Friday 9 August 2024


The weekend soon came. Sleeping until the sun was high, Jiang Yu received a call from Zhao Shunong when she opened her eyes, "Are you awake? If you are, get ready to go!"

After checking the time, Jiang Yu simply got up, washed up, picked a beautiful dress, and went to the entrance of the community. Zhao Shunong arrived soon after. After getting in the car, Jiang Yu couldn't help but laugh, "Is there a need to style up? It's just eating a meal.”

Zhao Shunong glanced at her, "Look at the ingredients Qin Shiyu prepared. If too casual, I feel it isn't worthy."

Jiang Yu was amused, "Why? Would the ingredients be even more delicious when it see you dressed beautifully?"

Zhao Shunong smiled, "Haven't you ever heard of a feast for the eyes?"

Jiang Yu didn't notice her meaningful expression and laughed when she heard this, "Is this how feast for the eyes supposed to be used? Is it you eating the food or the food that eats you."

Zhao Shunong chuckled, "Food won't eat you, but someone will eat you."

Jiang Yu:……

She forgot that this person was more bold and her speech was yellow.

However, Jiang Yu only thought she was joking. It was rare that friends they all knew gathered together today. It was normal for girls to dress up and have a meal together. The difference was that Zhao Shunong was a rich woman. So they didn't have to dress up themselves, just get a team service.

After picking up Shu Hua in the middle, Zhao Shunong took the two of them to the beauty shop she often went to. Then with a wave of her hand, the three of them had a full-body SPA and skin care together. After that, they started to do styling.

It wasn’t an exaggerated make-up. The make-up was the everyday make-up used by ordinary friends at gatherings. It was just that the make-up artist was more professional and the makeup was more refined. The hairstyle was indeed very beautiful. Jiang Yu's usual makeup had to be a simple hairdo or ponytail. The makeup artist gave her a bud princess hairdo, paired with a hairpin filled with baby's breath. This was playful and delicate. It suited her very well.

Zhao Shunong had short hair and a smart little black dress. She gave a mature lady vibe at first glance. Shu Hua wore a half-tied high ponytail and a red dress that was etched with a design feel, making her hot and flamboyant.

The three people had undergone a full set of skin care and looked great. Zhao Shunong whistled to the three people in the mirror, "Beauties, let's go!"

Shu Hua followed happily, "Oh yeah! Let's go!"

Jiang Yu smiled together. Sure enough, dressing up with best friends would make one feel happy.

Shu Hua was initially a people person, while Zhao Shunong had a bold personality. The two quickly became friends.

It was already dark when the three of them noisily arrived at the suburban holiday villa. Still, they could still vaguely make out the green hills surrounding them. The smell of nature was on the tip of their noses. This was Jiang Yu's favorite environment.

When Zhao Shunong's car parked in the yard, the guys who had arrived early came out to greet them.

Jiang Yu looked at the row of handsome guys and couldn't help but be amused. Probably because she and Shu Hua discussed in the group chat about dolling up, the boys dressed up. They were all good-looking, but now those broad shoulders and long legs in shirts and pants were dazzlingly handsome.

Especially Qin Shiyu.

He was wearing a black shirt today, with the hem tucked neatly into his pants.

He usually wore casual clothes and looked like a college student. Occasionally, he looked very eye-catching in slightly formal clothes, giving him a sense of asceticism. Jiang Yu's eyes unconsciously fell on his thin waist. Her fingers subconsciously curled up. The smooth and strong touch appeared in her mind again...

Speaking of which, Qin Shiyu paid great attention after he almost accidentally going too far that day. Before, he only paid attention to himself. For example, when kissing her. Even if he put his arms around her waist, he would pay attention to pressing the clothes tightly, not letting her expose skin when moving around and result in him touching something he shouldn't. Since then, he would pay attention to her and not allow her hands to randomly touch.

To be honest, Jiang Yu was confused at the time. She was a little embarrassed at first, but when Qin Shiyu was guarded like this, she became a bit rebellious and couldn't help but want to provoke. Unfortunately, he had been too busy recently, leaving early and coming back late. They could only see each other before going to bed every night and he kept restraining himself for some unknown reason. As a result, Jiang Yu failed to provoke him until now. Instead, her mind was always on it.

Qin Shiyu walked up to her with a few long steps, reached out to cover her eyes and chuckled, "Baby, restrain yourself a little, or I will kiss you now."

Jiang Yu:……

She stretched out her hand to pinch him. Truly getting more and more improper. Qin Shiyu took her hand and walked inside, "Okay, since we're all here, let's go in."

Because it was close friends who knew their relationship, Jiang Yu let him openly lead her.

Nearby, Ye Yuanyu put his arm around Shu Hua's shoulders. Jian Cang said with a troubled face when he saw this, "Each and every one are in pairs..." 

