Saturday 21 September 2024

TISHW Extra 4

Extra 4

Just when Jiang Yu felt that she was about to be swallowed, the person in front of her suddenly left again. Jiang Yu finally surfaced like a drowning person, panting rapidly.

Qin Shiyu leaned back to the driver's seat to calm his breath. Rubbing her head with one hand, he grinned, "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

Jiang Yu reached out to hit him in embarrassed anger. Qin Shiyu shrank back in shock, "Oh? You can't hit people even if you aren’t satisfied. Talk nicely.

Jiang Yu:...

Because the seat belt restricted her range of movement, she unbuckled the seat belt and rushed over. Laughing, Qin Shiyu wrapped around her waist and hugged her into his arms. He reached out and pressed the back of her head and kissed her again. This time it was a gentle like water kiss, carrying a soothing intention. Jiang Yu always had no resistance to this kind of kiss and gradually immersed herself in it.

After an unknown amount of time passed, Qin Shiyu stroked her back and kissed her forehead. "Go home first?" 

He chuckled, "I can't endure it anymore. Please feel sorry for me.

Jiang Yu immediately understood what he meant. Her face turned even redder. She hurriedly returned to the passenger seat, pretending not to hear his last words, and stated seriously, "Approved." 

Qin Shiyu smilingly rubbed her head before starting the car. 

In order to divert his attention and ease the awkwardness, Jiang Yu asked about his work, "When will you post a Weibo reply to the fans?" 

Before they were investigated, Qin Shiyu posted an emotional Weibo for once. At that time, Jiang Yu looked at the slander and abuse that came one after another and couldn't help but take the lead in replying to him. At that time, she just wanted to let him know that at least she would always be with him. Surprisingly, Ye Yuanyu and others followed suit later. Then more and more fans responded. That precious sincerity was moving no matter when one thought about it. 

Of course, it should be taken seriously. 

Now they have been back for almost a week and the number of replies under that Weibo was already amazing, especially after Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan were detained yesterday. The fans began to wait for him to announce his return. Yes, yesterday the paparazzi took photos of Qin Luochuan and Chen Yalian being taken away. These two people were now the focus of the whole nation. Their traffic was incomparable to the general entertainment gossip. Even in the villa area of ​​the rich, there were numerous paparazzi waiting to see them and those paparazzi actually snapped something.

In fact, ordinary rumors won’t cause detention so quickly, but the two of them spread rumors that the popular star was a spy. Whether it was the trouble caused to the country or the loss of Qin Shiyu's reputation, the situation was serious. So after the case was filed, the police took them away at once.

Offline, the case handling required procedures. Even if it went smoothly, it would take two to six months. Qin Shiyu would definitely not take the initiative to mention this matter before winning the case and the official announcement of the results.

Combined with this result, the netizens who understood the ins and outs could fully confirm that Qin Shiyu was framed. In their opinion, he should respond immediately.

Jiang Yu also thought so at the beginning, but Qin Shiyu hadn’t made any movement until now.

Qin Shiyu replied, "No hurry. I probably can't resume work for the time being. I will reply after it is finalized, lest that the fans get disappointed."

Jiang Yu was puzzled, "You can't resume work? Didn't Xu Lehua say earlier that there are many jobs for you?"

Qin Shiyu casually said, "En, Qin's Group has started to avalanche me these days."

Jiang Yu blinked her eyes. Then she figured it out, "He thinks that as long as you disappear from the entertainment industry, everyone will forget about this matter after a while and Qin's Group will slowly recover in a year or two?"

In a sense, Qin Xingye's idea wasn’t wrong.

As a giant business and there were no major mistakes in products and decisions, it would be impossible for Sheng Qin to collapse completely just because of public anger. Capitalism was about interests. So after Qin Xingye was investigated, Qin's Group stock price decreased. It had basically stopped falling today.

As for Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan, they weren’t involved in the company's important decision-making at all. So their detention had no impact on Qin's Group at all. At most, it would make netizens scold Qin Xingye again. As it was a personal morality issue, it couldn’t shake the foundation of Sheng Qin.

As for ​​Qin Shiyu returning to inherit Sheng Qin, Qin Xingye would probably never consider it. He was probably afraid of Qin Shiyu from the bottom of his heart. Otherwise, even a tiger would not eat its own cubs. Why else would he allow Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan to suppress Qin Shiyu to this point?

However, Jiang Yu was still perplexed, "What about the shareholders?"

It was obvious that Qin Shiyu's return would benefit Sheng Qin. At least the performance and stock could recover immediately. Even if Qin Xingye was unwilling, the shareholders should agree. After all, it was related to their own interests. They couldn't allow Qin Xingye to mess around for personal matters.

Qin Shiyu laughed sarcastically, "The three major shareholders are the ones who followed my maternal grandfather at the beginning."

Jiang Yu understood that it was these shareholders who shared the benefit reaped from Shuyi Electronics with Qin Xingye back then. So they and Qin Xingye were on the same side in this respect. If Qin Shiyu didn't go back, Sheng Qin would at most be in a slightly sticky situation. If Qin Shiyu retaliates upon his return, they would most likely lose Sheng Qin.

Facing an enemy that hadn’t yet grown up, killing him was the wisest choice.

It was actually easy for the capitalists to bury a star. For any resource, how was it not possible to change the person after getting thrown tens of millions? Anyway, there were so many stars in the entertainment industry. None of them was unique to the capitalists.

It only took Qin Shiyu two or three months to become popular. Without any work or news, it was enough for him to disappear in a month or two. This wouldn’t even cost the company a year's profit.

Jiang Yu sneered, "What nice idea they have! What are you going to do?"

She was usually well-behaved and rarely showed anger. The few times she got angry were because of him. Qin Shiyu's heart softened and he rubbed her head again, "Of course, bury them."

Jiang Yu burst into a chuckle and rolled up her non-existent sleeves, "Tell me, how to bury them?"

Qin Shiyu laughed out loud again. Look, she was always like this. With her around, he seemed to be omnipotent. Even if he fights Sheng Qin alone, she will never doubt it.

"Wait a little longer. It's about time they’ll contact me." Qin Shiyu stated. Sure enough, when their car drove into the community, a strange phone call came in.

Qin Shiyu clicked to answer the call and a middle-aged male voice came from the car stereo, “Young Yu, I'm your Uncle Qian. Do you remember me?"

Qin Shiyu drawled out, "Of course I remember. Uncle Qian held me when I was little."

Qian Kunpeng heard his calm tone and heartily laughed, "Look at the recent incident. We only found out that your father actually indulged Chen Yalian to this extent. Simply outrageous. When are you free? Let's chat." 

He continued, "Uncle promises that no matter what, Sheng Qin will have a share for you. But if the current situation goes on like this... You are  smart. You should know that in this situation, at most we will earn less this year. Once the heat dies down later, nothing will happen to Sheng Qin at all."

If they didn't bury him, then such words might be more convincing.

Still, Qin Shiyu responded in a tone of accepting the advice, "What Uncle says makes sense, but the problem is that I don't have a penny share of Sheng Qin. If you are sincere, get President Qin to call me. He should give me the money he spent on Qin Luochuan over the years. In addition, let Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan stay inside. I am really tired of them all these years and don't want to see them again." "They may not have done anything big, but they have caused a lot of small troubles. It shouldn't be difficult to do this?" 

"It's not difficult." Qian Kunpeng smiled cheerfully, "I was saying Young Yu, you are a reasonable child. To be honest, your father doesn't want to care about them this time. The lawyers are just going through the motions. They have been indulged for so many years and stirred a hornet nest this time. Let's not talk about other things, they will directly be given the highest sentence. "

Qin Shiyu replied with satisfaction, "Then I will wait for the result."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu said affirmatively, "One of the shareholders?"

"En." Qin Shiyu smiled, "Looks like a good-tempered peacemaker, but in fact the most insidious one."

Jiang Yu had already caught on, "This is to make you compromise. On top of that, it is under the guise of for your own good."

