Friday 12 July 2024


 Chapter 7 A lonely city

Chai Heng recalled the scene just now. At that time, Luo Jin really wanted to tell him something, so he felt that when she wanted him to know something, he could also hear her internal voice.

Getting her favor wasn't the only way to hear her internal voice.

The next day, when the manager sent off the convoy, he was very polite to Luo Jin. Luo Jin still pretended to be stupid and apologized to him, "I'm sorry. I was too soft-hearted yesterday and let those two people into the guesthouse. Fortunately, Your Highness was wise and saw through the disguise of the bad guys."

The manager was confused, "Ah? You don’t know?"

Luo Jin blinked, "Know what?"

The manager: "..."

It seemed that the only unfathomable person was the second prince. This little palace maid just stumbled upon it by accident. Though she stumbled upon it by accident, wasn't she too lucky? She helped the second prince catch such an important person like Liu Shu in one go and got rewarded heavily?

He was immediately envious and jealous.

The convoy set off and left the territory of Dongyuan Kingdom two hours later. Going further ahead was Sand City.

Sand City was an ownerless city with low terrain, easy to attack but difficult to defend. It was also prone to floods when it rained heavily. Before, both Xiyuan Kingdom and Dongyuan Kingdom wanted to occupy this place, but found that it was easy to occupy but difficult to defend the city. After a few turbulent rounds, no one cared about it anymore. By default, it became a buffer zone between the two countries and no troops were stationed there. Because there was no army, thieves and robbers were rampant here and all kinds of vicious people gathered.

There was still an hour to Sand City and they could see some suspicious people outside the city, looking in the direction of the convoy from time to time. Luo Jin could already feel the obvious malice around her in the carriage, making her feel uncomfortable.

At this time, the convoy stopped.

The voice of the guard Ah Xuan sounded outside the carriage, "Your Highness, there is a situation!"

In just a moment, there were several sounds of weapons breaking through the air outside the carriage. It scared Luo Jin so much that she shrank her neck.

"Hide and don't show yourself." Solemn-looking Chai Heng lifted the curtain and got off the carriage.

A strong murderous aura could be felt around, shrouding the entire convoy.

A group of masked assassins rushed to the convoy from all directions, aiming directly at the carriage that Jiang Ge was riding in.

The guards weren't panicking. They surrounded the carriage in an orderly manner and fought with the assassins.

Seeing Chai Heng show up, a few men in black exchanged glances and rushed toward him.

The guard Ah Xuan stood in front of Chai Heng and blocked with his sword. He was very strong and forced a few men in black to retreat a few steps with just one move. There was no way to get close to Chai Heng.

Chai Heng suddenly raised his voice and said, "If you don't want your crown prince to die, I advise you to stop now. I'll count to three. If you don't stop... I'll have someone cut off Jiang Ge's hand!"

The men in black really began to hesitate after hearing this. They wanted to save people, not hurt him.


Chai Heng walked toward Jiang Ge's carriage calmly. The men in black who surrounded him stared blankly in place, not knowing whether to continue the attack.


Chai Heng raised his hand and made a chopping gesture.

"Retreat!" The leading black-clad man gritted his teeth, "Let's go!"

Chai Heng snorted coldly and stopped counting.

[I didn't expect him to be so handsome in dealing with the enemy. He stunned them all at once. ]

[It should be safe now. Huh... I was scared to death. I thought I was going to die! ]

[It seems that being a mascot isn't that easy. Not coming to such a dangerous place next time. ]

Although Chai Heng was facing the enemy, he couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly when he heard this voice.

The black-clad men gathered together in an instant. The leading black-clad man turned around and said in a deep voice: "Take good care of the crown prince. If he gets hurt, we... will not let it go."

Chai Heng said coldly: "No need for you to worry about this."

Suddenly, a black-clad man shouted, "Go, why don't you go? Eh? You don't seem... to be..."

Everyone's eyes instantly turned to the black-clad man at the end of the team. The man in black wasn’t in a hurry. He crossed his arms lightly, looked at the man in black who was talking to him with cold eyes, and uttered two words coldly, "Shut up!"

Without seeing how he moved, the man in black who was talking suddenly widened his eyes. His body was split into three pieces in an instant and was still looking at the man in front of him with his mouth open in surprise when he fell to the ground.

"Who!" A few men in black rushed up immediately and swung their swords at the man.

The man's body shook slightly a few times and the long sword in his hand flashed a few cold lights. In just a moment, the few men in black who rushed up were chopped into several pieces by him. They were even still gasping for breath when they fell down.

"Who... who are you?" The black-clad leader broke out in a cold sweat, "What do you want to do?"

"Me?" The man sneered, "Here to kill Jiang Ge."

Hearing this, the black-clad leader was furious, "Kill him!"

"Oh, based on you guys?"

Luo Jin quietly got off the carriage and hid behind it. She originally thought that the matter had been resolved, but she didn't expect such a fierce character to suddenly appear.

She felt sour in her stomach. She couldn't imagine such a bloody scene at all. The strong smell of blood made her want to vomit. Just taking a breath, she looked out again and saw that the group of black-clad people all fell to the ground.

