Sunday 15 September 2024

TISHW Extra 1

 Extra 1

Zhao Meinong raised her camera and clearly captured Qin Shiyu’s tears. She was shocked and moved at the same time. "Qin Shiyu actually cried. Tsk, this is a great spectacle. This content must be kept well. Maybe it will only happen once in this life."

Xiang Chen lightly replied, "Maybe there will be one more at the wedding."

Zhao Meinong pondered for a while, "That's right." 

She turned her head and gave Xiang Chen a thumbs up, "Bravo, you are quite observant."

Xiang Chen smiled warmly and took another sip of wine.

Zhao Meinong was puzzled, "I didn't expect you to like drinking. It's easy to get drunk if you mix such a red wine and beer."

Xiang Chen paused and laughed after a beat, "That's right. It's not good to get drunk today." 

Then he put the beer aside.

Zhao Meinong had a niggling feeling that he was a little weird, but she couldn't grasp why. However, she was always a big-hearted person and was not particularly familiar with Xiang Chen, so she didn't pay heed anymore and looked up to admire the fireworks above her head.

Everything Qin Shiyu prepared for Jiang Yu was the best. Even the fireworks were designed by famous designers and were a rare sight.

The group happily celebrated. When the fireworks were about to end, Jiang Yu couldn't help but walk toward the golden arrow when everyone was not paying attention.

However, she was the focus of the day. Qin Shiyu's eyes didn’t leave her for long. He soon discovered her intention and hurried to stop her, "Jiang Yu!"

Others also exclaimed, "Bigshot! Don't!"

"Elder Sister Yu, don't!"

"Oi oi oi!"

Still, Jiang Yu swiftly pulled off the arrow and there was obvious suction on her hand.


Jiang Yu couldn't help but be amused. She walked two steps away and threw the golden arrow toward the iron box. She didn't even aim and saw the golden arrow suddenly turn as it fell and was sucked to the iron box in the middle with a ‘pop’.

She laughed out loud along with everyone else.

Qin Shiyu walked over and rubbed her head, smiling helplessly, "Why do you have to expose it?"

Jiang Yu just felt happy, "Artificial luck is also luck." 

She looked at Qin Shiyu with a smile, "It means someone wants me to accomplish my wish. I’m truly happy today."

Qin Shiyu lowered his head and pecked her lips, hugging her tightly.

Jiang Yu turned around in his arms, looked at the other iron boxes. Seeing the combination locks on them, she asked, "Are the keys and corresponding gifts inside real?"

Qin Shiyu smiled and nodded. Then he clapped his hands. Seeing that everyone's attention was caught, he said, "There are clues on the keys in these boxes. The corresponding gifts are hidden somewhere in the villa. As for the prizes, you know, whoever finds it will get it."

Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect Qin Shiyu to prepare a surprise for them in addition to Jiang Yu’s.

Shu Hua cheered, "Ahhh, Elder Brother, you are awesome!" 

She jumped up and ran forward first, "I want the latest mobile phone, no one can snatch it from me!"

"Elder Brother Yu is mighty!" Jian Cang also followed in delight and said to Shu Hua, "I want a mobile phone too!"

Ye Yuanyu observed the iron box, "This is a matter of luck. Just like opening a blind box, you don't know what you will pick."

Shu Hua was confident in her luck, and quickly picked an iron box and began to solve the code with great interest. Xu Lehua ran over to join in the fun.

The boxes prepared by Qin Shiyu were perfect. One for each person.

Zhao Meinong took in their excited appearance and couldn't help complaining, "Do you like solving puzzles that much? Solving puzzles for the show is not enough. You have to find treasures for your vacation."

But this was their favorite game. Everyone stepped forward one by one to break the code and get the key according to the prompts on the iron box. 

Zhao Mei Nong also stepped over, but she didn't have the brain like them. She couldn't think of the answer after a long time. Seeing Xiang Chen slowly opening the combination lock next to her, she pressed his arm holding the key, "Let's discuss. Can you open it for me?"

Xiang Chen turned his head to look at her. His eyes were dark. It was unknown what he was thinking. Zhao Shunong could see that he was a little drunk. His eyes spun around.

