Wednesday 3 July 2024

WLAEF afterward 15

 Academician Shen held him in his arms and began to pray to various gods and Buddhas for the safety of the mother and child. At the same time, he thought that if Jiang Yun Zhu could give birth to the child safely this time, it would be fine if she didn’t give birth in the future. Having these two children was enough. And Jiang Yun Zhu was much more important to them than a child.

In fact, Princess Danyang felt the same way at this time. Of course she hoped to have as many children as possible, but compared with the children, Jiang Yun Zhu's safety was more important.

At this moment, a cry broke the solemn atmosphere in the courtyard.

"It’s born, it’s born. It’s a miss. Congratulations, Madam." The midwife's voice was followed by congratulations.

It was born. It was a granddaughter. Academician Shen froze there until everyone around him knelt down to congratulate him. Then he was overjoyed and hugged Shen Heng and kissed him repeatedly.

Shen Heng was a little disgusted, but knowing that his mother was fine, a smile appeared on his face.

Jiang Yun Zhu gave birth to a daughter, whose name was chosen long ago. She was called Shen Pan.

Three days later, everyone in the Shen Family reached an agreement that these two children were enough and they wouldn't have any more children.

A month later, it was Shen Pan’s full month. For Shen Heng’s full month, the Shen Family held a full month banquet. Even the emperor and the empress dowager came and it was extremely lively.

This time, only some relatives and friends were invited. Compared to last time’s fanfare, this time it was more warm and affectionate.

In fact, with many people, it would be meaningless if all the people who came here were people who didn’t mean what they said. It was better like this, where close people gather together and everyone chattered and laughed.

When Yang Sheng came, he looked at the children, Shen Heng and Shen Pan and his eyes turned red with envy.

What was this? He thought that Shen Feng Ming would end up alone, so he wanted to help matchmake. But now he had a lovely wife in his arms and complete with a son and a daughter, while he was single.

No, he had to find one when he went back. He secretly made up his mind.

Qin Yao, Xie Lian, and Gu Qi Feng came. Also two people who Jiang Yun Zhu didn't expect came, Xie Chen and Gu Yan Zhou.

Now, the two of them were riding the high winds in the court, in a vague state of being like a dragon and a tiger, soaring into the sky.

In the past, when they were unknown, they stopped interacting with Jiang Yun Zhu. Now they were here...

"Don't be offended." Xie Chen said to Jiang Yun Zhu, cupping his hands. He had never forgotten her life-saving grace, but at that time he didn't know whether he would succeed or not and feared that Jiang Yun Zhu would be implicated.

Now that everything was over, he naturally came to apologize.

"Apologies," Gu Yan Zhou also said.

"Where did this come from?" Jiang Yun Zhu smiled, they didn't owe her anything.

Xie Chen and Gu Yan Zhou understood what she meant and they all grinned. The past was in the past and they would still be friends.

"Ah Pan, Ah Pan." At the side, Qin Yao teased Shen Pan as she thought of something and her cheeks turned red.

"Is there good news soon?" Jiang Yun Zhu noticed her and asked quietly. She and Xie Chen were lovers. They had not been together before because of some scruples. Now that the dust had settled, it was time for a joyous event, right?

Qin Yao openly nodded. She was indeed going to marry Xie Chen.

"Congratulations, has the date been set? I will definitely attend when the time comes." Jiang Yun Zhu said. It wasn’t easy for her and Xie Chen. Over the past few years, Qin Yao had grown from a romantic girl to a determined and brave young woman.

"It will be three months later. You must come then." Qin Yao said.

"Of course." Jiang Yun Zhu agreed.

This was Jiang Yun Zhu's sixth year in this world. Three months later, she went to drink Qin Yao and Xie Chen’s wedding wine.

Xie Chen was now the Minister of Justice. For his age, this official position was already very high and his future was bright. On Qin Yao's side, she was Qingxia County Lord. She had taken over many of her family's businesses and had a lot of gold and silver in her hands.

However, the two’s wedding banquet wasn't extravagant. They just invited their relatives and friends.

Everyone ate and drank, wishing the couple a happy marriage.

At the end of this year, Jiang Yun Zhu participated in another wedding. It was the marriage between Gu Qi Feng and Xie Lian, connecting the Gu Family and the Xie Family. Similarly, neither family made it big. In Gu Qi Feng's words, "I like her, she likes me. We are living our life together. Being happy is enough, it has nothing to do with anyone else."

The anyone he mentioned naturally referred to those who didn’t sincerely bless them.

