Wednesday 29 May 2024


 Chapter 136 Pursuing Her

Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu still don't know that more than one party was plotting against them. Even if they know, they probably won't take it to heart. Jiang Yu always had the attitude of dealing with it as it came. Anyway no one can affect her life. While Qin Shiyu didn't care as long as Jiang Yu didn't care.

But soon he met someone more troublesome than Sun Lingqian and the Qin Family - Xiang Chen.

Qin Shiyu could feel that Xiang Chen was taking special care of Jiang Yu before. And probably because of the hot searches between himself and Jiang Yu this week, Xiang Chen felt a sense of crisis and seemed to be ready to launch an offensive.

At the door of the dressing room of the program, Xiang Chen looked at the sleepy Jiang Yu and handed her a U-shaped pillow with a smile, "Use this while putting makeup on. You can also take a nap."

Yes, it was the recording day of 'All Rounder 3' again. The theme of this episode was immersive crime solving. Everyone had to play the role of a suspect to find the real murderer, which was similar to a live scripted murder.

Because it was a historical script, makeup was very troublesome. So they all needed to do makeup more than an hour earlier than usual today.

As a person who had difficulty getting up early, Jiang Yu walked slowly toward the dressing room without even wanting to open her eyes.

Qin Shiyu followed her and wanted to laugh. He was about to step forward to tease her, but Xiang Chen suddenly appeared from another corner and thoughtfully gave her a pillow when she was dozing off. At first, Jiang Yu was still a little confused.

Holding the U-shaped pillow, Xiang Chen wasn't in a hurry. He looked at Qin Shiyu, "Hurry up, if you don't take it, God Yu will take it away. He seems to want it."

Hearing that someone was trying to snatch it, initially slow Jiang Yu immediately reached out and took the U-shaped pillow. When she turned around and saw Qin Shiyu behind her, she immediately became wary.

Qin Shiyu:......

He let out an irked laugh, "Anyway, as long as it's snatched, it's good? You're not afraid of people handing you explosives."

Jiang Yu stated confidently, "Why would Xiang Chen pass me explosives?" 

After saying that, she opened the dressing room door and ran in.

Xiang Chen's face was full of smiles and was about to follow in, but Qin Shiyu got there first. Just as Jiang Yu habitually found a makeup chair nearby and sat down, Qin Shiyu followed and sat next to her. The makeup artists behind them began to make preparations.

Qin Shiyu saw that Jiang Yu was about to put the U-shaped pillow under her head. After some pondering, he stretched out his long arm and took the pillow away. Jiang Yu looked at him expressionlessly. Xiang Chen also looked over.

Qin Shiyu casually spoke, "That's not how this is used." 

As he said that, he turned the mouth of the U-shaped pillow outward, deliberately ignored the eyes from the side and said to Jiang Yu, "Come here." 

Although his tone was casual, there was a slight unnoticeable trace of intimacy.

Jiang Yu had been living under the same roof with him in the past few days. The two of them had become very close. Seeing that he wasn't trying to snatch her pillow, she put down her guard and obediently stretched her neck. However, her hair was tied a little loosely on the back of her head. Finding it in the way, she raised her hand to hold it. Xiang Chen, who happened to be ‘passing’ behind her, saw this and helped her catch it.

Jiang Yu was slightly stunned. Qin Shiyu raised his head to look at him. Xiang Chen smiled, "How to use this?"

His movements and tone were very natural, as if he was really just curious. In addition, Xiang Chen knew how to take care of others, so Jiang Yu didn't think much and turned to Qin Shiyu again.

Qin Shiyu secretly took a breath, but couldn't say anything. He couldn't tell Jiang Yu that this man had ulterior motives. Wouldn't that give the other party a chance? He hasn't gotten the chance yet.

He could only quickly insert the mouth of the U-shaped pillow onto Jiang Yu's neck. Jiang Yu lowered her head and rested her chin on the pillow. Her eyes instantly lit up, "Oh, just right."

Qin Shiyu looked at Xiang Chen. Xiang Chen let go of Jiang Yu's hair just in time, "It’s still God Yu who's smart. This way, won't affect the teacher's styling."

Jiang Yu raised her head and smiled at him, "Thank you."

Xiang Chen narrowed his eyes, "You're welcome."

The makeup artists came forward one after another. The teacher who was applying makeup to Jiang Yu looked at her little face buried comfortably on the U-shaped pillow and smiled, "You guys have a good relationship."

