Tuesday 30 July 2024


 Chapter 16 Kunshan Jade Shattered

Luo Jin remembered that there was a person named Little Xiaoyu in the novel. He was the apprentice of Liu Shu of Seven Realms Hall who she helped Chai Heng catch last time. This person was short and often dressed up as a child to make people relax their vigilance and take the opportunity to gather information.

Chai Jing seemed to have mentioned that Little Xiaoyu surrendered after being caught. But for some reason, he spiked the Princess's tea. If she hadn't discovered it, the Princess would have been poisoned to death after drinking it, right?

It was simply abominable!

Little Xiaoyu walked out of the Princess's courtyard and walked back along the original path. Just after walking a few steps, he instantly froze and retreated repeatedly.

Luo Jin followed his gaze and saw that not far away, Chai Qi was slowly walking toward Little Xiaoyu.

"As expected, a fake surrender." Chai Qi said coldly, "Did you think I really believed you?"

Little Xiaoyu's body trembled. He knelt down immediately, "Your Highness... Please don't kill my master!"

Chai Qi glanced at the Princess's yard, "What do you want to do to the Princess? Poison her tea, and then what?"

"It's not poison. It's just... a drug, I... I just want to kidnap her and use her to exchange for my master." Little Xiaoyu lowered his head, "Please, Your Highness, don't kill him..."

Chai Qi coldly stated: "I don't want to kill him, but he refuses to confess the core secrets of the Seven Realms Hall. I naturally can't let him go. Since you are so loyal, then..."

He swayed and in a moment he came to Little Xiaoyu and gently waved his sleeves.

Little Xiaoyu's body fell down in an instant and never moved again.

Luo Jin's heart was pounding. She covered her mouth tightly.

Chai Qi killed him without blinking.

Chai Qi glanced at where Luo Jin was hiding, "Come out."

Luo Jin had no choice but to walk out. She didn't dare to get close. She only walked a few steps, stopped where she was, bowed, and saluted, "Greetings to your Highness, Crown Prince!"

"Are you... that deputy envoy?"

"Yes... I thought this person was suspicious, so I followed him to see."

"En..." Chai Qi nodded slightly, "You are quite attentive. You can retreat! You don't have to tell the Princess about this."


Luo Jin didn't dare to walk around, fearing that she would be seen by Chai Qi and couldn't explain. So she went directly to the Princess's yard.

A maid had already returned. When she saw Luo Jin, she was a little surprised, "Ah, Miss Luo came here by yourself. I asked Sister Xiaocha to find Miss! Eh? Miss's complexion doesn't look good. Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"I’m... a little..." Luo Jin didn't know what to say for a moment. She couldn't say that she was frightened by the sight of the Crown Prince killing people, right?

"I understand! Wait, I'll get you some brown sugar water, drink it and you'll be fine!" The maid smiled, "Don't be embarrassed, girls are like this."

Luo Jin didn't say anything. Her mind was currently a little messy.

The Crown Prince Chai Qi in the novel never showed such a vicious side. Although it was against the enemy, she was still afraid of people killing amidst talking. She remembered that in the novel, Chai Qi was a good friend of the male protagonist He Xiao and the two of them cooperated well. Without Chai Qi's help, He Xiao himself couldn't have succeeded in several events.

He belonged to the camp of the protagonist group. When Luo Jin read the novel, she naturally assumed that he was a good person.

But his current style was completely like a villain!

When she first saw Chai Qi, she thought he had a good temper, easy-going and generous. He was always smiling, easy to get along with, and reliable.

But now she didn't think so at all. Killing people while talking was completely different from his personality on the surface!  

At this time, there was no one in the room. Luo Jin poured out the tea in the teapot, rinsed it, and put it back.

At this time, another maid named Xiaocha came back. Chai Jing came back with her.

When Xiaocha saw Luo Jin, she smiled, "I just went to the dining room to look for Miss Luo but couldn't find her. I didn't expect you to be back. I just came back with Her Royal Highness, Princess. Princess just said that you didn't have dinner, so I brought you some."

She raised the food box in her hand.

Luo Jin knew that Little Xiaoyu's body was on their way back, but seeing their normal reaction, she thought the body had been dealt with and was not seen by them.

"The brown sugar water is here!" The maid came in with a teacup and bowed when she saw Chai Jing, "Xiao Lu greets Her Royal Highness, Princess!"

Luo Jin was slightly startled, "Xiao Lu... Xiao Cha... Who named you two?"

Xiao Lu asked in confusion, "Her Highness loves to drink green tea, so casually named us... What's wrong? Doesn't it sound good?"

"... It sounds good."

Xiao Lu handed the brown sugar water to Luo Jin and said with concern, "Drink slowly, it's a little hot."

Chai Jing was slightly startled, "Your period came? Didn't you just have your period come a few days ago? Why is it coming again?"

Luo Jin: "..."

How come she knew this...


The next morning, Chai Jing and Luo Jin went to the Imperial Music House again.

Chai Jing asked the musicians to continue playing, intending to select a few people to play music for the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet. Luo Jin used the same trick again, making Chen Changmo to play the last one. But there was sufficient time today, so his turn came.

