Sunday 21 July 2024


 Chapter 167 The Perfect Holiday

Chen Yalian looked down at her phone and then looked up at the live broadcast room. She was confused for a moment and suspected that she was hallucinating. Otherwise, how could she have received a call from Qin Shiyu?

Wasn’t this part calling relatives?

She wasn't a relative of his. More like an enemy...

"Why don't you speak?" Sun Lingqian's voice came from two directions. Then she caught on, "Hey, why did you call Auntie?"

When Chen Yalian came back to her senses. She was sure that the matter was true. Qin Shiyu had really called her!

Chen Yalian felt ridiculous and hilarious. Qin Shiyu had created numerous pits for her son. She wished he would die. And he still dared to call? It couldn’t be that he expects her to say good things? Who gave him the confidence? Three more strengths? She could give a hundred shortcomings!

Of course... Chen Yalian pondered and felt that compared to saying something, saying nothing would be the greatest insult to him.

However, when she hoovered her finger on the hang up button and was about to hang up, she heard Qin Shiyu drawled out, "It's my stepmother. She probably has something going on. If not, I'll call my dad."

Chen Yalian quickly said, "Here he is!"

On the opposite side, Qin Luochuan had looked over suddenly when Qin Shiyu called Auntie Chen. Hearing Chen Yalian's response, he grinded his back teeth to prevent himself from losing his composure. Though Qin Shiyu appeared like he was listening to the phone, his eyes were on his face. Letting out a light chuckle, he said, "Auntie Chen, are you very busy? If it's inconvenient, I'll call my dad."

Chen Yalian said with a sullen face, "Your dad is busy at the moment."

After all, she didn’t dare to gamble.

Although she had sworn that Qin Xingye would not recognize Qin Shiyu again after he recognized Qin Luochuan, she knew that Qin Xingye had no idea about Qin Luochuan's appearance on the show. They concealed it from him and took action first. So Qin Xingye was completely deceived just now and was like ducks rushed to the shelf. If not, he wouldn't have asked Luochuan so many questions. They were afraid that something was revealed...

He must be understanding the situation now.

Chen Yalian thought of the 300 million on Qin Shiyu's card. No matter how smart Qin Shiyu was, without capital accumulation, there was no way he would have that much money. For so many years, he had been under their noses. Apart from studying at B University and entering the entertainment industry, he had never done anything. How could he have so much money?

It could only be given by Qin Xingye. Qin Xingye had recently been beating and suppressing their mother and son in every possible way...

There must be something between father and son that they didn't know. And Qin Shiyu happened to be so confident. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she still knew in her heart that Qin Shiyu could basically keep his words. Since he said he wanted to call Qin Xingye, he must have something to rely on.

What if Qin Xingye accepts the call? His voice was very recognizable and the audience could immediately tell that he was the same person as Qin Luochuan's father...

Chen Yalian could only temporarily stifle her anger and said calmly, "Just tell me if there’s anything the matter."

At the scene, Sun Lingqian was deliberately trying to embarrass Qin Shiyu. After hearing this, she looked directly at the phone and asked, "Why didn't Auntie say anything just now? Her tone is so cold."

Qin Shiyu looked at her and chuckled, "Teacher Sun, are you worried that Auntie Chen won't treat me well? She won’t, there’s my dad." 

He looked at Qin Luochuan again, "My dad isn't someone who becomes a stepfather after a stepmother comes."

Qin Luochuan had a sullen face and said nothing. Chen Yalian gritted her teeth and made her tone sound gentler, "I was excited when I just received your call and couldn't hold the phone steady and dropped it on the ground. Only picked it up now."

"En, I know you are thinking for my best." Looking at Sun Lingqian and Qin Luochuan, Qin Shiyu seemed to be explaining to the audience, "Auntie Chen is a very good person. My mom passed away when I was very young. She had taken care of me since I was young."

He grinned, "Without her, I wouldn't be where I am now."

Qin Luochuan looked at Qin Shiyu's eyes. Though he was smiling, it didn’t reach the bottom of his eyes. He felt a chill in his heart for some reason. Both he and Chen Yalian knew what Qin Shiyu was talking about.

