Saturday 16 October 2021

BTTS 537

Chapter 537. I want to go the capital with you

Lin Qing He didn't want to go. She planned to come back to send Mother Lin off and be done with it. However, Zhou Qing Bai spoke up.

So Lin Qing He came with him.

Eldest Brother couple and Second Brother Lin couple hadn't seen Zhou Qing Bai and Lin Qing He for many years.

After so many years, these people had experienced all that life had to offer.

The last time Lin Qing He saw them, it was many years ago. They weren't so old back then. Now they look like they were twenty years older than the two of them.

Eldest Sister-in-law Lin and Second Sister-in-law Lin saw Lin Qing He, who seemed to have not changed much after so many years and felt a little embarrassed.

But after being ashamed, a hard to conceal jealousy burst into those gazes.

This old Lin's daughter was really heartless. She truly meant it when she said she didn't want her maternal family back then. She hadn't come back to see them for so many years. Nor did she care about her parents when she was doing well!

But whether it was Eldest Sister-in-law Lin or Second Sister-in-law Lin, they didn't dare to say it in front of Lin Qing He.

Let alone the two of them, even Eldest Brother Lin and Second Brother Lin were afraid.

Back then, Lin Qing He wasn't easy to provoke. Now there was a difference of sky and earth.

"Sister, Eldest Sister and Second Sister haven't arrive yet. You and Brother-in-law, go see Father first." Third Brother Lin ushered.

"Which room?" Lin Qing He calmly said.

"Here." Third Brother Lin led them over. It was the room where Third Brother Lin used to live. Later, when his family moved out, this room became vacant.

"Father, Third Sister and Third Brother-in-law came to see you." Third Brother Lin called as he entered the room.

Just as Lin Qing He was about to enter, she was overwhelmed by the smell of urine. She wasn't one to aggrieve herself and spoke, "Isn't the kang burning? It won't be cold. Open the door and the window to air out the place. Living in a place like this can even make a properly fine person have problems."

Not only did she retreated back herself, she also pulled Zhou Qing Bai back with her. Really can't stand it.

Third Brother Lin choked by it too. He hurried to open the window but didn't dare to open too much. Then he took the urine bucket out.

The room aired out. Lin Qing He examined old Lin's house. It was really ten years without growth. What it was like back then was what it was like now.

When coming over she noticed many people had built new brick houses here.

"Are you Third Aunt?" a young lad asked.

Lin Qing He glanced at him. Eldest Sister-in-law Lin knew that she couldn't recognize her third son. They hadn't seen each other for many years, so she quickly said, "This is An'er."

"What do you want?" Lin Qing He looked at Lin An and said blandly.

"Third Aunt, what happened back then that caused you to sever ties with old Lin Family?" Lin An asked.

"You have to ask your parents and grandparents." Lin Qing He replied.

"I heard from Grandmother that you were possessed by mountain spirits and wild monsters. So you didn't recognize them." Lin An said.

"What nonsense!" Eldest Sister-in-law Lin's expression changed and scolded.

"Your grandmother is gone now, so let the elderly rest in peace. In the future, this old Lin family can rely on you young people to support it." Lin Qing He said.

Lin An said: "Lin family is also Third Aunt's maternal family."

"I cant afford to stay connected with old Lin Family. Back then, the faces were already torn. Little boy, dont bring these up. The adults havent even spoke." Lin Qing He glanced at Eldest Brother Lin and Second Brother Lin and said indifferently.

"Little Sister, we as elder brothers were wrong back then. And this matter has passed so many years." Eldest Brother Lin said.

"Before we were too poor, so we minded every little thing." Second Brother Lin followed when he saw his eldest brother speak.

"Yeah. Before was too poor, so you minded every little things. Now you aren't poor anymore. You can split the two old people's roof material for yourselves. These are their beloved good sons." Unreserved, Lin Qing He pointed out.

She didn't have any guilt toward Father Lin and Mother Lin. She even helped them cultivate a promising youngest son who would definitely be able to provide them with a good old age care.

However, it couldn't withstand the two of them from seeking death.