When he said this, he looked at Xiang Chen eagerly, "Elder Brother Chen, how about the two of us? "

Xiang Chen's face darkened. He turned around to leave. Jian Cang hurriedly chased after him, "Elder Brother Chen, don't be so restrained about gender. If that doesn't work, we can partner up tonight, otherwise we will be miserable..."

Xiang Chen immediately started running. Jian Cang started to chase him, making everyone laugh.

After Jiang Yu and the others arrived, everyone gathered and started eating at once.

The chef team was dedicated to serving them, so the food was served very quickly. The ingredients that had been anticipated for nearly a week didn't disappoint. Jiang Yu squinted her eyes while eating. Her whole body was bubbling with happiness.

Filled with mirth, Qin Shiyu gave her another piece of beef.

Jiang Yu was infectious. Besides her, Shu Hua and Jian Cang were also drooling and ate with great gusto. Of course, the most important thing was that they were all familiar with each other. There was no sense of restraint or discomfort at all. The meal was lively and very comfortable.

Everyone drank some red wine. After three rounds of drinking, everyone's mood rose high. Jiang Yu also became more lively. Shu Hua said, "Let's play games!"

Jiang Yu said, "Play what?"

Xiang Chen said, "This villa seems to have a challenge that no one has completed."

Jiang Yu immediately became interested, "What challenge?"

Ye Yuanyu said, "There is a real-life Monopoly board in the backyard. It is said that the reward for successfully reaching the end is very, very precious. No one had gotten it so far."

Jiang Yu walked straight to the backyard. She was most interested in things that no one could do.

The backyard of the villa was very large, but only the area close to the villa had lights on. Afar couldn’t be seen clearly, but there was indeed a ten-meter by ten-meter Monopoly checkerboard grid under the bright lights.

The real-life version had a denser grid and more tasks than the game or board game version. Most of them were punishment tasks. There was only one reward task. This was the silver arrow representing luck. After a number of steps of rolling the dice and some additional conditions, one can get a silver arrow.

There were ten silver arrows on the entire chessboard. If a person was lucky enough to get all the silver arrows, that person can exchange the ten silver arrows for the nearby golden arrow.

Then use a golden arrow to shoot a row of iron boxes five meters away. The iron boxes contain different keys. The keys correspond to the ten safes upstairs. The known prizes include gold bracelets, diamond rings, mobile phones, etc. Only one of the prizes was said to be a very precious gift, but no one knew what it was.

To put it bluntly, it was a blind box of luck.

Jiang Yu:……

"Sorry, I had intruded. Goodbye."

Zhao Shunong grabbed her and smiled, "What goodbye?"

Shu Hua covered her stomach and laughed loudly, "Because the bigshot is quite unlucky. She will lose when it comes to rock-paper-scissors. She is unlucky when throwing the dice. She will get the one she least wants if it’s the blind box..."

Jian Cang laughed, "Throw dice and try your luck to get an arrow. Then try your luck to hit the iron bow after getting the arrow... This game is specially designed to defeat my Elder Sister Yu, hahaha."

Jiang Yu tried to recover her respect, "This seems to be a gimmick designed by the head of the household. King of Luck may not be able to get it even when he comes. It’s just let people have some fun."

Ye Yuanyu directly picked up the nearby dice, "Let's play."

Jiang Yu wanted to withdraw, "Goodbye."

Jian Cang refused, "No, Elder Sister Yu, you have to play. I have never seen anyone lose a game. You have to play with us today."

Xiang Chen said, "What's wrong with people who are proud in love today accompanying us who are frustrated for one round? Show some loyalty."

Since Xiang Chen put it that way, what else could Jiang Yu do? Naturally accompany them.

So Qin Shiyu, Jiang Yu, Ye Yuanyu, Shu Hua, Jian Cang, Xiang Chen and Zhao Shunong stood on the Monopoly board together. Xu Lehua acted as the referee and everyone started rolling the dice.

Except for the Emperor Luck Shu Hua who successfully took three steps without triggering the task, the others either stayed on the spot or sang. Jian Cang even did a split for ten seconds. This almost made everyone laugh to death.

As the last one, Jiang Yu had the mentality that she would die early, so she had no pressure and threw it away.

The dice stopped. Everyone looked at the dice and looked at Jiang Yu with surprised expressions. Jiang Yu stared at the dice without saying a word for a long time. Finally, she carefully confirmed with Qin Shiyu in front of her: "In the first round, the second person who rolls a six can get a silver arrow, right?"

Qin Shiyu looked at her and smiled, "Yes."

Jiang Yu's eyes instantly lit up, "I’m taking six steps and get a silver arrow?!"

Qin Shiyu was amused by her reaction, "Yes, you got a silver arrow."

Jiang Yu skipped to the sixth square in excitement, her whole face glowing, "This is the first time the Emperor Luck has favored me!"

Everyone couldn't help but chuckle along. This incident might only be funny to others, but when it was her, it was hilarious. Her unlucky status had reached a point where science couldn't explain it at all.