Jiang Yu nodded sincerely, while Xiang Chen and Qin Shiyu smiled slightly. The other two makeup artists felt something was weird.

Qin Shiyu said, "Okay, Xiang Chen, quickly sit down, otherwise you will have to wait after others come later." 

As soon as he finished speaking, Shu Hua opened the door and walked in. The few froze. Since there were only three makeup artists, they agreed yesterday to come at different times. Shu Hua should be the second batch.

But seeing that she was in a daze, Qin Shiyu narrowed his eyes and kindly waved to her, "Hurry up, take the last position."

Although Shu Hua didn't grasp the situation when she heard this, she ran over quickly without a care when it came to snatching.

After she sat down on the makeup chair, Qin Shiyu raised his head and smiled at Xiang Chen, "It seems you have to wait a little longer."

Xiang Chen laughed, "Since Shu Hua came, let her do it first."

Shu Hua belatedly caught on, "What's going on? You haven't done it yet?"

Xiang Chen took in her reaction and grinned, "Are you still muddled from sleepiness?"

Shu Hua asked doubtfully, "Didn't we say half past six?" 

As she spoke, she picked up her phone and looked at it. She collapsed, "Ah!! I got the wrong time!! It's only half past five. I was saying why am I so sleepy! "

She quickly stood up, "Elder Brother Chen, you do the make up first."

Xiang Chen held her down, "You can do it first. It's more effort for you girls."

"This kind of ancient makeup is equally complicated for men and women." Shu Hua still wanted to stand up. Xiang Chen raised his hand and looked at his watch. "I happen to have something else to do, so you put it on first." 

After saying this, he walked out, fearing that Shu Hua would refuse .

This made Shu Hua feel very guilty, "He must have said this deliberately because he was afraid of putting me on the spot. Elder Brother Chen is so considerate."

Turning around, she saw Qin Shiyu giving a thumbs up and thought he was mocking her. So she glared at him, "What? You saw the time wrongly before?"

Looking upon the fact that she drove Xiang Chen away, Qin Shiyu didn’t mind. Instead, he smiled, “So be it. It's not a big problem. There's no need to blame yourself."

Shu Hua looked at him doubtfully, "Did you take the wrong medicine? You can actually comfort people."

Qin Shiyu:......

He stopped paying attention to her and just closed his eyes like Jiang Yu, letting the makeup artist work their magic.

After unknown amount of time passed and the three of them were about to finish their makeup and hair, Ye Yuanyu and Jian Cang arrived. When they saw Shu Hua, they were stunned. Ye Yuanyu said, "Why are you here? Where is Xiang Chen?"

Shu Hua was admiring the beauty in the mirror. When she heard this, she immediately depressedly responded, "I misjudged the time and came an hour early, so Elder Brother Chen gave me his seat and left."

Ye Yuanyu showed a speechless expression, but also couldn't help but laugh, "It's something you can do. Didn't you say yesterday you’ll be on the losing end if you woke up early? Are you sleepy?"

Shu Hua said, "I'm not only sleepy, but hungry. Can we have breakfast at 6:30 in the program canteen?" 

At this point, she touched her face again, "Isn't it a little weird to eat with this hairstyle?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Xiang Chen came in from outside with two big bags in his hands. He put the bags on an empty table, "I guess you guys are hungry. Today’s time seems a bit tight and we can’t eat properly. Let’s just make do with it here.”

Jian Cang happily stepped forward to open a box and praised without hesitation, "Elder Brother Chen, you are simply wonderful!"

Ye Yuanyu had already unreservedly snapped apart a pair of chopsticks, clipped up a piece of siu mai, and put it into his mouth.

Jiang Yu, who had been sleeping on the pillow, moved her nose, opened her eyes, and murmured, "It smells so good."

Xiang Chen smiled, "This siu mai restaurant is the one Shu Hua recommended last time. It tastes delicious."

Shu Hua was surprised, "Did you buy it from such a far away place?"

Xiang Chen smiled, "It's not far. I just happened to go for a run to exercise."

Jian Cang was full of praise, "It's really delicious, so fragrant."

They ate with gusto, but it was a bitter experience for Shu Hua and Jiang Yu. They got up earlier than them and were unconsciously secreting saliva after smelling the aroma,. Unfortunately, both hairstyles were getting finished and couldn't move. So they could only helplessly watch.