Because of the previous experience, Xie Lian didn't like to deal with strangers. So Gu Qi Feng let her be. Just the two of them together was fine.

"Congratulations," Jiang Yun Zhu said. In the past few years, Gu Qi Feng had become more and more mature and responsible. He had opened his own shop and the business was booming. Although Xie Lian hadn’t completely emerged from the shadow of the past, at least she had a smile on her face when she was with Gu Qi Feng. This was enough, right?

They should be blissed.

"Thank you, boss." Gu Qi Feng said sincerely. He was used to calling this. Now he was still used to calling Jiang Yun Zhu Boss.

Jiang Yun Zhu let him be.

"Thank you, Boss." Xie Lian said sincerely. She was always grateful to Jiang Yun Zhu. If it weren't for her, she wouldn't know what she would be doing now!

"Is this husband singing and wife accompanying?" Jiang Yun Zhu joked.

Gu Qi Feng smiled heartily, while Xie Lian smiled with a blushing face. The smile was gentle. Everyone beamed along with joy.

In the spring of the next year, Shen Feng Ming recovered a little from his "illness" and went to the Division to handle the cases again.

In the morning, after he left, Jiang Yun Zhu prepared to take a nap.

"Mother, mother..." A soft voice sounded.

Jiang Yun Zhu knew that she might not be able to sleep now. When she opened her eyes, she saw the little one standing next to the bed. The little one had a small bun on her head, and her eyebrows were delicate and beautiful, just like a cute glutinous rice dumpling. At this time, she was staring at Jiang Yun Zhu without blinking.

This was little Shen Pan. Snow white and well-behaved. Jiang Yun Zhu was always a little more patient with her.

"Why so early?" She held Shen Pan in her arms and asked.

"Want to eat chive and egg pancakes," Shen Pan’s childish voice said.

"So you got up this early?" Jiang Yun Zhu asked.

Shen Pan nodded.

Jiang Yun Zhu wasn't sleepy anymore, got up to wash up, and took her little hand to go to the kitchen together.

Soon, the fragrant chive and egg pancake was ready. At this time, a little head poked into the kitchen. It was Shen Heng.

"Come in if you want to eat." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Shen Heng came in, extremely well-behaved. If he hadn't beaten up High Official Zhou's son until he was bruised and swollen yesterday, she would have been fooled by him.

"Mother, that guy wanted to pinch Younger Sister's face. Didn't you say can't let anyone touch Young Sister? Of course I got to beat him up!" Shen Heng puffed out.

Jiang Yun Zhu stared at Shen Pan. Was that so?

Shen Pan nodded.

Okay, he had done it with good reason. But to beat someone like that... "Pay attention to the methods in the future!" Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Shen Heng’s mind spun. It was unknown what he thought of and he soon nodded.

Jiang Yun Zhu served him a chive and egg pancake and he immediately ate it with gusto.

"Slow down. If there's not enough, there’s more." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Shen Heng nodded while stuffing the egg pancake into his mouth.

Compared with him, Shen Pan was much more gentle, eating egg pancakes in small bites, with a pair of grape-like eyes curved into a crescent shape.

Jiang Yun Zhu stood nearby, watching the two children with the corners of her mouth raised.

Back in the room, she unintentionally glanced at the imperial calendar and discovered that Qingming Festival was only five days away. She paused for a moment. This year was her seventh year in this world and the dream she had when she was pulling out a tree branch ended abruptly today.

Pressing her finger on the corner of the table, she felt the pain. She breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t a dream now. How wonderful!

That night, Shen Feng Ming, Gu Yan Zhou, Xie Chen, and others had a dream.

In the dream, Shen Feng Ming went to Wuling Mine to investigate the case, but did not meet Jiang Yun Zhu. Instead, he stayed in another house and left the next morning to hide in the mountains to investigate the situation in Wuling Mine.

As a result, Wang Bin went mad, using the people of Changshi Village as threats to force him to show up.

He couldn't bear to see the people being killed and got Yang Sheng to mobilize manpower and set up a formation to meet the enemy.

After a whole night, countless people were killed. Yang Sheng and his men finally arrived and captured Wang Bin and others. However, all the people in Changshi Village died in this chaotic battle.

Looking at the broken walls and ruins around him, Shen Feng Ming inserted the Kunwu sword into the ground, blood dripping down the blade to the ground.

When Gu Yan Zhou came back from the county town, he saw this scene. The whole village had died and the man stood there covered in blood, like an evil Shura ghost.

He only felt that his vision had gone red and tasted blood in his throat. He wanted to rush over and ask him why! Why did he kill these innocent people?

