Saturday 1 June 2024


 Chapter 139 Noble circle truly chaotic 3

Being stared at by Qin Shiyu and fearing that the script would turn into an emotional variety show, she contemplated, "I don't like people who threaten me."

Qin Shiyu:......

Seeing Qin Shiyu's choked expression, the audience burst out into laughters:

【Translation: If you keep threatening me, I won't like you anymore. 】

【Hahahahaha, as expected of my Elder Sister Yu. KO! 】

【If you don’t threaten, you won’t get the person. If you threaten, the person won’t like you. God Yu has it hard. 】

【ROFL, so Crown Prince Qin, what are you going to do? 】

Through the camera's eyes, they saw Qin Shiyu narrowed his eyes. His attitude suddenly softened and asked in a pleasant tone, "Then who do you like?"

Jiang Yu:……


【No more, I still support Qin Shiyu! He is so doting! 】

【What a good move, retreat to advance as well as blocking Jiang Yu's retreat. 】

【Between you top students, does it have to be a high martial art battle when it comes to flirting? 】

【But this push and pull! I love it! So sweet, hahahaha. 】

Jiang Yu didn't expect Qin Shiyu to go along with her. Still, she took advantage of the situation, "I like smart people. Can we investigate the case first?"

"Of course." Qin Shiyu seriously stated, "Anyway, it's either Prince Xiang or Top Scholar Ye. It's also possible that the two of them join forces."

Jiang Yu:……

Xiang Chen & Ye Yuanyu:......

【Hahaha, anyway, it was the love rival who did it. Even if wasn’t, it was. 】

Ye Yuanyu let out a scoff, "You are the most suspicious. The emperor had wanted to depose the Crown Prince. If you are deposed, death is the only road."

Jiang Yu responded calmly, "Yes, Crown Prince, you don't seem to be the biological child." She took out a portrait and stopped giving them a chance to argue about who cuckolded whom.

Everyone gasped when they heard this. Their attention was finally brought back by this shocking news.

Jiang Yu searched Study Companion Jian's room. Jian Cang looked at the painting, "That is left at my place by my Father, Prime Minister Jian."  

Jiang Yu unfolded the painting, "This painting was wet when I found it, w hich means you saw the hidden content in the painting, right?"

"Wet?" Shu Hua asked, "Do you have to soak the painting to see the content?" 

As she spoke, she picked up the mineral water on the side and spread it on. Sure enough, the picture of a tiger descending from the mountain turned into a gentle picture. There was a portrait of a woman. Next to the portrait was written: 【The hatred of taking away one’s wife and son will not be forgotten for a moment, Susu wait for me. 】

Jian Cang said, "My Father left it at my place after he became prime minister. I don't like painting and haven't touched it. I discovered this secret after accidentally getting it wet a few days ago."

Jiang Yu asked, "Do you know who Susu is?"

Jian Cang turned to Qin Shiyu, "Crown Prince Qin's biological mom. Empress Song’s maiden name."

Shu Hua covered her mouth in shock, "So Royal Father hates you not only because of Empress Song, but because he knows that you are not his biological child!"

She looked at Jian Cang, "Waaa, Crown Prince is the son of Prime Minister Jian. He is your brother!"

Jiang Yu added, "The emperor had hated the prince since he was young. This means he knew the truth from the beginning. So what was the reason for an emperor to endure the greenness over his head for so many years?"

The group began to sort out the matter based on the clues they found. Soon everyone's background and murder motive were gradually pieced together.

The first was Crown Prince Qin. The old emperor had usurped power. In order to consolidate the imperial power, the first thing he did after he ascended the throne was to decree to title the legitimate daughter of the powerful Song Family as the Empress. This decision was both inducement and coercion. Even when the legitimate daughter of the Song Family was engaged to the Jian family had to marry, she had to break off the engagement and marry into the palace since this was what the emperor wanted

Little did they know that Empress Song and her then-fiancé, the legitimate son of the Jian Family, were in love and thought they were about to get married, so they tasted the forbidden fruit in advance. Empress Song was already pregnant with Crown Prince Qin when she was forced to marry into the palace.