Qin Shiyu parked the car. With a turn of a hand, he exported the call recording and sent it to the lawyer, "Make an appointment to meet Chen Yalian and Qin Luochuan as soon as possible. Let them listen to this recording and the information I gave you last time. "

Seeing his operation, Jiang Yu gave a thumbs up, "As expected, the strongest bury." 

This was sending them all in.

Look how they behaved toward Shuyi Electronics and one knew they weren’t honest people.

Wasn't there a saying that there was a 50% profit, the capitalists would take risks. If there was a 100% profit, they would dare to trample on all human laws. If there was a 300% profit, they would dare to commit any crime. They have already tasted the sweetness from Shuyi Electronics. Once some bottom lines were crossed, there was no way to pull them back. So during these years, they couldn't always behave themselves. 

Qin Shiyu smiled, "Qin Xingye already has a grudge against Chen Yalian and her son and must have a lot of leverage over Chen Yalian and her son. Although Chen Yalian is stupid, she has some tricks since she’s been able to sit in the position of Mrs. Qin for so many years. At least some means to deal with Qin Xingye. It depends on whether they want to make meritorious contributions while serving their sentence." If they were only sentenced to two or three years, they could bear it as long as they were still the wife and child of the Qin Family. But what about a lifetime? Not to mention a lifetime, just seven or eight years. How many seven years does a woman and a young person in his prime years have to waste?

"From the start, they didn't have mutual trust in their relationship." The two of them went up the elevator. After opening the door, Jiang Yu asked Qin Shiyu in confusion while changing her shoes, "Besides the recording, what else do you want to show them? If you want them to be at each other’s throat, you must have something powerful. ”

Qin Shiyu had already changed his shoes and was staring at her like a Chesire cat. “Compared to this, shouldn’t you be more curious about what the gift from the other key is?”

Jiang Yu paused almost imperceptibly, “I’m still more curious about how you’ll deal with Qin Xingye and the others.”

“Why do I feel like you’re trying to change the subject? Do you want to escape?” Qin Shiyu leaned over and slowly inching closer to her, smiling like a big bad wolf seeing a little white rabbit, “Are you afraid of facing the consequences now? I thought you were mentally prepared when you teased me.”

Jiang Yu was forced to step back step by step by him. Coughing lightly, she calmly replied while stepping back, “Then I admit my mistake? I wasn’t mentally prepared and was reckless. I apologize to you.”

Qin Shiyu was stunned. He didn’t expect her to admit her mistake so easily. He widened his eyes in surprise. This was a unique matter.

Jiang Yu said, "What? Surprised? Haven't you heard a saying?"

Qin Shiyu asked, "What saying?"

Jiang Yu said obediently, "Like is equally matched, but love is to admit defeat."

Qin Shiyu was completely shocked. Not only did she admit defeat today, she also said sweet words!

Jiang Yu estimated the distance. Taking advantage of his stunned state, she turned around and ran to the room! Nonsense. She wasn’t a fool. The dangerous kiss when she got in the car just now had made her realize that the consequences she estimated may not be accurate. When facing a bigger crisis, so what if she temporarily admitted defeat! She could also say sweet words!

Qin Shiyu watched her anxious and flustered behavior and became amused. He took two steps at a time with his long legs and hooked her waist when she pushed open the door of the guest bedroom. He gave her a princess hug, "Where are you going?" 

Jiang Yu exclaimed, "Put me down!" 

Laughing, Qin Shiyu tossed her higher up. Jiang Yu was so scared that she hugged his neck at once. Qin Shiyu took the opportunity to kiss her lips and meaningfully displayed a bad boy grin, "You haven't opened the gift yet? Where are you going?" 

Jiang Yu: I have a feeling that the gift he mentioned is not the one he wants to give her. This guy gave her a gift and he also gave himself one! Cunning! 

Friday 20 September 2024


Chapter 41 Sleeplessness

"What?" Luo Jin asked immediately.

"Nothing special. Just a little more people. At that time, the assassination incident had happened in the palace and the Princess was still unconscious. So not only the Palace Guards, but the Wei City Army were stationed." Liu Zishu said, "The number of guards was twice that of previous years. However, the Wei City Army was stationed outside and didn’t directly enter the ancestral hall."

Luo Jin thought for a long time and didn't think this had anything to do with the robe.

"By the way, do you know a good embroiderer?" Luo Jin asked, "This robe may have some strange points. I want to find a good embroiderer to take a closer look."

"Yes, there’s one working under Mother." Liu Zishu took the bundle of wrapped robe, "Give it to me, I will ask her to help take a look when I go back."

"Thank you very much."

" problem."

Liu Zishu called a carriage and took Luo Jin into the palace.

Luo Jin entered the Chaoqian Hall, where the emperor was waiting for her. As soon as he saw her, he beckoned her to come to him.

"I have read this memorial from Official Luo, which says that there is a great disaster in the north... Could it be that Hanyuan is plotting something?" The emperor pondered for a while, "It seems that we will have to trouble General He again."

Luo Jin didn’t expect the emperor to attach so much importance to her memorial and replied with a cupped hand: "It's just... a possibility. Although you can't disbelieve in the stars, you can't believe them all."

The emperor shook his head, "How can you disbelieve in the stars? You are the Minister of the Imperial Sacrifices, how can you have such an idea?"

Luo Jin hurriedly said: "I am ignorant."

The emperor wasn't angry, "It’s fine. You are young and just took the post, It’s normal not to understand these. There are great astrologers in this world who can predict the future. I sent someone to investigate a secret. An astrologer once predicted that the emperor of Jiyuan would be killed by his own son. In order to prevent the prophecy from coming true, the emperor of Jiyuan had the Prince killed and buried in the underground tomb. However, the Prince suddenly broke into the palace twelve years later and killed the emperor of Jiyuan with his own hands. Later, it was found that an ambitious general secretly rescued the Crown Prince and used him to rebel. Still, the prophecy did come true, didn't it? "

Luo Jin was stunned, "Then that Prince is... Shui Yingchen, right?"

"It is indeed the Emperor of Jiyuan." The emperor nodded, "I told this story to tell you that you must never disbelieve in astrology. It's just that our Dongyuan don't have great astrologers and can't make such accurate predictions." 

He paused, "I have been feeling uneasy recently. You should summon a few more astrologers to observe the celestial phenomena. If there are any unusual movements, please report them at any time. I have a constant nagging feeling that something bad will happen." 

"I obey your order!" 

After leaving Chaoqian Palace, Luo Jin headed to Lihua Palace to find Chai Jing. She didn't tell the Princess that she went to find Shui Yingchen every day, for fear that she would provoke Shui Yingchen in an impulsive manner. That big devil never showed mercy when killing people. 

"How is it? Is the work of the Court of Imperial Sacrifice hard?" Chai Jing bit the candied haws. "This candied haws is a little sticky, but it tastes good."

"Not hard." Luo Jin smiled, "I don't even have to check in on time. It's great."

"Check in?"

"It's reporting."

Chai Jing laughed, "You are the Minister of the Court of Imperial Sacrifice. Now you are the boss of the entire Court of Imperial Sacrifice. Who dares to get you to report to duty?"

She pondered for a while, "Since you don't have to report, then stay and sleep with me tonight? I still have occasional nightmares these days. With you by my side, I sleep well."

Luo Jin smiled bitterly and shook her head, "I still have work to do. I'm afraid it's inconvenient. The palace is too far from the Court of Imperial Sacrifice."

Chai Jing had no choice but to say, "Okay, then come to the palace to see me often."


Luo Jin still went to Shui Yingchen's manor that night, but she was quite nervous when she went there today.

This was the third day. Her hypnotic method was simple. She was always worried that if someone learnt it, she would be useless and Shui Yingchen would kill her without hesitation and take her Red Emperor Gu.

Sure enough, when she went there today, she wasn't sent directly to the bedroom, but told to wait in the guest room.

It wasn't until midnight that Hua Mei came to the guest room and led Luo Jin to the bedroom.

Luo Jin looked at Shui Yingchen's dark gray eyes and beamed at once, "What? Your bird can't help you fall asleep, so I must be the one?"

She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows slightly, "It seemed that you can't kill me today."

