Wednesday 7 August 2024


 Chapter 177 Qin’s Ending 4

The national investigation was conducted offline. What’s more, it took time. Still, the netizen’s reasoning was much simpler. Especially after the water troops were frightened into disappearing and there were no longer people messing around and fishing for trouble. Reasonable netizens began to peel off the cocoons to explore the truth of the matter.

The netizens’ ability to solve crimes shouldn’t be underestimated, especially when there were still traces of everything about the Qin Family. Before, no one paid attention to it. Now that it had attracted the attention of the nation, it couldn’t escape everyone’s eyes.

So in the next few days, the past of Qin Xingye and the Qin Family were dug out one after another.

The Internet wasn't very developed back then, but there were still newspapers. Shu Yi Electronics was a well-known large enterprise. Its prosperity, decline, and final outcome were all recorded. Putting aside whether someone was prepared for it or not, it was undeniable that those news reports were all true:

​#Shu Yi Electronics’ heiress’s wedding, her husband is a college classmate#

# Shu Yi Electronics fell into economic turmoil. Shu Family’s Eldest Miss became depressed and ill#

# Shu Yi Electronics went bankrupt, Shu Family’s in-charge died of a heart attack, and his son-in-law turns the tide#

In addition to the news from these regular newspapers, there were reports from tabloids that were more biased toward gossip:

​#A rich heiress marries a poor boy? Shu Yi Electronics and community supermarket?#

#Miss Shu Yi Electronics passed away, leaving her seven-year-old son ignorant#


【Shu Yi Electronics's bring back memories. 】

【Whoever had Shu Yi's mobile phone back then would really want to show it off. 】

【Haha, I still remember when my elder cousin brother bought a Shu Yi brand mobile phone, he wanted to show off but was reluctant to spend the money. So when he saw someone coming, he pretended to make a call and muttered to himself. 】

【Speaking of Shu Yi's bankruptcy, I still remember that it was reported by major news newspapers for a full week. My parents were discussing it all day long. I didn't expect that Qin Xingye was their son-in-law. 】


Yes, all the news that bore the name of Shu Yi Electronics had Qin Xingye’s shadow. After the information was almost all revealed, blogger ‘Clear Mind’ began to live broadcast at a fixed time to summarize the ins and outs of the whole matter or the history of Qin Xingye’s fortune:

"Qin Xingye's family first opened a supermarket. His family was only moderately well-off. After he went to college, he fell in love and got married to Shu Yi Electronics’ Eldest Miss. Six years after their marriage, the top management of Shu Yi Electronics fell into economic turmoil. Shu Yi Electronics began to be in turmoil. His wife became depressed and became ill. Two years later, the top management of Shu Yi Electronics was completely convicted. The company was unable to recover and Shu Yi Electronics went bankrupt. Putting it nicely, Qin Xingye turned the tide; putting it crudely, he took over Shu Yi Electronics. But at this juncture, his wife finally couldn't hold on anymore and passed away, leaving only a seven-year-old son. In the next two years, Qin Xingye established the Qin Group and began to expand, creating today's Sheng Qin."

"Then here comes the problem. Putting aside the company problem first, Qin Xingye's original wife had a son and he should be the legitimate heir of the Qin Family, but no one had heard of it. Even the rumor that was widely circulated a few days ago was that the heir of the Qin Family is Qin Luochuan."

"If we analyze it carefully, this is even more interesting. According to the timeline, the son left by Shu Yi Electronics’s Eldest Miss is exactly the same age as Qin Shiyu, while Qin Luochuan is only two years younger than Qin Shiyu."

Netizens who were sensitive to these immediately noticed the key point: 【Putting aside whether Qin Shiyu is Qin Xingye’s son. The first wife died and left behind a seven-year-old son. Qin Luochuan is only two years younger than the original wife’s son.  No mistake, he’s truly an illegitimate child, right? 】

This matter was clear at a glance, so the blogger didn't say much, but only raised suspicion, "The problem now is that Qin Xingye took over the Shu family's company after the death of his original wife. As the son of the original wife and the grandson of the Shu family, he is nowhere to be seen. Now the illegitimate son became the heir of the Qin Family and the Shu Family..."

The truth behind this completely illogical fact was terrifying to think about.

The blogger continued to analyze from another angle: "Now let's verify another thing. Is Qin Shiyu the eldest son of Qin Xingye's original wife?"

"The daughter of Yiyi Jewelry once said that she and Qin Shiyu are childhood friends. Mother Zhao and Shu Yi Electronics’s Eldest Miss were known to be besties back then. From this point of view, it is very likely that Qin Shiyu is the eldest son of Qin Xingye's original wife."

Some netizens provided supporting evidence: 【I believe Qin Xingye was taken away because Qin Shiyu was taken away for investigation on suspicion of being a spy. This indicates something is up. When it comes to a spy, isn’t the first thing to do is check his immediate family members? Qin Xingye is his father. 】

Some netizens dug up new news: 【Qin Shiyu is definitely Qin Xingye’s eldest son. Check out this video! 】

The netizen posted a video: It was a video of a charity gala, in which Qin Xingye’s wife Chen Yalian was speaking. Her voice and tone and those of Qin Shiyu’s stepmother ‘Auntie Chen’ in 'Perfect Holiday' is exactly the same.

