Tuesday 10 September 2024


Chapter 8 The eighth day of getting disliked

"Duoduo, I beg you, please don't tell anyone, okay? If you tell, we'll all be finished!"

Xu Yangyang and Zhou Shuwan knelt in front of Xia Duoduo, grabbing her hands and begging.

Xia Duoduo "accidentally" came to the back door of the bar and "accidentally" heard everything. She quickly helped the two of them up and uttered in hesitation, "But it's wrong for you to do this... Elder Sister, Elder Sister, she is innocent!"

"Xia Duoduo, aren’t I doing this for you?" Xu Yangyang said earnestly, "If Xia Shiwei can't be with Young Master Sheng, you can be with Young Master Sheng!"

A barely perceptible glint flashed in Xia Duoduo's eyes and she sneered in her heart.

Humph, for me? Others didn't know, but how could Xia Duoduo not know? Xu Yangyang obviously liked Sheng Jingchen, so she joined forces with Ye Yu to take action against Xia Shiwei.

Now she had the nerve to say it's for her?

She and Sheng Jingchen were a perfect match. Did they need to use such a lowly trick?

Xia Duoduo quickly pushed Xu Yangyang away, "Yangyang, how could you say that! Even if I like Elder Brother Jingchen, I won't treat Elder Sister like this!"

Xu Yangyang’s face expressed how on the spot she was.

Now that the situation was deadlocked, Xu Yangyang wasn't sure what Xia Duoduo would do since she knew about this. The most urgent thing was to not let her expose the "rape" or "drugging". Only if the court ruled that the two were in love, Ye Yu would have a chance to survive and wouldn't give Xu Yangyang away.

"... Duoduo, we all grew up together. We have known each other for more than ten years. Can't it not compare with the relationship with your adopted sister of four years?" Xu Yangyang's eyes were full of tears, trying to use their friendship on Xia Duoduo.

Xia Duoduo looked at Xu Yangyang's pitiful appearance. As if distressed, she sighed helplessly,

"Yangyang, Auntie Zhou, the incident has already happened. We could only find a way to minimize the loss."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xu Yangyang and Zhou Shuwan nodded like pecking chicks, "We must minimize the loss!"

"Fortunately, you didn't expose this matter," Xia Duoduo comforted, "If it is exposed, for the Ye Family, Ye Yu had raped! In order to preserve the reputation of the Ye Family, Old Master Ye and the Xia Family can only force Ye Yu and Elder Sister to get married to respectively preserve the family’s name and Elder Sister’s reputation. What will happen to Elder Sister and Elder Brother Jingchen's engagement?"

"Not exposing it is good for Elder Sister," Xia Duoduo seemed to be relieved, "I will try my best to persuade Elder Sister to modify her testimony. This way it will definitely help Ye Yu!"

Xu Yangyang and Zhou Shuwan froze when they heard this.

Yes, why should they worry that Old Master Ye will be angry and not expose it?

They should expose this matter!

Old Master Ye will be unhappy at first, but for the sake of reputation, he will definitely propose a marriage with the Xia Family! And in order to preserve their reputation, the Xia Family will definitely force Xia Shiwei and Ye Yu to get married. What’s more, the Ye Family would get connected with the Xia Family. Wasn't this killing two birds with one stone?

It was hard to say whether Xia Duoduo could persuade Xia Shiwei. But under the pressure of the Xia Family, how could Xia Shiwei, an adopted daughter, not change her testimony?

And even if the Sheng and Xia Family break off the engagement, wasn't there still an option of marriage between Xia Duoduo and Sheng Jingchen? In this way, the marriage with both Sheng and Ye Family wasn't a loss for Xia Family at all!

Initially scared by Xia Shiwei's call to the police, they forgot the interests involved and even wanted to cover it up. From this point of view, they were obviously the party with the advantage!

Thinking of this, Xu Yangyang and Zhou Shuwan exchanged glances. They already had a plan in their hearts.

A week later was Old Master Ye's birthday banquet. Perhaps it was the best time to expose it!

At this side, Xia Duoduo was still "clueless" about the two's plan and persuaded them wholeheartedly, "Anyway, you must not expose this matter, I will definitely go back and persuade Elder Sister! Everyone will be fine!"

Xu Yangyang's eyes flashed with a cunning glint and she comforted, "Duoduo, don't worry. For your elder sister, I will never expose it."


The bright moon was in the sky, while the lights of the passing cars formed a series of shadows on the road, forming the veins of the city.

The night in Capital was sleepless, like a carnival all night. It was enough to prove the prosperity of this city.

In the Rolls-Royce, Shi Wei was playing a mobile game and Sheng Jingchen was processing company documents on the other side.

When he just got in the car, Sheng Jingchen told Chauffeur Zhang to go back to the company. From Kaiseki Restaurant to Sheng Family's Manor, Shengshi Group was right in the middle. It was convenient to make a short detour.

"The villain is worthy of being a villain!" the system exclaimed, "What time is it? He's still thinking about going back to work!"

"If the villain doesn't work hard, how can I wait for happiness?" Shi Wei felt blissful. After all, she now lived in Sheng Jingchen's house and ate Sheng Jingchen's food. She hoped that Sheng Jingchen could make more money!

Sheng Jingchen was reading the report document on the side. His movements froze when he heard it.

He always felt that work was everything to him and should work when he had nothing to do. But listening to the one-on-one conversation, why did he feel inexplicably aggrieved?