She looked out the door, "That bird's smile makes me uncomfortable. I can't help but want to strangle her... You don't mind, do you?"

Shui Yingchen ignored her.

Luo Jin retracted her gaze, "The martial arts in your world are quite simple. I thought it would be difficult..."

She looked up at Shui Yingchen, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you after I have mastered it?"

"Give it a try?" Shui Yingchen uttered slowly, "Okay, I'm going to sleep. Change person."

Luo Jin looked up and looked around, confused, "Why am I here? Is your majesty going to sleep? Then I'm going to start!"

Shui Yingchen stared at her, "I said... Change person! I don't want to hear the story of zombies eating brains."

Luo Jin was stunned, "How do you know it's me? Isn't my acting realistic?"

Shui Yingchen snorted coldly, "She doesn't know you exist, right? Do you want me to talk to her about what you did when she lost consciousness?"

Luo Jin gritted her teeth, "Understood!"

She closed her eyes. Then her eyes changed slightly and she lowered her eyes, "Your Majesty, are you going to sleep? Let's start?"


"Okay, now start to relax your mind..."


Once Shui Yingchen fell asleep, Luo Jin walked out. The candlelight flickered. The light in the room wasn't too bright. Under her hypnosis, Shui Yingchen didn't need bright lights to fall asleep. So there were only a few candles in the bedroom.

A moth with a little golden light on its wings flew in from outside the room. Luo Jin thought the moth was pretty and couldn't help staring at it. But the moth flew straight to the candlelight, performing what it means to fly to the fire in front of her.

"Don't go..." Luo Jin stared at the moth, thinking silently in her heart, "You can't go. You will die! Go back!"

The moth seemed to understand and suddenly turned halfway and flew away.

Luo Jin was stunned. She suddenly recalled that the Red Emperor Gu was the insect king. So she used the power of the Red Emperor Gu?

She was delighted and lowered her head to look for other insects.

She saw a little ant on the ground carrying food from somewhere and marching forward. She silently muttered: "Put down the food and turn back!"

Under normal circumstances, ants would not put down their own food.

But after she silently said this, the little ant put down the food and turned around.

Luo Jin was ecstatic. She could control these insects!

This Red Emperor Gu was interesting!

She looked at Shui Yingchen who was sleeping in the inner room. Her gaze gradually became complicated.


The next day, Luo Jin went to the Court of Imperial Sacrifice for a walk. When she saw Lin Jinzhou, she asked casually, "Do you know where there are beekeepers?"

"Yes. Out from the west gate and head west for ten miles. There is a beekeeper there. I bought his honey. It's so sweet."

"Why is it so far?" Luo Jin frowned. "Isn't there any nearby?"

"Beehives need pollen! There aren’t so many flowers in the city, but if you want honey, you can buy it in the city. I heard that some honeys contain white sugar, which isn't as good as going to the bee farm to cut it yourself."

Luo Jin thought for a while, "Understood, I'll go buy some honey... You stay here and call me if there is anything."


Luo Jin went out and headed to the west of the city.

The Court of Imperial Sacrifice handled matters according to regulations. All matters were arranged at a fixed time. Basically, there would be no sudden matters for her to deal with. Working here, she could have a stable work and rest schedule. Luo Jin felt this job was suitable for retirement.

Soon after leaving the city, she saw a large area of ​​flower vines, but because it was winter, these flower vines had withered and there were no flowers in full bloom.

The beekeeper lived in a nearby courtyard. Luo Jin knocked on the door and went in. A middle-aged man came out happily, "Miss, do you want honey?"

"I want bees." Luo Jin said.

The beekeeper was stunned, "Bees? I don't sell bees. In this winter, bees don't collect honey anymore. If you buy them back, you have to wait until spring to start collecting honey."

"Name a price." Luo Jin said, "You can raise a new nest in the spring. I want all the bees you have."

The beekeeper hesitated for a long time, "Have to pay... one hundred taels."

Luo Jin took out a silver note and gave it to him, "Deal."


At night, Luo Jin lit a lamp in the withered sea of ​​flowers on the cliff. She sat on a stone and looked at the snowflakes falling gently from the sky.

A thin layer of snow had accumulated on the ground. The snowflakes fell on her forehead and turned into water in an instant.

When she saw the tall figure appear in front of her, she didn’t stand up, but bent down to pick up a dead branch and gestured to Shui Yingchen, "Why did you come now?"

Shui Yingchen's voice was cold: "Is this the burial place you choose for yourself? You should know what will happen to you when you dare to disobey my orders."

Luo Jin smiled lightly and stated seriously: "No, this is the burial place I prepared for you. I thought it would be better to have a sea of ​​flowers, but I couldn't find it... Oh, it's the beginning of spring, why is it snowing? No sea of ​​flowers, then snow blossoms will do."

"Heh..." Shui Yingchen stared at Luo Jin with dark gray eyes, "When did you go crazy?"

"In fact, even if I went tonight, there’s a possibility of you killing me," Luo Jin continued, "Your subordinate's hypnosis didn't work on you, but mine did. It's the same working, but why is there such a difference? After thinking about it carefully, you will only come to one conclusion..."

"Red Emperor Gu."

"Yes, you will definitely think so, so it's only a matter of time before you kill me to get the Red Emperor Gu. If I go to your manor tonight, maybe tonight?"

Shui Yingchen nodded gently, "You are right. I originally planned to kill you tonight as soon as you show up tonight to get the Red Emperor Gu. Smart, but it's a pity that it didn't work. Still, the result is the same."

However, Luo Jin smiled, "You are conceited and greedy, Shui Yingchen. This is the cause of your death.

Thursday 19 September 2024

TISHW Extra 3

Extra 3

While Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu were messing around in the room, Zhao Meinong was changing into sportswear and preparing to go out for a run. Her years of athletic career had made her habit unshakable. As soon as she went out, she saw Xiang Chen leaning against the door, obviously waiting for her.

Zhao Meinong sized him up and down, "What? Came to apologize after sobering up?"

Xiang Chen's expression remained unchanged, still appearing gentle and polite and speaking in a soft tone, "Didn't you take my gift away as compensation yesterday?"

Zhao Meinong walked downstairs while stretching, "Oh, then we are even."

Xiang Chen followed her, "Talk while running?"

Zhao Meinong didn't comment. The two went out together.

The place Qin Shiyu chose was good; beautiful mountains, clear waters and fresh air. For those of them who were busy all day, it was a great place to relax.

Xiang Chen also had the habit of exercising, but after running with Zhao Meinong for a while, he was impressed by this heiress. He actually went all out to keep up.

They were already some distance away from the villa when Zhao Meinong stopped, "Tell me what happened."

Xiang Chen paused, "Please keep what you saw last night confidential."

Zhao Meinong also halted, "I'm not a big mouth.

Xiang Chen obviously didn't believe it. This heiress seemed to be willful and put everything on Weibo.

Zhao Meinong detected his suspicion and rolled her eyes. But considering how he just had his heart broken, she didn't be petty with him anymore. Instead, she asked curiously, "Aren't you going to tell Jiang Yu?"

Xiang Chen's contempt for her during the treasure hunt yesterday made Zhao Meinong irked, so she took advantage of his slow reaction to steal his treasure clues. Later, Xiang Chen probably got annoyed and simply hid when Zhao Shunong was not paying attention. But he was a little drunk after all. He didn't hide far away and just sat on the steps in the backyard. Zhao Shunong thought he had found a clue and wanted to sneak a peek from behind him. Instead, she saw Xiang Chen staring at his phone. On the phone was a photo of him and Jiang Yu, which was probably taken when recording 'All Rounder'. No matter how slow she was, she could see something this obvious and finally understood why Xiang Chen drank so much. -- He actually liked Jiang Yu.

And Jiang Yu obviously didn't know it at all.

Zhao Meinong didn't know what he was thinking. At least one should let the other party know about this kind of thing. Although it was the other party's business whether they liked themselves or not. Still, being rejected after confessing was also an explanation to themselves, wasn't it?

