Tuesday 17 September 2024

TISHW Extra 2

Extra 2

Jiang Yu wanted to turn over, but stopped halfway.

One reason was the sudden aching pain in her body, and the other was the body temperature of another person in front of her.

"Awake?" A drowsy and lazy voice came from above her head. The man seemed to be still asleep, but the big hand on her back had subconsciously pulled her into his embrace. She was touching his skin without any hindrance again. The memory of last night came back instantly.

The heat climbed up Jiang Yu's cheek.

To be honest, she thought it would be painful. Although according to professional theory, it could be painless for the first time. In actual operation, especially for two novices, it was easy to make the first time not good due to mental tension and lack of understanding of each other. It was said that it would be so painful that it would be difficult to walk in the next few days. Too curious, Jiang Yu glanced at someone's little brother before starting... Uh, it seemed not appropriate to say small...

The size really scared her at that time. Otherwise she wouldn’t be so nervous that she tried to change the subject and even wanted to escape at the last minute.

But Qin Shiyu didn't give her this opportunity. Thinking of this, Jiang Yu seemed to feel the feeling of being slowly filled up again. It was indeed uncomfortable at first, but not to the point of being unbearable. Moreover, when Jiang Yu hugged him tightly and saw that handsome face that had always been carefree frowned slightly and revealed the unbearable restraint, she felt that her chest was also filled up. It was a kind of spiritual satisfaction. This man's unstable breathing, uncontrolled self-control, and even the unbearable groaning that he made inadvertently were all due to her unique sexiness. No one could see this.

This kind of satisfaction soothed her nerves and made her gradually relax. Qin Shiyu happened to be a good student with a good brain and excellent body coordination ability. He also showed maximum learning ability in this matter and soon clearly explored new things. So later Jiang Yu not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but even...

The big hand with thin calluses touched her eyes. The person in front of her slid down and the pair of affectionate eyes smiled at her eyes, "Fortunately, it's not swollen."

Jiang Yu couldn't help but glare at him. But seeing the scratches on his shoulders, she involuntarily turned away.

God knew, she hadn't cried out loud for a long time. Even last night when he proposed to her, she just covered her eyes with tears. However, she was forced to cry out loud by him in the middle of the night. After that, the man who had been patient like a novice driver and tried to drive the car steadily suddenly got on the highway.

When Jiang Yu was pinned to the bed by him, she felt it even more scary than when she was in the sea. At that time, she felt that she had nowhere to escape, but this time, she was swallowed up by him no matter how hard she struggled. In the end, she cried and left two long marks on his shoulders... 

Qin Shiyu grinned at the sight of her blushing cheeks, but when his eyes fell on her slender neck, his eyes became darker uncontrollably. He kissed her without hesitation... 

Jiang Yu was startled by the familiar numbness. She found that he seemed to like her neck. However, when he bit her neck, her strength would drain away at once. With no control of her body, it allowed him to do as he liked with her. 

This time Jiang Yu didn't cry, because Qin Shiyu didn't reach the last stage. Breathing rapidly, she looked at him in confusion. Qin Shiyu raised his hand to cover her eyes as usual and kissed her lips fiercely, "If you still want to send them off, don't seduce me, otherwise I can't guarantee that your eyes won't be swollen later." 

He was not like his usual self last night. Wasn’t she the same? 

He did a lot of homework for today. A girl's first time needed to be treated with great patience. Qin Shiyu thought he had done enough psychological preparation and wouldn’t scare her no matter what. However, when the girl who always killed gods and stopped Buddhas and never bowed to anyone showed him a helpless and dependent expression and even cried pitifully while clinging to him, he realized that there was a beast locked in his body that he could not control. 

The beast would be awakened by her crying and would bully her more because he wanted to see more of her tears. But it was her first time. Qin Shiyu silently told himself and kept taking deep breaths. Besides, they had to send the guests away soon. She got thin skinned. If she bullied too much and was seen by others, the benefits he had just received might be discounted. This was absolutely unacceptable.

Qin Shiyu, who was always good at weighing the pros and cons, made a decisive decision. Although it was hard to bear, it was worth it to bear it at this time in exchange for a super meal. Moreover, the meal should be tasted slowly at the right time and place.

Thinking of this, he forced himself to get up and go to the bathroom.

Jiang Yu buried her head in the quilt. When she heard the noise, she hurriedly got up and put on her clothes. Although they had been frank, she didn't know why she was more shy.

Qin Shiyu stayed in the bathroom for a long time. It was easy to understand why. Jiang Yu felt a little guilty. After all, he was patient with her. But when he came out with only a bath towel around him, his strong upper body was exposed. He pointed to the marks on his shoulders and asked her if she wanted to wear a short-sleeved shirt today, Jiang Yu threw the pillow directly at his face.

This man always made her want to break his legs when she was moved by his gentlemanly behavior. 

Qin Shiyu caught the pillow and laughed out loud.

Blushing, Jiang Yu hurried into the bathroom. When she looked down and saw the various marks on her body, she became even more irked. He was obviously more excessive to her, but she couldn't get back at him because she wasn’t as thick-skinned as him.

When Jiang Yu came out of the shower, Qin Shiyu had already changed his clothes and was on the phone. He was wearing long sleeves and long pants, which was his usual casual style. However, Jiang Yu's eyes fell on his waist. She suddenly recalled the day when Zhao Meinong said that she couldn't imagine Qin Shiyu wearing swimming trunks. At that time, she still thought Zhao Meinong was bold. Now it seemed that Zhao Meinong was right. At that time, she was indeed a simple little girl...

Although Qin Shiyu was obviously dressed conservatively and appeared decent now, she couldn't help but think of his thin waist and beautiful eight-pack abs. It felt...

Jiang Yu curled her fingers and looked at Qin Shiyu expressionlessly, "You, get out."

Qin Shiyu, who was on the phone, looked back at his girlfriend's serious face and showed a rare blank expression. How did he provoke her?

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