Shi Wei and the system chatted for a while. The panel lit up and a steady stream of dislike values ​​popped up.

[Dislike value from Xia Duoduo +670...]

[Dislike value from Zhou Min +380...]

[Dislike value from Xu Yangyang +980...]


Shi Wei: ? ? ?

"What happened? Why did these people’s defense crumble again?" Shi Wei looked curious and opened the wealthy family’s gossip group. She saw Yu Manman’s photo of Sheng Jingchen hugging her at the entrance of Kaiseki Restaurant. 

Got to say, Yu Manman wasn't only a fair and rich beauty, but also an Internet celebrity who shares the lives of fair and rich beauty on little Red Book. She had good photography skills. Although this photo was a bit blurry, the light and shadow and composition were perfect. The two people in the picture were looking at each other affectionately, as if it was a true story. 

No wonder it could break the defense of these heiresses! Things that could break these people's defense were good things! Shi Wei silently saved the photo and checked the dislike value. Except for Xia Duoduo, the income of the other rich kids didn't exceed 500. There was only one girl named Xu Yangyang... She intermittently contributed a lot of dislike to Shi Wei and each number was close to 1,000. 

Shi Wei rubbed her chin and contemplated. 

She remembered that Xu Yangyang was one of Xia Duoduo's followers and liked Sheng Jingchen. In the later part of the novel, Xu Yangyang and Xia Duoduo turned against each other. Xu Yangyang plotted against Xia Duoduo for Sheng Jingchen. But in the end, Xu Yangyang was still dealt with by Sheng Jingchen.

Sure enough, Xu Yangyang plotted against Xia Duoduo and Sheng Jingchen eliminated Xu Yangyang. If this wasn't love, then what was the relationship between Xia Duoduo and the male lead of the novel?

Thinking of this, Shi Wei couldn't help but glance at Sheng Jingchen who was working seriously next to her. She said to the system in her mind, "My my, he looks well-dressed on the outside, but I didn't expect that he is a paranoid pervert on the inside!"

Sheng Jingchen:?

No way. Xia Shiwei and Tongzi chatted about the gossip group and he got involved again? ! And the messy novel villain they mentioned... could this matter be let go!

[Dislike value from Sheng Jingchen +1+1+1...]

Shi Wei was already used to Sheng Jingchen's mood swings and sudden waves of dislike value. She teased him again in her heart and continued to check Xu Yangyang's dislike value.

After a careful look, Xu Yangyang's dislike value had increased quite a lot from the engagement party to today.

Shi Wei's expression became serious.

"Tongzi, there is something up with this woman."

"What's the problem?" The system was puzzled, "Isn't it that she likes the villain too much, so she hates you?"

"Pure jealousy will not produce such a high value. Even someone who hates me like Xia Duoduo has not reached such a number. Xu Yangyang's data is a bit like..." Shi Wei thought for a while, "Ye Yu."

Shi Wei called the police to arrest Ye Yu and Ye Yu's dislike toward Shi Wei escalated to loathing. And Xu Yangyang's dislike level was so high, could it be...

Shi Wei immediately opened Officer Ding's WeChat and sent him Xu Yangyang's name.

Whether it was true or not, it was good to check it out.

Just after sending the WeChat message, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across the sky. Startled, Shi Wei’s body trembled subconsciously. Her shoulders shudder along with it.

Summer days most likely have thunderstorms.

The system noticed something strange and asked, "Host, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Wei bit her lips, "It seems... it seems to be thundering. I'm a little afraid of thunder..."

"Ah?" The system was worried, "But this thunderstorm is about to come!"

The Rolls-Royce was now heading toward Shengshi Group. It was estimated that it will take at least half an hour to return to the villa manor.

"It’s, it’s fine..." Shi Wei swallowed her saliva. She was too shy to disturb Sheng Jingchen, so she could only curl up in the corner of the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, "I'll bear it... I can bear it..."

Outside, the dark night sky occasionally lit up, but no sound fell. It was like a calm before the storm, which made people feel anxious.

Shi Wei remembered that when she was a child, every time there was thunder, her grandma would hold her and accompany her to sleep. Other children laughed at her, saying that she still had to sleep with her grandma at such a big age! Shame on her!

But grandma said it was okay and would accompany Shi Wei for the rest of her life if she could!

Later, Shi Wei returned to the Xia Family.

Indeed, no one was with her anymore. People have to grow up. Who would care about such a small problem as her fear of thunder?

She was already an adult. Just bear with it, it will pass.

Shi Wei was thinking like this. Just bear with it and it will pass.

Her shoulders were still shaking. When the lightning flashed outside the window, Shi Wei subconsciously closed her eyes.

The Rolls-Royce was about to get off the elevated road and not far behind the elevated road was Shengshi Group. Continuing on the elevated road was Sheng Family's Manor.

Chauffeur Zhang turned on the turn signal and was about to drive off the elevated road.

Sheng Jingchen suddenly said, "Chauffeur Zhang, I'm not going to the company tonight."

"Oh?" Chauffeur Zhang was stunned, "Then where do you need to go, sir?"

Sheng Jingchen looked straight ahead. His peripheral vision passed over the trembling figure beside him.

The girl was so scared that she covered her ears, like a frightened cat, and no longer dared to listen to the sounds outside.

Sheng Jingchen sighed in his heart and said, "I'm not going anywhere. Go home."

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