Xiang Chen probably wanted to persuade her to keep the secret and explained, "I tried my best. If she was hesitant, I could be one of her choices and would naturally tell her. However, her choice is firm. If I tell her, it will only cause her more troubles, and I will lose a friend. "

Zhao Meinong didn't know what to say. On the one hand, she felt that this man was really considerate and even came to attend the proposal ceremony of the person he liked as usual; on the other hand, she felt that he was escaping.

"Do you think Qin Shiyu is too strong and can't compare to him?"

Xiang Chen looked at her indifferently, "This is Jiang Yu's choice. It has nothing to do with Qin Shiyu. If you like whoever is stronger, then why don't you like Qin Shiyu?"

Zhao Meinong shuddered, "Don't curse me.

Xiang Chen said, "Anyway, please keep this matter confidential." 

He contemplated and continued, "In exchange, I can promise you one thing."

Zhao Meinong snorted, "What can you do for me..." 

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly received a call from her assistant, urging her to check her email early in the morning. Zhao Meinong had a headache. She really didn't want to read it. It was too annoying. She suddenly looked up at Xiang Chen. He was an elite after all even when he wasn’t as good as Qin Shiyu. 

She stretched out her hand and grinned, "Deal." 

Xiang Chen took in her expression, suddenly feeling a little uneasy. Did he accidentally sell himself to the capitalist? But it was not his style to take back what he said, so he could only shake her hand, "Deal." 

He added, "Within the reasonable scope of law and discipline.” 

Zhao Meinong snorted and lazily waved to beckon him to follow.

When Jiang Yu changed her clothes and went downstairs, she saw Zhao Meinong and Xiang Chen running back together. She was a little surprised, "You guys?"

Zhao Meinong glanced at Xiang Chen and saw that he had a warm expression, nothing unusual. She felt that this man was a gentleman who would not make others suffer. She replied, "We happened to meet. Just chatted and found that he is quite capable. I want to ask him for help with something."

Jiang Yu didn't doubt anything and was happy that they had a good relationship. She still remembered how the two of them were at each other's necks because of her when she just transmigrated. Zhao Meinong thought Xiang Chen’s brain was only for show, while Xiang Chen naturally had no good feelings toward capitalists who did whatever they wanted.

The two of them went to talk about work together. Shu Hua and Jian Cang hadn't gotten up yet. Jiang Yu started to wander around the villa. Yesterday, she only solved the puzzle of one key. The clue of the other key hadn't been solved yet. She was curious about what the other gift was.

Qin Shiyu brought her a cup of honey water and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Can't find it?"

Jiang Yu drank half a cup of water, handed it back, harrumphed, and ignored him. She would never admit defeat in this regard.

Naturally, she was quick in finding clues. However, she got stuck when deduced to the orchid-related clues. Jiang Yu walked around the hall for a long time before she saw the wall lamp by the door. It was in the shape of an orchid, but it was a little high. She turned her head and looked at Qin Shiyu.

Qin Shiyu drawled out with a smile, "Do you need help?"

Jiang Yu squinted at him and asked him lazily, "Will you help?"

Qin Shiyu immediately stopped showing off and quickly stepped forward, "Help."

He was tall and had long legs. With a raise of his hand, he touched the edge of the orchid wall lamp. After touching around for a while, he looked down at Jiang Yu and stated with a smile.


Being squeezed between the wall and his body, leaning against his chest, Jiang Yu expressionlessly stared at him. This man could really play tricks no matter what the conditions were.

Qin Shiyu chuckled. Unable to resist, he lowered his head and pecked her lips, "Why don't you take a look yourself?"

Jiang Yu wanted to pinch him, but Qin Shiyu quickly grabbed her hand. Then he leaned over, held her legs, and lifted her up. Startled, Jiang Yu hugged his head with a yelp.

Qin Shiyu adjusted his posture and got her to sit on his shoulders, "Okay, in case you don't believe me, take a look yourself."

Jiang Yu was only at ease when she found that he was stable. She searched at the wall lamp. There was really nothing. But out of impish-impulse, she didn't say anything and let him carry her like this.

As a result, Qin Shiyu said, "Why don't we go outside and take a look?" 

He actually wanted to carry her out. If they walked to the yard, they could see her in the room. Jiang Yu instantly felt that she had made a mistake. She couldn't make it difficult for this man physically. And it was easy to be a goof with him.

She quickly reached out and pulled his ear, "Put me down."

Qin Shiyu raised his head at her, "Sure, you can come down. You have to give me a reward, right?" 

He tilted his face and meaningfully hinted.

Jiang Yu didn't want to satisfy him. Just as she was about to say something, she heard Shu Hua's voice coming from upstairs. It was obvious that she was about to come down.

She moved her legs at once. However, Qin Shiyu seemed to be sure that she would compromise because she was too shy and he didn't move.

Jiang Yu indeed went along with his expectations. She could only lean over and quickly peck his face. Qin Shiyu put her down.

After Jiang Yu landed, she glanced at the stairs first and saw that Shu Hua hadn't appeared yet. She breathed a sigh of relief. Then the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she became. She directly grabbed Qin Shiyu's collar and tiptoed to kiss his Adam's apple hard.

Qin Shiyu's body stiffened.

Jiang Yu felt gleeful. She had discovered last night that he was also sensitive. At that time, she was tortured by him and bit whatever was in front of her. She accidentally bit his Adam's apple and Qin Shiyu froze for a long time before daring to move. Of course, she cried after that. But that was not important now. He won't dare to do anything to her now. He was the one who was bearing it.

It was as she expected. Qin Shiyu didn't dare to do anything to her, because Shu Hua and Jian Cang had seen them and greeted them happily, "Elder Brother, Bigshot."

Qin Shiyu could only dangerously eye at Jiang Yu and loosened his hand around her waist. Jiang Yu smiled at him obediently and went to Shu Hua and them.

Qin Shiyu took in her smug expression and subconsciously touched his Adam's apple. A storm was brewing in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. Very good. A rich meal had been added with a new seasoning. 

Jiang Yu didn't know that the danger had doubled. She was listening to Shu Hua happily chirping about the gift she received yesterday. Because Jiang Yu didn't want to make an official announcement, Qin Shiyu's proposal ceremony wasn’t grand. Still, he put a lot of thought into it. Not only for her, but also for her friends. 

Yesterday's treasure hunt gift, he said it was a random gift, but it was carefully arranged. Everyone's clues actually corresponded to their own rooms in the end. The gifts had been placed in the room long ago. They were all their favorite things. For Shu Hua and Jian Cang, it was electronic products they had long pined for. Ye Yuanyu and Xiang Chen got diamond collar clips and gemstone cufflinks respectively. As for Zhao Shunong, it was a niche design of gemstone jewelry. It could be also considered as Qin Shiyu's thanks for always helping Jiang Yu. 

Of course, the room key might have been taken by mistake, but there were only eight people in total. They were all acquaintances. Just swap them at the end.

Shu Hua's explanation gave Jiang Yu inspiration, so the remaining key should also correspond to a certain room. Orchid, Lan... She suddenly had an idea, Tinglan Garden.

The remaining gift wasn’t here, but at home!

Jiang Yu turned her head to look at Qin Shiyu. Qin Shiyu knew from her expression that she had guessed it and a mysterious smile appeared.

Jiang Yu's appetite was completely whetted. She liked both the engagement book and his homemade marriage certificate yesterday, so what was the gift at home? However, it was unknown whether it was out of revenge or keeping it secret, he didn't reveal it at all.

In this case, Jiang Yu didn’t hold back. When playing mahjong and billiards with Ye Yuanyu and Xiang Chen all morning, she stayed away from Qin Shiyu.

It wasn’t like she really stayed away from him. She would tease him when no one could see her. For example, she would secretly scratch his palm when they passed by each other or she would touch his waist when he put his arm around her waist. Looking at his forbearing expression, Jiang Yu suddenly realized Qin Shiyu's wickedness when recording 'A Perfect Holiday'. It was really stimulating.

Probably because it was too stimulating, Qin Shiyu consciously avoided her in the end. This made Jiang Yu laugh secretly.