Although it had been expected for a long time, everyone was still shocked after it was confirmed: 【Damn! After half a day, Qin Shiyu is the heir to the Qin Family? 】

【Looking back at Qin Luochuan's behavior in 'Perfect Holiday' now, there is something amiss in every aspect...]

【Above, let’s set aside 'Perfect Holiday' and let the master explain it in chronological order! I have a hunch that this gossip will be very complicated and shocking. Let's eat it bit by bit to make it clear. 】

【Class representative continues! 】

The blogger Clear Mind continued his analysis: "Okay, now the most critical part is confirmed. Qin Shiyu is indeed the eldest son of Qin Xingye's original wife. Then let's take a look at his growth trajectory."

"As the eldest son of a wealthy family, he only went to public schools for junior high and high school. And even for college, he only went to University B. Of course, that's not to say that University B isn't good, but those of us who have studied would want to study abroad if the family condition allows it. Even as an exchange student, there is no end to learning. Traveling more, seeing more and learning more can improve one's vision and structure."

Some netizens said: 【Ain’t that right. Let alone the eldest son of a wealthy family, a biological father won’t let an illegitimate son be if he is promising,. 】

The blogger continued, "We have all seen Qin Shiyu's intelligence and excellence. Even as an ordinary person, he should be able to apply for a scholarship, right? But he didn't. It’s impossible for the Qin Family to not have this condition." 

He finally concluded, "So, it’s not that he doesn’t want to, it’s that he can’t.”

"He is being suppressed."

Once the conclusion was reached, all the incomprehensible parts that had happened before had a reasonable explanation. The fans who had followed Qin Shiyu all the way, they felt heartbroken:

【At that time, I had suspected why would a good top student come to the entertainment industry? It seemed that he had no choice but to do so. The only place where their mother and son couldn't reach is the entertainment industry. 】

【They did reach out. Does anyone still remember when Qin Shiyu first became popular a few months ago? Someone posted black material about him to frame him? At that time they failed as a hacker hacked the marketing account's mobile phone and exposed it. But if the other party succeeded, Qin Shiyu would probably be covered in black material now and there might be no trace of him in the entertainment industry. 】

【Yes, yes, yes, at that time fans were still speculating who he had offended and which rich guy was so bored and wanted to frame him through making it up when there was no black material. Now it seemed that it was Qin Luochuan! 】

【Damn, let’s not talk about that time, is it him this time? 】

The blogger went along with the topic and changed the direction to Qin Luochuan, "Speaking of which, why did Qin Luochuan suddenly participate in 'Perfect Holiday' out of the blue?"

"I guess it's because Qin Shiyu became popular. At the juncture when Qin Shiyu's traffic exploded, Qin Luochuan suddenly started a hype with Sun Lingqian. Because they were compared with Qin Shiyu, the traffic surged. Then everyone knew that Qin Luochuan is the heir of the Qin Family and were saying ‘so what if Qin Shiyu is excellent? He isn't as great as the heir to a wealthy family’. He was there to suppress Qin Shiyu."

Netizens expressed agreement:

【He couldn't stand to see how good Qin Shiyu is, so he deliberately participated to suppress him. 】

【I was saying why he inexplicably targeted Qin Shiyu on the show. To say it was because of Sun Lingqian, but Qin Shiyu explained that he wasn't familiar with Sun Lingqian. And he kept making things difficult for him. It turned out that he wasn't doing it for Sun Lingqian at all. He wanted to humiliate Qin Shiyu! He wanted to prove that he is better than Qin Shiyu. 】

【Damn, I suddenly remembered that he deliberately showed off his deep father-son relationship with Qin Xingye in front of Qin Shiyu, ahhhh! So contemptible! 】

【Qin Luochuan, go to hell! ! ! Disgusting maggots! 】

Netizens who had already had speculation posted a video of the live broadcast at that time, in which Qin Luochuan's provocation to Qin Shiyu could be clearly seen:

【Come and take a look at this gaze. Isn’t it contemptible? Isn’t it lowly? Isn’t it despicable? 】

【I can't stand it anymore! Want to hit someone! No, I want to beat the beast! 】

While netizens were discussing, the blogger continued: "What I want to say is something else. Don't you think this is hilarious? I have heard of others framing the heirs to seize power when it comes to fights between wealthy families. This is the first time I see the heir chasing the Elder Brother who has no inheritance rights and targets him."

Netizens answered for him:

【Guilty conscience! Because he knew that what he owned is unfairly gained, he wanted to completely trample the true owner under his feet to feel at ease. But he is too stupid. 】

The blogger said: "And Qin Shiyu is too smart. Not only did he resolve his difficulties one by one, but made pits for him in turn. The final result was that he was scolded and Qin Shiyu was liked by more people. After the show ended, the topic of Qin Shiyu being a spy came up immediately..."

