Sunday 30 June 2024

EN1MP Teaser 4

 Chapter 4

The warm morning breeze blew in the air, making the green leaves rustle.

In the jungle, three women and two men were exchanging gaze.

The speaker was a beautiful female with red hair and green eyes. She seemed to be in her early twenties. She had obviously known the original owner before.

Ye Wenya searched through her memory and found the other person's name. Knowing that the person in front of her was a normal friend of the original owner in school, she nodded and greeted: "Song Jiale, I didn't expect to meet you here either. ”

"What's going on with this level four rock wolf? Was it hunted by Fang Shaoyuan and the others?! As expected of an A-level physique beastman, just came to planet K-0218 and hunted such a powerful beast!" Song Jiale's face was filled with envy and eyes subconsciously wandered around, trying to find traces of Fang Shaoyuan and others.

The strength of the same-level mutated beasts was far more powerful than that of the beastmen. If one wanted to hunt down the fourth-level mutated beast in front of them, it would need at least four ordinary beastmen with B-level physiques.

There were a total of 4 people in their team, including two with B-level physiques and two with C-level constitutions. They were far from capable of hunting the level 4 mutated beast Rock Wolf in front of them, so Song Jiale looked at the rock wolf with even more envy.

The other two mecha students with B-level physiques who were following Song Jiale also nodded with envy in their eyes: "I have long heard that Fang Shaoyuan is the nephew of Marshal Xiao Chen. Now it seems that the reputation is well-deserved. Except for a little wound on its head, the level 4 Rock Wolf didn't even have any wounds on his body. It must have been knocked unconscious by Fang Shaoyuan's punch, right?"

"Yes, that's right! I've heard that Marshal Xiao has outstanding fighting ability since young. I remember that when Marshal was still studying in the military academy, he could kill a level 6 mutated beast with one punch in the field combat assessment! Looking at Fang Shaoyuan, he must have inherited Marshal Xiao’s ability!”

Two mecha males were talking to themselves at the side, so excited their cheeks almost turned red. Watching at the side, Ye Wenya was stunned for a moment. She didn't say anything yet. How could these two people put the credit of knocking out the Rock Wolf on Fang Shaoyuan’s head?

On the other hand, the little black cat next to her heard the two boys' words. His white whiskers curled up and down and his eyes glanced at Ye Wenya from time to time. He always felt a little embarrassed to be praised so much in front of his face.

Still, why did these guys think that Fang Shaoyuan killed this rock wolf? Their eyesights were quite bad.

The little black cat glared at the people in front of it in a very humane manner, but with its short legs and short body, no one could see its expression.

Seeing the excited expressions of the two people in front of her, Ye Wenya shook her head helplessly, not intending to say anything more. She knelt down and took out the laser sword. She swiftly took action and cut off the rock wolf's neck with one sharp stroke. After scanning with the military intelligent optical brain on her wrist, it dinged. '80' points were added to the individual data test points.

"Name: Ye Wenya

 Gender: Female

Age: 20

Exam number: NO: 020625

Exam points: 80

Team members: none

School team points ranking: not on the rank

Grade team points ranking: not on the rank"

Ye Wenya raised her eyebrows. It seemed that if she wanted her points ranking to be on the grade ranking, she would have to find someone to form a team.

She had been thinking about how she would retaliate against Fang Shaoyuan before. Since the other party did not care about the life and death of the original owner and regarded the original owner as a burden, the best way was to give him a head-on blow in the area where he was best at it!

Rather than immediately using potions to raise the physique to level A, it was obviously more appropriate to directly crush the opponent in the final combat assessment rankings.

Especially those people who were not as good as him in the past, but now they were weighing on him and suffocating him, which must make the general very angry!

Ye Wenya subconsciously focused her eyes on the four people next to her. She felt that the four people in front of her looked like a good choice.

However, before Ye Wenya could speak and her eyes were wandering around, Song Jiale failed to find any trace of Fang Shaoyuan and the others. He took the lead and asked with confusion on his face:

"Huh?! Where are Ye Wenya, Fang Shaoyuan and the others? It has been so long, why haven't I seen the rest of your team?"