But they didn't expect that their little play would be misunderstood. Jiang Yu and Zhao Shunong came out of the bathroom together. Zhao Shunong secretly asked her, "What's wrong? Qin Shiyu can’t do it. Are you angry with him?" 

Jiang Yu: …

She looked at her with a long look, "Can you be serious?" 

Zhao Meinong seriously responded, "This is a super serious matter. It is related to a lifetime of happiness."

“If you are low in energy and ignore him, I can understand. After all, going overboard on the first meat eating. However you are energetic but ignore him. It can only mean that he can’t do it, right?" She clapped her hands in a flash of inspiration, "You said that in the original plot, he never had a partner in his life. Is it because he can’t ... Oh my god, why are you here?"

Not to mention Zhao Meinong, even Jiang Yu was shocked when she saw Qin Shiyu standing at the corner.

Guilt riddled Zhao Meinong’s face and she looked at Jiang Yu frantically. He must have heard what they just said.

Jiang Yu also wanted to glare at her and tell her that she was outspoken. This time, she was doomed. She had a feeling that she would be the one who suffered if it was heard.

Qin Shiyu looked at the two of them with a puzzled look, "What are you talking about? You look so guilty?"

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he didn't hear it.

Zhao Meinong smiled, "What's wrong with some girl talk?"

Qin Shiyu drawled out, "Nothing, you can casually chat.”

At first, Jiang Yu was worried that Qin Shiyu was pretending due to worried that they would be embarrassed. Later she felt relieved when she didn’t detect any strangeness from him and devoted herself to the game and soon forgot about it.

They were all like-minded friends. They were happy when doing something together. After a big meal at noon, the guests and hosts were merry and everyone went home.

Ye Yuanyu, Xiang Chen, and Jian Cang were going to the airport. Zhao Shunong and Shu Hua volunteered to see them off.

After seeing everyone off, Jiang Yu quickly took Qin Shiyu's keys and hid in the car. Qin Shiyu watched her with a Chesire cat’s smile,

Wasn't it too late? Why didn't she think about the consequences when she flirted with him?'

"Knowing to be afraid now is too late.”

Jiang Yu said, "Even if I don't flirt, the consequences will be the same."

Seeing him suffer and endure, she could at least be happy for a while.

Qin Shiyu didn't comment, went back to the room, took the luggage down, and put it in the trunk.

Since he got in the car, Jiang Yu had been alert. However, Qin Shiyu did nothing but fastened his seat belt and prepared to leave. Instead, he glanced at her hand grasping the seat belt and smiled, "What? Expecting me to do something?"

Jiang Yu let go of her hand and glared at him in angered embarrassment, "Who expects anything? Properly drive... Um..."

The rest of her words were still blocked in her mouth unexpectedly. It was unknown when Qin Shiyu unbuckled the seat belt and leaned over when she wasn't paying attention.

Jiang Yu almost immediately felt the difference in this kiss. From the first time they kissed to now, it was reserved and intimate at first and then full of love and tenderness. Even the kiss full of desire last night didn't give her the feeling of this kiss now. A dangerous tremor almost instantly rose from her tailbone. They were obviously still neatly dressed, but Jiang Yu had the illusion that she was going to be torn apart and ravaged. …

Wednesday 18 September 2024


Chapter 40 Sleeplessness

Shui Yingchen's bedroom was in a mess. Even the windows were broken. Luo Jin didn't know what happened, and Shui Yingchen didn't explain. He got Hua Mei to take her to another bedroom.

In such a big manor, of course, there couldn't be only one bedroom.

Luo Jin carefully hypnotized Shui Yingchen, sitting at the table with her arms folded, and didn't dare to sleep all night.

She was afraid that Shui Yingchen would do something to her after she fell asleep. Judging by Shui Yingchen's words... Did he make her unconscious after she fell asleep last night and do something to her?

He even disdained her body for being weak and told her to practice martial arts?

Luo Jin was completely devastated. She couldn't beat or escape from him. She had no way to resist what he wanted to do. The only consolation was that her body didn't feel anything... But her lack of feeling didn't necessarily mean that he didn't do anything. Maybe it was because he can’t do it...

She sat all night with trepidation. She couldn't help but get startled when Shui Yingchen turned over. Fortunately, nothing happened that night. Shui Yingchen woke up when it was almost dawn. When he got up and saw Luo Jin with dark circles under her eyes, he frowned slightly, "Don't you sleep at night? That's perfect. Let's start practicing all night today."

Then he pushed the door open and went out.

Luo Jin: "..."

Was he human?


Luo Jin was catching up on sleep all day. When it got dark, she sighed and went to Shui Yingchen's manor again.

"Your Majesty has not returned to Jiyuan for a long time. Don't you have to worry about the government?" Luo Jin muttered.

"I happen to have some capable ministers."

"Then your Majesty, aren't you afraid that those ministers will have ulterior motives and rebel while you were away?"


Luo Jin still had many doubts in her heart, "When will your Majesty return to Jiyuan? You won't stay in Dongyuan all the time, right?"

"No, I have things to do and will naturally go back after I finish them." Shui Yingchen took off his outer robe, lay on the couch, and prepared to sleep.

"Then if you go back... I... won't I have to..."

"When I go back, I will naturally take you with me."


When Shui Yingchen's breathing gradually became even, Hua Mei opened the door for the first time and waved for Luo Jin to come out.

"Can I leave?" Luo Jin said in surprise. Hua Mei smiled and shook her head, "No, His Majesty asked Hua Mei to teach Miss how to practice martial arts."

Luo Jin thought of what Shui Yingchen said before and her face turned pale, "Can… I not practice?"

Once her body is strong, wouldn’t she...

"Not possible! His Majesty has given the order." Hua Mei still smiled, "His Majesty had never been so close to any woman. Hua Mei is jealous and wants to kill Miss!"


"So if Miss doesn't listen, Hua Mei will definitely use this as an excuse to kill Miss."


"I'll learn!"

Luckily, after sleeping for a long time during the day, Luo Jin wasn't sleepy. She followed Hua Mei to a small room next door, sat on the futon, and started to learn martial arts from the basics.

Hua Mei only taught once and continued to smile: "These are the basic internal energy skills, practice them repeatedly. I hope you can break through the first level within half a year and not make Hua Mei's efforts in vain."

Luo Jin thought she could practice in this small room, but Hua Mei immediately sent her back to Shui Yingchen's bedroom, told her to stay outside, and threw a futon to her.

Although Luo Jin was reluctant, she had to start practicing. If she couldn't break through the first level within half a year, would Hua Mei find an excuse to kill her?

Looking at Hua Mei's expression, she didn't seem to be joking, right?

Though it would be difficult at the beginning, Luo Jin calmed down and let the internal energy circulate around in the body. She felt that this energy seemed to be emitted from the heart and could be freely controlled.

Not only did she not feel tired when practicing, but she also felt a sense of physical and mental comfort.

At some point, Luo Jin suddenly felt a blockage in her heart, as if she couldn't breathe, and it was uncomfortable.

It was already dawn. Shui Yingchen wasn't in the room, Hua Mei pushed open the door, "Miss Luo, do you want to have breakfast? Huh?"

A silent wave of air brushed past her ears. She suddenly realized something and looked at Luo Jin with a fierce gaze.

Luo Jin opened her eyes and wiped the sweat, "It's so tiring... but I don't seem to be sleepy anymore. Breakfast? Is there anything to eat?"

Hua Mei suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Luo Jin's wrist. For a moment, her eyes widened and her face full of disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Luo Jin walked out the door, "Where is the kitchen?"

Hua Mei was stunned for a moment and pointed to the right.

Luo Jin trotted toward the kitchen. She felt that her body was relaxed today, much lighter than usual.

At this time, Shui Yingchen walked behind Hua Mei and asked, "What's the panic?"

Hua Mei's voice trembled, "She broke through... through... the first level!"

Shui Yingchen's fingers froze, "One night?"

"Yes... one night. Who is she... who is she?"

Shui Yingchen pondered for a while, "Have you learned her method of helping to sleep?"

