Monday 1 July 2024

EN1MP Teaser 5

 Chapter 5

The noise coming from the jungle was too great. The frightened screams, huge roars, and a series of heavy groans from the ground made Ye Wenya stand up immediately and reach out to where the paralysis powder was stored.

Song Jiale’s group of four who had just walked a few meters away heard the sound and anxiously stopped. They all pulled out the laser swords and particle guns from their waists. The two mecha boys directly turned into two beast forms: a bear and a wolf. They looked at the five black figures rushing toward them with vigilance!

"Waaaaa! Help, help!..."


When the two young figures in school uniforms running in front saw the fighting posture of the five people, their faces immediately lit up and hurriedly dashed over.

Following the two figures, three huge figures followed closely!

Those were three giant bulls that were about one storey high! Bull head and tiger tail. The turquoise hairs were like inverted green spikes, glowing with bursts of metallic light. The three giant bulls' eyes were scarlet at this time and each heavy foot on the ground would cause the ground to tremble.

"Damn! It’s actually a level four green bull and tiger tail beast!"

When Song Jiale, Mei Na and others saw these three green-furred beasts with bull heads, tiger tails, their pupils dilated and they turned pale with fright. All thoughts of rescuing their companions flew out of their mind in an instant! They turned around and ran into the jungle.

Three level four mutated beasts! Let alone saving people, just trying to escape safely from under the nose of these three level four mutated beasts was a difficult task!

This was a fourth-level mutated beast that required four B-level beastmen to deal with! What's more, there were three this time!  

Song Jiale and the others felt cold in their hearts and ran forward without looking back.

The more powerful the beasts were, the more they retained the instinct to chase prey. The three green bull and tiger-tailed beasts following the two figures in front immediately locked their red eyes on the four people when they saw something running away in front of them. .



One of the three green bull and tiger-tailed beasts locked on the two fleeing students in front, one chased in the direction of Song Jiale’s group of five. The last one rushed toward Ye Wenya like a strong wind!


The shrubs and rocks on the ground were directly trampled by the charging giant bull. The bloody smell of rock wolves in the air stimulated the three green bull and tiger-tailed beasts, making them run two minutes faster.

When a boy with short white hair in a school uniform ran away and passed by Ye Wenya, he saw that she was standing there with no intention of running away. He suddenly shouted anxiously: "Why don't you run away! Run away!! You don't want your life?"

While another boy with dark brown short hair gritted his teeth and stopped. His forehead was covered with sweat. Panting, his face was gray and white with many fine red scratches. It was obvious that he had suffered injuries from the grass and trees’ scratches while fleeing in the woods. The dark brown short-haired man took out the particle gun in his hand and shouted: "Bai Xia, take this classmate and run away quickly. Don't just stand here stupidly. I’ll stay and fight with them!"

"No! Pan Mu, either you run away with us, or I stay here with you! As a teammate, I will never run away alone!" The boy with short white hair also gritted his teeth, took out the particle gun and stopped. He turned around and shouted to Ye Wenya: "Classmate, run away! Why are you still standing here stupidly and not leaving?! Do you want to die here?! We can't withstand them for long. Hurry up, run away!"


Ye Wenya held two handfuls of paralyzing powder in her hands. Her gaze halted. She obviously didn't expect that the two stranger classmates she had just met would suddenly decide to stay and fend off the mutated beasts, allowing her to escape first.

Look at the way these two were previously running like crazy and escaping in front of them. Now look at the way the two people stopped now and decided to fight to the death with the remaining two mutated beasts. It wasn’t difficult for Ye Wenya to guess that the two people in front of her must have stopped because of her. They probably felt that they had involved an innocent classmate in the trouble and wanted to make amends.

"Bang! Bang!..."

The particle gun fiercely collided with the two green bull and tiger tails. However, the bullets of the particle gun only broke a few bull hairs. It failed to harm the body of the green bull and tiger tail beasts at all. Instead, it stimulated the two mutated beasts to become more manic,

With a roar, the two mutated beasts slammed toward the two of them like two large trucks.

The sharp black horns glowed with a sharp metallic luster. If they were hit now, the two boys in front of them would probably die on the spot.

"You two, get out of the way!"

Ye Wenya spoke coldly, elbowed Bai Xia and Pan Mu away, and hit the heads of the two green bull and tiger-tailed beasts with the white paralyzing powder in her hand.

The green bull and tiger-tailed beast was breathing heavily from both nostrils, staring with its two pairs of scarlet eyes as it was about to sprint forward and hit the thin human in front of it to death.

However, the next second...



The two green bull and tiger-tailed beasts, which roared angrily like hills, hit the ground heavily. Their whole bodies were stiff and unconscious. Only their heavy breathing could confirm that the two mutated beasts were still alive at this time.

"This, this, this...this is...bang!——"

"I, I'm so dizzy... Bang!——"

Bai Xia and Pan Mu looked at the two green bull and tiger-tailed beasts that fell to the ground in surprise. Their mouth wer opened so wide that they were rendered speechless. However, the paralysis powder floating in the air that hadn’t completely dispersed had also been inhaled by their nasal cavity. The faint fragrance of grass and trees was mixed with an indescribable sweet fragrance. The next second, their heads felt dizzy and the two of them went 'Bang! ——’ They collapsed to the ground.

Because the distance between the two of them and the green bull and tiger-tailed beasts was very close, when they fell, they fell directly toward the two green bull and tiger-tailed beasts and their heads were almost pierced by the horns!

Fortunately, the little black cat who had been following Ye Wenya had quick reactions. The cat's paw directly slapped the two people's heads to the side. This prevented the tragedy of the two people accidentally dying. Still, the two people’s heads hit the ground heavily and made a muffled sound in pain.

Those who watched it felt numb all over.


"Me Na, be careful!"

"Bang! Bang bang bang!..."


After the matter here was settled, the voices of Song Jiale’s group on the other side of the jungle as well as the roars of the green bull and tiger-tailed beast continued to reach Ye Wenya's ears along with the mountain wind in the forest. Ye Wenya stood on the spot and raised her eyebrows. She raised her head to look in the direction of the sound.



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