Monday 1 July 2024

WLAEF afterward 13

According to their previous plan, they would take advantage of the fight between the Crown Prince and the Sixth Prince to quietly develop their power, such as those 50,000 cavalry and those fleets. When everything was ready, they would help the Sixth Prince get rid of the Crown Prince. Then they would push out Attendant Wu and drag the Sixth Prince down. At that time, the court will belong to the Fifth Prince.

Of course, Lin Ting An wanted to take the opportunity to eliminate Shen Feng Ming. He always felt that he was the biggest variable in this matter.

Could it be that Shen Feng Ming did this? But it didn't feel like it.

"In the past few years, there had been a new force in the court. They are quite mysterious." The fifth prince spoke at this time.

"New force?" Lin Ting An had been busy with the cavalry and the fleet and hadn’t noticed it.

The fifth prince nodded.

The water in the court had become increasingly turbid. On the surface, nothing could be seen, but in fact, there was a turbulent undercurrent.

And this time, they were going to wait and see what happens, or get involved?

When they thought about this, the two of them were fuming. They weren't ready. Those people did this and disrupted all their plans. If they wait and see, it was very likely that it would eventually be concluded as Concubine Wu harming the Crown Prince was false. In the future, it will be very difficult for them to pull out Attendant Wu to reverse the case.

By then, Concubine Wu will be prepared. Maybe the truth will be turned into a lie.

But if they got involved, they might be able to bring down Concubine Wu, but what about the Crown Prince? What's more, they had a niggling feeling that they were being used as borrowed knives.

It was neither good to advance nor to retreat. How could it not be infuriating?

Maybe the person who did this had this idea in mind. Thinking this way, the two of them felt even more displeased, feeling like they were being plotted and led around.

The two discussed for a long time and finally decided on a plan.

The fifth prince stood up and left. Lin Ting An stood there, his eyes becoming sharper.

A man should achieve meritorious deeds, and the greatest merit was the merit of serving the dragon. However, he didn’t want to support the crown prince or the sixth prince. There were already many people around them. One more person wasn't more, and one less wasn't less. Even if he succeeds, what can he gain?

But supporting the fifth prince was different. If successful, he will be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!

This year's winter was extremely cold. Everyone felt uneasy, as if something big was about to happen.

As expected, the three division’s investigation found nothing.

On Shen Feng Ming's side, there was a dramatic turn. After verification, he found that the old woman wasn't Attendant Wu at all and the letter was fake. At this moment, he suddenly discovered the real Attendant Wu.

Attendant Wu still had some unused powder in her hand. With witnesses and physical evidence present, Concubine Wu couldn't deny it.

Murdering the Crown Prince was a serious crime of treason and the nine clans should be punished.

Of course, the crown prince's party wouldn't miss this opportunity. Whether it was verbal or written, they criticized the sixth prince and his followers, listing eight major crimes and requesting Emperor Qinglong to severely punish them.

At the end of this year, Concubine Wu was first demoted to the cold palace. Then she was rewarded a glass of poisonous wine to commit suicide.

The Sixth Prince's accomplices were arrested and killed. Almost all of them were eradicated. He himself was under house arrest.

The crown prince's party was about to celebrate this hard-won victory when someone accused them of forming a clique for personal gain and grouping together to go against those against them.

At this time, the fifth prince officially came into everyone's sight. Everyone discovered that this prince was talented, knowledgeable, and good at literature and martial arts.

With the fall of the sixth prince, a large area in the court was left empty. It was a good time for the fifth prince to cultivate his own power.

At this side, impeachment memorials against the crown prince's party fell like snowflakes on Emperor Qinglong's desk. Each memorial had something to say, it was obvious that it had been investigated in detail.

In a certain inn, Xie Chen met Gu Yan Zhou. It was them who planned the fake Attendant Wu incident. According to their plan, they would first remove the sixth prince, and then cut down the crown prince's fraction, so that the Great Xia Dynasty could be restored to a bright and clear sky.

While they were plotting against others, others were plotting against them. Now that the fifth prince wanted to be the fisherman and the oriole, it would be impossible for them to advance or retreat.

Advance, eradicate all the crown prince's party and the Crown Prince will definitely be affected. Wouldn’t that mean letting the fifth prince pick the fruit.

It would be okay to retreat and maintain the status quo, but with the sixth prince gone and the fifth prince here, their work was in vain.