Xiang Chen smiled, took out a disposable glove, and put it on. Then he picked up some siu mai, and handed it to Shu Hua. Shu Hua happily reached out to take it, "Thank you!"

Xiang Chen avoided her hand, "Taking it like that? Did you wash your hands? Just open your mouth, ah~"

Shu Hua chuckled and obediently opened her mouth. Xiang Chen directly fed her. Shu Hua sighed with satisfaction, bit into the siu mai, and muffled out, "Thank you, Elder Brother Chen! You are the best."

Qin Shiyu, who was sitting next to him, had already noticed that something was up, but it was already too late. After feeding Shu Hua, Xiang Chen looked at him and asked, "Does God Yu want one?"

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xiang Chen said, "But God Yu, you will finish soon. You can eat it by yourself later. Then I will give this to Jiang Yu first."

Jiang Yu kept her head unmoved. Her big eyes blinked rapidly, indicating that it was very okay! Xiang Chen walked over with a smile and she consciously opened her mouth. After all, with Shu Hua in front of her, everything seemed very natural...

"Is it delicious?" Xiang Chen asked with a smile.

Jiang Yu gave him a thumbs up and followed Shu Hua's example, "It's delicious. You're the best."

Qin Shiyu:......

This man must be a fox, so cunning.

Fortunately, the two of them were too embarrassed to keep eating in front of the busy makeup artists. So they just ate one to fill their stomachs and then obediently waited for their hair styles to be finished.

After Ye Yuanyu and Jian Cang had finished eating, this side was finished one after another. It was Ye Yuanyu, Xiang Chen and Jian Cang’s turn to sit on the makeup chairs.

Shu Hua and Jiang Yu impatiently ran to eat. Jiang Yu remembered that Qin Shiyu hadn't eaten just now, so she picked up a box and handed it to him.

As a result, Qin Shiyu stared at the lunch box but didn't take it. Shu Hua was confused, "What? The lunch box is hot? Don't you like eating siu mai?"

 After saying that, she immediately rejected the idea, "No, you eat everything."

Jiang Yu advised, "It's delicious, try it."

Qin Shiyu: ...don’t want to eat it even more.

Jiang Yu picked one up with chopsticks and clipped it to him, "Ah~"

Qin Shiyu quickly opened his mouth and bit it.

Seeing him without any hesitation, Shu Hua asked doubtfully, "Aren't you enjoying the meal? Why did you look like you are looking at a bomb just now?"

Qin Shiyu looked at her and suddenly brought up, "Xiang Chen has been taking care of you just now and didn't even have time to eat well, right?"

Shu Hua thought for a while, "It seems so."

Qin Shiyu said, "He is busy trying to fill your stomach just now. Why don't you return the favor and give him some food?"

Jiang Yu felt that what he said made sense and immediately reached for the soy milk to feed Xiang Chen.

Qin Shiyu:......

He held down the soy milk cup and looked at Shu Hua, "You really can't feel it?"

Shu Hua was confused, "Feel what?"

Qin Shiyu made a hesitant expression, "Doesn't he like you?"

Shu Hua covered her mouth in shock, "What?" 

After speaking, she quickly looked toward Xiang Chen.

Fortunately, Qin Shiyu's voice was low and they couldn't hear him.

Jiang Yu was shocked. Does Xiang Chen like Shu Hua? !

Qin Shiyu calmly analyzed it for her, "Look, when you got up an hour early, he thoughtfully gave up his seat to you. He even considered how you would be hungry and bought breakfast. What’s more, it’s your favorite siu mai. He went so far. In order to feed you personally, he had to feed me and Jiang Yu."

Shu Hua was dumbfounded and murmured, "This, that sounds like it?" 

She couldn't help but ask Jiang Yu for confirmation, "Big, bigshot?"

Jiang Yu blinked and felt that this possibility wasn't impossible. Although Shu Hua and Ye Yuanyu were official couples in the book, the female lead was so cute. With Xiang Chen's tenderness, he buried the love deep in his heart because his brother and the female lead were mutually in love.


Xiang Chen and the others were putting on their makeup when they saw Shu Hua coming over with a glass of soy milk and said softly, "Elder Brother Chen, I notice you didn't eat well just now. Drink some first?"

Xiang Chen quickly said, "No need."

Shu Hua said, "Do you want to eat siu mai? I'll get it for you."

Ye Yuanyu, who was watching her being courteous to Xiang Chen:...

"Your throat is pinched?" Ye Yuanyu said, "Speak properly!"

Shu Hua:......

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