She simply lied to him, "This one is mine. That one is yours."

Xiang Chen sneered, "Unruly Miss."

Zhao Mei Nong blinked, "What did you say?"

Xiang Chen uttered slowly, "Do whatever you want. Break the rules at will. You wanted to drive Jiang Yu away at the beginning. "

Zhao Meinong recalled the time when they first met. At that time, she thought Jiang Yu was a character in the original book and was targeting her; then Xiang Chen, who was obviously cuckolded, came to speak for Jiang Yu. At that time, she thought this man was mentally ill. Xiang Chen seemed to think that she was a capitalist who didn't follow the rules.

Zhao Meinong didn't expect Xiang Chen to hate her so much. Although those ignorant can’t be blamed, Zhao Meinong was still irked to be told so. "I wasn’t unruly to you. You’re governing me?" 

After thinking about it, she still felt unsatisfied. Without any discussion, she directly snatched his key away.

Xiang Chen didn't move at all when he saw this, but just looked at her and sneered, "Can you solve the other questions?"

Zhao Meinong:

Although she knew herself, his attitude of mocking fools made her vexed! She stood by and waited for Xiang Chen to open the last box and snatched his other key at once, "Since I can't find it, you can't find it either.”

Compared to the undercurrent of the two people in the corner, the others were having a great time searching for treasures. Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu were naturally the fastest.

Qin Shiyu directly opened the two combination locks in the middle and took out two keys. Compared with others opening blind boxes, the two gifts were obviously confirmed.

Jiang Yu raised her eyebrows. Qin Shiyu smiled, "As the designer of the game, there is nothing wrong with giving my fiancée a unique right.

Jiang Yu looked at the two keys in his hand and smiled, "Fiancée?" 

They have a certificate.

She thought Qin Shiyu was teasing her, but he just smiled noncommittally, leading her into the living room.

First, based on the abbreviation on one of the keys, a palm-sized wooden box was found in the living room. There was still a combination lock on it. The password was: [The first day we met. ]

Jiang Yu paused and looked up at Qin Shiyu.

Qin Shiyu also looked back at her without saying anything. Jiang Yu thought for a moment, lowered her head, and entered the date she transmigrated. Then... the lock opened.

Jiang Yu pursed her lips. He actually knew.

Jiang Yu had indeed never concealed it from the beginning to the end. At first, she thought Qin Shiyu wouldn't care. Later, as they gradually became familiar with each other, she felt that he cared. 

He couldn't do anything about it. After all, Qin Shiyu had no curiosity. After they were together, she knew that the person he liked had always been her. Jiang Yu didn't think there was anything to mind.

It was until now, when he implicitly pointed it out, that Jiang Yu realized that she did mind. Just like the marriage certificate that she always forgot. It was obtained by the original owner and Qin Shiyu together. It didn't belong to her. So every time it almost got out of hand recently, she always hesitated in her heart. Most of her life now belonged to the original owner. Did he accept the original owner as well? 

She knew that this thought was hypocritical. She and Qin Shiyu had no way to deal with this matter, so she had been trying to adjust herself. Until today when he proposed to her, Jiang Yu felt she could let it go. Still, Qin Shiyu gave her an explanation.


His arm was around her waist again. Qin Shiyu rested his chin on her shoulder and chuckled, "Don't you want to open it and take a look?"

Jiang Yu opened it without hesitation. There were two photos of the two of them. One was a two-inch headshot, which he asked the staff to take during the recording of ‘The Perfect Holiday’. At that time, she thought he was up to something again. Now it seemed that he had been planning something for a long time; the other one was also a photo, but it was a full-body photo. The two of them were in a bamboo forest. She was in front, while his arm was against the bamboo behind her. Because of the angle, it looked like she was leaning on his arms. Putting aside the posture, she liked this photo much at the time. She felt that the two of them were like martial arts masters who had never appeared in the world, which was artistic.

Jiang Yu took out the photo and found a formula below. It corresponded to the English on the rose petals in the vase next to it. Jiang Yu solved the puzzle: "3-South-02? The clue for the next level is in this room?"

Qin Shiyu continued to lead her upstairs, to the second room on the third floor facing south. It was the best room in the villa. Jiang Yu had a premonition that something was going to happen and slowed down.

