Thursday 27 June 2024


 Chapter 157 To the limit

Jiang Yu took advantage of Qin Shiyu's lack of attention, raised her foot and kicked his chest hard to kick him away.

Qin Shiyu smiled and went along to sitting position. However, he grabbed Jiang Yu's arm and pulled her. Jiang Yu changed her position from the armrest of the sofa and fell into his arms.

As soon as she heard him chuckle, Jiang Yu felt his chin rub against her forehead. The feeling was unfamiliar, yet intimate. Very peculiar.

But when she thought he would make other moves, Qin Shiyu sighed, "Give me the answer after the recording of 'Perfect Holiday' is finished."

Jiang Yu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, wondering if there was something wrong with him, and harrumphed, "That's too soon. In order to show that I value and cherish you, I plan to wait more than ten years before telling you."

Qin Shiyu smiled, put a little force on his arms and pressed her into his embrace. He rubbed his chin against the top of her hair and said helplessly, "I'm really worried that I can't endure it."

Jiang Yu raised her head in confusion and saw Qin Shiyu's eyes falling directly on her lips, but the big palm behind her head quickly pressed her to his chest. He took a deep breath and explained, "It's easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it's hard to go from luxury to frugality. Once something starts, I'm not sure I can hold it back."

Jiang Yu understood what he meant instantly and her cheeks couldn't help but heat up. Although she had never been in love, she had heard and seen new young couples couldn't get enough of each other. Qin Shiyu stroked the back of her head and continued, "We’re going to record 'Perfect Holiday' soon. If something is revealed then, I'm afraid it will cause trouble for you."

Jiang Yu looked up at him. Qin Shiyu couldn't resist rubbing her face with his thumb, "Before, when our CP were stirred, those anti-fans and keyboard warriors could only limit their targeting toward you to some extent. But if the official announcement is made at this time and plus the aftermath of the ending of 'The Devil's Hour', it may really affect your life. What’s more, aren’t you taking the postgraduate entrance examination early next year? If you want to study, you can't stay at home all the time."

 "There is Chen Yalian and Second Uncle Jiang’s family. Now they aren’t sure what you mean to me. Once they are sure, trouble will keep on coming."

Jiang Yu didn't expect that he would think so much. Indeed, 'The Devil's Hour' officially ended yesterday. The hot search alerts about Qin Shiyu haven’t stopped. She knew that his traffic will start to grow exponentially in the near future. There will be a large number of girlfriend fans and wife fans. In the book, fans hated the female celebrities who take advantage of his traffic and will berate them badly.

If the love affair was exposed at this time, with Qin Shiyu's work portfolio and Jiang Yu’s only one variety show portfolio, 'All Rounder 3' and so much black material accumulated by the original owner, she will definitely suffer a hundred times more than now. She could ignore the criticism if it was limited to the Internet. After all, once she retreated from the circle, not many people would remember her.

But if she becomes Qin Shiyu's girlfriend, then the incident will definitely escalate and even extend offline, affecting her normal life.

Seeing that she understood what he meant, Qin Shiyu smiled slightly, "So we won't make an official announcement for the time being. In these six months, I will only finish the work on hand and will not take any new jobs..."

Jiang Yu was stunned, "Won't accept jobs?"

This was the most critical period for him to quickly become a top figure in the entertainment industry. No matter how popular he is, once his works no longer appear on the screen, it will only become short lived.

Qin Shiyu said, "Actually, when I first entered the entertainment industry, one of my goals was to deal with the Qin Family. Qin Xingye cares most about reputation, so I want everyone to know how dirty he is."

Jiang Yu thought of how accurately he analyzed Qin Luochuan's psychology yesterday and understood instantly, "So even if this time hasn't happened, with Qin Luochuan's character, it will have been a matter of time before he chased after you into the entertainment industry. Now the time to deal with the Qin Family is almost ripe?" "

She recalled the plot in the book. It seemed that at that time Qin Luochuan was indeed sought after by netizens because he was wealthy. Qin Shiyu's identity was gradually revealed amidst the overwhelming Internet violence... So he waited until later to make a comeback. Later, all the abuse he encountered was returned to Qin Luochuan and the Qin Family...

As for Qin Shiyu himself, he rose to a higher level in the entertainment industry because of netizens' guilt after misunderstanding him and fans' distress for him.

But that was under the premise that his traffic was booming. Now he looked like he was ready to quit the entertainment industry. Although it probably won't delay sorting the Qin Family, what about afterward?

Qin Shiyu said, "It will take some time to deal with the Qin Family's affairs, but with my current popularity is enough. Once we leave this circle, there won't be that many people paying attention to us in a year and a half." 

At that time, Jiang Yu would naturally not be targeted again.

So, he changed his plan because of her.

Jiang Yu pressed her arm against his chest to sit up and looked at him seriously, "Qin Shiyu."

Qin Shiyu froze for a moment. Then consciously put away his carefree mentality and sat upright.

Jiang Yu said, "I remember that you thought you were a calamity star at the beginning, and stayed with me because you felt I could solve everything and wouldn’t be really unlucky. Therefore, you didn't have such a big psychological burden. After becoming more and more comfortable, feelings gradually developed later, right?"

Qin Shiyu didn't say anything. This was indeed the case.

Jiang Yu added, "And you should know that I actually avoided you at first and never wanted to be with you."

Qin Shiyu naturally knew that the result he had today was all due to his step-by-step calculation.