​And what did he want to do now?

"Auntie Chen." Qin Shiyu went straight to the topic given by the program team, "What do you think my strengths are since I was young? What are my shortcomings?"

What fart strength! He was a dog cub, cunning and sly. Wolfish heart and doggish breath. Not a thing. He was a calamity star that no one wants! ——Chen Yalian wanted to curse out in one breath, but she couldn't.

Qin Shiyu had already made it clear that she was a stepmother. No matter how harsh her scoldings were, the audience would be like the ladies in the circle. Not only would they not believe her, they would also scold her for being vicious. She had seen the berate aimed at son on the barrage. Some people on Weibo scolded him for being selfish and disrespectful.

Moreover, if she scolds Qin Shiyu, she will create a topic for him and make everyone sympathize with him. On the contrary, she will definitely be bullied by the Internet. Even if netizens don't know who she was, she couldn't remove the title of Qin Shiyu's stepmother.

After thinking about it, Chen Yalian could only pinch her nose and praise, "You have been sensible since little. Never let us worry." 

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and tried not to sound too angry, "There’s too many strengths; smart, handsome, kind.”

Before she finished speaking, Qin Shiyu started laughing, as if his laugh spot had been hit, and was immensely overjoyed, "Okay, stop praising me, I'm ashamed of myself. Then let's talk about my shortcomings. What do you expect of me?”

Chen Yalian clenched her fists so tightly that her nails were about to break. She could only continue to hold her breath and smile softly, "As for the shortcomings, Auntie can't think of them at the moment. You are already brilliant. You are perfect now, don't need to change anything." Just peacefully stay in your entertainment industry and never think of coming back! The Qin Family had no place for you!

Qin Shiyu seemed to understand what she meant. He looked at Qin Luochuan opposite him with a smile and directed to the phone, "Thank you, Auntie. Although you don't want me to change, but... I still want to live up to your cultivation of me. I will continue to work hard." 

Qin Luochuan clenched his fists. He really never expected that Qin Shiyu dared to call his mom and succeeded...

Although he knew his mom had no choice but to do so, what was the difference between Qin Shiyu forcing his mom to praise him in front of him and shaming his mom in front of him?

But he couldn't say anything yet.

However, Sun Lingqian wasn't satisfied with the smooth call. She pretended to be curious and asked, "Don't you want to say a few words to your father? He's not at home? Why is he still busy this late?"

Qin Shiyu looked at Qin Luochuan and said with a half-smile, "Isn't Chief Qin's dad also busy at this late hour? It's the same, for livelihood."

Sun Lingqian was speechless for a moment and blurted, "It's true that Director Qin is so busy. Director Qin's chauffeur is probably the same. They are all equally busy."

Qin Shiyu smiled and nodded, "It's not just chauffeur, it's the same with street sweeper and garbage collector."

Sun Lingqian was shocked, "Your father collects garbage?"

Jiang Yu, who was eating strawberries, suddenly choked and kept coughing. Qin Shiyu reached out to pat her back and answered Sun Lingqian seriously, "Kind of."

Qin Luochuan:...

He looked at Sun Lingqian who wanted to keep questioning and couldn't help but interrupt, "Sun Lingqian!"

Sun Lingqian was shocked and realized that she was too anxious and lost her cool. She quickly explained, "En, I don't mean any professional discrimination. I think that his father doesn't have it easy. To actually raise Qin Shiyu through collecting garbage..."

The more she explained, the darker Qin Luochuan's face became. Those who knew laughed like crazy. 

Because of the live broadcast, Zhao Shunong couldn't call Jiang Yu and could only chat with her on WeChat. However, all she sent were voice messages. Jiang Yu directly converted the voice message to text to read:

"Hahahahahaha... garbage collector, hahahaha, only Qin Shiyu would say this. But what he said seemed to be right. Aren’t Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan rubbish."

"No, I'm going to laugh to death. Qin Shiyu's actions are too arrogant. How can he call Third Party Chen? Stepmother is a mother? Hahaha, murder through mental attack! Chen Yalian must be furious."

