Tuesday 4 June 2024


 Chapter 140 Noble circle truly chaotic 4

After the first round of sorting out, the personal backgrounds and motivations of the murders were roughly understood. Except for the silly and sweet Princess Huahua, everyone wanted to kill the emperor. What needed to be deduced now was who succeeded in the end. 

The group checked the crime scene again and found that there was fine white powder on the cream cake cream plate. At first glance, it looked like saccharin powder sprinkled on it. However, some time had passed and some of the powder had turned black. Exactly like the  powder on the emperor's mouth.

Therefore, it can be determined that the old emperor was poisoned and died after eating the powder on the cake.

Xiang Chen said, "Princess Huahua, you made this cake. Do you want to explain?"

Shu Hua said, "The cream cake needs to be sprinkled with saccharin powder to taste delicious, especially since Royal Father liked sweetness." 

She pointed to the unchanged white powder on the cake, "These were the ones I sprinkled on. The others that have turned black were obviously sprinkled on afterward.”

Xiang Chen continued to question, "So you never touched the cake after making it, right?"

Shu Hua said, "That's not true. Saccharin powder is hard to come by. In addition to a little sprinkle on the cake after I finished making it, I prepared some to do on the spot to please Royal Father this time and get him to give his blessing to me and Top Scholar Ye. I wanted Royal Father to be happier when seeing my filial piety."

"I think I'm the least suspicious, right?" she defended, "I made this cake and I sprinkled the saccharin powder on the spot. I'm not a fool who would poison Royal Father in public."

"Besides, my motive for killing isn't enough. How could I kill Royal Father because he didn't let me marry Top Scholar Ye?"

Jiang Yu muttered, "You may have no motive, but you might possibly be taken advantage of by others."

Everyone looked at Ye Yuanyu in unison.

Ye Yuanyu said, "From the time Princess Huahua made the cake and it was brought to the old emperor's mouth, except for the foreign Prince Xiang, the five of us all touched the cake individually. However, after I took the cake, I gave it directly to Empress Jiang. While other people have specifically gone out after coming into contact with the cake. If I want to sprinkle poison on the cake, I need a poison container, right? Did some people destroy the corpse and eliminate traces? "

Xiang Chen said, "Then let's search you first and then go look outside."

First was the most suspicious Ye Yuanyu. He had nothing on him.

Jiang Yu, on the other hand, found an empty blue and white porcelain bottle from Shu Hua, "What is this?"

Shu Hua replied, "It's a bottle of saccharin. Didn't I tell you earlier? Before presenting the cake to Royal Father, I sprinkled it with saccharin powder to show him my filial piety."

After searching Shu Hua, Shu Hua turned to search Jiang Yu, but found nothing. Just when she was about to give up, Shu Hua suddenly thought of something, "Nails, let me take a look at your nails."

Amused, Jiang Yu showed her the nails, "Have you watched too many palace dramas?"

The camera gave a close-up of Jiang Yu's hand. Shu Hua looked over it over and over again, but didn't see anything suspicious. Finally, she couldn't resist touching it twice, "Bigshot, your hands feel so good to touch. They are fair, tender and smooth."

Jiang Yu:……

【Haha, I was about to say that Elder Sister Yu’s hands are so beautiful. Slim like scallion root is talking about this. 】

【I envy Shu Hua. I want to touch too. 】

【Then you’ll probably have to beat God Yu first. 】

Sure enough, as Shu Hua was touching her, Qin Shiyu reached out and lifted her away, "Royal Father is dead and you still have the mood to tease people. Hurry up and investigate the case."

Shu Hua glared at him, "You are the least qualified to criticize me."

Qin Shiyu said, "Then why aren’t you using me as example and correct yourself? Why did you learn bad?"

【ROFL, God Yu fully explained that as long as I have no morals, no one can morally kidnap me. 】

As expected, Shu Hua had nothing to say.

After that, Qin Shiyu opened his arms and made a gesture to search him. Jiang Yu thought that he wasn't used to being touched by others, so she took the initiative to step forward. During this period, he conducted desensitization training with her almost every day. If she searched, he should be feeling better.

Qin Shiyu looked down at her. Out of his control, the corners of his mouth turned up.

Jiang Yu soon touched something hard on his chest, raised her head and asked him, "What is this?"

Qin Shiyu smiled wickedly, "What do you think?"

Jiang Yu couldn’t be bothered to respond to him and was about to reach in to get it. Qin Shiyu said ambiguously, "Little Royal Mother, are you molesting me?"

Jiang Yu:……

This crown prince was truly flirty to no end.

