Tuesday 23 July 2024


Chapter 169 The Perfect Holiday

Jiang Yu didn't expect that such a topic would come up, and couldn't help but burst into a chuckle.

"Awesome, awesome!" Zhao Shunong finally regained her composure, "Qin Xingye is most afraid of others saying that he is from a humble background. Now, he has become a scrap collector." 

When reaching here, she couldn't hold back the laughter, "As for Qin Luochuan, what he is most proud of in front of Qin Shiyu is Qin Xingye and his mother. This is something Qin Shiyu doesn't have. And the result... Hahaha, Qin Xingye didn't get brought up  and his mother gets linked to Qin Shiyu’s name..."

"As for Chen Yalian, she likes to be praised. Unfortunately, the honor isn't given to her by her son, but by her enemies. It will probably have a lot of psychological shadow, hahahaha..."

After Zhao Shunong finished laughing, she concluded, "Qin Shiyu is simply terrifying. After making a phone call, he instantly made the three people on the other side fuming!"

"This person must not be offended in the future."

Jiang Yu had a bad feeling as soon as she heard what she said. However, before she could speak, Zhao Shunong started to fire a barrage of questions, "By the way, how did you and Qin Shiyu discuss it? It’s pretty good that all those messy matters of yours are sorted like this. But isn't your CP binding a little tight?" 

At this point, she couldn't help but be amused again, "Now it has risen to the level of the magical fate due to a stepmother... As long as Qin Shi is in the entertainment industry, people will remember you. I'm afraid it won't be easy to remove this CP when the time comes."

The arms around her waist tightened dangerously. Jiang Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She remembered the last time Zhao Shunong called to tell her the news she got from Sun Lingqian and told her to use this as a bargaining chip to negotiate terms with Qin Shiyu.

After that, Jiang Yu never found a suitable time to tell her about being together with Qin Shiyu. After all, she had told the other party about her plan to leave at the beginning.

As a result, Zhao Shunong still thought that her participation in the show with Qin Shiyu was a cooperative relationship. She was here to deal with the original owner’s mess, while Qin Shiyu was paving the way to sort the Qin Family.

Jiang Yu couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Jiang Yu found that this girl's powers of observation were a bit slow. It was the same when she first came here. It took a long time for Zhao Shunong to realize that something was amiss with her.

While patting the restless hand on her waist soothingly, Jiang Yu was still a little embarrassed to be direct and said tactfully, "Qin Shiyu ah, how can he do something he doesn't want to do?"

Zhao Shunong said, "Indeed, so how did you get him to cooperate with you?" 

After Jiang Yu's miraculous operation, she seemed to have remembered how unusual this fellow countryman was and wanted to know how she managed to control the big devil in the book. "Is it possible that you hold a weakness over him?"

Jiang Yu laughed, "Do you think it's possible?"

Zhao Shunong was very confident in her, "It's unlikely for others, but it's very possible for you. Didn't Qin Shiyu suffer at your hands?" 

When she said this, she thought of something, "I understand, you guys are planning to use the CP stir to scheme the Qin Family?"

In the book, Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan used Qin Shiyu's private life to frame and attack him.

"That's not right, then if you want to scheme, Qin Shiyu should set up a single persona and disdain everyone. Only in this way can the secret marriage cause an uproar when it comes out."

This was indeed the case in the novel. From the beginning to the end, Qin Shiyu never got close to boys, let alone girls. Then the original owner directly took the marriage certificate and came out to speak out, accusing him of all kinds of philandering behaviors in private, including cheating, hiring escorts, etc. The sharp contrast between Qin Shiyu's past image immediately caused an uproar. For a time, there was a lot of scandal and various work and endorsements were canceled...

Although that was Qin Shiyu's scheme as they come... Jiang Yu lowered her head and held the big hand. This time she wouldn’t let him face that alone.

Zhao Shunong analyzed it by herself for a long time, but still couldn't figure it out, "So, what strategy are you going to use? Why do you want to stir on CP?"

Qin Shiyu held Jiang Yu's hand and finally blurted, "Say, is there a possibility that we are real CP?"

