Just chatted and found that he is quite capable. I want to ask him for help with something."

Jiang Yu didn't doubt anything and was happy that they had a good relationship. She still remembered how the two of them were at each other's necks because of her when she just transmigrated. Zhao Meinong thought Xiang Chen’s brain was only for show, while Xiang Chen naturally had no good feelings toward capitalists who did whatever they wanted.

The two of them went to talk about work together. Shu Hua and Jian Cang hadn't gotten up yet. Jiang Yu started to wander around the villa. Yesterday, she only solved the puzzle of one key. The clue of the other key hadn't been solved yet. She was curious about what the other gift was.

Qin Shiyu brought her a cup of honey water and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Can't find it?"

Jiang Yu drank half a cup of water, handed it back, harrumphed, and ignored him. She would never admit defeat in this regard.

Naturally, she was quick in finding clues. However, she got stuck when deduced to the orchid-related clues. Jiang Yu walked around the hall for a long time before she saw the wall lamp by the door. It was in the shape of an orchid, but it was a little high. She turned her head and looked at Qin Shiyu.

Qin Shiyu drawled out with a smile, "Do you need help?"

Jiang Yu squinted at him and asked him lazily, "Will you help?"

Qin Shiyu immediately stopped showing off and quickly stepped forward, "Help."

He was tall and had long legs. With a raise of his hand, he touched the edge of the orchid wall lamp. After touching around for a while, he looked down at Jiang Yu and stated with a smile.


Being squeezed between the wall and his body, leaning against his chest, Jiang Yu expressionlessly stared at him. This man could really play tricks no matter what the conditions were.

Qin Shiyu chuckled. Unable to resist, he lowered his head and pecked her lips, "Why don't you take a look yourself?"

Jiang Yu wanted to pinch him, but Qin Shiyu quickly grabbed her hand. Then he leaned over, held her legs, and lifted her up. Startled, Jiang Yu hugged his head with a yelp.

Qin Shiyu adjusted his posture and got her to sit on his shoulders, "Okay, in case you don't believe me, take a look yourself."

Jiang Yu was only at ease when she found that he was stable. She searched at the wall lamp. There was really nothing. But out of impish-impulse, she didn't say anything and let him carry her like this.

As a result, Qin Shiyu said, "Why don't we go outside and take a look?" 

He actually wanted to carry her out. If they walked to the yard, they could see her in the room. Jiang Yu instantly felt that she had made a mistake. She couldn't make it difficult for this man physically. And it was easy to be a goof with him.

She quickly reached out and pulled his ear, "Put me down."

Qin Shiyu raised his head at her, "Sure, you can come down. You have to give me a reward, right?" 

He tilted his face and meaningfully hinted.

Jiang Yu didn't want to satisfy him. Just as she was about to say something, she heard Shu Hua's voice coming from upstairs. It was obvious that she was about to come down.

She moved her legs at once. However, Qin Shiyu seemed to be sure that she would compromise because she was too shy and he didn't move.

Jiang Yu indeed went along with his expectations. She could only lean over and quickly peck his face. Qin Shiyu put her down.

After Jiang Yu landed, she glanced at the stairs first and saw that Shu Hua hadn't appeared yet. She breathed a sigh of relief. Then the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became. She directly grabbed Qin Shiyu's collar and tiptoed to kiss his Adam's apple hard.

Qin Shiyu's body stiffened.

Jiang Yu felt gleeful. She had discovered last night that he was also sensitive. At that time, she was tortured by him and bit whatever was in front of her. She accidentally bit his Adam's apple and Qin Shiyu froze for a long time before daring to move. Of course, she cried after that. But that was not important now. He won't dare to do anything to her now. He was the one who was bearing it.

It was as she expected. Qin Shiyu didn't dare to do anything to her, because Shu Hua and Jian Cang had seen them and greeted them happily, "Elder Brother, Bigshot."

Qin Shiyu could only dangerously eye at Jiang Yu and loosened his hand around her waist. Jiang Yu smiled at him obediently and went to Shu Hua and them.

Qin Shiyu took in her smug expression and subconsciously touched his Adam's apple. A storm was brewing in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. Very good. A rich meal had been added with a new seasoning. 

Jiang Yu didn't know that the danger had doubled. She was listening to Shu Hua happily chirping about the gift she received yesterday. Because Jiang Yu didn't want to make an official announcement, Qin Shiyu's proposal ceremony wasn’t grand. Still, he put a lot of thought into it. Not only for her, but also for her friends. 

Yesterday's treasure hunt gift, he said it was a random gift, but it was carefully arranged. Everyone's clues actually corresponded to their own rooms in the end. The gifts had been placed in the room long ago. They were all their favorite things. For Shu Hua and Jian Cang, it was electronic products they had long pined for. Ye Yuanyu and Xiang Chen got diamond collar clips and gemstone cufflinks respectively. As for Zhao Shunong, it was a niche design of gemstone jewelry. It could be also considered as Qin Shiyu's thanks for always helping Jiang Yu. 

