Thursday 4 July 2024

TISHW 161i

 Chapter 161 Perfect Holiday

Some people defended Qin Luochuan:

【Chief Qin did nothing wrong, right? Sun Lingqian is his friend. Isn’t it enough to have a driver to take care of her? 】

【On the other hand, Qin Shiyu’s attitude of girlfriend treatment is a bit like central air conditioning? 】

CP fans have something to say: 【If it is a central air conditioner, it should be air-conditioning that exudes cool air. Then the heat is only left to our Elder Sister Yu, oh, no, it’s Younger Sister Yu today. She is so sweet. 】

As a female, Sun Lingqian naturally noticed the difference. When she saw Qin Shiyu taking good care of Jiang Yu, she sneered in her heart.

She had worked with Qin Shiyu for a few months and was very aware of his cold and distant nature. He had basic courtesy, but it was absolutely impossible to say he was thoughtful and considerate.

He was obviously doing this on purpose. Sun Lingqian felt that Qin Shiyu probably saw netizens comparing him with Qin Luochuan, so he had the intention to compare.

She felt that his pitiful self-esteem was quite laughable. The son of a servant wanted to compete with the heir of the Qin Family? Based on what? Did feel the fate was unfair since he was smart and they both have the surname Qin?

Sun Lingqian turned her head and looked at Qin Luochuan. This young master specifically came to show him attitude. Let him know that in front of a bountiful capital, intelligence was still nothing.

Speaking of this, Sun Lingqian felt that the heir had a different thinking path. If it were her, she would definitely spend money to ban Qin Shiyu, but Qin Luochuan said with the money and energy spent on banning him, it would have been better spent on making more money. Qin Shiyu wasn't worth it. Why not go on the show and make him lose face instead? While he was at it, he could promote himself and the Qin Family. Killing two birds with one stone.

Qin Shiyu thought he was the smartest and most powerful? But he was far behind when compared with the heirs of wealthy families who have received elite education since young. She wanted to see how Qin Shiyu could compare with Qin Luochuan.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Qin Shiyu looking over. She subconsciously leaned closer to Qin Luochuan, with a generous and decent smile on her face.

The audience in the live broadcast room focused their attention: 【Wow, the parties involved are about to face off! ? 】

【Eating melon on the front seat! 】

In the camera, Qin Shiyu lazily stepped forward and stretched out his hand, "Hello, Chief Qin." 

He maintained the politeness of the first meeting, nothing could be detected.

Qin Luochuan met his gaze and extended his hand to shake his hand. He smiled gracefully, but there was something else in his eyes, "Hello, big star."

Qin Shiyu looked at his hand, raised his eyebrows, and then smiled meaningfully at Qin Luochuan from a place invisible to the camera, "It can’t be that Chief Qin believed in the rumors on the Internet, right?"

Qin Luochuan felt something was amiss with his smile and heard Qin Shiyu say, "Don't worry, Teacher Sun and I only met when we were filming 'The Devil's Hour' last year. We haven't seen each other since. The reason for the current situation is due to the inexplicably hyped topic of Chen Feng CP.”

He turned to Sun Lingqian, "I have made it clear that I do not support this CP. I believe Teacher Sun is the same, right?"

Sun Lingqian felt nervous for no reason when she heard him talk about this matter. She subconsciously glanced at Qin Luochuan, nodding quickly, "En, I don't know what's going on."

Qin Shiyu smiled, took back the hand that shook with Qin Luochuan’s, and casually rubbed it  as if it was hurt. He said jokingly, "So Chief Qin doesn't have to be so wary of me. If you really want to know the reason, investigate the marketing account that promoted that topic back then and you will know who is the culprit. This matter does me no good at all. You are looking for the wrong person."

Watching him pretending to rub his hands, Qin Luochuan tried to control his expression. He didn't grip him at all. Why on earth was Qin Shiyu acting? His mind was alert and he saw Qin Shiyu suddenly looking at him like he was a fool, "Look at me, for Chief Qin who controls an entire group, you should be able to see the core problem at a glance. Pushing aside so much work to come to this program, you should be purely supporting Teacher Sun's work."

Qin Luochuan bit his back teeth hard to control his expression. He was indeed digging a hole for him.

Now that Qin Shiyu spoke out, if he targets him in the future, he will be brainless. But if he doesn't target him, then he was simply here to accompany Sun Lingqian.

It just happened that he appeared so busy yesterday and even came to accompany her under such circumstances... Netizens will definitely tie them together.

He couldn't help but glance at Sun Lingqian. Sun Lingqian already had a shy smile on her face, as if Qin Shiyu was right. Internally, he cursed. How could he be here to accompany this country bumpkin?!

