Sunday 14 July 2024

TISHW 164i

 Chapter 164 A Perfect Holiday

Jiang Yu hung up the phone and turned her head around. She found Qin Shiyu standing not far away looking at her, with tiny lights in his curved eyes, dazzling and beautiful.

Her first thought was that she kind of wanted to kiss. Her second thought was that it was fortunate that she didn’t let the camera follow her, otherwise she might not be able to hide this gaze.

She glanced at the camera calmly, hinting to him, "What are you looking at?"

Qin Shiyu picked up the camera, pointed it at her, took a photo, and chuckled, "Looking at the beautiful scenery."

Although he didn't hear what Zhao Shunong said, Jiang Yu's few words were enough for him to guess her plan. Of course, he didn't miss her last expression - she won't allow anyone to bully him, even if the other person was a fool.

The heart was like being soaked in a hot spring, a little swollen, a little soft, and extremely relaxed and soft.

‘What did I do for Heaven to favor me?’ - This thought came up countless times. It once again made Qin Shiyu feel that he was really not a disaster star. He was very lucky. There was no one luckier than him.

The girl in the camera lens smiled at him, "En, the scenery here is very beautiful."

The two couldn't help but smile at each other.

【Cameraman, do you dare to go further? Can we see the expressions on their faces? 】

【Even if you don’t look at their expressions, this atmosphere...are you really sure they are good friends? 】

【Sniff sniff, so this isn’t due to us CP fans wearing rose-tinted glasses, right? I was worried that I was seeing it wrong. 】

【Is it possible to ship real people? 】

【It seemed that I did see pink bubbles. That expression of Qin Shiyu! Although it wasn’t captured very clearly, but... I can only say that if you love someone, the whole body can’t hide it. 】

Of course, there were Qin Shiyu’s mono-fans who wanted to express their opposition: 【Elder Brother Yu is serious about career, so CP fans should restrain themselves a little. 】

【That’s right, Jiang Yu’s brain is only on CP with my Elder Brother Yu. She doesn’t want to pursue work. She riding on other’s popularity all day long. This will definitely not last long. 】

However, while their barrage was still floating on the screen, their Elder Brother suddenly squatted down and held his ankle with a hiss.

Startled, Jiang Yu hurriedly approached, "What's wrong? Are you having a cramp?"

Then Qin Shiyu raised his head with a gap, reached out, and quickly inserted a small wild flower he had picked on Jiang Yu's head, "I was bitten by this flower, please help me collect it."


How were they to blame Jiang Yu? All viewers were witnesses of Qin Shiyu making the first move.

【As expected, they are dating, right? Otherwise, it’s in the middle of the pursuit. Anyway, this isn’t the case with me and my friend. 】

【Imagining my childhood friend suddenly placing a flower on my head... Ugh~~ goosebumps are rising. I would kick him away. 】

【Little Wild Flower: What did I do wrong? 】

Jiang Yu took out her phone, turned on the selfie mode to check, readjusted the position of the wild flowers, and said in a reluctant tone, "It's okay."

But the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Qin Shiyu picked up the camera and asked, "Take a photo as a souvenir?"

Jiang Yu immediately found bamboo as a background.

Afterwards, the audience watched the two of them leisurely wandering through the bamboo forest, either taking pictures or picking wild flowers to make garlands. Jiang Yu's hands were really skillful. She could weave new patterns with a twist of the foxtail grass on the roadside. There was nothing new along the way, but everything was interesting because of her.

The audience discovered this:

【Jiang Yu is... so amazing. 】

【I think so too. She obviously doesn't like to talk, but she is so contagious. 】

【It feels like everything is beautiful in her eyes. 】

【ROFL, I suddenly swept over the number of people watching this screen, hahahaha. 】

【Can’t be helped. Their group is too comfortable and healing. In comparison, the other three groups are like workers. 】

【Hahaha, the others are responsible for the preparations, while these two are responsible for being on holiday. 】

While the audience was communicating, the two of them discovered another creek. Jiang Yu squatted down and touched it. She felt it wasn't enough. So she simply took off her shoes and socks and stepped in. The cool water flowed over her ankles. Her squinting eyes revealed delight. The audience in front of the screen smiled unconsciously, as if they also felt the natural beauty.