She couldn't help but cover her mouth and observe where she could retreat behind her. Seeing that this man was so fierce, those guards might not be able to beat him. She thought she had to run away in advance.

Chai Heng didn't show any panic. He just ordered in a deep voice, "Line up!"

The guards quickly moved to a special formation with the carriage as the core.

Chai Heng stood in the formation and asked loudly: "You have great kung fu. I wonder who is this master?"

[He is Yue Qinghai! Yue Qinghai, one of the five greatest masters of the time! ]

[That pervert likes to chop people into three pieces! It must be him! ]

[Can Chai Heng and his group beat him? He will find us if we run away now. Will we all die here? ]

[Why is there such a strong person? He will destroy the balance of the game! ]

Yue Qinghai did not answer, but said coldly: "I was only entrusted by someone to end Jiang Ge's life. You are his enemy, not his friend. There is no need to risk your life for him. Get out of the way. I don't intend to kill anyone from the Chai Family."

Chai Heng did not retreat at all. "Senior Yue, although you have unparalleled martial arts, the Qingyun Sword Formation isn't made of paper. Senior Yue, why don't you give it a try?"

Yue Qinghai frowned. He was obviously quite afraid of the Qingyun Sword Formation. He was also a little surprised that his identity was revealed all of a sudden.

"I didn't expect that the second prince would be so knowledgeable at such a young age." Suddenly, he turned his eyes to the carriage where Luo Jin was hiding, rushed out like an arrow, and swung his long sword. A flash of sword light passed by and the carriage was forcibly split into three pieces in front of Luo Jin. After a burst of clattering sounds, it scattered all over the ground. Luo Jin was completely stunned. 

"I didn't expect that His Highness, the Second Prince to be so refined, to bring a little beauty with you when carrying out such an important mission." Yue Qinghai held the long sword and smiled at Luo Jin, "Why don't His Highness the Second Prince choose between the person in the carriage and this little beauty?" 

Luo Jin laughed dryly, "I... I'm just a little palace maid, serving people..." 

"Is that so?" Yue Qinghai sighed, "Then if I split this little palace maid into three pieces, I'm sure His Highness the Second Prince won't feel bad, right?" 

As he spoke, his hand was already on the hilt of the sword. 

"No!" Chai Heng said anxiously. Luo Jin knew that with her ability, she would be beheaded before she could even see him draw his sword. She also knew that Chai Heng would never exchange a person as important as Jiang Ge for a little maid like her. Yue Qinghai didn't care about killing a little person like her.

In a panick, she shouted, "Han Erniu!"

Yue Qinghai's face instantly became ferocious. He gritted his teeth and said, "You...what did you say?"

Luo Jin retreated toward the carriage and muttered, "Nothing, but a friend told me about a wanted criminal named Han Erniu and said that this person has a big birthmark on his back. I wonder if you recognize him..."

"You...shut up!" Yue Qinghai shouted and swung his sword.

The carriage surrounded by the guards exploded in the middle at this moment and a long sword flew out, blocking Yue Qinghai's sword. Then, a tall figure in green flew out of the carriage, holding Luo Jin's shoulders with one hand, protecting her in his embrace, and the other hand firmly grasping the flying long sword.

Luo Jin touched her heart and felt that her heart was about to jump out.

"Stand back." The tall man whispered.

Only then did Luo Jin see the man's appearance clearly. He was a very tall man, nearly two meters tall. He had delicate eyebrows and handsome features and there was an obvious scar on one eyelid.

[He Xiao! ]

[He is so handsome... He deserves to be the male protagonist. So strong! ]

[Sure enough, he is the one in the carriage. I almost died. ]

[I was saying, why was Liu Shu knocked down without any sound or movement. Only He Xiao in Dongyuan Kingdom could KO him in seconds. ]

[He must be waiting in the inn. So he must have followed the convoy. Since he didn't show up, he must be in the carriage. As the other three carriages are used for loading goods, it is only possible that he is in this carriage. ]

[But where did Jiang Ge go? Did he stay at the guesthouse? I thought he and He Xiao were in the same carriage... ]

He Xiao was slightly startled, but had to concentrate on confronting the enemy and had no time to look back at the little maid behind him.

He had found it strange before, why did Chai Heng bring a little maid in the convoy.

Now he seemed to understand a little.

Yue Qinghai's eyes were full of murderous intent, he stared straight at Luo Jin hiding behind He Xiao, wishing he could chop her with the sword.

Luo Jin fiercely glared at him, but there was no panic in her heart. She was now protected by He Xiao and was not afraid of him at all. She even made a provocative expression at Yue Qinghai.

Yue Qinghai gritted his teeth: "General He, hand over the little maid to me. I will kill her and leave here and never oppose you again!"

He Xiao said: "As a general, my duty was to protect all the people of Dongyuan Kingdom. As long as I am here, I will not let Mister Yue hurt a single hair of Miss Luo."

Luo Jin was even more proud and shouted provocatively: "Han Erniu! Han Erniu!"

Yue Qinghai was furious. He witnessed what the life version of "dog relying on others for power" was. With He Xiao as a backer, she dared to show her teeth to him!

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