But before she had time to speak, nearby Xiang Chen suddenly stepped forward, neatly tore open his clothes, reached in, and took out a white porcelain jade bottle. Looking at him, he smiled, "Come, Crown Prince Qin, if you confess, we will be lenient, but if you don’t, it’ll be worse. Honestly admit.”

Qin Shiyu:......

The audience burst out laughing:

【Hahahaha, our Prince Xiang has a vengeful character. Whatever you said, I’ll repay it back to you. 】

【I suspect they are all committing jobbery. 】

Curious, Ye Yuanyu took the bottle. After opening it, he found the bottle was full of white powder similar to saccharin powder, "Is this the poison that poisoned the emperor?"

Qin Shiyu admitted, "This is indeed the poison, but I didn't have time to put it in."

"After I learned that the emperor likes sweets and learned the recipe for cream cake, I thought this was a good opportunity to kill the emperor. So I took the initiative to find saccharin powder for Princess Huahua and suggested that she sprinkle it in front of the emperor. It was all prepared for today. My plan was to swap this poison with the saccharin powder on Princess Huahua. Then Princess Huahua will be the one who murdered the emperor."

Shu Hua's eyes widened when she heard this, "Aren’t you too dark?"

Qin Shiyu continued, "Unexpectedly, when she saw me, she entrusted me with the cake and ran away. Seeing that she never came back, I went out to look for her on the pretext of official business, trying to find a suitable opportunity to exchange the poison. However, I found her having a private meeting with Top Scholar Ye. When I heard her talking about saccharin with Top Scholar Ye and Top Scholar Ye gave her a small blue and white porcelain bottle of saccharin, I knew I couldn't change the saccharin powder and had to give up temporarily. "

"Look at the amount of medicine. Isn’t the small bottle full?"

This reason was indeed irrefutable, especially after they later found a similar white porcelain jade bottle on Jian Cang. The bottle was filled with white powder, but they didn't know whether it was saccharin or poison.

Xiang Chen was surprised, "What's going on?"

Jian Cang said, "This isn't mine, I picked it up in the back garden."

Ye Yuanyu was confused, "Why did you pick up this bottle?"

Jian Cang said, "Not long after Crown Prince went out, I looked at the saccharin powder on the cream cake and remembered that Crown Prince had a very similar-looking poison. I thought this was a good opportunity and wanted to go to Crown Prince's room to get it. However, when I passed by the back garden, I picked up a white porcelain jade bottle. This kind of bottle was only used by royal princes and princesses. I thought Crown Prince dropped it."

"After seeing the bottle, I thought that the prince had been alone with the cake before me. Maybe he had poisoned it and he had accidentally dropped it. So I picked it up, wanting to help him tidy the aftermath."

Jiang Yu said, "This is used by the princes and princesses. Is it owned by Crown Prince Qin or Princess Huahua?"

Shu Hua nodded, "It's mine."

"That's the saccharin powder I sprinkled on Royal Father before I prepared to present the cream cake."

Jian Cang was confused, "What about your blue and white porcelain bottle?"

Shu Hua looked at Ye Yuanyu, "I got it from him."

Everyone was puzzled. Shu Hua explained, "Didn't I go out again after delivering the cream cake to Fengyi Palace? It's because I saw Top Scholar Ye on the way."

“Because I want Top Scholar Ye as my husband, I have been detained by Royal Father for several days. I didn't expect to see him before the birthday banquet and couldn't help but miss him. Quickly handing the cream cake to the care of Crown Prince, I went out to look for him. I happened to hear his attendant say that he had found good saccharin powder this time and wanted to offer it to the emperor."

Xiang Chen said, "How come you all know about saccharin powder?"

Ye Yuanyu said, "The cake recipe you gave Princess Huahua is a rare thing. She looked for people to search everywhere to find the saccharin powder. Since, we know it was for the emperor, of course everyone knew."

Shu Hua nodded, "En, that’s why I was ecstatic when I heard that he found the saccharin powder. Firstly, to talk to him. Secondly, I thought it would be very meaningful for the two of us to complete the task of presenting the cream cake together. So I threw away my own bottle of saccharin powder, lied that I had lost the saccharin powder, and wanted to use his emergency help."

Xiang Chen said, "This was what the prince saw. She used the blue and white porcelain bottle of saccharin powder given by Ye Yuanyu. Therefore, you can't use the white porcelain jade bottle to switch with her."

Qin Shiyu nodded, "So Princess Huahua used the saccharin powder bottle given by Ye Yuanyu in the end." 

He turned to Shu Hua, "How can you confirm that what he gave you wasn't poison?"

Jian Cang said, "Yes, he wants to kill the emperor. The bottle of powder was probably poison. Borrow another's knife to kill and frame up."

Shu Hua:......