What to do? Gu Yan Zhou looked at Xie Chen.

Xie Chen looked in the direction of the Division. When Xie Chen met Shen Feng Ming, he didn’t reveal his identity and still he felt that he wasn't simple. Later, it turned out that he was the famous Commissioner-in-chief Shen.

The longer he served as an official in the court, the more he learned about Shen Feng Ming, and found that some things weren't like the legend.

The officialdom was like a big dye vat. Even he himself couldn't come out clean. He began to re-examine Shen Feng Ming.

The more one knew about this person, the more difficult it was to figure him out. For example, he never interfered in the affairs of the court and only focused on investigating cases. He was like a sharp blade that anyone could use, but was this the case?

If the world was a chessboard, who was the chess player?

Xie Chen admitted that he was just a pawn!

"Why don't we go see Commissioner-in-chief Shen." He suddenly said.

Gu Yan Zhou was so surprised that he opened his mouth to refute, but in the end he said nothing. In this situation, maybe they had to meet Shen Feng Ming.

It was spring again. The grass was growing, the orioles were flying, the flowers were red, and the willows were green. But people in the capital have no intention of enjoying the spring scenery. The situation in the court became more and more turbulent. Officials in front of the Meridian Gate died one after another. Who knew when the knife would strike at them.

Jiang Yun Zhu felt that the capital was different from before, but it did not have much impact on her life. Officials rarely come to Shiguang Restaurant, but wealthy businessmen flock there. She didn't worry about running out of business.

And her fleet. Last fall, she added a new fleet. Now she only had a fleet of ships that go back and forth on the sea. They could bring back a lot of wealth every time. She planned to use some of the money to do some good things, such as building more girls' schools that allowed girls to read and write.

She had always felt that only by studying could people understand things and understand themselves and the world better.

Of course, it was true that the economy determined the superstructure. While teaching these females how to read, it was equally important to teach them some skills to make a living.

She told Shen Feng Ming about this idea and he supported her very much. The new school was already under construction and was expected to admit its first batch of students in the fall.

It was good to have money. Jiang Yun Zhu only had an idea about this matter and someone helped her implement it.

Her days were as idle as before.

The peach blossoms were in bloom recently. She planned to make several jars of peach blossom wine. While she was picking petals, a small figure ran over from the side. Seeing her, the little one immediately stopped, put his hands into his sleeves, and crisply called, "Mother."

It was Shen Heng. He was almost two years old now, as cute as a porcelain doll.

Jiang Yun Zhu had seen him a long time ago. 

"What's in your hand?" she asked.

Shen Heng shook his head.


Shen Heng obediently took out the things in his hands and showed them to Jiang Yun Zhu. He was most afraid of her. If she was angry, she would not prepare delicious food for him. And more importantly, when she got angry, Father would punish him.

Jiang Yun Zhu saw clearly what was in his hand and knew that he was in trouble again. Don’t know who this kid took after. He was so wild. Give him a stick and he’d dare to poke a hole in the sky. What he was holding in his hand was the Jiansongge gold-lacquered writing brush cherished by Academician Shen. Now that this brush was half bald. It was estimated that when Academician Shen sees it, he will feel distressed for a long time.

When Shen Heng saw that she was angry, he quickly said, "Mother, I drew a picture. For you."

"What painting?" Jiang Yun Zhu said while suppressing her anger.

Shen Heng came over with his short legs, took Jiang Yun Zhu's hand and took her to see the paintings he painted.

As expected, there was a painting on the snow-white wall of Academician Shen's study room. The painting was crooked, but Jiang Yun Zhu recognized it as a territorial map of the Great Xia Dynasty.

He used such a precious brush to draw on the wall and it looked very powerful. No wonder the brush turned out like that.

"What are you painting this for?" Jiang Yun Zhu asked.

"Give it to Mother." Shen Heng replied.

"Tell the truth." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Shen Heng hesitated before confessing. A few days ago, Academician Shen showed him the territory map of the Xia Dynasty and told him about the customs of each place. He remembered the map.

Jiang Yun Zhu couldn't help but educate him again. He was a thief and a bad person since he stole his grandfather's writing brush. Also, for drawing on his grandfather's wall... In the end, she told him to clean the painting himself and then went to see Academician Shen to apologize.



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