"Learned... learned it. Your Majesty, can you let Hua Mei try it?"

"En, if you learn it... she will be useless." Shui Yingchen responded in a low voice, "You try it tonight, if it works... kill her."

Hua Mei's eyes lit up, "Can you let Hua Mei personally do it?"

"You?" Shui Yingchen glanced at her, "Are you tired of living?"


Luo Jin was in good spirits when she went to Court of Imperial Sacrifice during the day. She found a bunch of books to read. Although it was an idle job, she had to understand her work.

The affairs of the Court of Imperial Sacrifice were diverse, including ancestral temples, sacrifices, rituals, music, and astrology, but it wasn't difficult to do. As long as she followed the fixed rules, she would basically not make mistakes.

Luo Jin couldn't understand why Lin Jinzhou could mess up such a chore. How negative must his work attitude be?

She called Lin Jinzhou over, "What did you do that day? How did you go wrong? Tell me so I can learn from it."

Suddenly having his scar exposed, Lin Jinzhou was irk. But he didn't dare not express it, "I tried my best. The robe for the ceremony was clearly confirmed again and again. Who knew that when His Majesty wore it, a dragon claw suddenly disappeared. I don't know which unscrupulous person secretly removed the dragon claw..."

"Putting it this way... someone deliberately framed you?"

"Ain't that right?" Lin Jinzhou muttered, "If you had been in Dongyuan at that time, I would have suspected it was you..."


"Ah... a slip of the tongue. How could it be Official Luo? Official Luo serves the country and the people. Heaven and earth can bear witness..."

"Okay, bring that robe over and let me take a look."


Lin Jinzhou took the robe out of the warehouse and handed it to Luo Jin. Luo Jin flipped through it a few times and saw that the robe was indeed embroidered with a four-clawed dragon, not a five-clawed one. This was obviously not in accordance with etiquette. How could Lin Jinzhou not notice such an obvious problem?

"Were everyone who had touched this robe checked?"

"We checked, but no problem was found. The embroiderer insisted that it had been five claws when she embroidered it. Don't know why it became four claws."

Luo Jin carefully examined the side of the fourth claw. There were indeed some small pinholes, as if they were exposed after being dismantled. It seemed that there was indeed a fifth claw embroidered, but someone secretly dismantled it.

"Has Vice Minister Lin offended anyone? The kind who wants to kill you no matter what?"

"Official, I have an idle position, who could I offend?"

"Maybe it's because you look so hateful?"


Luo Jin put away the robe, "I'll go back and find an embroiderer outside the palace to take a closer look. Maybe someone outside can find clues."

Lin Jinzhou looked at her and thought she wanted to help him investigate the case.

He was touched, "Official is actually willing to investigate this case. If it can be solved, I don't know how to thank you..."

"No problem, we're all colleagues..."

Luo Jin packed up the robe and left the Court of Imperial Sacrifice, thinking of taking a walk.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she saw an acquaintance. She waved and greeted, "Gentleman Liu, how come you have time to come to my Court of Imperial Sacrifice? Come in and have a cup of tea?"

Liu Zishu blushed, "His Majesty summoned you. Minister Luo, please follow me into the palace!"

"Is there anything urgent?"

"No...not urgent."

Luo Jin nodded, "Then I'll go buy some delicious food and bring it to the palace for the Princess. Will it delay things?"

"It won't delay things. I'll... accompany Minister Luo." Liu Zishu lowered his head.

Luo Jin found Liu Zishu quite interesting. He blushed as soon as he saw her. Was it because of what she saw that day? She was saving people at the time. This was no different from being seen by a doctor while treating a disease, right? In her era, there were many male doctors in the delivery room and women in labor wouldn’t mind the other person's gender at all, let alone blush.

Luo Jin came to the market and saw someone selling candied haws. She walked up and took a few sticks. As she was about to pay, Liu Zishu had already taken out his purse and paid for her.

"How can that do..."

"Minister Luo, you don't have to be polite. It's a few copper coins..."

[This Gentleman Liu is so nice. I like friends who rush to pay, hehe...]

[It's so cute when he blushes. I want to pinch him. ]

[He looks young, about sixteen or seventeen? I remember he is the head of the Palace Guard, right? His martial arts should be good. ]

[He is young, promising, handsome, and generous. Wonder which girl will be so lucky in the future. ]

Liu Zishu's face turned even redder. He whispered, "Official Luo, do you have time tonight? I want to invite you to dinner."

"In the evening?" Luo Jin shook her head, "I don't have time, I can't go."

"That's okay."

[I have to go to that man in the evening...]

[Actually, I want to go and eat something delicious, but he won't let me go. ]

[Speaking of which, the food in his house is too light. In the morning, there is only white congee to eat, not even a single pickled veg. He didn't treat me to dinner either. So I have to eat my fill before going to him. ]

Liu Zishu felt a little disappointed. It seemed that this Official Luo already had someone in her heart and their relationship was so close that they lived together. She didn't even mind that the other person's family was poor and could only give her one meal of white congee a day.

"By the way, since you are the head of the palace guards, then you are responsible for the safety of His Majesty, right?" Luo Jin suddenly asked. 

"Yes." Liu Zishu halted for a moment, "What's wrong?"

"Were you in charge of the ceremony on the first day of the new year?"


Luo Jin pondered, "Is there any difference between that day and previous years?"

"Difference..." Liu Zishu thought for a while, "It is true that there is a little bit."

Tuesday 17 September 2024

TISHW Extra 2

Extra 2

Jiang Yu wanted to turn over, but stopped halfway.

One reason was the sudden aching pain in her body, and the other was the body temperature of another person in front of her.

"Awake?" A drowsy and lazy voice came from above her head. The man seemed to be still asleep, but the big hand on her back had subconsciously pulled her into his embrace. She was touching his skin without any hindrance again. The memory of last night came back instantly.

The heat climbed up Jiang Yu's cheek.

To be honest, she thought it would be painful. Although according to professional theory, it could be painless for the first time. In actual operation, especially for two novices, it was easy to make the first time not good due to mental tension and lack of understanding of each other. It was said that it would be so painful that it would be difficult to walk in the next few days. Too curious, Jiang Yu glanced at someone's little brother before starting... Uh, it seemed not appropriate to say small...

The size really scared her at that time. Otherwise she wouldn’t be so nervous that she tried to change the subject and even wanted to escape at the last minute.

But Qin Shiyu didn't give her this opportunity. Thinking of this, Jiang Yu seemed to feel the feeling of being slowly filled up again. It was indeed uncomfortable at first, but not to the point of being unbearable. Moreover, when Jiang Yu hugged him tightly and saw that handsome face that had always been carefree frowned slightly and revealed the unbearable restraint, she felt that her chest was also filled up. It was a kind of spiritual satisfaction. This man's unstable breathing, uncontrolled self-control, and even the unbearable groaning that he made inadvertently were all due to her unique sexiness. No one could see this.

This kind of satisfaction soothed her nerves and made her gradually relax. Qin Shiyu happened to be a good student with a good brain and excellent body coordination ability. He also showed maximum learning ability in this matter and soon clearly explored new things. So later Jiang Yu not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but even...

The big hand with thin calluses touched her eyes. The person in front of her slid down and the pair of affectionate eyes smiled at her eyes, "Fortunately, it's not swollen."

Jiang Yu couldn't help but glare at him. But seeing the scratches on his shoulders, she involuntarily turned away.

God knew, she hadn't cried out loud for a long time. Even last night when he proposed to her, she just covered her eyes with tears. However, she was forced to cry out loud by him in the middle of the night. After that, the man who had been patient like a novice driver and tried to drive the car steadily suddenly got on the highway.

When Jiang Yu was pinned to the bed by him, she felt it even more scary than when she was in the sea. At that time, she felt that she had nowhere to escape, but this time, she was swallowed up by him no matter how hard she struggled. In the end, she cried and left two long marks on his shoulders... 

Qin Shiyu grinned at the sight of her blushing cheeks, but when his eyes fell on her slender neck, his eyes became darker uncontrollably. He kissed her without hesitation... 