Distraught, she stared at Ye Yuanyu, "Is that true? What you gave me was poison?"

Ye Yuanyu responded, "What I gave you was real saccharin powder."

Qin Shiyu said, "Why? Don't you want to kill the emperor? If you give her poison, your purpose will be achieved."

Ye Yuanyu sighed, "Although she is the daughter of the enemy who killed my father, after such a long period of contact, she is indeed pure and innocent. I don't have the heart to hurt her."

Jian Cang was shocked, "Are you really in love with her?"

Ye Yuanyu sighed and said nothing. Cooperating, Shu Hua showed a sad expression in response, "But it's impossible for us... Wuwu~"

Qin Shiyu said, "Indeed, siblings are still too unethical. Marry Prince Xiang as soon as possible."


Shu Hua, "Aren't you the one who goes against the rules the most?"

Qin Shiyu refused to admit it, "My side has no blood relation. You are siblings. It's still too perverted."

Ye Yuanyu said, "Why are these words so unconvincing when they come out of your mouth?"

【Hahaha, come and see a pervert calling others perverts. 】

【I suspect that he wants Princess Huahua to take away Prince Xiang quickly so that he can reduce his love rival. 】

【Get rid of ‘suspect’. It’s a must. If not, he wouldn’t care whether others become perverted or not. 】

In short, Ye Yuanyu's statement that he couldn't bear to hurt Shu Hua and didn't give her real poison wasn't very convincing. He was currently the biggest suspect.

Nothing was found from other people, so everyone started the second round of searching the venue for evidence.

First, they went to Crown Prince Qin's room. The group found a small, palm-sized jar on the Duobao Pavilion in Crown Prince Qin's room, with the poison ‘Sweet Trap’ written on it. The introduction was: white powder, similar to saccharin powder, with a very sweet taste. But it will turn black within half an hour after contact with moisture.

Xiang Chen couldn't help but laugh when he saw it, "With the amount of poison you prepared, are you planning to stuff the emperor to death if you can't poison him?"

Shu Hua picked up a golden bell from the bedside, "Huh? Why are there things belonging to the little Royal Mother here?" 

She looked at Jiang Yu, "Have you ever been to Crown Prince's place, little Royal Mother?"

Sorrowfully, Jiang Yu nodded, "He forced me."

Qin Shiyu glanced at her with a smile and drawlingly admitted, "En, I forced her."

It was still a tone that spark one’s imagination, making the audience restless again:

【How did he force? Expand. 】

【The golden bell fell by the bed... Is it the the the force I’m thinking of? 】

【What happened to Qin Shiyu in this episode? My mind changes color whenever he talks to Jiang Yu. 】

Jiang Yu glared at him, "I passed by the East Palace before the birthday banquet. Crown Prince said he wanted to discuss the emperor's birthday banquet with me, so he called me here. After that, he blocked me here and refused to let me leave."

Shu Hua narrowed her eyes with a gossipy expression on her face, "Then what? Just sitting here? Didn't do anything?"

Jiang Yu coughed lightly, "Of course not. He had something afterward and went out."

Qin Shiyu said with regret, "It's not that I didn't, it's that I didn't have time. Little Royal Mother, you have to believe that I am sincere to you..."

Jiang Yu:……

【Hahahaha, he really doesn't let any opportunity to tease Jiang Yu go today. 】 

【ROFL, this is the first time I heard someone talk about snatching by force in such a fresh and refined way. 】

【Seriously, let’s make this episode a drama. Or write a novel. I want to read it! ! 】

【Let’s write it now. About Crown Prince Qin forcing little Royal Mother. I’m satisfied with this paragraph. 】

【Prince Qin narrowed his eyes and approached step by step. Empress Jiang backed away in fear like a little rabbit. Finally, she was forced to the bedside and had no way to retreat. She could only plead softly, "Please, let me go.……"

But this stimulated Prince Qin's nerves even more. He stepped forward and hugged her slender waist. Bending his head, the tips of their noses touched. His thin lips were pressed against her soft red lips. He smiled wickedly, "What to do? Little Royal Mother, I don't want to... …”

After that, he swallowed all her fear and begs for mercy...]

 【Ahhhhhh! ! ! If you can write, write more! 】

【No more. I want to roll on the bed, imagining it with the faces of God Yu and Elder Sister Yu. Ahhh, I'm going to die. 】


The group was clueless to the craziness on the barrage. Xiang Chen interrupted Qin Shiyu's rant and asked, "Why were you kidnapping her?"

Qin Shiyu raised his eyebrows, "She even came to my door to seduce me. As a man who loves her, of course I cannot let down little Royal Mother's thoughts."

Ye Yuanyu couldn't help but utter, "Perverted!"

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