Wednesday 18 September 2024


Chapter 40 Sleeplessness

Shui Yingchen's bedroom was in a mess. Even the windows were broken. Luo Jin didn't know what happened, and Shui Yingchen didn't explain. He got Hua Mei to take her to another bedroom.

In such a big manor, of course, there couldn't be only one bedroom.

Luo Jin carefully hypnotized Shui Yingchen, sitting at the table with her arms folded, and didn't dare to sleep all night.

She was afraid that Shui Yingchen would do something to her after she fell asleep. Judging by Shui Yingchen's words... Did he make her unconscious after she fell asleep last night and do something to her?

He even disdained her body for being weak and told her to practice martial arts?

Luo Jin was completely devastated. She couldn't beat or escape from him. She had no way to resist what he wanted to do. The only consolation was that her body didn't feel anything... But her lack of feeling didn't necessarily mean that he didn't do anything. Maybe it was because he can’t do it...

She sat all night with trepidation. She couldn't help but get startled when Shui Yingchen turned over. Fortunately, nothing happened that night. Shui Yingchen woke up when it was almost dawn. When he got up and saw Luo Jin with dark circles under her eyes, he frowned slightly, "Don't you sleep at night? That's perfect. Let's start practicing all night today."

Then he pushed the door open and went out.

Luo Jin: "..."

Was he human?


Luo Jin was catching up on sleep all day. When it got dark, she sighed and went to Shui Yingchen's manor again.

"Your Majesty has not returned to Jiyuan for a long time. Don't you have to worry about the government?" Luo Jin muttered.

"I happen to have some capable ministers."

"Then your Majesty, aren't you afraid that those ministers will have ulterior motives and rebel while you were away?"


Luo Jin still had many doubts in her heart, "When will your Majesty return to Jiyuan? You won't stay in Dongyuan all the time, right?"

"No, I have things to do and will naturally go back after I finish them." Shui Yingchen took off his outer robe, lay on the couch, and prepared to sleep.

"Then if you go back... I... won't I have to..."

"When I go back, I will naturally take you with me."


When Shui Yingchen's breathing gradually became even, Hua Mei opened the door for the first time and waved for Luo Jin to come out.

"Can I leave?" Luo Jin said in surprise. Hua Mei smiled and shook her head, "No, His Majesty asked Hua Mei to teach Miss how to practice martial arts."

Luo Jin thought of what Shui Yingchen said before and her face turned pale, "Can… I not practice?"

Once her body is strong, wouldn’t she...

"Not possible! His Majesty has given the order." Hua Mei still smiled, "His Majesty had never been so close to any woman. Hua Mei is jealous and wants to kill Miss!"


"So if Miss doesn't listen, Hua Mei will definitely use this as an excuse to kill Miss."


"I'll learn!"

Luckily, after sleeping for a long time during the day, Luo Jin wasn't sleepy. She followed Hua Mei to a small room next door, sat on the futon, and started to learn martial arts from the basics.

Hua Mei only taught once and continued to smile: "These are the basic internal energy skills, practice them repeatedly. I hope you can break through the first level within half a year and not make Hua Mei's efforts in vain."

Luo Jin thought she could practice in this small room, but Hua Mei immediately sent her back to Shui Yingchen's bedroom, told her to stay outside, and threw a futon to her.

Although Luo Jin was reluctant, she had to start practicing. If she couldn't break through the first level within half a year, would Hua Mei find an excuse to kill her?

Looking at Hua Mei's expression, she didn't seem to be joking, right?

Though it would be difficult at the beginning, Luo Jin calmed down and let the internal energy circulate around in the body. She felt that this energy seemed to be emitted from the heart and could be freely controlled.

Not only did she not feel tired when practicing, but she also felt a sense of physical and mental comfort.

At some point, Luo Jin suddenly felt a blockage in her heart, as if she couldn't breathe, and it was uncomfortable.

It was already dawn. Shui Yingchen wasn't in the room, Hua Mei pushed open the door, "Miss Luo, do you want to have breakfast? Huh?"

A silent wave of air brushed past her ears. She suddenly realized something and looked at Luo Jin with a fierce gaze.

Luo Jin opened her eyes and wiped the sweat, "It's so tiring... but I don't seem to be sleepy anymore. Breakfast? Is there anything to eat?"

Hua Mei suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Luo Jin's wrist. For a moment, her eyes widened and her face full of disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Luo Jin walked out the door, "Where is the kitchen?"

Hua Mei was stunned for a moment and pointed to the right.

Luo Jin trotted toward the kitchen. She felt that her body was relaxed today, much lighter than usual.

At this time, Shui Yingchen walked behind Hua Mei and asked, "What's the panic?"

Hua Mei's voice trembled, "She broke through... through... the first level!"

Shui Yingchen's fingers froze, "One night?"

"Yes... one night. Who is she... who is she?"

Shui Yingchen pondered for a while, "Have you learned her method of helping to sleep?"

"Learned... learned it. Your Majesty, can you let Hua Mei try it?"

"En, if you learn it... she will be useless." Shui Yingchen responded in a low voice, "You try it tonight, if it works... kill her."

Hua Mei's eyes lit up, "Can you let Hua Mei personally do it?"

"You?" Shui Yingchen glanced at her, "Are you tired of living?"