There was silence for a long time. Jiang Yu thought she got frightened and glared at Qin Shiyu. Just when she was about to explain, Zhao Shunong uttered in shock, "Damn, I seem to be imagining things? Why did I hear that crazy voice?" .”

Qin Shiyu sneered, "I'm sorry, I don't want to be imagined by you."

Zhao Shunong instantly exploded, as if the sky had fallen. "Who imagined you! Imagining you would shorten life span, okay?"

Qin Shiyu said, "That's good. To begin with, your brain isn’t sufficient. Use it sparingly."

"Qin Shiyu!" Zhao Shunong roared and it suddenly dawned on her, "Why are you listening to our phone call?"

Qin Shiyu said confidently, "If I don’t listen, how will I know if you will introduce someone to her? Who will you introduce this time?"

Jiang Yu:……

How long had he been eating this vinegar? She patted Qin Shiyu's hand and glared at him, "Shut up." 

Then she coughed lightly and said with some embarrassment, "En, we are together."

There was silence on the phone for a long time. Zhao Shunong's voice was indeed high-pitched, "When did it happen?"

Jiang Yu said, "Not that long. Two days ago. Just confirmed the relationship when you called me last time."

Jiang Yu was already prepared for her and Qin Shiyu to quarrel again, but there was only silence for a while. The other party said calmly, "So it’s like that. I was wondering why you called Chen Yalian. Now... it makes sense. Since the stepmother is the mother, the stepmother is the mother-in-law."

Jiang Yu: ...Aren’t you accepting it too quickly?

Qin Shiyu was pleased and chuckled.

Jiang Yu couldn't resist asking, "You don't have anything to ask?"

Zhao Shunong uttered like a wise man, "There's nothing to ask. In the past, you and I were a team. If something happened, I had money and you had brains. We could still fight against him. Now that you two are together, you are invincible in the world. Of course I got to be a wise man who is aware of current affairs."

Jiang Yu was amused by her. Qin Shiyu's tone softened, "En, I say, you are somewhat smart. With some training, Uncle Zhao won't be disappointed."

Despite enduring it, Zhao Shunong still couldn't hold it back. The anger had reached the core, "Scram!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu amusedly looked at Qin Shiyu, "Why do you bully her?"

Qin Shiyu felt that he was wronged, "How am I bullying her? It’s obviously her who’s bullying me." 

He was still irked when he mentioned it, "She even wants to introduce you to someone."

Jiang Yu:……

Qin Shiyu raised her chin, lowered his head, and kissed the lips that he had longed for. He said vaguely, "Now she’s stealing your time from me. We don't have much time to sneak..."

Jiang Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but couldn't refuse. Compared with the previous two times of politeness, he was much more skillful now and confidently swooped in. However, Jiang Yu’s heart was raised. Although it was in the corner, people would still appear nearby from time to time.

Qin Shiyu discovered this point and soon let go of her, "It's a bit too thrilling, can't concentrate."

Out of embarrassment, Jiang Yu irritatedly reached out to hit him, but he grasped her hand and led her into the woods. Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing as she followed him.

Qin Shiyu looked back at her, "What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Yu said, "When I was in school, I often heard people talk about making out the woods. So it’s like this?"

Qin Shiyu pulled her to sit on an outdoor chair hidden in the woods, and asked with a smile, "What? You haven't done it before?"

Jiang Yu asked him back, "You look quite experienced. Have you?"

Qin Shiyu smiled, "If I haven't met you, who am I to make out with?"

Jiang Yu was amused, "When did your mouth become so sweet?"

Qin Shiyu sighed, "My heart feels sweet when I see you, so everything becomes sweeter."

Jiang Yu was deeply amused. Who would have thought that the lazy and frigid Qin Shiyu could still be glib.

Oh, he wasn’t only glib. As Jiang Yu was smiling, he leaned closer. Staring into his eyes, he grinned, "Sweet or not, do you want to try it?"