As sophomores at the Imperial College, almost everyone knew that Ye Wenya and Fang Shaoyuan, the sophomore head of the Mecha Department, were teaming up for an assessment.

Seeing no one at the moment, Song Jiale found it a little strange.

"We separated four hours ago. I am the only one left here." Ye Wenya spoke in an unhurried tone. She raised the knife in her hand and chopped off the wolf leg meat, preparing to cook it for today's lunch.

"What separated?!"

Song Jiale's eyes were as wide as a copper bell, "Then what's going on with this rock wolf? Looking at the rock wolf, it had only fainted recently, right?!"

The wound on his forehead hadn't even healed yet!

"Ha!...Song Jiale, why haven't you discovered until now that this rock wolf wasn’t knocked unconscious by someone, but accidentally hit his forehead on the ground? Basically stupid to death?"

The blond female next to her who had been silent and had a straight face suddenly sneered. Her hands crossed at her chest and looked at Ye Wenya in a condescending manner, "What are you talking about? In my opinion, she was kicked out of the team by Captain Fang, right? With a D-level physique like her, how could Captain Fang fall in love with a woman like you who can’t even make the most ordinary healing potions?"

"But… just idly sitting around and picking up a fourth-level mutated beast like a rock wolf is dog sh*t luck." The blonde female showed contempt and snorted disdainfully, "Ye Wenya, let me tell you! Our team won’t accept trash like you! Don’t try to chat with us and stick to us!”

"A trash with a D-level physique who can't even beat my 10-year-old nephew actually thinks about becoming a couple with the future noble Marquis in the future. Simply have no self-awareness at all!"

The blonde woman's voice was sharp and her speaking speed was even faster. It was amazingly fast. Before Ye Wenya could react, the other party had already sputtered a lot.

"Meina, stop talking!" Song Jiale's face was a little ugly, mostly due to awkwardness.

How could she just forget that Meina had been secretly in love with Fang Shaoyuan for so many years? If she had known that Meina would quarrel with Ye Wenya, she should have taken Meina out of here directly.

Song Jiale looked apologetic and apologized quickly, "Wenya, don't be angry! Meina is just talking nonsense. We’re leaving now... Later let's meet at school! I think the K-0218 planet is also quite dangerous. If you can't bear it alone, just press the communicator and get the teachers and others to pick you up... Hehehe... You should pay attention to safety when you are alone in the jungle, hehehe..."

Song Jiale's face was filled with embarrassment as she quickly dragged Meina away.

The two mecha boys were quite embarrassed when they saw this, but they didn't say much.

Although Mena's words were unpleasant, in this dangerous primitive jungle, they didn't want trash with a D-level physique to join their team. Currently, Ye Wenya was abandoned by her teammates, but she didn’t give up on the exam and leave this primitive jungle. That meant there was a 70% chance that she wanted to join another team.

Especially since there happened to be one more vacancy left in their team.

The little black cat squatted next to her. His glossy black tail impatiently swayed back and forth. His azure cat eyes squinted to the point it almost narrowed into a thin line. He looked at the other person as if they were fools.

High-level mutated beasts have the same intelligence as humans. Even if the fourth-level mutated beasts have slightly lower intelligence, they were still extremely smart. Instead of thinking about a level four beast accidentally hitting the ground and fainting, it would be quicker to stumble over one’s left foot with the right foot and fall.

"Okay, then you guys leave first. No need to bother with me."

The four of them came and left in a hurry.

Ye Wenya raised her eyebrows, no intention of halting them. She could clearly see the relief on the faces of the two boys just now. This assessment last for half a month. No rush to look for teammates.

Ye Wenya crouched down, planning to cleanly dissect the Rock Wolf. In addition to the powerful energy contained in the body of the mutated beast, there was also a beast core in the head, which was also a good thing for beastmen to practice in the past.

The laser sword in her hand had just touched the head of the rock wolf when there were panicked screams in the distance and bursts of roars of mutated beasts. From far to near, they kept coming to Ye Wenya’s ears!

"Help! Help!..."

"Wow!! Ahhh!...Help!..."

"Roar! Roaaaaar!..."



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