Monday 5 August 2024


Chapter 175 Qin’s Ending 2

Because it involved national security, and Qin Luochuan and Qin Shiyu put in effort at the same time. The matter was fermenting very quickly. Various signs seem to have determined Qin Shiyu's fate. When Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu arrived home in the evening, Many of the cooperations and endorsements that Qin Shiyu was negotiating with were suspended.

Whether those go online or not, many people began to know that there was a very popular male star in the domestic entertainment industry who was a spy for country Y. This was particularly scary.

However, the bloody storm online hadn’t yet spread offline. Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu cooked and had a meal together. Afterwards, the two of them sat on the sofa. Qin Shiyu sorted out the things on the computer, while Jiang Yu leaned against him to scroll through the online content.

Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing as she brushed her hair. Qin Shiyu took the time to look at her, "What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Yu showed him the various skills compiled by the marketing account: from IQ to physical fitness to extreme sports such as gliding, skydiving, and racing. There was nothing he couldn't master. "You are so awesome. You can do anything. No wonder everyone has suspicions."

She smiled, "When this matter is over, all these will be your ready-made content to attract fans." After saying that, she suddenly reached out and kissed his chin, "My boyfriend is so awesome."

Qin Shiyu was amused by her, put down the laptop, turned around, took her into his arms, kissed her forehead, and looked at Weibo with her, only to realize that they were all scolding him. He saw that her lower right corner had changed into a pile of notifications. Come to think of it, there were many curious people who tagged her.

After all, when the CP had traffic, she rose with it. Now getting scolded, she will naturally have a share.

Qin Shiyu rubbed her head and sighed, "Sorry, I have to let you get scolded along with me." She obviously hated this the most.

Jiang Yu raised her head and glanced at him, "Do you think I can’t avoid it if I want to?"

Of course it could be avoided. In fact, his initial plan was for her to avoid it, but Jiang Yu told him back then that good love was when two people move forward hand in hand, rather than one person taking a detour for the other person.……

Jiang Yu stood up, put her arms around his neck, and seriously stated, "Qin Shiyu, I'm glad that I can bear this responsibility with you."

Happiness multiplied when shared between two people will increase, and the pain reduced when split between two people. Now she could no longer watch him go through this alone while she coldly spectated. Even though she knew that he may not care that much, she still felt distressed, "Qin Shiyu, no matter happiness or pain, we will be together, okay?"

Qin Shiyu's eyes were filled with tenderness. He lowered his head and kissed her lips, "Okay..."

This was a kiss full of tenderness, without desire or excitement, but full of strength, giving them the strength to move forward bravely even in the storm.

What gave them strength wasn't only each other but their fans.

In the past, Jiang Yu was very grateful for the fans' love and thought they were sincere and cute, but she never knew that their support would be so firm and powerful.

Before evidence is shown, these people were probably the only ones who still believed in Qin Shiyu. Many of them have been bullied by the Internet for making public statements demanding evidence, but they still insisted on having evidence. Even though they were bruised, they still sent private messages to encourage him.

It could even be seen in many private messages that they were written in tears: 【… Do you know that you supported me through the most important time in my life? If I hadn’t accidentally met you, I would have given up on myself… If you are really a spy. I thank you for giving me a wonderful time and let's say goodbye. But I want to tell you that if you aren't, I will be there. Even if you don't become a star in the future and disappear in the entertainment industry, I am here! 】

There were many similar private messages. Jiang Yu also received them. The two of them sat on the sofa and read them carefully one by one.

Qin Shiyu, who previously felt that life was nothing to care about and didn't take everything seriously, was silent for a long time. He seemed to have discovered the worthwhile beauty in this world.

There were too many private messages and he couldn't reply to them all, so he finally opened the Weibo editing box...

At 11 o'clock in the evening, amidst the overwhelming abuse hurled toward Qin Shiyu across the Internet, he sent his first Weibo message. It wasn't a clarification or a lawyer's letter, but an explanation to his fans: 【"Looking up to Heaven and Earth with no regrets on conscience. In the face of the justice of family and country, no citizen has the right to forgive. Due to this, fans, you don’t need to argue for me. The only thing I ask of you now is to protect yourselves and focus on your own lives. When I show up again, I hope to see a better you. I promise that at that time, you can still proudly tell anyone that the person you like is me. Leave everything to time and cherish it. 】

After posting on Weibo, the online scolding war suddenly became more one-sided, because Qin Shiyu's fans all obediently retreated. They may still cry bitterly, but since their idol could still care about them and give them reassurance at this time, this was the greatest comfort to them.

Jiang Yu looked at the various abuses pouring in under Qin Shiyu's Weibo and contemplated before retweeting this Weibo with the caption: 【Looking up to Heaven and Earth with no regrets on conscience, waiting for your call. 】

Qin Shiyu watched her actions and couldn't help hugging her tightly and laughing, "En, this one sentence of yours is worth the opponent's thousands of troops." No one can hurt him in the slightest.

After doing all this, the two of them stopped looking at their phones and went back to the room to wash up and get ready to rest.

But before going to bed, Jiang Yu's cell phone rang. It was in the 【All Rounder Team】 group chat.

After the program ended and the topic of Qin Shiyu being a spy spreaded, these people even specially reached out to care about Qin Shiyu. They all came up with suggestions and ideas on how to help him overcome the difficulties.