Jiang Yu seemed to know what he was thinking, "Actually, it's very comfortable to be with you, but my biggest concern is your family and the trouble I will face after you become popular." 

She stated seriously to him, "Do you think I, who dislike troublesome matters, haven’t thought about the things you’ve thought about before you confessed to me?”

Qin Shiyu stared at her intently. In fact, she was a person who took one step and thought ten steps.

Jiang Yu looked back at him, "I like a simple life and despise trouble, but not fear it. When I encounter worthy people and things, I will try my best to face it." 

She smiled, "And so far, I have never failed.”

"I'm strong."

She made it sound like an understatement. Even her tone was as gentle and soft as before, but Qin Shiyu saw the pride in her eyes. This was her most attractive point, as if she could get through mountains of swords and seas of fire if she wanted to.

Jiang Yu continued, "In my opinion, two people get together to go through the rest of life more happily. When they encounter difficulties, they can support each other and go through the troughs more smoothly; when they encounter more beautiful scenery, they can join hands together to climb to heights that cannot be reached by one person alone and share the joy.”

"If two people come together to accommodate each other or one person takes a long way around for the other person, such a journey will become more troublesome. Over time, it will become nothing but chicken feathers. The final outcome will definitely be parting ways."

She looked at Qin Shiyu seriously, "I'm glad that you thought so much for me, but I think we should be the driving force in each other's lives, rather than those random turns at any crossroads sign that seem messy and far."

"Just like I won't change my future plans to become someone who is 'worthy' of you in the eyes of others. Liking you means that there is an addition of you in my future plans. Of course there will be some unexpected trivial matters for this, but these are insignificant compared to the joy I gain..”

Jiang Yu met his gaze and solemnly stated, "Qin Shiyu, you should know that those who don't split are those who have the same goals and steps, not those who accommodate each other."

Qin Shiyu stared at her, his heart beating violently in his chest. He couldn't describe the emotion, but he knew clearly that holding onto the girl in front of him by any means necessary was the most right thing he had ever done in his life. The only one.

"Jiang Yu." Qin Shiyu leaned forward and hugged her, "I have indeed been wrong all along. It’s only today that I understand that I am really a very lucky person."

Jiang Yu’s heart softened a little when she heard his tense voice. She raised her hand and hugged him back, "En, to err is human; to correct a mistake is the greatest good."

Qin Shiyu was amused. His arm couldn't resist tightening. This time Jiang Yu was pressed firmly against his chest, clearly feeling the heartbeat coming from him...

It was unknown how long they hugged each other, but Jiang Yu's face began to heat up. His summer clothes weren’t thick and Qin Shiyu's hug wasn't so ‘gentlemanly’. She didn't feel anything at first, but after a while, the temperature on the other person's body became more and more obvious. She could feel the faint touch of shape...

She gently stretched out her hand to push him away. Qin Shiyu let go of her, but his arms still remained wrapped around her, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yu leaned back slightly, "Don’t you need to pack your luggage?"

"That's not urgent." Qin Shiyu replied, "Let's talk about the problem I corrected first."

Jiang Yu was confused, "Correct what?"

Qin Shiyu raised his hand and pinched her chin, "Can you give me the answer now?"

This time he no longer restrained himself and stared at her lips unabashedly when he spoke. Jiang Yu felt that her face was about to burn. He lowered his eyelids and still arrogantly said, "I think I should express how precious you are.”

Qin Shiyu smiled and tightened his arms again, "I said I was wrong. Being able to be solved by you is enough to represent preciousness. I shouldn't be fussy."

Seeing his approaching face, Jiang Yu put her hands on his chest, "Then we should wait until the program is over?"

Qin Shiyu continued to tighten his arm and directly pressed forward, "Why?"

Jiang Yu was already lying on the sofa, looking at Qin Shiyu who was hovering above, and felt inexplicably nervous, "Didn't you say that it's difficult to go from luxury to frugality? I'm not afraid of trouble, but not not dislike trouble. Let's stir CP like norma this time?”

Qin Shiyu continued to inch closer until there was only one or two centimeters between their lips. Then he spoke, "Don't worry about this, I will take care of it."

Jiang Yu could clearly feel his breath when he spoke. Her heart began to beat uncontrollably.

Qin Shiyu glanced at her rising and falling chest, his eyes darkened, and he continued to approach, "Can you give me an answer?"

This time, Jiang Yu felt a moment of softness. He touched her while he was talking. Even though the speed seemed like an imagination, Qin Shiyu visibly froze for a moment, but didn't leave.

Jiang Yu swallowed her saliva, "Aren't you afraid of the hardship?"

This time it was her turn to brush against his. Qin Shiyu's throat rolled and his breath was no longer steady. "It won't be more difficult than now."

Jiang Yu looked at those beautiful thin lips and suddenly felt the same way. She raised her head slightly and finally pressed it...

Qin Shiyu halted for a moment. Then the arm holding her waist tightened again and Jiang Yu's lips were pressed hard.

Jiang Yu never knew that two lips touching could be so powerful. She felt that her head went blank for an instant. All her strength was taken away. Replacing it was an indescribable numbness and a hint of the right amount of thrill stimulated the nerves... Her fingers tightly grasped the clothes of the person in front of her. She unconsciously let out an uncontrollable muffled groan.

This sound shocked the two of them. Jiang Yu came back to her senses and couldn't believe that such a sound was coming from her.

Qin Shiyu chuckled lightly. As if inspired, he pressed down again and took advantage of Jiang Yu's shock to easily pry open her teeth...

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