Friday 28 June 2024


 Chapter 158 To the limit

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Yu felt someone pick her up and put him in his arms to comfort him gently.

The gentle palm on her back gradually called back her wits. Jiang Yu lowered her head and bit the shoulder in front of her in anger. Unfortunately, the force was as soft as her current body and had no deterrent effect.

Instead it caused Qin Shiyu's chest that had gradually calmed down to rise a few more times. He laughed hoarsely, "What to do? I found that I was wrong again."

Jiang Yu raised her head from his shoulder, "What wrong?"

Qin Shiyu stared at her moist lips, "The one just now wasn't the most difficult."

Jiang Yu instantly understood what he meant. Heat climbed onto her cheeks. She quickly leaned back on his shoulder and harrumphed, "Serve you right. I had warned you." 

He uttered with some gloating, "Please be sure to exercise restraint when recording the show. To the limit of stirring CP.”

It was true that she disapproved of Qin Shiyu's choice to quit the entertainment industry for her and that she wasn't afraid of trouble if she really encountered it, but it didn't mean that she was looking for trouble. When Qin Shiyu's traffic increased rapidly, there was no official announcement to pave the way, the mess that the original owner had yet to be dealt with, the crouching Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan, and the original owner's second uncle's family were all great hidden dangers.

When the time comes, she would be pulled through dirt and posted on hot searches every day. It would be very annoying.

And even if she doesn't care about any of this, she still has to go back to school to study. Having a top-star boyfriend will definitely affect her daily life. She preferred a quiet life without social interaction.

Thinking of this, she sat up again and emphasized, "No official announcement. Let's keep a low profile."

Qin Shiyu raised his eyebrows, "Are you going to give me a status? Can’t I be seen?"

Jiang Yu pretended to comfort him, "Isn't it not the right time yet? Let's wait until there is a suitable opportunity."

Qin Shiyu looked at her and smiled, "That sounds like a scum who doesn't want to take responsibility."

Jiang Yu pondered about it. It was true. She couldn't help but laugh.

Qin Shiyu's eyes couldn't leave her face now. He seriously stated, "Talking about this, I'm really worried that I can’t hold back."

Jiang Yu was very confident in him, "No, you can definitely do it."

Qin Shiyu seemed to have thought of something, "Actually, I have a way."

Jiang Yu was confused, "What?"

Qin Shiyu suddenly tightened his hand around her waist and forced her to come closer. The two’s breaths merged. He chuckled, "Practice more and it'll be fine."

Jiang Yu quickly raised her hand to cover his mouth, instantly narrowing her eyes, "You mean, after trying it two more times, you won't be interested anymore?"

Qin Shiyu:? ? ? ! !

He said, "Of course that's not what I mean!"  

Jiang Yu took the opportunity to quickly crawl out of his arms and harrumphed, "That's what you mean." 

Before leaving, she fumed out, "Quickly go pack your luggage! I’m ignoring you." 

After that, she walked toward the bedroom.

Qin Shiyu turned around and saw her escaping with a covered face as if running away. He couldn't help but laugh. She was obviously shy.

Qin Shiyu lowered his head and rubbed his lips. Qin Shiyu couldn't resist chuckling. It wasn’t good to have a smart girlfriend. She wasn’t easy to deceive.

It was indeed getting late, so he got up and turned off the projection and returned to the room. While washing and brushing his teeth, his gaze couldn't help but fall on his lips. Excitement and joy gradually filled the air. It felt unreal.

After coming out of the shower, he picked up his phone, thought about it, and sent a message to Jiang Yu: 【Did you give me the answer just now? 】

The other side replied quickly: 【No, you are dreaming. 】

Qin Shiyu laughed again when he saw it: "So you feel like you're dreaming too?" 】

The top stopped at "Typing..." for a while. It took a while before a reply came back: 【Who is like you. It's past twelve o'clock, go to bed quickly! Don't you still have work tomorrow? 】

Qin Shiyu could imagine her lying on the bed and getting angry. He contemplated and replied with a grin: "As you wish," 

He typed these three words, hesitated for a moment, and then typed the remaining one word: 【Girlfriend. 】

However, after this word was uttered, he was the first person to be hit by the flirtiness. Qin Shiyu fell on the bed, reached out and pulled the octopus pillow next to him and buried his face in it.