But after taking two steps, his vision turned black and he fell to the ground.

The people of Qilin Guard soon discovered him and reported it to Shen Feng Ming. Shen Feng Ming assumed he was a commoner of the village and he sent him to the next village to recuperate. Then he personally escorted the Wang Bin group back to the capital.

After Gu Yan Zhou woke up, he ran back to the village like crazy and saw the corpses of his parents. They died in a miserable state, with their eyes open, dying unjustly.

And his uncle, aunt, cousin... all the villagers died!

But those murderous demons yesterday were nowhere to be seen.

Gu Yan Zhou sought for them. At this time, a group of government officials belatedly arrived. Along with these government officials, there was a young man. The young man had an extraordinary bearing. Later he found out that he was Lin Ting An, the eldest son of Anping Marquis.

Gu Yan Zhou learned a lot of things from him. For example, the man with bloody hands yesterday was Qilin Guard Commander Shen Feng Ming. He always used any means to achieve his goals.

From then on, Gu Yan Zhou never had a good night's sleep. Whenever he closed his eyes, he would see his parents, the villagers who died tragically, and Shen Feng Ming.

He chose to follow Lin Ting An and the fifth prince because they said they could help him get revenge.

Of course, he investigated this case during this period. However, Emperor Qinglong had already spared the sixth prince at that time. For the sake of the sixth prince's reputation, everything related to this case became a secret and there was very little he could investigate.

Four years later, in the year of the Major Competition, Gu Yan Zhou submitted a document to attack Shen Feng Ming.

Shen Feng Ming didn’t deny it. Or in other words, he expressed nothing. This irritated Gu Yan Zhou even more. He felt that Shen Feng Ming was indifferent to the lives of the people in the village. Of course, he was even more certain that Shen Feng Ming killed those people.

Emperor Qinglong didn’t punish Shen Feng Ming. Gu Yan Zhou was disappointed and chose to lie dormant and wait.

However, Shen Feng Ming noticed something strange and went to the Anping Marquis manor, where he met Jiang Yun Zhu.

At that time, everyone in the Marquis Anping Manor knew that Eldest Gentleman liked her and wanted to marry her, but the Marquis Anping thought she was of low origin and never agreed.

Shen Feng Ming asked Jiang Yun Zhu, "Do you like your current life?"

Jiang Yun Zhu answered affirmatively, "I like it." 

At that time, her face was full of smiles, warm and beautiful.

Shen Feng Ming left.

Half a year later, he heard the news that she was going to marry Lin Ting An.

That day, he hit the horse and ran three hundred miles in one breath, but stopped by a river. So what if he went?

He thought that he would forget her; he thought that as long as she lived happily, it would be fine.

But no, he tasted the heart-breaking feeling!

Startled out of the dream, he felt cold all over his body. He carefully mulled over the dream, but I couldn't remember anything. Thank god. Fortunately, it was just a dream.

Shen Feng Ming hugged the person in his arms tighter. He felt relieved when he felt that she was in his arms.

Gu Yan Zhou stood up and poured a bowl of tea. The tea was already cold, but he didn't detect this. He drank the whole bowl of tea in one breath and finally felt better.

Xie Chen and Qin Yao hugged each other and felt the fetal movement of the little life in Qin Yao's belly. The two cherished their current life more and were more grateful to Jiang Yun Zhu.

The next day, Jiang Yun Zhu found that Shen Feng Ming had become a little clingy. Alright, maybe it was her imagination.

The days passed like this, happy and beautiful.

Five years later, Emperor Qinglong died. The Crown Prince ascended the throne and changed the dynasty reign to Jiakang.

Emperor Jiakang wanted to remove Shen Feng Ming's military power, but the ministers led by Xie Chen and Gu Yan Zhou disagreed. Not long after, Emperor Jiakang fell ill.

In fact, his body had been in decline for a long time. He only relied on a belief to support him for so many years. Now that he finally sat in that position as he wished, his mind relaxed and he could no longer support it.

He searched for famous doctors to save his life, but there was nothing that could be done to save his life.

In the second year of Jiakang's reign, Emperor Jiakang died and Crown Prince Xiao Chenggui came to the throne. His reign was named Shunyuan.

This year, Shen Heng was thirteen years old. He didn’t want to be in the Qilin Guard and went to the border to join the army.

Since then, there had been an addition of a young general at the border.

In five years, this young general wiped out Xirong and Beidi, eliminating two of the Xia Dynasty's most important enemies and expanding the Xia Dynasty's territory thousands of miles outward.