When Crown Prince Qin was born, the emperor realized the problem. But because the decision was made by himself and because his status was unstable and he needed the support of the Song family, he tolerated it. However, on the surface, he doted on Empress Song and her son in every possible way, but in private, he was quite disgusted.

After more than ten years, his throne had gradually stabilized. Naturally he didn’t want a son who wasn't his biological son to inherit the throne and he had been planning to kill the prince recently.

Yes, it was to kill. Not to depose. Because only by killing the crown prince could the emperor's cuckolding disappear completely.

Crown Prince Qin knew about the emperor's plan, so he planned to strike first. However, Qin Shiyu said that before he had time to implement the plan, someone else killed the emperor.

"It is true that no concrete evidence has been found yet." Shu Hua said, but there was one thing that puzzled her. "I can understand that if crown prince doesn’t kill the emperor, he himself will die. But what is Study Companion Jian's motive?"

Jian Cang piped out in excitement, "I know that Crown Prince is my biological brother!"

"The old emperor made the Jian Family think that the Song Family broke off the marriage with the Jian Family because they were greedy for glory and wealth. In recent years, the two families have been like water and fire with each other in the court on the surface. He thought that my Father didn't know that Empress Song entered the palace pregnant at that time and specially selected me when choosing a studying companion for the crown prince. Firstly, for the Jian Family to hate the house as well as the bird that comes with it and be a stumbling block for the crown prince. Secondly, it’s a psychological distortion, wanting to see us brothers turn against each other."

"But my Father knew about this. While I accidentally found out about it. So who do you think I was helping? If the crown prince is killed, our family will be destroyed. But if the crown prince becomes the emperor, our family will ascend to the sky. I’ll basically be treated like a king. Coupled with my Father’s hatred for the emperor, isn’t my reason for killing him not enough?”

Shu Hua said, "So you killed the emperor?"

Jian Cang appeared regretful, "Well, no. Haven't had time to implement it yet. But I think the most suspicious person is Prince Xiang from the foreign country."

He took out the things he searched from Xiang Chen's room one by one, including two sealed letters. He picked up the first one and read, "Holy Maiden's Order: There may be turmoil in the G country's court in the near future. This is a good opportunity to disintegrate the royal family. Come quickly."

He looked at Xiang Chen, "So you came to country G not to marry Princess Huahua, but to bring down the royal family of country G."

Xiang Chen made no comment. Jian Cang continued to read the second secret letter: "This is also the Holy Maiden's order. It says that the old emperor especially liked sweetness. If more saccharin was added to the cream cake, he would like to eat it. Pay tribute with a recipe." 

He showed the letter to everyone, "There is a flame seal stamped under this letter. This should be the symbol of the Order of the Holy Maiden."

"Then, who is this Holy Maiden?"

Xiang Chen looked at Jiang Yu. Qin Shiyu took out the things found from Jiang Yu's room. Among them was a flame seal and a family tree, "So you are the saint from a foreign country? Or are you from the previous dynasty’s princess?"

Surprised, Xiang Chen raised his eyebrows, "Princess of the former dynasty? It has been fifty years since the fall of the previous dynasty. The princess isn't that young, right?"

Jiang Yu coughed lightly, "The extinguished previous dynasty’s emperor is my grandfather."

"My grandmother was once a concubine in the previous dynasty’s imperial palace. When the founding emperor of this dynasty invaded the palace and killed my grandfather, grandmother escaped with her father in her arms under the protection of a loyal corps. We have been hiding among the people for decades, ready to restore the Jiang Family dynasty at any time."

"But to overthrow the current emperor, we needed more power. So we went to a foreign country and then slowly developed into their Holy Maiden, helping them deal with Country G together."

Qin Shiyu said, "So you deliberately appeared in front of the old emperor a few years ago to get him to take you back to the palace so that you could find opportunities to sow trouble in the court."