However, he had no way to refute. He couldn't tell people that he was here to humiliate his eldest brother, Qin Shiyu. He could only smile and find new reasons, "The main reason is that the company wants to develop in this direction..."

Qin Shiyu replied with an "I understand" expression, "For Teacher Sun."

Qin Luochuan:...

Qin Shiyu's operation indeed aroused discussion among netizens:

【Chief Qin is so domineering. There is such a strong smell of gunpowder when we meet! 】

【Let’s say that those people on the Internet are so outrageous. The two of them aren’t familiar with each other at all and the netizens arranged an inexplicable love and hatred for them. Except for Chief Qin, the other three people were laughed at. 】

【So which evil spirit is trying to stir that odd CP for no apparent reason? 】

【Secretary Li, I give you three days to get the truth about this matter. 】


【Qin Shiyu really doesn’t like to be sloppy when doing things, so this is clarifying. 】

【But after hearing what he said, I feel that Chief Qin’s brain isn't that great. No matter how you think about it, it was impossible for Qin Shiyu to do this. He actually target Qin Shiyu. 】

Sun Lingqian’s fans didn’t think so:

【Of course men are childish when they fall in love and their intelligence drop. 】

【Haha, you actually gripped someone’s hand while shaking hands. Chief Qin really cares about our Elder Sister Qian. 】

But some people questioned:

【Didn’t they say that they are ordinary friends? Now it’s in love to the point of intelligence dropping? 】

【If you care so much about Sun Lingqian, why didn’t you care about her when you got off the car? 】


As long as Qin Luochuan didn't disclose the real reason for coming to this show, the logic of his behavior would make no sense at all.

Jiang Yu watched Qin Shiyu characterize Qin Luochuan's behavior in a few words and planted the seeds of doubt among netizens. She sighed in her heart, this person's scheming mind was no joke. It was unknown where Qin Luochuan got his confidence from, but he actually thought he could suppress Qin Shiyu in Qin Shiyu's field.

Realizing that the camera was filming her face, Jiang Yu pondered for a moment and made an expression that showed she knew something with a hint of teasing and gossiping. She  whispered, "Overbearing president couple." 

Although Qin Luochuan wasn't capable, his heart was truly bad. Then she will give them another CP name to ensure that the two of them can be locked up tightly and have no chance to harm others.

Sure enough, the ‘Overbearing President Coupe’ flashed across the screen instantly. Some even expressed that they were a perfect match and congratulated on getting married and having a baby soon...

Qin Luochuan's expression almost couldn’t be controlled. Jiang Yu didn't think it was enough. She looked up at Qin Shiyu and smiled, "Isn't it a good match?"

When she said this, she was looking at Qin Luochuan from the corner of her eyes. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if to say, "An illegitimate child and a nouveau riche are a perfect match."

Qin Shiyu looked at Jiang Yu with a twinkle in his eyes and responded, "En."

Because their faces were turned away, the camera could only capture the side profiles of the two. People who didn't know the situation felt that the two of them were gossiping about CP, but Qin Luochuan had been humiliated by Jiang Yu last time, so he naturally understood the meaning. Finally he lost control and his face was frigid.

The director didn't know the reason, so he could only quickly move the camera directed at his face. This was the sponsor daddy! His image could not be tarnished on the show.

But it was already too late. The audience could clearly see his changed face. This was the advantage of live broadcasting.

【? ? ? What happened? 】

【What happened? Did I miss it? 】

【No, Jiang Yu was shipping a CP. 】

【Is it because you don’t want to be tied up with Sun Lingqian? 】

【Why come to this show if you’re unwilling? 】

The audience was puzzled. So after being inconsiderate, Qin Luochuan left a moody impression on everyone.

At the recording site, Jiang Feng noticed that the atmosphere wasn't good, so he quickly changed the topic, "Okay, everyone is here. Let's go back to the B&B quickly. The sun is so bright, be careful of getting tanned."

The others immediately smoothed things over, "Let's go, let's go!"

There was a relatively narrow climbing path from where they got off the bus to the B&B. They need to walk up about a hundred meters.

Then the problem came. Each of them brought one suitcase, but Sun Lingqian had three. And they were all very big. After the show officially started filming, the guest’s assistant and the like were generally not allowed to be on camera. They all needed to be self-reliant.

After Qin Shiyu's reveal and Jiang Yu’s locking, Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian were completely tied together. Even if others wanted to show their courtesy to Qin Luochuan in consideration of Qin Luochuan's identity, they couldn’t really step forward. If they did, wouldn't they be trapping Qin Luochuan into the label of unchivalrous?

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