Of course, the room key might have been taken by mistake, but there were only eight people in total. They were all acquaintances. Just swap them at the end.

Shu Hua's explanation gave Jiang Yu inspiration, so the remaining key should also correspond to a certain room. Orchid, Lan... She suddenly had an idea, Tinglan Garden.

The remaining gift wasn’t here, but at home!

Jiang Yu turned her head to look at Qin Shiyu. Qin Shiyu knew from her expression that she had guessed it and a mysterious smile appeared.

Jiang Yu's appetite was completely whetted. She liked both the engagement book and his homemade marriage certificate yesterday, so what was the gift at home? However, it was unknown whether it was out of revenge or keeping it secret, he didn't reveal it at all.

In this case, Jiang Yu didn’t hold back. When playing mahjong and billiards with Ye Yuanyu and Xiang Chen all morning, she stayed away from Qin Shiyu.

It wasn’t like she really stayed away from him. She would tease him when no one could see her. For example, she would secretly scratch his palm when they passed by each other or she would touch his waist when he put his arm around her waist. Looking at his forbearing expression, Jiang Yu suddenly realized Qin Shiyu's wickedness when recording 'A Perfect Holiday'. It was really stimulating.

Probably because it was too stimulating, Qin Shiyu consciously avoided her in the end. This made Jiang Yu laugh secretly.

But they didn't expect that their little play would be misunderstood. Jiang Yu and Zhao Shunong came out of the bathroom together. Zhao Shunong secretly asked her, "What's wrong? Qin Shiyu can’t do it. Are you angry with him?" 

Jiang Yu: …

She looked at her with a long look, "Can you be serious?" 

Zhao Meinong seriously responded, "This is a super serious matter. It is related to a lifetime of happiness."

“If you are low in energy and ignore him, I can understand. After all, going overboard on the first meat eating. However you are energetic but ignore him. It can only mean that he can’t do it, right?" She clapped her hands in a flash of inspiration, "You said that in the original plot, he never had a partner in his life. Is it because he can’t ... Oh my god, why are you here?"

Not to mention Zhao Meinong, even Jiang Yu was shocked when she saw Qin Shiyu standing at the corner.

Guilt riddled Zhao Meinong’s face and she looked at Jiang Yu frantically. He must have heard what they just said.

Jiang Yu also wanted to glare at her and tell her that she was outspoken. This time, she was doomed. She had a feeling that she would be the one who suffered if it was heard.

Qin Shiyu looked at the two of them with a puzzled look, "What are you talking about? You look so guilty?"

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he didn't hear it.

Zhao Meinong smiled, "What's wrong with some girl talk?"

Qin Shiyu drawled out, "Nothing, you can casually chat.”

At first, Jiang Yu was worried that Qin Shiyu was pretending due to worried that they would be embarrassed. Later she felt relieved when she didn’t detect any strangeness from him and devoted herself to the game and soon forgot about it.

They were all like-minded friends. They were happy when doing something together. After a big meal at noon, the guests and hosts were merry and everyone went home.

Ye Yuanyu, Xiang Chen, and Jian Cang were going to the airport. Zhao Shunong and Shu Hua volunteered to see them off.

After seeing everyone off, Jiang Yu quickly took Qin Shiyu's keys and hid in the car. Qin Shiyu watched her with a Chesire cat’s smile,

Wasn't it too late? Why didn't she think about the consequences when she flirted with him?'

"Knowing to be afraid now is too late.”

Jiang Yu said, "Even if I don't flirt, the consequences will be the same."

Seeing him suffer and endure, she could at least be happy for a while.

Qin Shiyu didn't comment, went back to the room, took the luggage down, and put it in the trunk.

Since he got in the car, Jiang Yu had been alert. However, Qin Shiyu did nothing but fastened his seat belt and prepared to leave. Instead, he glanced at her hand grasping the seat belt and smiled, "What? Expecting me to do something?"

Jiang Yu let go of her hand and glared at him in angered embarrassment, "Who expects anything? Properly drive... Um..."

The rest of her words were still blocked in her mouth unexpectedly. It was unknown when Qin Shiyu unbuckled the seat belt and leaned over when she wasn't paying attention.

Jiang Yu almost immediately felt the difference in this kiss. From the first time they kissed to now, it was reserved and intimate at first and then full of love and tenderness. Even the kiss full of desire last night didn't give her the feeling of this kiss now. A dangerous tremor almost instantly rose from her tailbone. They were obviously still neatly dressed, but Jiang Yu had the illusion that she was going to be torn apart and ravaged. …

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