"Oh, not only that, I think that idiot Qin Luochuan is going to be angry to death. It's so satisfying. As expected of Qin Shiyu. I can now understand why he was able to bring down the Qin Family by himself. What a brain!"

Even through the text, Jiang Yu could feel her excitement. When she heard her praising Qin Shiyu, Jiang Yu felt proud and typed with a smile: "En, he is indeed amazing." 】

Because Zhao Shunong was too excited and didn't notice her tone, she started talking about something else, this time typing: 【I almost forgot to talk about the main matter. Sun Lingqian didn't succeed with Qin Shiyu, she'll target you now. 】

【If you need anything, call me. I will be your sister and make sure to praise you like a flower. 】

Amused, Jiang Yu typed: 【It's okay, no need for now. 】

Zhao Shunong was confused: 【Who are you calling? Can’t be your second uncle and second aunt? 】

Jiang Yu replied: 【We’ll find out later. 】

Sun Lingqian really couldn't wait any longer. Qin Shiyu failed, but there was Jiang Yu, "It's Jiang Yu's turn, who are you going to call?"

Jiang Yu followed Qin Luochuan's example and left a cliffhanger. She directly made the call.

While at Qin House, Chen Yalian, who was about to explode after hanging up the phone from Qin Shiyu, was about to throw her phone away when she received two messages:

【My Second Uncle and Second Aunt already know that Qin Shiyu isn't the heir to the Qin Family and that you deceived them. I'm afraid that if I call them, they will say something that shouldn’t be said. You should know that they don't understand how to weigh the pros and cons at all. They only know that Qin Shiyu is the eldest son of the original wife. As long as they reveal the illegitimate child, Qin Shiyu will have competitive advantage and I can be the eldest young madam of the Qin Family. Then they are the in-law family of the Qin Family...]

Jiang Yu didn't bluff Chen Yalian. Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian had created such a great momentum for this program in the past few days. Not only Qin Shiyu, she felt that it was a pity not to take advantage of such good traffic.

The black spot on the original owner was the matter between Uncle Jiang, Aunt Jiang and the previous Ocean Queen. So she called them yesterday and temporarily transferred the conflict.

She originally wanted to find a suitable opportunity to wash it off, but Sun Lingqian miraculously created such a link to assist.

Alas, this world had good people everywhere.

This was Jiang Yu’s thought. Before Sun Lingqian asked her, she sent Chen Yalian one last message: 【Do you want to praise me too? 】

At this time, Chen Yalian looked at the three words ‘Silly Girl Jiang’ flashing happily on the mobile phone screen and almost broke her teeth in anger! Were these two people devils? !

Qin Shiyu was fine. She was his stepmother after all. What relative was she to Jiang Yu? ! Call her? Must be sick!

However, when she saw the text message, she recalled the weird tone when Aunt Jiang called yesterday. It was indeed as Jiang Yu said, facing that odd couple was like a scholar meeting a soldier and couldn't explain it. That was why she wanted to find them as Qin Shiyu’s in-law family. Unforeseen...

The phone was still ringing. Jiang Yu's sweet voice came from the live broadcast room, "How about I call someone else?"

Chen Yalian gritted her teeth, angrily slid away to answer, and replied softly, "Hello? Xiaoyu."

At the recording site, everyone looked at Jiang Yu in surprise, including Qin Shiyu.

Jiang Yu curved her eyes at him. Qin Shiyu couldn't help but laugh. She was such a treasure...

At this side, Sun Lingqian asked in confusion, "How come she has the same voice as Qin Shiyu's stepmother?" Sensing Qin Luochuan's cold gaze, she quickly changed her words, "Qin Shiyu's Auntie’s voice is exactly the same?"

Jiang Yu didn't answer her, but said obediently into the phone, "Auntie Chen."

Even the names were the same!

Zhao Shunong was stunned as she stared at the live broadcast room. After a moment, she regained her wits and laughed so hard that she was hitting the bed.

Oh my god, she almost forgot that her fellow countryman was a god. Chen Yalian was going to erupt, hahahaha.


  1. Thanks for the new chapter!

  2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 omggggg the two devils! Fighting, auntie Chen! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