Qin Shiyu held her shoulders, let her stand at the door, and pushed the door open with his own hands.

In addition to the sea of ​​roses, there were many of her photos; various stills from 'All Rounder' and 'A Perfect Holiday', and photos taken when the two of them were playing alone together. All of them were scenes she was familiar with. None of them were of the original owner...

Jiang Yu's eyes fell on the quaint sandalwood box surrounded by heart-shaped petals in the middle of the big bed.

She looked at Qin Shiyu again. Qin Shiyu smiled and motioned for her to open it.

Jiang Yu stepped forward. This time there was no password. She simply opened the box with the key. The first thing she saw was a copperplate book with a wooden frame. The lush grape leaves linked with beautiful words: [From hereby marriage is established and become a perfect couple. The red rope has already tied us together, and we will walk together forever until we are old and gray. It is the time when flowers are in full bloom and the moon is full, and everyone is very happy with the banquet and drinking. I wish this beauty will last until the sea dries up and the stones rot. Facing a pair of mandarin ducks, we swear and solemnly sign the contract.. -- Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu] 

It was an engagement book. 

There was also an empty card slot next to it for photos of the two of them. Jiang Yu picked up the full-body photo of the two of them and put it in. It was just right. 

Qin Shiyu put his arms around her waist from behind and kissed the top of her head. 

She looked at the characters, then suddenly took his hand, and took in the new calluses on it, "Did you make it yourself?"

Qin Shiyu put her hand to his lips and kissed it, "En, I feel happiness." 

He was proud, "Not everyone has such an opportunity, but I got it.

Jiang Yu pursed her lips. She wanted to turn around to look at him, but he held her shoulders.

Qin Shiyu smiled, "Don't be in a hurry. There is still one more photo. "

Jiang Yu then looked down and saw a pair of marriage certificates in the box.

She was stunned for a moment. If she remembered correctly, the original owner's marriage certificate was locked at home.

She reached out and picked up the two red books and found that this one didn't seem to be real. Although it looked similar, the texture was much better. After opening it, the photo part inside was indeed empty. The time of getting the certificate was also empty. This was a customized book.

Qin Shiyu rubbed against her cheek and smiled in her ear, "Jiang Yu, I don't regret getting that certificate. If it weren't for that certificate, we would have no chance to get to where we are today. So that certificate is our matchmaker."

"Today I'm just proposing and you're just my fiancée." He pointed to the date line on the customized marriage certificate, "When you want to marry me, we'll fill in the date here together. At that time, the 'matchmaker' will be officially converted to our legal document."

Jiang Yu burst into a chuckle, "I haven't heard of the marriage certificate getting converted. "

Qin Shiyu also grinned, "Now you have it. Yours exclusively."

She turned around and looked at Qin Shiyu. Her vision gradually blurred. She had used her life's luck to get a worthy person.

A soft kiss fell on the corner of her eyes, Jiang Yu closed her eyes and smiled softly, "I seem to have forgotten to say something just now."

Qin Shiyu asked softly, "What is it?"

Jiang Yu opened her eyes. Her eyes that had just been soaked in tears were clear and bright, "Qin Shiyu, I love you too. "

Qin Shiyu stared at her steadily. After a moment, the two of them almost leaned forward at the same time. Then their breaths entangled and their ears rubbed against each other.


In the midst of confusion and passion, Jiang Yu touched the familiar skin again. She opened her eyes involuntarily. Qin Shiyu smiled at her, but didn't stop her. Instead, he took the initiative and put his hand into her clothes...

When the hot big hand tightly grasped her waist, Jiang Yu was inexplicably nervous, "Well, um, everyone found the gifts, we will have to gather..."

Qin Shiyu leaned over and pecked her lips, "Don't worry, their questions are difficult. Once it’s found, they should rest. "

Jiang Yu: It seemed that he had planned a lot of things.

Then she remembered something else, "We only found one key, the other one..." 

Before she finished speaking, she frowned and harrumphed.

Qin Shiyu fiercely kissed her upturned neck and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. He laughed lightly with an unstable breath, "Baby, no rush. It's all yours, no one can take it away.

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