【Damn! It's him, it must be him! 】

【Didn’t the water troops disappear instantly after Qin Luochuan was taken away? It must be him! 】

【Yes, it was overwhelming yesterday, but now there is nothing. Even the quails are frightened into hiding. Just for this, Qin Shiyu has been wronged, right? 】

【Ahhhhhh! I hate that illegitimate son so much. When will he come out? I'm going to throw rotten eggs at him! 】

【Remembering yesterday’s stance, I was so scared to death just by the sight. It was like they wished Qin Shiyu would die so their hatred could be resolved. I’m also mad! Anyone forming a group to clean up the beasts? 】

The truth was gradually becoming clear. Not to mention Qin Shiyu’s fans, even ordinary people feel distressed when they saw it:

【An illegitimate child went to Pennsylvania to study. As the legitimate eldest son of his first wife, he was imprisoned in the country and not allowed to do anything. Finally, he broke into the entertainment industry and got a place. And they still wanted to chase after to suppress him. How deep is the hatred? 】

【Haha, reliable news, Qin Luochuan bought his Pennsylvania degree, donating an amount of 100 million! 】

【Ahhhhh, I'm going to cry. Why is it so miserable for Qin Shiyu? Is Qin Xingye dead? Why did his mistress and illegitimate son bully his eldest son like this? 】

The class representative started a new topic: "This is a new question. Does Qin Xingye know about Qin Luochuan mother and son bullying Qin Shiyu? Or is he one of the participants?"

With his last rhetorical question, netizens were almost certain: 【He is the culprit who committed the murder with a borrowed knife. 】

【This is definitely not a simple matter of having a stepmother, having a stepfather. At most, the stepfather would ignore his children and be a little biased but not to the point of his children not being able to study abroad despite their outstanding performance. Qin Luochuan has a yacht worth 100 million and an academic degree worth 100 million. Why can't he give Qin Shiyu hundreds of thousands? 】

【No, I’m almost in tears. How on earth did our Elder Brother Yu survive after all these years? 】

The blogger once again asked, "So, why did Qin Xingye discard his first wife's eldest son, who is upright, smart and capable, and give the inheritance to a stupid, vicious, and much-criticized illegitimate son?"

【Even tiger won’t eat its offspring. He almost let his mistress turned wife and illegitimate son bully Qin Shiyu to death. Even if he didn't love him, he shouldn't hate him as if there’s a feud. 】

Some netizens immediately pointed out: 【Is it possible that there is hatred? 】

【Looking at the overall situation, Qin Xingye is a phoenix man, who took advantage of Shu Family’s end of roots. In various interviews over the years, I have heard him mention his current wife and Qin Luochuan, but I have never heard him mention the most helpful first wife and the smart and outstanding eldest son Qin Shiyu. 】

The blogger said, "When a person tries hard to stay away and ignores someone, he either holds hatred, guilt, or fear. From Qin Shiyu's experience, it seems that Qin Xingye doesn’t feel guilty about him. As for fear, what reason does a father have to be afraid of his son?"

【Oh my God, is it what I’m thinking? Suddenly I’m breaking out in a cold sweat. Simply scary. 】

【Qin Shiyu’s mother was probably only twenty-seven or eighty-years-old when she passed away. But how could someone become depressed and ill just from maternal family going bankrupt? 】

【Don’t forget, Qin Luochuan was three or four years old at that time and Qin Xingye had a mistress... And he doesn’t miss such an excellent first wife at all, but instead dotes on this stupid mother and son. Why? Is it possible that the mother and son have some leverage over him? 】

【Maybe they did something together...】

【Qin Shiyu is the only bloodline of the Shu Family. With Qin Shiyu gone, Sheng Qin can truly be his...]

【Ahhhh, was the death of Qin Shiyu's mom reported to the police? Had anyone checked to see if it was murder? 】

【If what we speculate is true, Qin Shiyu is too pitiful... Sniff sniff, I really want to cry. Clearly so excellent and he only wants to live a stable life...]

【When will the national investigation be released? When will this beast come out? I'm going over to curse! 】

【Also waiting for investigation results. When the investigation results come out, if Qin Shiyu is really wronged and the culprits are Qin Luochuan's mother and son, I will definitely let them know what retribution is. 】

A week later, Qin Shiyu's studio, who had been quiet for a long time, posted a report form for calling the police. The reason for calling the police was false accusation and defamation and the targets of the accusation were clearly named Qin Luochuan, Chen Yalian, and an insider - Qin Xingye.

【Damn it! ! ! My Elder Brother Yu is back! 】

【Ahhhhhh! ! ! It’s exactly what we thought! Qin Shiyu was wronged! 】

【Must be severely punished! Why can they destroy someone so easily with some lip movement? 】

【No, they are destroying themselves now. I can’t wait any longer. Brothers and sisters, can see Qin’s stock plummet tomorrow? 】

【Yes, we all are responsible if Qin’s supermarket chain and electronics brand doesn't go bankrupt within a year! 】

【Yes, I will never go to their supermarket to buy anything again. I will reject all Sheng Qin’s electronic products! 】

【Unless the heir is Qin Shiyu, otherwise, the Qin Group should die! ! ! ! 】

Starting from the next day, Qin's stock began to decline, while sales in supermarkets and major electronic products went in a steep decline.

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