"On the surface, Prince Xiang is here for marriage, but he actually planning on cooperating with you inside and outside to bring down the Country G’s royal family." He said, "Then he is your subordinate. Then the handkerchief and bell are the superior's tokens."

【Hahaha, Crown Prince Qin, can you do it or not? We are investigating the case. Why are you starting to investigate Empress Jiang’s relationship again? 】

Jiang Yu didn't expect that he would go back to the subject. Just as she was about to change the subject, she heard Xiang Chen speak, "I and the Holy Maiden are childhood sweethearts. That is our token of love."

Qin Shiyu wasn't annoyed. Instead, he raised his eyebrows, "This is a token of love? I have one too."

Jiang Yu & Xiang Chen:......

The audience couldn’t stop laughing:

【Xiang Chen said: Empress Jiang and I are childhood sweethearts. The red handkerchief and golden bell are our tokens of love. 】

【What Qin Shiyu heard: #¥%%*&%^... The red handkerchief and golden bell are tokens of love. I have it too. Nothing wrong with it. 】

Jiang Yu really couldn't look at him, so she asked Xiang Chen at once, "What did you find in Top Scholar Ye's room?"

Qin Shiyu said, "Oh, yes, Top Scholar Ye has a handkerchief and a bell. What is his relationship with little Royal Mother?"

Ye Yuanyu & Jiang Yu:......

【Hahahaha, Elder Sister Yu, don’t think about trying to escape. 】

【Fortunately, he has no way to inherit the throne, otherwise G country will be collapse sooner or later. 】

Not wanting to see Qin Shiyu pestering Jiang Yu, Xiang Chen took out a few things found from Ye Yuanyu's room right away, "Our Top Scholar Ye's background is quite exciting." 

He opened a few volumes of imperial edicts and glanced at Qin Shiyu sympathetically, "The imperial edict given to Top Scholar Ye by the old emperor is completely different from the one given to you. Those who don't know may think that Top Scholar Ye is his son."

"What jade tree was facing the wind, and its talent is eight dou high..." 

Various compliments were quickly glossed over. Xiang Chen concluded, "The key point is this sentence, 'Smart and courageous, like me in the past'. The old emperor actually praised Top Scholar Ye for being like himself. No matter how you think about it, it’s odd, right?” 

Then he took out another jade pendant, "There is this dragon-patterned jade pendant. This is something only princes have.”

Shu Hua was shocked, "No way! You are the emperor's son and we are siblings?!"

Jian Cang was shocked, "Ye Zhuangyuan, do you know about this? If you knew and still seduce Princess Huahua... you are really perverted!"

【Damn! 】

【This is really exciting. Even my bonebumps are coming out. The program team is awesome. 】

Shu Hua stared at Ye Yuanyu, "Do you know your background?"

Ye Yuanyu responded, "I know, but I am not the old emperor's son."

Shu Hua breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately." 

She rubbed her arms, "When I think about my own Elder Brother seducing me, I get goosebumps."

Ye Yuanyu looked at her and smiled, "But I am your elder paternal cousin brother."

Shu Hua:......

【Huahua has it so miserable. She had experienced ups and downs in a short period of time. 】

【Ye Yuanyu is so perverted, scaring Huahua to death, hahaha. 】

Jiang Yu was really curious, "Elder Paternal Cousin Brother? That’s the son of the previous Emperor Jing? How do you know?"

Ye Yuanyu said, "I was born in a rural area and had no father since I was young. My mom  told me my Father is dead, but she never offered sacrifices during the Qingming Festival during the New Year. So I knew that my Father was still alive. Because of him, us mother and son had to dodge and hide here and there. That was until ten years ago, when my Royal Mother's death was approaching, she told me to dig out a dragon-patterned jade pendant from a hidden old house and told me to destroy it after she died. She warned me repeatedly not to come to the capital, but I didn't listen."

"I have been investigating my background for the past ten years. Now I know that the dragon-patterned jade pendant belongs to the royal family. Combined with the fact that the old emperor usurped the throne and killed Emperor Jing twenty-one years ago, my Father should be Emperor Jing."

