Wednesday 10 July 2024

TISHW 163i

 Chapter 163 A Perfect Holiday

Jiang Yu said there would be a yacht, but didn't say where it came from.

Not to mention the audience, a few people present were scratching their heads with curiosity, but Jiang Yu kept a harmless face and didn't intend to say anything.

Jiang Feng and Wu Qi had an inexplicable feeling that Jiang Yu was using this to retaliate against them for watching. Although there was no damage, it was successful because it felt unbearable. Where on earth was she going to get a yacht?  

Was she an undercover wealthy daughter?

Of course Qin Luochuan knew this was impossible. He knew her details very well. Afraid it must be from Qin Shiyu, but Jiang Yu wouldn't say anything. With his overbearing president setting, it was hard for him to open his mouth.

Fortunately, there was Sun Lingqian. This girl wasn't a character who would let herself suffer. Qin Luochuan specially arranged a luxury yacht to attract fans for them. How could Jiang Yu steal the limelight?

"Where on earth are you going to get a yacht?" Sun Lingqian asked, "If you want to rent one, there are none nearby these days."

Jiang Yu looked at her doubtfully, "How can you be so sure there isn't one?" 

She pondered for a while before looking like it dawned on her, "Even if there is, it will be reserved, right?"

Sun Lingqian:......

【Hahaha, what sarcasm. 】

【Sun Lingqian: Oh, you have seen through all this. 】

【Stupid beauty, please stop pretending in front of a top student. It would be so embarrassing to be seen through. 】

【I have dug out three bedrooms and one living room for her. 】

In fact, anyone with some brains would be able to guess this. After all, Sun Lingqian and Qin Luochuan had prepared a luxury yacht. How could they drive it back without even showing it off. However, it was intercepted by Jiang Yu? It was almost certain that they were causing trouble. After all, these two people weren't short of money.

It was just that Jiang Yu said it with that cute and innocent expression, carrying a sense of joyful irony.

Sun Lingqian gritted her teeth secretly and glanced at Qin Luochuan. Seeing that he still didn't speak, she could only pretend that she didn't hear Jiang Yu's sarcasm and continued to ask, "The program team requests a private luxury yacht. Are you sure you have one?" Seemingly thinking of something, she pretended to be innocent and asked, "Oh, I remembered, you have many friends. Are you going to borrow from them?"

"But it's not easy to borrow a yacht, right? And it needs to be transferred to the bay here. There are a lot of things that need to be equipped on the yacht, including a yacht driver, a chef, and in addition, jet skis..."

As she was speaking, she saw Jiang Yu take a pen, casually remove a piece of paper from the table, and start writing.

Sun Lingqian said, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Yu seriously stated, "You speak, I jot down. Whatever activities you want, I’ll guarantee your satisfaction."

This scene made Jiang Yu's fans start laughing again. Although the audience found it amusing, they seemed to be laughing at a different point:

【This Jiang Yu is too funny. Anyway, I won’t tell, make you anxious to death. 】

【She looks soft, but actually...en, she is soft. Sun Lingqian punched the cotton. 】

Jiang Yu’s fans were even more happy:

【It’s not just that. You have to know that my Elder Sister Yu can do arithmetic problems that can fill the blackboard, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and even irregular four-digit square root without moving a pen. 】

【Now she have to take notes, hahahaha. 】

【The irony is heightened to 10,000%. 】

The audience became more and more curious about Jiang Yu and decided to get to know her better later.

In the camera, Sun Lingqian couldn't speak anymore. She secretly took a breath and maintained her last slight smile, "Anyway, don't be stubborn out of anger and not be able to finish it by then. This will affect everyone's enjoyment."

Jiang Yu nodded seriously, "I will prepare with care." 

After thinking for a while, she added, "It will be your ideal type."

Hu Yao couldn't help but ask Qin Shiyu, "Do you have a yacht?"

Qin Shiyu smiled lazily, "No, but Jiang Yu will arrange it, so there must be one."

So even he didn’t know.

Everyone was surprised and somewhat suspected that he was lying, but they had seen clearly. Jiang Yu had indeed said that she would take care of the yacht without consulting Qin Shiyu at all.

Wu Qi looked at him and said jokingly, "As a member of the same group, don't you care about your companion? Quickly ask if there is any help needed."

【Hahaha, Elder Sister Qi is still good at using baiting words out. 】

【Yes, quickly ask. If it doesn’t work, we can help. 】

However, Qin Shiyu looked at Jiang Yu with a smile and drawled out, "No need, this is Jiang Yu."

This sentence inexplicably struck the hearts of CP fans:

【Ahhhhhh! ! It’s just a sentence. Why is it so sweet though? 】

【Because it represents wholehearted trust? When do our God Yu trust so easily? 】

【This is Jiang Yu...】

【This is Jiang Yu...】

Sun Lingqian didn't know that this sentence had hit the screen, but at this moment she had a flash of inspiration, Zhao Shunong!