The two faced each other. Once again, the breaths mingled together. Jiang Yu lowered her eyes and looked at the thin lips that were so close. Certainly got to taste them. Without any hesitation she moved her head and took a bite...

Qin Shiyu chuckled lightly. This time, he didn't take the initiative, letting Jiang Yu explore on her own. When she couldn't figure it out, he cooperated with some guidance. Jiang Yu gradually became addicted and couldn't extricate herself. Unsatisfied, she even reached out her hand to hug his neck...

Qin Shiyu hugged her directly onto his lap. Jiang Yu lowered her head and kissed him. There was a strange feeling when being in the higher position...

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Yu felt herself being pushed away. She opened her eyes in confusion and was a little perplexed about Qin Shiyu's rejection. Qin Shiyu couldn't bear the sight of her watery eyes. He raised his hand to cover them and quickly leaned forward. He pecked her on the lips before leaning back on the chair to calm down, "Baby, stop here. If you continue, my brakes will fail."

Jiang Yu, who had regained her composure, couldn't help laughing when she heard this. This man was really...when she thought he was quite flirty, he was surprisingly restrained.

In the end, it was for her sake. Before coming, he told her to be responsible for the brake. But now he let her indulge in it.

Jiang Yu clearly felt loved. Suddenly she understood a little bit about his confidence just now. This embrace and this person belonged to her. She could do whatever she wanted.

Under her palm against his chest, his heartbeat was very strong, but a little fast. Jiang Yu's mind instantly rolled. She leaned over, kissed him and put his palm over it again. Sure enough, it was beating faster.

Qin Shiyu saw that she looked like she had discovered a new world and held her hand that was up to more mischief, "Don't mess. Or it will be officially announced tomorrow."

Jiang Yu indeed behaved.

Qin Shiyu wasn't any happier. He rubbed her head in frustration. Jiang Yu pursed her lips and smiled. Then she laid directly in his arms, not wanting to move.

Qin Shiyu hugged the cat-like girl. His heart softened as he stroked her back time and time again, enjoying the rare time that belonged to the two of them.

But they couldn't stay out for too long. Around nine o'clock, the two returned to the camp. The projector was already turned on. Everyone was huddled on the inflatable sofa, eating snacks and watching movies. It was indeed very atmospheric.

When they came back, no one else asked anything. After all, they weren't very familiar with each other. Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian were nowhere to be seen. It was rare that the two willful sponsors weren't around and they all wanted to relax. Jiang Feng handed Qin Shiyu a can of beer, Wu Qi gave Jiang Yu two bags of potato chips, and the two of them pulled over the inflatable sofa and found a suitable space to sit down.

While Jiang Yu was watching, Qin Shiyu whispered, "Did something drop?"

Jiang Yu turned her head and saw Qin Shiyu looking at the ground, so she subconsciously reached out to feel. Qin Shiyu reached to pick it up too. Then Jiang Yu's hand was sneakily grasped.

Jiang Yu:……

She subconsciously looked to the side. Jiang Feng, Zhuang Si, and the others were all focused on watching the movie. Occasionally they would make fun of something interesting. If they paid special attention to Jiang Yu, they would probably see what they were doing, They probably wouldn't look over and their movements were hidden between two inflatable sofas...

Jiang Yu turned her head back at Qin Shiyu and saw his successful expression. She turned her hand around and held his big hand and whispered with a straight face, "Whose little treasure is this?"

Qin Shiyu:......

Jiang Yu took in his shocked expression and silently snickered.

Qin Shiyu couldn't help but grin. Jiang Yu didn't let go of his hand and the two of them watched the movie while secretly holding hands.

Qin Luochuan didn't come back until it was time to go to bed. His expression was very bad. He must have seen the Weibo topic as well as making some arrangements.

Now that there was no camera, he unabashedly sneered at Qin Shiyu, "Qin Shiyu, don't be too proud!"

Qin Shiyu had a confused expression , "What am I proud of? My father make a living by collecting scraps?"

Jiang Yu piped in with a quiet voice, "Maybe proud that you have the most beautiful Auntie Chen."

Qin Luochuan:...

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