"Is this all your guessing?" Jiang Yu asked, "Is there any evidence?"

Ye Yuanyu said, "The old emperor had a very ambivalent attitude toward me. He was very happy when he saw me the first time, saying 'Truly like back then...'"

"Though he didn’t finish, his expression was very complicated, sad and happy at the same time. But overall he was still delighted."

Qin Shiyu pondered, "If he knows that you are the son of Emperor Jing, then this behavior was normal. Although he killed Emperor Jing for the throne, many years had passed and Emperor Jing's fraction had been eliminated. Since no one can threaten his throne, it was easy to miss the blood relatives at this time."

Ye Yuanyu nodded, "The most important thing is that after that, he almost wanted to keep me by his side all the time. Except when he went to the harem, he would keep me by his side when dealing with government affairs. He would even talk about some emperor's skills."

Xiang Chen said, "You think he is keeping an eye on you or testing you?"

Ye Yuanyu nodded, "For the final confirmation, I did one more thing." 

He looked at Shu Hua.

Shu Hua caught on, "Seduce me?"

Ye Yuanyu didn't deny it, "The old emperor dotes you dearly and was almost completely complying to all your wishes. He had said that you can make the decision on your own marriage."

"But when you mentioned to him that you wanted me as your consort husband, he got furious and used very drastic measures, locking you up for the first time. He even quickly agreed to a marriage with a foreign prince, hoping for you to stay away from here. Probably wanting you to stay away from me."

Shu Hua’s eyes widened, "So you know that I was locked up and didn't abandon you at all, right? Just now you were so confident when reversing the situation on me." 

She stamped her feet angrily, "Waa, why didn't I discover you were so treacherous before!"

Feeling guilty for once, Ye Yuanyu pretended not to hear Shu Hua's question, and continued, "The old emperor obviously admires me so much, why did he react so fiercely when he heard that Princess Huahua wanted to marry me? Because he knew that we are cousins. There is absolutely no way we can be together."

Xiang Chen said, "So once you have confirmed that your father was Emperor Jing who was killed by the old emperor when he usurped power, you want to avenge your parents. This is your motive for killing."

Ye Yuanyu nodded, "As for the red handkerchief and the golden bell, it's because after I got close to the emperor, I found that he dotes on Empress Jiang very much. Empress Jiang is naive and easy to take advantage of, so..."

Qin Shiyu narrowed his eyes, "Seduce her to take advantage of her."

Shu Hua clutched her chest and cried with grief, "Scumbag!"

Jiang Yu covered her chest, "Scumbag."

Ye Yuanyu laughed at Jiang's tone, "You are not qualified to say this, right? Now that I think about it, it's hard to say who was taking advantage of whom?"

Qin Shiyu sighed, "Ain’t that right. Our princess seemed to be very good at appearing as prey." 

He covered his chest, imitating Shu Hua, looking miserable as if he had been abandoned, "My heart is broken..."

Jiang Yu:……

Qin Shiyu looked at her and asked, "So, who are you sincere to?"

【Hahahaha, God Yu vows to turn this episode into an love drama. 】

Jiang Yu stated expressionlessly, "Didn't I say? I like smart people." 

After a pause, she added, "Also needs to be independent and not clingy."

Qin Shiyu immediately sat up straight and patted the table in a very dignified manner, "Come, continue catching the murderer. Xiang Chen. If you confess, we will be lenient, but if you don’t, it’ll be worse. I suggest that you admit it."

Xiang Chen:......

【Hahahahaha, actually made our gentle Lawyer Xiang roll his eyes. 】

【ROFL, because Empress Jiang most likely doesn’t like Top Scholar Ye, the murderer Is determined to be Prince Xiang, right? 】

【Lawyer Xiang: Don’t be too outrageous. 】

【What does it amount to in God Yu’s case? Eliminating love rivals is the top priority. 】

【I suddenly want to know if Empress Jiang is the murderer. What will our God Yu do? 】

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