But he didn’t know that Jiang Yu, who was next door, didn’t make any concessions. Her face was as red as apples. When she wasn’t facing the real person, she was much bolder. She bit her lip and replied: 【How obedient, Boyfriend. 】

Then she buried her face into the same octopus pillow as the one next door.

Qin Shiyu quickly picked up the phone. Staring at those three words, his lip corner couldn't drop. How could there be such a lovely girl in this world and she became his.

He wanted to reply again, but as if the person on the other end had anticipated his actions, she sent another message: 【Go to bed at once, good night. 】

Qin Shiyu grinned. Fearing that she would get too embarrassed, he could only reply with a ‘good and obedient’ emoji and turned over to lie down...

Then he tossed and turned until almost three o'clock in the middle of the night. Qin Shiyu was still energetic. His chest was full of swelling. He wanted to find someone to talk to for no reason. Then he finally remembered something, picked up his mobile phone, and made a call.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Xu Lehua's tired voice came, "Hey, who is it?"

"Me." Qin Shiyu opened his mouth.

Xu Lehua was startled, "Fudged, did I oversleep?" 

Then he seemed to be looking at his mobile phone and replied shortly later, "It's two forty in the middle of the night. This is the middle of the night..." 

At this point, he thought something happened to Qin Shiyu and instantly became more awake, "What's wrong? What's the emergency?"

Qin Shiyu said, "It's not urgent. I'll accept Director Lan's script for ‘Rebel’’. Remember to send me the specific information."

Xu Lehua was stunned for a while, then relaxed his tone, and murmured in a daze, "Am I dreaming about it at night after thinking about it all day? I actually dreamed that Qin Shiyu changed his mind. Haha, he won’t change his mind unless the sun comes out in the west.”

Qin Shiyu laughed, "Not that exaggerated."

Xu Lehua's side was quiet. Qin Shiyu waited for a long time, thinking he had fallen asleep again, so he checked, "Hey, anyone there?"

"Fudge, I’m not dreaming?!" Xu Lehua seemed to finally be completely awake and exclaimed in shock, "What did you say?"

Qin Shiyu said patiently, "I accept Director Lan's script. If there are other suitable scripts, you can choose from them. However, ordinary entertainment variety shows, forget about it. But 'All Rounder' and similar high-spec variety shows can be considered."

"From now on, my work will follow the normal process. I will cooperate. Sign new people when you meet suitable ones. There are so many outstanding talents in the studio, it’s a waste to revolve it all around me. Properly manage and let’s make it bigger.”

Xu Lehua was shocked by his speech. It took him a long time to speak, "So you really changed your mind? What happened? Is the sky going to collapse or the earth going to sink? Or is the earth going to explode?"

Qin Shiyu clicked his tongue, "As I said, I have made mistakes sometimes. Before, I had the wrong idea." 

When he said this, he couldn't help but laugh and sighed, "I have been lectured. Please stop mocking me."

Xu Lehua still couldn't keep up, "What been lectured? Who lectured you? Who dares to lecture you?"

Qin Shiyu said with a helpless tone, "Who else besides Jiang Yu?" 

He muttered and complained, "Though she doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, it's completely different after becoming the girlfriend. She gave me a good lecture today.”

Xu Lehua:......

He gritted his teeth, "So you called me in the middle of the night and said so much to show off that you have a girlfriend?!"

Of course Qin Shiyu refused to admit it, "How could it be? I suddenly realized that you have worked hard in the past few years."

Xu Lehua was stunned. Although he had never expected to hear anything good from Qin Shiyu, the other party's sudden and sensational words still made him suddenly feel ache. "Brother, why are you talking about this?"

Qin Shiyu sighed, "I still have to say it. Only when I’m with Jiang Yu did I understand that some things must be told to the other party."

Xu Lehua:......

He uttered without emotion, "So you are showing off to me!" 

He gritted his teeth, "Go to bed at once. You still have work tomorrow morning!"

Qin Shiyu laughed again, "I know. It's exactly the same as what Jiang Yu said."

Xu Lehua:......

Listening to the ‘beep’ sound on the phone, Qin Shiyu let out a ‘tsk’. His temper was really bad.

This time he put down his phone and finally closed his eyes with satisfaction...