Others didn't know, but she was very aware of the relationship between Qin Shiyu and Zhao Shunong. Zhao Shunong had even interceded with Qin Luochuan for him. This proved that she indeed treated Qin Shiyu well. Qin Shiyu must be relying on this to borrow a yacht from Zhao Shunong!

Although she didn’t know how Jiang Yu knew, Sun Lingqian was certain that they wanted to borrow Zhao Shunong’s yacht!

After thinking about this, Sun Lingqian’s mind spun and suddenly smiled, "Okay, okay, I won't ask. How secretive. Then we'll wait to ride on your yacht."

Later, she’ll get Qin Luochuan to give Zhao Shunong a heads up. She didn't believe that in such a big conflict, Zhao Shunong would embarrass the heir of the Qin Family for the sake of a servant's son?

Let them be proud for now. The more proud they were now, the more embarrassing it would be later!

Imagining how they would be disgraced if they couldn't take out the yacht, Sun Lingqian suddenly felt happy and asked the director, "Is it time to draw the last project?"

This part was finally passed over. Jiang Feng and the others all breathed a sigh of relief. They were really exhausted from recording the show with the sponsor daddy.

The director team pushed the lottery box to Sun Lingqian. Sun Lingqian glanced at Qin Luochuan and saw Qin Luochuan nodded. Then she reached in and pulled out a slip. It was a camping barbecue.

Jiang Feng and the others immediately cheered. Wu Qi said, "Truly not easy. We finally have a dinner party!"

Hu Yao smiled, "This is the best in this session!"

Although everyone cheered as if they had won some great project, Sun Lingqian was a little dissatisfied. This kind of barbecue didn't reflect their advantages at all. She turned to Qin Luochuan and asked, "How should we do it?"

Qin Luochuan contemplated, "Let's put what is drawn in order first?"

"Now there are four projects: camping, water fun games, yacht sailing, and outdoor barbecue. I think outdoor barbecue and camping can be done together."

Everyone expressed agreement. Wu Qi said, "This can work."

Qin Luochuan continued, "Then let's have a barbecue and camp tonight. Have fun water sports tomorrow. Tomorrow evening, have a good night's rest before going to the harbor to take a yacht out to sea the day after tomorrow?"

This arrangement was very reasonable and everyone had no objections.

"That's it then." Qin Luochuan raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It's almost noon now. Let's all divide the rooms and take a short rest. Afterward, how about we discuss the projects of each group and what we need to cooperate with while having dinner?"


 "No problem."

Everyone agreed. As for dividing rooms, it was very simple.

Clear Idle Dock opened four well-lit double rooms on the second floor for them. The four boys and four girls lived in pairs. There were no rules. It all depended on personal preference.

Hu Yao stepped forward and said to Sun Lingqian, "Qianqian, shall we share a room?"

Sun Lingqian responded, "I want to be with Elder Sister Qi. There is something I want to tell her."

Hu Yao smiled, "Okay then." 

Then she smiled at Jiang Yu, "Then let's share the same room."

Jiang Yu didn't mind. She had no problem staying in the same room as Sun Lingqian.

The boys' side was more swift. Jiang Feng and Qin Luochuan in the same room, and Qin Shiyu and Zhuang Si in the same room.

Everyone took their luggage and went back to their rooms to tidy up. They had some time and space for personal unrestricted activities.

Sun Lingqian immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to her assistant, asking him to book all the available luxury yachts near the bay in the neighboring city. Anyway, she would never leave any escape route for Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu. Not even ordinary yachts.

After sending the message, she opened the conversation with Qin Luochuan. After much deleting and editing, she asked him if he had time to discuss the holiday project together.

This was her biggest opportunity to enter a wealthy family. She must seize it and definitely offend Qin Luochuan.

After the message was sent, she waited anxiously. Unexpectedly, Qin Luochuan called her. The gentle voice spoke, "Is it convenient? Come downstairs?"

Sun Lingqian instantly beamed, "Okay, coming!"

Although she didn’t know why he suddenly changed his attitude, it was a good thing.

In fact, Qin Luochuan had heard the secretary's analysis.

During the room distribution break, the secretary gave him new feedback. As expected, he was scolded very harshly when Jiang Yu agreed to the luxury yacht project. On the contrary, the people who supported Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu increased greatly.

Qin Luochuan held back his anger and listened to his secretary's analysis, "You don't have to be too anxious. The show has only just begun. Variety shows are prone to image reversal. The audience will be dissatisfied because they treat you as an ordinary person. Later when you show your excellence, whether it is leadership ability or financial resources, and let everyone enjoy the benefits of following you, they will have no reason to blame you anymore."

"And generally it is easier to gain loyal fans if the image is reversed."

Qin Luochuan felt that the secretary's analysis was reasonable, "The show certainly just started. It's stopped at the stage of verbal action."

The secretary said, "Yes, your advantages are all practical."

"Another point is your relationship with Miss Sun," the secretary continued to analyze. "Since the two of you are bound to each other has become an established fact, then you might as well accept the reality and treat her considerately. Good men are welcome wherever they go.”

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