As the alcohol hit, Jiang Yu became a little dizzy and exclaimed in delight, "Come again!"

Shu Hua was unwilling to admit defeat, "Again. Come again. Betting on my reputation as the Emperor Luck!"

So in a new round, the last one, Jiang Yu got another silver arrow!

Jiang Yu:! ! !

Zhao Shu’s amusement was thick, "It's incredible. You are possessed by Emperor Luck today."

Jiang Yu was truly ecstatic "Is this what it feels like to be lucky?" It was so refreshing.

Shu Hua was still pretending to be unconvinced, "No, no, no, let me do a ritual..." 

Everyone was laughing and throwing the dice and doing the task. Half an hour later, Jiang Yu stood at the end and exchanged ten silver arrows for one golden arrow.

Actually, she only got five silver arrows. The rest were Qin Shiyu’s three and Shu Hua’s two, which they had given to her.

But this was enough to make Jiang Yu overjoyed. Who didn’t want their dreams to come true? Especially the feeling when throwing the dice and getting whatever one wanted. This was really a blessing.

So she was inexplicably confident when she stood there holding the golden arrow: "I think I can get the most precious gift today."

Everyone clapped and cheered, "No problem, Elder Sister Yu, you can do it!"

"Bigshot, let us see what is the most precious gift?"

Jiang Yu glanced at Qin Shiyu, who looked at her and smiled, "You can do it."

Jiang Yu took the arrow and threw it forward. She heard a clear sound of metal and stone hitting each other and then the whole yard suddenly darkened. Jiang Yu subconsciously looked at Qin Shiyu when she saw the place where the golden arrow she had thrown suddenly lit up.

Then, centered on the spot where the golden arrow hit, warm colored lights lit up like waves. Then the surrounding pillars, floor lamps on the ground, and tassel lights hanging from the trees followed... Jiang Yu was stunned for a moment. It was like being among the bright stars.

"Jiang Yu." Qin Shiyu's gentle voice came.

Jiang Yu turned around and saw another person among the bright stars. He stood upright for the first time. His normally carefree expression was now full of solemnity.

Jiang Yu finally realized something and looked at him intently.

Qin Shiyu took a deep breath, took a step forward, knelt down on one knee, and raised a ring in front of her.

"Jiang Yu," he raised his eyes and looked into hers, "I thought that my life was so bad that I wasn't qualified to be close to anyone, and that there was nothing worthy of missing. My life was like this...until I met you. "

"I don't know why I fell in love with you, but it was too late when I found out. I struggled. I know you like a simple life and I am the kind of troublesome person you are most afraid of. But it's useless. For the first time, I couldn’t fight against myself. After seeing the colorful world, I couldn’t go back to where I was.”

"I was thinking at that time, you are indeed very unlucky. How could you be so unlucky to make me fall in love with you. But I told myself that meeting me would be the last unlucky thing for you. From now on, as long as I am here, I will do my best to protect you."

He looked at her piously, "Jiang Yu, are you willing to let me accompany you for the rest of your life?"

Jiang Yu bit her lip tightly and was speechless. Especially when she saw the water in his eyes, she felt that her chest was full. In the end, she barely managed a nod, "Yes."

At that moment, gorgeous fireworks took off in the sky. The cheers of friends could be heard in the ears. The man who was calm and unhurried in front of her put on the ring for her with trembling hands...

In the end, Jiang Yu still cried. Qin Shiyu stood up, held her tightly in his arms, and choked in her ear, "Jiang Yu, I love you."

Countless petals fell from the sky. Jiang Yu raised her head, pecked his lips, and looked at him with a smile, "Do you know why my luck is so bad?"

Qin Shiyu asked, "Why?"

Jiang Yu said, "I have felt that everyone's luck in life should be the same. If you are unlucky here, you will be lucky there. So I have never felt that there is anything wrong with me being unlucky." 

She stared at him seriously, "Because that means there is a very, very lucky thing waiting for me. A luck that requires all my luck."

"Qin Shiyu, you are that luck."

Qin Shiyu suddenly raised his hands to cover his eyes, but it was still too late. A big tear still fell from his eyes. He helplessly cried and laughed, "Jiang Yu, you are really..."

You really make me believe that I am a super, super lucky person.


  1. 😭😭😭🙏💕

  2. Wow! Was that seriously the end THE END?! Ended kinda abruptly, tho I know there are extras left....

    Thank you for all the translation work!!

  3. There's no extra?

  4. Woahh... It's the end huh.. I hope there's extras for this...

    Thanks for your hard work and your translations TL-san!!

  5. Please provide extras

  6. Sorry guys. Don't have time to search for extras. Got too much on my plate in RL.

    1. Don't worry about it TL-san! RL can be pretty busy/stressful, so please take your time and take care of yourself as well as your RL stuff first.

  7. thanks so much for translating this hidden gem!