Seeing Luo Jin still blocking his way, Chen Changmo couldn't help but said, "Could you please move aside, Deputy Envoy? Her Highness, Princess can see more clearly."

Luo Jin raised her eyebrows, "I told you to call Official! Don't call Her Highness! The Music Envoy doesn't understand the qin, so just play it for her to listen to. Isn't the qin for listening? What's there to see?"

She saw Chen Changmo clenched his fists, obviously angry but still endured. He responded with a yes and started playing the qin.

Luo Jin sneered in her heart. He had given himself the image of a highly skilled qin player who was indifferent to the world like clear wind and detached from the world like bright moon. Naturally, he wouldn’t argue with her. If he didn't argue, she would push for a foot after gaining an inch and not give him any chance to perform.

Got to admit Chen Changmo played the qin quite well. Even Luo Jin, who knew nothing about the qin, thought that his skill was high and played better than others.

After playing a piece, Chen Changmo took the opportunity to say: "Her...Official, you don't know about music, may I dare to teach you to learn music."

Without waiting for Chai Jing to speak, Luo Jin crossed her arms, shook her head, and said: "I don't want to learn!"

Chen Changmo gritted his teeth and thought: Who asked you?

Logically speaking, "Offical" could indeed be used to address Luo Jin, who was the deputy envoy. There was nothing wrong with it.

Chen Changmo could only continue: "I want to ask, is Princess willing to learn music?"

"What Princess? It's Music Envoy! Call the Princess like that, understand?" Luo Jin used her usual interrupting technique.

"Yes... Music Envoy."

"That's right. What are you calling the Princess for?"


Chen Changmo took a deep breath, "I want to ask, is the music envoy willing to learn music?"

The music envoy was trying to hold back her laughter. For a while, she didn't dare to speak for fear of laughing out loud.

Luo Jin was even more arrogant, "The Princess doesn't like to learn, so she won't learn!"

"But the music envoy is in charge of the Imperial Music House. I think... it's better to learn some music." Chen Changmo tried to keep calm.

“So you’re saying... since the Princess open a restaurant, she has to learn to cook?" Luo Jin rolled her eyes at him, "The Princess doesn't need to play. Why learn?"

"But, Princess..."

"It's Music Envoy!"


Chai Jing coughed, "Speaking of which, I haven't gone upstairs to see..."

Chen Changmo hurriedly said, "Then I am willing to..."

He was immediately interrupted by Luo Jin, "Want to be lazy? The Imperial Music House paid you. Not to be a guide. Practice the qin well or the salary will be deducted if you don't practice well!"

Chen Changmo gritted his teeth and finally stopped talking. He didn't want to leave the impression of being eager for quick success and instant benefits on the Princess. Luo Jin said with a smile: "Princess, I will accompany you to take a look?"

"Okay, let's go." Chai Jing nodded, followed Luo Jin to the second floor, and suddenly asked, "How do you know that this princess has a restaurant?"

"I just made it up. What? Princess really has a restaurant?"

"I really do."

"Ah... is it delicious?"

"I'll take you to try it later?"


After going up the stairs and doing one circle, Chai Jing searched everywhere and said in a low voice: "If the former music envoy didn't leave here, then how did his body get transported out? There are more than a dozen musicians here and there is a busy street outside. If the murder was committed during the day, the body must be handled at night when no one was around. But where should the body be hidden so that it will not be discovered?"

Luo Jin pondered, "It must be somewhere in this building. Let's look for a place to hide people. Maybe there will be clues. Bloodstains or something..."

Luo Jin and Chai Jing searched everywhere for a while. The second and third floors were all shelves with musical instruments. It seemed that there was no place to hide people and there were no clues left.

In order to avoid being seen, they couldn't search openly. After a day, there was no harvest.

In the evening, Chai Jing took Luo Jin to her own restaurant for dinner.

Luo Jin saw that it was a five-story restaurant with guests coming in an endless stream. It looked profitable.

"Princess, you are amazing. This restaurant can earn you a lot of money in a year, right?"

"Still ok. I have dozens of restaurants and pawnshops like this in Wei City. The money I earn in a year is barely enough to spend. I don't need to ask Royal Father for money."

"Princess is really rich..."

It had to be said that there was a reason why this restaurant was doing so well. After eating, Luo Jin couldn't help but discuss with Chai Jing, "Can we come again tomorrow?"



After leaving the restaurant, Luo Jin and Chai Jing got on the carriage and drove to the palace.

Seeing the gloomy sky outside the window, Luo Jin urged, "Hurry up, it's going to rain. And there's no umbrella in the carriage."

The carriage suddenly jolted and stopped.

"What's going on?" Luo Jin shouted unhappily, "How do you drive?"

But Chai Jing suddenly grabbed Luo Jin's arm and her face changed instantly.

An emotionless voice sounded outside the carriage, "Your Highness, get off and follow me!"

Luo Jin felt that the voice sounded familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before.

Chai Jing snorted coldly, "Seeking for death! Do you think... this princess dares to go out with only a groom?"

The voice outside the carriage paused, "Are you referring to... those three useless eighth-level hidden guards?"

Chai Jing's face turned pale.

The curtain was blown open by the wind at this time and Luo Jin saw the person who spoke.

It was Jiang Mo.

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