They were Qin Shiyu's only sincere friends in the entertainment industry, so Qin Shiyu no longer concealed his life experience and explained the cause and effect of this incident a little to save them  from worrying.

So no matter what happened online, the group had been peaceful and there was no anxiety. After all, this kind of thing happened all the time in the entertainment industry, but it wasn’t so scary.

At this moment, it was a screenshot sent by Shu Hua: 【Elder Brother Chen, bravo! 】

Jiang Yu clicked on the picture and discovered that Xiang Chen had forwarded Qin Shiyu's Weibo with the text: 【Looking up to Heaven and Earth with no regrets on conscience, waiting for your call. 】

Jian Cang: 【Ahhhh, Elder Brother Chen, you are so unethical. You actually acted alone. I want to too! 】

Jiang Yu felt warmth. She opened Weibo again and saw a large row of retweets under Qin Shiyu's Weibo: 【Looking up to Heaven and Earth with no regrets on conscience, waiting for your call. 】

Xiang Chen, Ye Yuanyu, Jian Cang, and Shu Hua weren't left behind. With their leads, other fans followed. Even amidst the overwhelming curses, it still couldn't be ignored.

There was a knock on the door. Jiang Yu opened the door. Qin Shiyu stood at the door with his cell phone, "I can't sleep, can we sleep together?"

He obviously saw the messages in the group and wasn't in a calm mood. It was the first time Jiang Yu saw him having such emotions toward others and was washed with relief.

With such a group of warm and strong friends, even the coldest people will be cured.

Qin Shiyu actually did nothing while lying on Jiang Yu's bed. He chatted with everyone in the group for the first time for a while, but because there were office workers, he stopped at half past twelve.

Jiang Yu, who was a little unaccustomed at first, was now too sleepy to open her eyes. She didn't even notice Qin Shiyu put down his phone and laid down. Qin Shiyu stared at her for a while before turning his head and turning off the light. Don't know if it was because she had gotten used to it recently, Jiang Yu consciously leaned toward him shortly later.

Qin Shiyu, who originally wanted to behave himself, smiled and unreservedly hugged the person. Soon, sleepiness came over him...

They both slept extremely soundly that night. When they woke up the next morning, Jiang Yu was still a little stunned when she looked at the chest in front of her. Then she felt a big hand slowly caressing her head. Qin Shiyu’s drawling voice sounded above her head, "Are you awake?" 

"I think the master bedroom next door is better. This room can be used as a guest room, but the cloakroom needs to be adjusted. Let's turn a storage room into a cloakroom. What do you think? ?”

Jiang Yu:……

It was early in the morning, was she still not awake? What was going on with this dream-like conversation?

Seeing her confused expression, Qin Shiyu couldn't hold it back. He turned over, pressed her down, and kissed her on the face, "Baby, I suddenly remembered something."

Jiang Yu was a little confused when she saw the handsome face so close to him. She let him press her and subconsciously replied, "Remember what?"

Because she had just woken up, her voice was softer than usual. Qin Shiyu's throat rolled and he chuckled, "We seem to have a certificate."

Jiang Yu woke up instantly and then warily hugged her chest. It wasn't that she was unwilling, but she felt that... something was missing.

Qin Shiyu let out a tsk when he saw this and educated her seriously, "I'm telling you something serious, why are you so unserious?"

Jiang Yu:……

"Are you Zhu Bajie?" He was so smooth at playing reverse.

Qin Shiyu smiled, "Have you ever seen such a handsome Zhu Bajie?"

He got up from her and pulled her to the bathroom to wash up. He went to the next door to get his own toothbrush cup. While brushing his teeth, he said, "We have a certificate. If I am investigated, what will you do? As my wife, you will be taken away."

Jiang Yu:……

Probably because she didn't personally get the marriage certificate and Qin Shiyu and the original owner had an indifferent attitude when they got it, the marriage certificate didn’t feel real. Therefore, they never even remembered it.

But it was a book with legal effect. Jiang Yu put down her toothbrush and cup, "It's good. Going with you will save me the trouble of worrying outside alone." It was pretty good to think about it this way.

Qin Shiyu placed his toothbrush cup next to Jiang Yu and observed with satisfaction, "I still think next door is more spacious. Don't you think so?"

Jiang Yu:……

She said expressionlessly, "You can live next door in the spacious one. I like the less spacious one."

Jiang Yu regretted taking him in yesterday. This guy was the best at asking for a foot after gaining an inch. It won’t be easy to get rid of him.

Sure enough, she heard him sigh in disappointment, "If you don't go, I don't want to go alone." 

Then he said pitifully, "I'm afraid of being alone."

Jiang Yu:……

She laughed so hard that she fell down on the bed. Qin Shiyu was afraid of being alone! This was simply the funniest joke of the year.

Qin Shiyu watched her amusement and suddenly leaned over to bully her. Caught off guard by him, Jiang Yu had her lips sealed and was pushed down on the bed. Her exclamations were all swallowed into his mouth.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Shiyu raised his body, rubbed her slightly blurred eyes, "I remembered one more thing."

Jiang Yu calmed down and ignored him.

Qin Shiyu seriously stated, "We have marriage certificates, but we sleep in two rooms. If we investigate, there will be suspicion. Won’t they treat me as a real spy?!" 

He looked panicked, "Ah, help."

Jiang Yu:……

She was the one who needed saving. Where does this man come up with this much thoughts?

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