Luo Jin was in good spirits when she went to Court of Imperial Sacrifice during the day. She found a bunch of books to read. Although it was an idle job, she had to understand her work.

The affairs of the Court of Imperial Sacrifice were diverse, including ancestral temples, sacrifices, rituals, music, and astrology, but it wasn't difficult to do. As long as she followed the fixed rules, she would basically not make mistakes.

Luo Jin couldn't understand why Lin Jinzhou could mess up such a chore. How negative must his work attitude be?

She called Lin Jinzhou over, "What did you do that day? How did you go wrong? Tell me so I can learn from it."

Suddenly having his scar exposed, Lin Jinzhou was irk. But he didn't dare not express it, "I tried my best. The robe for the ceremony was clearly confirmed again and again. Who knew that when His Majesty wore it, a dragon claw suddenly disappeared. I don't know which unscrupulous person secretly removed the dragon claw..."

"Putting it this way... someone deliberately framed you?"

"Ain't that right?" Lin Jinzhou muttered, "If you had been in Dongyuan at that time, I would have suspected it was you..."


"Ah... a slip of the tongue. How could it be Official Luo? Official Luo serves the country and the people. Heaven and earth can bear witness..."

"Okay, bring that robe over and let me take a look."


Lin Jinzhou took the robe out of the warehouse and handed it to Luo Jin. Luo Jin flipped through it a few times and saw that the robe was indeed embroidered with a four-clawed dragon, not a five-clawed one. This was obviously not in accordance with etiquette. How could Lin Jinzhou not notice such an obvious problem?

"Were everyone who had touched this robe checked?"

"We checked, but no problem was found. The embroiderer insisted that it had been five claws when she embroidered it. Don't know why it became four claws."

Luo Jin carefully examined the side of the fourth claw. There were indeed some small pinholes, as if they were exposed after being dismantled. It seemed that there was indeed a fifth claw embroidered, but someone secretly dismantled it.

"Has Vice Minister Lin offended anyone? The kind who wants to kill you no matter what?"

"Official, I have an idle position, who could I offend?"

"Maybe it's because you look so hateful?"


Luo Jin put away the robe, "I'll go back and find an embroiderer outside the palace to take a closer look. Maybe someone outside can find clues."

Lin Jinzhou looked at her and thought she wanted to help him investigate the case.

He was touched, "Official is actually willing to investigate this case. If it can be solved, I don't know how to thank you..."

"No problem, we're all colleagues..."

Luo Jin packed up the robe and left the Court of Imperial Sacrifice, thinking of taking a walk.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw an acquaintance. She waved and greeted, "Gentleman Liu, how come you have time to come to my Court of Imperial Sacrifice? Come in and have a cup of tea?"

Liu Zishu blushed, "His Majesty summoned you. Minister Luo, please follow me into the palace!"

"Is there anything urgent?"

"No...not urgent."

Luo Jin nodded, "Then I'll go buy some delicious food and bring it to the palace for the Princess. Will it delay things?"

"It won't delay things. I'll... accompany Minister Luo." Liu Zishu lowered his head.

Luo Jin found Liu Zishu quite interesting. He blushed as soon as he saw her. Was it because of what she saw that day? She was saving people at the time. This was no different from being seen by a doctor while treating a disease, right? In her era, there were many male doctors in the delivery room and women in labor wouldn’t mind the other person's gender at all, let alone blush.

Luo Jin came to the market and saw someone selling candied haws. She walked up and took a few sticks. As she was about to pay, Liu Zishu had already taken out his purse and paid for her.

"How can that do..."

"Minister Luo, you don't have to be polite. It's a few copper coins..."

[This Gentleman Liu is so nice. I like friends who rush to pay, hehe...]

[It's so cute when he blushes. I want to pinch him. ]

[He looks young, about sixteen or seventeen? I remember he is the head of the Palace Guard, right? His martial arts should be good. ]

[He is young, promising, handsome, and generous. Wonder which girl will be so lucky in the future. ]

Liu Zishu's face turned even redder. He whispered, "Official Luo, do you have time tonight? I want to invite you to dinner."

"In the evening?" Luo Jin shook her head, "I don't have time, I can't go."

"That's okay."

[I have to go to that man in the evening...]

[Actually, I want to go and eat something delicious, but he won't let me go. ]

[Speaking of which, the food in his house is too light. In the morning, there is only white congee to eat, not even a single pickled veg. He didn't treat me to dinner either. So I have to eat my fill before going to him. ]

Liu Zishu felt a little disappointed. It seemed that this Official Luo already had someone in her heart and their relationship was so close that they lived together. She didn't even mind that the other person's family was poor and could only give her one meal of white congee a day.

"By the way, since you are the head of the palace guards, then you are responsible for the safety of His Majesty, right?" Luo Jin suddenly asked. 

"Yes." Liu Zishu halted for a moment, "What's wrong?"

"Were you in charge of the ceremony on the first day of the new year?"


Luo Jin pondered, "Is there any difference between that day and previous years?"

"Difference..." Liu Zishu thought for a while, "It is true that there is a little bit."

1 comment:

  1. if Mr. Sleepless Emperor is the ML, he has some work to do. For now, his character is hateful. I hope our girl gets strong enough to give him a good wooping.