Qin Shiyu was still holding the camera to take pictures of her. Jiang Yu looked at the person standing not far away. Suddenly, her mind spun and a sly glint flash appeared on her face. She raised her foot and kicked toward that side. Unguarded, Qin Shiyu was splashed with water on his face. He subconsciously turned around to avoid it. Just as he took two steps back, Jiang Yu yelped.

It turned out that she was anxious to splash him again before he backed away and raised her feet in a hurry. Since the bottom of the stream was uneven, she lost her balance and fell down.

Looking at Jiang Yu kneeling in the stream, Qin Shiyu's expression changed. He hurried over and pulled her up, "How are you? Where did you fall? Does it hurt?"

"It's okay." Relying on Qin Shiyu’s strength, Jiang Yu held up her wet skirt and sat on a slightly flat stone by the stream. Seeing that he was about to lift her skirt, she stopped him at once, "No need to look. It’s all pebbles in the stream, so there aren’t any scratches. At most, it’ll be bruised. If it’s bruises, it will take a while to be seen."

Qin Shiyu gently pressed her knee with his hand instead, "Can you feel the pain?"

Jiang Yu looked at him expressionlessly, "I suspect you are playing rogue."

The force was really almost like touching.

Qin Shiyu laughed, "Don't mess. Is it really fine?"

"It's fine." Jiang Yu smiled, "Do you think I am someone who would joke with my life?" Seeing that he was still worried, she directly supported herself on him to stand up, "How about I stand up and take a few steps for you?"

Qin Shiyu was finally amused. His eyes fell on her soaked skirt. The hem of her skirt had been completely immersed in water and was still dripping with water. Fortunately, her upper body was fine, otherwise it would have been even more awkward.

But the wet skirt wasn’t much better. As soon as she stood up, it stuck to her legs...

Qin Shiyu coughed slightly and turned away. At the same time, she glanced at the camera. The camera teacher sensibly moved the camera away. The audience couldn't see Jiang Yu and could only hear her voice, "Why don't you go pick some grass leaves and I’ll make a grass skirt?”

Let alone Qin Shiyu, even the audience was amused into laughing: 【She can really think. 】

【Actually, I think it’s feasible. 】

【Wearing a grass skirt over a long skirt, hahaha, is it the new fashion? 】

Qin Shiyu took off his outer shirt and handed it to her, "Wear this."

Jiang Yu didn't act reserved either. Being reserved at this time would be pretentious. It was just that when she put it on and felt the body temperature on it, a sudden thought of ‘this is boyfriend’s clothes’ popped into her mind and she couldn't help but feel a little shy.

After putting it on, she lowered her head and looked. OK, these weren't boyfriend’s clothes, these were clothes for adults.

Jiang Yu felt strange, she was obviously not short. Qin Shiyu was tall, but he didn't look strong. Even when the shirt was a casual and loose style, it shouldn't be like a child wearing adult clothes...

Qin Shiyu turned his head back. Seeing her strange face, he couldn't help but laugh, "Can you walk?"

Although the shirt had covered her hips, the large skirt clung to her legs and clearly outlined the shape of her legs, making it definitely uncomfortable to walk around.

Qin Shiyu quickly looked away, "How about I carry you on my back?"

Jiang Yu glanced at him, bent down, and wrung out the water on the hem of her skirt. Then she lifted it a little above her knees, pulled the excess skirt to the side of her right leg, tied it into a beautiful knot, arranged the knot, and in an instant, it turned into a big blooming flower. When she stood up again, her bohemian-style long skirt turned into a personalized pencil skirt. Qin Shiyu's shirt no longer looked too big on her body like adult clothes, but more like a blouse. Her style had changed from a sweet girl to a sweet and cool girl.

Qin Shiyu watched her transformation and clapped his hands, exclaiming, "Awesome."

Jiang Yu accepted his compliments reservedly, "It's so-so."

She stretched out her hand, gesturing for Qin Shiyu to extend his hand as well.

Clueless, Qin Shiyu raised his fist and fist bumped her. Jiang Yu burst into laughter, "Palm."

Then Qin Shiyu opened his hand with his palm facing up. Jiang Yu put her fist on it. When she released it, there was a smooth stone lying in his big palm. The overall color was clear, with red and white colors intertwined on it. Together, they were like the clouds on the horizon, very beautiful.