The dreams all night seemed to be sweet.

Even after only sleeping for a few hours, Qin Shiyu was full of energy the next morning. He opened his eyes and looked at his phone first. Staring at the message Jiang Yu sent last night, he couldn't stop grinning when he saw the word ‘boyfriend’.

After getting up and washing up, he had left the bedroom door when he received another message from his girlfriend: 【Remember to have breakfast, there are sandwiches in the refrigerator. 】

Qin Shiyu looked at the bedroom next door, lowered his head with a raised lip corner and replied: 【Okay. 】

While sending out, he heard the sound of receiving information. The sound seemed to come from behind the door next door. Qin Shiyu took a closer look and noticed that the door seemed not to be closed tightly.

He could almost imagine someone running in to avoid him and not even daring to close the door hard.

Qin Shiyu smiled, tiptoed, and leaned against the wall next to her bedroom. Then sent a message: 【Then I'm leaving, Girlfriend. 】

This time he didn’t hear any more sounds. Anyway, she either hid in or her phone was muted. After all, she was so smart.

However, Qin Shiyu still stood still and waited patiently. Sure enough, about a minute later, Jiang Yu's bedroom door slowly opened and a head sneakily poked out to look in the direction of the door, apparently to confirm that his departure.

Qin Shiyu watched her like this until she realized something was amiss and turned around. The two stared at each other. Jiang Yu subconsciously moved back. However, Qin Shiyu was agile. He took a big step, stretched out his long arms, and fished the person out of the bedroom.

By the time Jiang Yu caught on, she was already pressed against the wall next to the bedroom.

Qin Shiyu put his arm around her waist and clasped her shoulder with the other, lowered his head, "What are you hiding for"

Jiang Yu's face turned red again. In fact, she didn't know why she wanted to hide. After returning to the room yesterday, she suddenly felt embarrassed. She could barely communicate through the phone. But when she thought about meeting, she felt inexplicably shy and didn’t know what to say after meeting.

She forced herself to calm down, pushed him gently, "It's time for you to set off. Be careful not to be late."

Qin Shiyu looked at her pink cheeks, lowered his eyes, and chuckled, "Yes, I'm about to leave, but my girlfriend was hiding in the room and won't come out to see me."

Jiang Yu avoided his gaze. It was strange. It was obviously a very common addressment and not even close. Still, these three words seemed to have a different meaning when they were called out from his mouth. A little sweet, a bit sexy, and a bit shy.

Qin Shiyu raised his hand and touched her cheek, gently rubbed it with his thumb, "If the boyfriend is about to go out, shouldn’t the girlfriend express something?"

Jiang Yu noticed his gaze, pursed her lips reflexively, and then hugged him quickly, "Okay, have a nice trip."

Qin Shiyu chuckled. As if he was compromising, he reached out and hugged her back, sighing, "Okay, bye."

Feeling the arms around her waist loosen, Jiang Yu quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Although she had already kissed him once, she still felt embarrassed.

However, the next second, the arm around her waist came back. She was hugged tightly, her chin was lifted, and then the familiar touch and breath quickly invaded her senses.

It still felt numb, but a little different. The man was probably really self-taught in this regard. Compared to yesterday's novice-style rampage, today he was much more organized, not too aggressive, but instead gentle and patient comfort that seemed to let her get accustomed to his presence.

Later, she did gradually relax and even responded subconsciously when he gently sucked her lips again.

Qin Shiyu halted and left quickly.

Jiang Yu looked at him blankly, panting slightly, and seemed a little confused.

Qin Shiyu raised his hand to cover those watery eyes, took a deep breath, lean against her forehead, and said slowly, "Baby, you can't do this. One of us must stay rational, otherwise I will definitely not be able to hold back.”

Jiang Yu came back to her senses and felt irk and amused when she heard this, "Are you treating me as a brake?"

Qin Shiyu smiled, "The reins are fine too. Anyway, if you fail, I won't be able to control myself. How about we make it official?"

Jiang Yu:……

She felt like he was threatening her.

Jiang Yu suddenly smiled and said pleasantly, "Then try desensitization. If you do it a few times, you won't feel it anymore."

Qin Shiyu:......

In the end, he couldn't hold it back and quickly pecked her lips again,, "So vindictive."

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