If they didn't give it, how could the two brothers dare to scramble for the roof material?

Since they were happy to give it, there was nothing left to say.

"Third Aunt, how could you talk like that. It was clearly our grandparents who said to give it to us." Lin An argued.

"There's no room for you to speak here!" Eldest Sister-in-law Lin hurriedly pulled her son.

"I'm telling the truth. Third Aunt is grandparent's daughter. She is the most prosperous in the whole family. She hasn't been home for so many years and has never been filial. "Lin An stated.

"Your words are wrong. Two elders is yours. How to take care is your business. It got nothing to do with me whether you take good care of them or not. I'm discussing the case as it stands. Kid, you should go out and inquire. See how unpleasant the words are spread now. You really got the face to speak." Lin Qing He said.

Lin An said, "Those nonsense made by them!"

Lin Qing He didn't bother to waste words with a hairy boy Third Brother Lin called, "Sister, the smell is gone."

"Just me alone is enough. You don't need to go in." Lin Qing He directed to Zhou Qing Bai.

However, Zhou Qing Bai followed in. Lin Qing He pulled her scarf to cover her nose. She pulled up Zhou Qing Bai's too. Zhou Qing Bai gave her a helpless look and took the scarf off.

Father Lin was lying on the bed. When he saw Lin Qing He and Zhou Qing Bai come in, he said, "You two are finally back."

"You keep saying this like you longed for us to come back. It's enough to have a few sons by your side to serve you." Lin Qing He said bluntly.

Father Lin glanced at her, "After so many years, you still haven't let go of your knot? What happened back then..."

"What did you call me back fir? Just say it directly." Lin Qing He said impatiently.

During catastrophe, he flew separately with Mother Lin. She was clear what kind of personality such a person have.

Father Lin didn't look at her anymore. He turned to Zhou Qing Bai and said, "My daughter married to you, do you have anything to say?"

"Enough. Qing Bai spent a full 100 yuan to marry me back then. One hundred yuan in the sixties, old Mister. You don’t need me to tell you valuable it is. And this house. It used my gift money to build it up back then." Lin Qing He said directly.

In addition to this gift money, what about filial money and supplies? There were a lot of them!

So if he want to talk about this now, forget about mentioning it.

"Father, what time is it now? Why are speaking of these? Why did you get me to call Third Sister back? Just say it." Third Brother Lin urged.

Father Lin looked at his imposing daughter and son-in-law and declared, "I want to go to the capital with you."


  1. The shameless will continue to be shameless even in old age lol. And pass on that foolishness to the next generation.

  2. Shameless every single one of them shameless, naive and rude

  3. How dare that little brat, has he not heard anything from outside his own family? I guess not, and seeing that brats attitude you can tell that the entire family has never stopped the bad things they say about LQH.

  4. Lin family is jus a huge long WOOOW for me #forevershameless. And that lil An kid can just get rekt by the truth

  5. Nah c'mon. Other arrangements could be done for him if LQH feels like it, but going to the capital hopefully not. That old man really been a terrible parent to her.

    Maybe im also a terrible person for thinking like this but really, he 7s basically telling her to take care of him for the rest of his life. When they were so bad with her!

  6. I like how, with the exception of their capital neighbors, most families are a mixed bag. This Lin family, for instance, wasn't a total loss. The youngest son would have been good regardless of FL, it's just with her his life was better. And MLs family has good and bad and middling. That's usually how families are and that's what makes this story worth reading.

  7. Hell nah! 😄
    Thanks so much for translating.

  8. Hah! It's amazing how I am still shook at how shameless-thick skinned some people/characters are, truly deserve to be called a wonder of the world.
    You would think we've seen more than enough of this type(other books) but new levels of shamelessness are always unearthed this is a freakin talentshow at this point. My foundation can't stand this...toppling over

  9. Honestly feels bad for the kid Lin An.
    His parents are petty and shameless and as a kid of course he won't know any better. His mom definitely made up the lie and was taught to resent LQH when she had supported them for so long.

  10. Qing Bai urged her to go. Qing Bai ignored her when she said not to come in. This useless and annoying loser.