Jiang Yu was startled by the familiar numbness. She found that he seemed to like her neck. However, when he bit her neck, her strength would drain away at once. With no control of her body, it allowed him to do as he liked with her. 

This time Jiang Yu didn't cry, because Qin Shiyu didn't reach the last stage. Breathing rapidly, she looked at him in confusion. Qin Shiyu raised his hand to cover her eyes as usual and kissed her lips fiercely, "If you still want to send them off, don't seduce me, otherwise I can't guarantee that your eyes won't be swollen later." 

He was not like his usual self last night. Wasn’t she the same? 

He did a lot of homework for today. A girl's first time needed to be treated with great patience. Qin Shiyu thought he had done enough psychological preparation and wouldn’t scare her no matter what. However, when the girl who always killed gods and stopped Buddhas and never bowed to anyone showed him a helpless and dependent expression and even cried pitifully while clinging to him, he realized that there was a beast locked in his body that he could not control. 

The beast would be awakened by her crying and would bully her more because he wanted to see more of her tears. But it was her first time. Qin Shiyu silently told himself and kept taking deep breaths. Besides, they had to send the guests away soon. She got thin skinned. If she bullied too much and was seen by others, the benefits he had just received might be discounted. This was absolutely unacceptable.

Qin Shiyu, who was always good at weighing the pros and cons, made a decisive decision. Although it was hard to bear, it was worth it to bear it at this time in exchange for a super meal. Moreover, the meal should be tasted slowly at the right time and place.

Thinking of this, he forced himself to get up and go to the bathroom.

Jiang Yu buried her head in the quilt. When she heard the noise, she hurriedly got up and put on her clothes. Although they had been frank, she didn't know why she was more shy.

Qin Shiyu stayed in the bathroom for a long time. It was easy to understand why. Jiang Yu felt a little guilty. After all, he was patient with her. But when he came out with only a bath towel around him, his strong upper body was exposed. He pointed to the marks on his shoulders and asked her if she wanted to wear a short-sleeved shirt today, Jiang Yu threw the pillow directly at his face.

This man always made her want to break his legs when she was moved by his gentlemanly behavior. 

Qin Shiyu caught the pillow and laughed out loud.

Blushing, Jiang Yu hurried into the bathroom. When she looked down and saw the various marks on her body, she became even more irked. He was obviously more excessive to her, but she couldn't get back at him because she wasn’t as thick-skinned as him.

When Jiang Yu came out of the shower, Qin Shiyu had already changed his clothes and was on the phone. He was wearing long sleeves and long pants, which was his usual casual style. However, Jiang Yu's eyes fell on his waist. She suddenly recalled the day when Zhao Meinong said that she couldn't imagine Qin Shiyu wearing swimming trunks. At that time, she still thought Zhao Meinong was bold. Now it seemed that Zhao Meinong was right. At that time, she was indeed a simple little girl...

Although Qin Shiyu was obviously dressed conservatively and appeared decent now, she couldn't help but think of his thin waist and beautiful eight-pack abs. It felt...

Jiang Yu curled her fingers and looked at Qin Shiyu expressionlessly, "You, get out."

Qin Shiyu, who was on the phone, looked back at his girlfriend's serious face and showed a rare blank expression. How did he provoke her?

Monday 16 September 2024


 Chapter 9 The 9th day of getting disliked

Shi Wei didn't remember when she returned to the Sheng Family.

She even forgot that Sheng Jingchen didn't live in the Sheng Family manor and that he usually lived in a riverside flat near Shengshi Group.

She only remembered that Chauffeur Zhang drove very fast today. Before the thunder in the sky fell, the Rolls-Royce had already driven to the door of the villa.

Shi Wei got out of the car at once with her small suitcase in tow and slipped into the guest room next to Sheng Jingchen's master bedroom.

Once the earplugs were put in the outside world had nothing to do with her at all. Occasionally, she could still hear a little bit of sound. Endure it and it will pass.

The next day, Shi Wei woke up.

It had rained all night last night, washing away the haze in the capital and the sky became much clearer. When the window was opened, the fragrance of plants in the flower fields of the manor filled the air.

Shi Wei stood in front of the window and stretched her body. Just as she was about to go downstairs for breakfast, the system popped up, "Host! The villain stayed overnight at Sheng Family's Manor last night!"

Shi Wei just remembered what happened last night.

Yesterday, Sheng Jingchen was supposed to be sent to Shengshi Group first, but after the thunder, Sheng Jingchen asked Chauffeur Zhang to drive home...

"Host, do you think the villain knows that you are afraid of thunder and drove home?"

"How could Sheng Jingchen care about my business?" Shi Wei denied the system's thoughts, "It's probably because it's raining and suddenly didn’t do overtime!"

Going back to the manor might just be a matter of convenience. Although the manor was written under Shi Wei's name, it was an engagement gift for the two after all. It was normal for Sheng Jingchen to want to stay there. There were numerous rooms in the villa. One more person wasn't a big deal.

After breakfast, she returned to the room. Officer Ding sent a WeChat message to Shi Wei, saying that according to the clues she provided, the police investigated Xu Yangyang and found that she was indeed in contact with Ye Yu.

She got in touch with Ye Yu's biological mother Zhou Shuwan yesterday.

Shi Wei pulled out the list of dislike values. There was indeed a record of Zhou Shuwan's dislike value on the panel despite not knowing each other.

Officer Ding told Shi Wei that they tracked Xu Yangyang's IP address and found that Xu Yangyang had posted a photo with a minor account in some small groups in the rich circle.

Shi Wei opened the photo and saw that it was a photo of Ye Yu carrying her unconscious on his back to the parking lot on the night of the engagement.

"Why did they post this photo?" The system was puzzled, "Doesn't this prove that Ye Yu had raped?"

The system had hacked into the police station's network and read Officer Ding's interrogation record of Ye Yu.

Ye Yu was smart and insisted that it was Shi Wei who threw herself into his arms and he did nothing.

Shi Wei was drugged, so it was normal for her to take the initiative. Ye Yu said that he didn't know Shi Wei was drugged and he wasn't the one who drugged her and the two didn't really have sex. This statement was completely tenable in the court.

But unexpectedly, Xu Yangyang actually sent such a photo.

This confirmed that Ye Yu took Shi Wei to the SUV even though he knew that Shi Wei was unconscious. Even if nothing happened, he attempted to rape and Shi Wei successfully defended herself.

"Xu Yangyang doesn't know nothing happened between Ye Yu and me," Shi Wei responded. "When taking the statement, I reminded Officer Ding not to explain Ye Yu's crime. So Officer Ding didn't say it when notifying the family. Zhou Shuwan and Xu Yangyang mistakenly thought that Ye Yu really did something to me."

"Why did Xu Yangyang send this photo?" The system was still puzzled. "The police didn't have any evidence to arrest her. Isn't she just walking into a trap on her own?"

Shi Wei sneered, "Xu Yangyang originally wanted to use this photo to imply that I have a relationship with Ye Yu. If the Ye Family knows about this, they will definitely find a way to hush it down. The Ye Family cannot have a rapist grandson."

"Similarly, the Xia Family does not want my reputation to be damaged and affect them. After such an event, there is only one path... let me break off the engagement with Sheng Jingchen and marry Ye Yu. In this way, both the Ye and Xia families win. The only one suffering a loss is the Sheng Family, but the Xia Family still has Xia Duoduo, who can marry Sheng Jingchen. From this point of view, no one loses."

"Xu Yangyang and Zhou Shuwan actually came up with this idea?!" The system widened its eyes, "Host, you’re suffering a loss! They’re sacrificing you to fulfill themselves. They are too much!"

"For this plan to succeed, there is a very important premise," Shi Wei sneered, "That is, whether there is something between Ye Yu and me."

If there was something, Shi Wei may have to change her confession for the sake of reputation.

But the fact was that Shi Wei escaped. 

Relying on this information gap between attempted rape and rape, not only did it bring the hammer down on Ye Yu, Xu Yangyang also got lured out.