Jiang Yu smiled, "Thank you present."

Qin Shiyu raised it up and looked at it carefully, "When did you pick it up?"

Jiang Yu said, "The place where I fell."

Qin Shiyu said, "You fell down and still have the heart to look at stones?"

Jiang Yu said, "Such a beautiful stone, why shouldn’t I look at it? I picked it up because I fell down. En, let's call it 'Encounter'. I only encountered it because I fell down."

This time, Qin Shiyu truly let his smile bloom, "I feel like you are hinting at something."

Jiang Yu immediately reached out to take it, "It's indeed a bit ambiguous. Give it back. I’ll give you another one."

Qin Shiyu turned around and ran away, "Is there any reason to take back what is gifted away?"

Jiang Yu raised her feet to catch up, ran two steps, then stopped, and said to Qin Shiyu's back, "Slow down, my legs are cold."

Qin Shiyu laughed.

The audience laughed: 【This girl is so funny. She obviously look well-behaved and quiet character. 】

【She is so amazing, it feels like she won’t be ruffled up no matter what happens. 】

【Should be finding the beauty in everything she encounters. Even an unfortunate incident can turn into an interesting memory. 】

【Being with such a person, you will never be depressed. 】

Of course, in addition to the feeling toward Jiang Yu, there were other things:

【Jiang Yu’s transformation is very cool, but she’s not the only one who has transformed, right? Did no one notice anything else? When did netizens become so pure? 】

【Hahahaha, I thought I was the only one who noticed. 】

【Quietly taking in the screen. Qin Shiyu's figure... Hahaha...]

Qin Shiyu was wearing a white sleeveless vest underneath his shirt. It was not tight, but it wasn’t loose either. Some muscle lines could be seen when he ran. The muscles on his arms weren't covered and his strength was quite evident. In short, he had completely different styles than when he wore the shirt. The former was more elegant, while the latter was more sexy.

【Hahaha, thank you Elder Sister Yu for the benefits you have secured for us. 】

After that, the screen was filled with 【Thank you, Elder Sister Yu. 】

Amid everyone's teasing, Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu returned to Clear Idle Dock as quickly as possible. As soon as Jiang Yu had changed her clothes, Qin Luochuan had sent an order in Perfect Holiday group chat, requesting the two of them to go to the Qicui Mountain Campground seven kilometers away to set up the site.

Qin Luochuan sent a voice message, "The place has been scouted, and equipment such as tents and barbecue grills are mostly delivered. I'm still looking at the equipment for the outdoor theater. Elder Brother Jiang and Elder Sister Qi haven't come back from the shopping yet. Must trouble you two to go over and set up the tent and stove first.”

Naturally, the two of them had no objections. After playing for an afternoon, it was time to get to work. So they took a taxi and went to the address Qin Luochuan sent.

Qicui Mountain was a local camping resort. The environment was amazing. It was surrounded by mountains, green grass, and was close to Yuxia Lake. Qin Luochuan had already circled a large area near the lake. The location was perfect. Camping at night must be very enjoyable. It was just...

Jiang Yu looked at the equipment piled on the ground like a hill and felt that Qin Luochuan might have done this a little intentionally. After knowing that all the equipment was inflatable, but only one pump was provided for them, she was sure that that idiot did it on purpose.

Qin Luochuan explained in the group voice, "Inflatable ones are suitable for amateurs like us. I have asked about professional tents. They are very troublesome to set up and require professional guidance. It will be very laborious to set up a tent by yourself. The time it takes to do that is enough to inflate two-three inflatable tents.”

Qin Shiyu spoke in the group, "Chief Qin, when you are in college, did you relearn knowledge every time you solved a question?"

Learning how to set up a tent could take the time to fill up two-three inflatable tents. But after learning the skill, the time it takes to use this pump to inflate an inflatable tent could set up two-three tents.

The audience didn't think anything was wrong when Qin Luochuan rented the tent, but now that Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu spread out the equipment and Jiang Yu tried the inflating pump, everyone discovered the problem:

【This tent is quite big. It will take at least twenty minutes to use that pump, right? 】


  1. Thanks for the chapter!

  2. What kind of tents need 'professional guidance' to setup. My kid learned to setup a dome tent at 7.