The ordinary people rushed to spread the news, calling him the Warring God General of the Great Xia Dynasty. Some ordinary people even didn't know who the Holy Emperor was today, but they knew General Shen Heng, the God of War.

Emperor Shunyuan urgently summoned Shen Heng to return to the capital.

The next year, Emperor Shunyuan issued an edict to cede the throne to Shen Heng, saying that he had no talent or ability and in compliance with the will of the Heaven and the people, he ceded the throne to Shen Heng.

In the same year, Shen Heng ascended the throne as emperor. In the second month after Shen Heng ascended the throne, he returned to the Shen Manor with a dragon horse and phoenix chariot. He wanted to invite Jiang Yun Zhu and Shen Feng Ming to live in the palace.

They were his parents. Now he was the emperor, they were the Retired Emperor and the Empress Dowager. How could it do for them to live in Shen Manor all the time.

Entering the manor, everyone in the manor fell to their knees.

He didn't give it a glance and walked straight to the back.

Everything was so familiar that he could walk to the two’s courtyard with his eyes closed.

But after entering the courtyard, he didn't see that familiar figure.

He made a wide circle and his sharp eyes landed on a footboy in front of a small gate in the backyard. This young man had lively facial features and fair skin. If it wasn’t his own younger sister, who could it be.

"Ah Pan, what are you doing?" Shen Heng asked. His eyes were sharp and he was a natural born leader.

Shen Pan wasn't afraid of him and changed the subject, "Elder Brother, Father and Mother left you a letter. It's on the table in the room."

Shen Heng turned around to go back to the room to read the letter. Shen Pan was about to slip away, but Shen Heng caught her and dragged her into the room.

Shen Pan grimaced and walked half a step behind.

Shen Heng opened the letter and read it. The letter was very long and should have been written by Jiang Yun Zhu. She said that he had grown up and had become the emperor, so she could rest assured. From now on, she and Shen Feng Ming wanted to do something they liked and told him not to worry about them.

Oh right, she told him to take care of himself.

After reading it, Shen Heng felt a little disappointed. He liked fighting on the battlefield as well as the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. But what he loved most in his heart was to stay with his family. That was why he wanted to take them into the palace.

Of course, he knew that it was a bit selfish for him to do this. Compared to power, his parents preferred a free life.

"Where did Father and Mother go?" Shen Heng asked Shen Pan.

"Went overseas. You know Mother has always wanted to go overseas. Father listens to Mother."

Shen Heng harrumphed, latched onto Shen Pan, and walked out. His parents were gone, but she was there...

Shen Pan hugged the pillar and said, "Elder Brother, I don't want to go to the palace. I want to travel around the world."

"My parents told me to take care of you." Shen Heng said confidently.

"I can take care of myself." Shen Pan said.

Shen Heng ignored her and insisted on dragging her away.

Suddenly, he felt that his fingers were stiff and his body couldn't move. How could he not understand that Shen Pan had drugged him. Shen Pan had been studying medicine with Celestial Doctor Wu since she was little. She was better than the master now and her medical skills were unparalleled in the world.

In other words, she could drug him without him detecting.

Seeing that he had stopped moving, Shen Pan let go of the pillar and said to him, "I'm sorry, Elder Brother, I didn't want to either. I can take care of myself. After a while, I will come back to see you. Take care." 

After saying that, she slipped away with her head turned every three steps.

After she left, Shen Heng moved his fingers, feeling helpless. Forget it, go then. Wait until he conquers all the territories that the sun shines on and see where else they can go!

At this time, a small boat was parked on the sparkling river. There was one person sitting on the bow of the boat, holding a fishing rod in his hand and fishing. Beside the cabin, one person was burning a stove and making tea.

Suddenly, the person at the bow of the boat quickly lifted the fishing rod and a big fish was caught.

"It's mandarin fish. We can steam the mandarin fish and eat it tonight." Jiang Yun Zhu grinned with delight when she saw the fish. As she said this, she grabbed the fish basket.

 "En." Shen Feng Ming responded with a smile and put the fish into the fish basket.

"In front of Xisai Mountain, egrets fly, peach blossoms water flow with fat mandarin fish. Green bamboo hats, green coir raincoats, the slanting wind and drizzle do not need to return."

They originally wanted to go overseas to visit, but considering that the mandarin fish was plump at this time of the year, they came here first.

After finishing eating the mandarin fish, it wouldn't be too late for them to go. Anyway, life was very long, they could take it slow and pass it slowly.



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