"Next, they will continue to blacken me in the wealthy circle, letting the Xia Family and the Ye Family know about this," Shi Wei opened her phone and looked at the calendar, "Next week is old Master Ye's birthday party... getting engaged at the birthday party. It's almost time to close the net."

"Host, before that, do we need to do anything?" the system asked.

"Yes! We need to help Xu Yangyang and let everyone in the wealthy circle think that this is true!" Shi Wei smiled, "In addition to Xu Yangyang, those people in the wealthy circle are waiting to see my joke. The more proud they are now, the more they will be slapped in the face! How can I miss such a good opportunity to gather the dislike value?"


In the study, Sheng Jingchen was holding a project meeting with an overseas company.

The study was next to Shi Wei's room. It was originally very soundproof. But the conversation between Shi Wei and the system was only limited by distance and wouldn't be affected by the objective physical environment. Therefore, he heard everything the two of them talked about.

The key to Shi Wei's success lies in her reminding Officer Ding ‘not to explain Ye Yu's crime’. This small matter had become the core of the whole thing and the key to the future reversal.

It was attempted rape. With the ability of the Ye Family, Ye Yu could be acquitted. But in the end, they will get a signal of successful rape. Due to this, they have to expose and force Shi Wei to marry. This will become the straw that breaks the camel's back for them and Ye Yu!

He didn't expect that his fiancée was actually quite smart.


At UI e-sports training camp

The players were repeating their daily training.

Xia Yuanzhou had been training for more than ten hours. He was the ace of the team. However, the game company updated the game some time ago and weakened the heroes he often used. He could only make up for it with other heroes.

It was just that Xia Yuanzhou tends to forget to eat when the training intensifies.

It was to the point that his face turned pale and his stomach hurt so much that it was like it was twisting together. Xia Yuanzhou remembered that he hadn't eaten a single bite from yesterday to now.

He subconsciously reached for his own thermal bag, but it was empty.

Xia Yuanzhou was stunned.

He had been playing professionally for three years. Usually when he was training in the team, Shi Wei would prepare stomach-warming congee for him in advance and get the driver to deliver it to him.

But today, there was no congee.

Xia Yuanzhou's face turned blue with pain as his stomach ached again.

It was just that there was no congee. He wasn't a child. Couldn't he just order takeout himself?

Xia Yuanzhou took out his phone to order takeout. There was a dazzling array of delicious food, but they were all heavy-tasting food. This made Xia Yuanzhou feel nauseous. He was having a stomachache. He just wanted to drink a mouthful of congee. Just a warming congee.

Xia Yuanzhou turned off the Kangaroo app, got up, and prepared to go out to find something to eat. 

At this moment, the door of the training camp opened. Xia Duoduo came to the training camp surrounded by a few teammates.

"Elder Sister Duo? Why are you here?" Xia Yuanzhou tried his best to support his body. He didn't want Xia Duoduo to notice his ill state.

"Yuanzhou, you didn't properly eat again, right?" Xia Duoduo scolded, "Really, you forget to eat every time you train. This bad habit, you need to change it!" 

Xia Duoduo chided Xia Yuanzhou and took out the takeaway she bought. 

"I guessed you didn't eat, so I bought you some lunch. Come and eat!" Then she said to the other players, "I bought a lot, let's eat together!" 

The teammates knew that Xia Yuanzhou had an elder sister and often sent food to Xia Yuanzhou. When they saw Xia Duoduo, they naturally thought that that person was her and said in unison, "Thank you, Elder Sister!" 

Xia Yuanzhou felt warm in his heart. How important did Xia Shiwei think she was? Without her congee, there was still Elder Sister Duo, right? 

After all, they grew up together for more than 20 years. This was much stronger than Xia Shiwei's blood relationship! Xia Yuanzhou enthusiastically beckoned his teammates to eat and helped Xia Duoduo open the takeaway boxes. 

But as soon as he opened one, he froze. 

Xia Duoduo bought spicy crayfish.

The other takeout boxes contained similarly greasy foods.

"Yuanzhou, what's wrong?" Xia Duoduo asked when she saw that Xia Yuanzhou's expression was a little strange.

Xia Yuanzhou shook his head stiffly, "Nothing."

Elder Sister Duo didn't know that he had a stomachache, so he didn't blame her.

"Are you dissatisfied that there are no drinks?" Xia Duoduo smilingly said. Then she took out another bag, "Here, there is mango juice~"

Xia Yuanzhou halted. His face turned pale.

He was allergic to mangoes.

Xia Duoduo stuffed the mango juice into Xia Yuanzhou's arms before distributing food to other team members. At this time, Xia Yuanzhou saw that a staff member was carrying a camera and following Xia Duoduo.

Was this... recording a program?

Xia Yuanzhou turned on his mobile phone and opened Xia Duoduo's live broadcast interface.

【Is Xia Yuanzhou actually the ace of UI? So amazing! 】

【Sure enough, the whole family is so excellent! 】

【Alas, am I the only one who is fanning over the sibling relationship? Duoduo is so nice to her younger brother! She bought so many foods that her younger brother likes to eat! 】

【I envy Xia Yuanzhou for having such a good elder sister! It would be nice if someone could feed me when I am working! 】

Xia Yuanzhou blankly stared at the mango juice.


At least, every time Shi Wei sent him food, she would never send him food that he couldn’t eat.

Shi Wei seemed to have never asked him what he liked to eat and what he avoided. But as long as the food was sent to the training camp, it must be what Xia Yuanzhou liked to eat.

Since the first time she sent him food...Xia Yuanzhou pondered about when it was. It should have been three years ago, when he just joined UI and had a stomach disease because of the irregular diet. At that time, Shi Wei had only been home for a year. Why did she know what he liked to eat and what he needed to eat?

A line of words flashed across the live broadcast room: 【Duoduo is so attentive to her younger brother! 】

Yes, attentive. Xia Yuanzhou could feel that Shi Wei was very attentive every time she made something for him.

But... he looked at the food that Xia Duoduo sent with the takeaway restaurant label. These were all things that could be delivered by ordering on the Kangaroo app.

The key was that he couldn't eat it.

Xia Yuanzhou instantly became irritable.

He felt that Xia Duoduo wasn't sincerely sending him food, but just wanted to establish a good sister persona for herself in the variety show.

Xia Duoduo didn't stay in the training camp for too long and left. The teammates happily munched the takeaway that Xia Duoduo sent, but Xia Yuanzhou sat alone on the sofa, drinking boiled water.

After a while, the tag #heavenly sister Xia Duoduo# appeared on the hot search.

It was as expected.

This feeling of being used made Xia Yuanzhou quite unhappy, but he had nowhere to vent.

He fiddled with WeChat and saw Shi Wei's chat.

For some reason, Xia Yuanzhou got excited and opened the chat and sent a WeChat message to Shi Wei: 【Elder Sis, I have a stomachache and want to drink congee. 】

After nearly ten minutes of silence, Xia Yuanzhou felt that his fingers holding the phone were about to stiffen. A sense of loss slowly filled his entire chest.

Suddenly, the other party replied.

Shi Wei: 【Is it this congee? 】

A photo of congee being cooked was attached below.

Xia Yuanzhou's eyes were hot when he saw the familiar stomach-nourishing congee.

What Shi Wei said last time was indeed out of anger. They were blood-related siblings. How could they be separated just by saying so?

Besides, Shi Wei cared so much about family affection and the Xia Family was so rich. How could she actually regret returning to the Xia Family?

Xia Yuanzhou instantly felt that his stomach didn't hurt that much. Like a puppy, his tail was about to stand up from delight.

He held the phone and replied: 【That's it! Thank you Elder Sis! When will you send it to me? My stomach is almost dying of pain! 】

The next second, a huge red exclamation mark popped up in the interface.

【The other party has turned on friend verification. You are not his (her) friend yet. Please send a friend verification request first. You can chat only after the other party accept the verification request. 】

Xia Yuanzhou looked at the phone. His smile froze completely.

Xia Yuanzhou:?

Xia Yuanzhou:? ? ?

Xia Yuanzhou:? ? ? ?