Wednesday 3 July 2024

TISHW 160ii

【Haha, there is no real friendship in the entertainment industry. It is all about interests. Only simple people will believe this. 】

【Who knows if Jiang Yu is hugging someone's thigh, or holding a weakness over Qin Shiyu. She was able to threaten Qin Shiyu to go on a date with her last time, so why is it impossible to threaten him to take her on the show with him this time? 】

This was twisting words, forcing logic and forcibly reducing intelligence. Not to mention the fans, netizens who were watching the drama found it hilarious:

【Is this being black for the sake of being black? I was initially a little suspicious of Jiang Yu, but after hearing these remarks, I feel that I was as stupid as them if I believed them. 】

【So what you mean is that Qin Shiyu is very foolish and stupid and can be easily manipulated. Then why didn't Sun Lingqian manipulate him when she was ridiculed like that? 】

【Yes, your rich heiress is so powerful that she can even take down Qin Luochuan. But Qin Shiyu, who is nothing in front of Qin Luochuan, can't be taken down by her? 】

【Don’t tell us that it’s disdain. During the live broadcast, the video of her keeping on cueing Qin Shiyu’s video. Everyone isn't stupid. 】

【According to their logic, Sun Lingqian and Qin Luochuan are acting, right? What weakness did Sun Lingqian hold over Qin Luochuan to get an heir from a wealthy family to accompany her to record the show? 】

【Okay, stop arguing! The show has started and people are coming! 】

Amid the debate, the guests finally appeared one after another.

The shooting location this time was a leisure town under the jurisdiction of H City. This was known as a resort. The scenery was particularly beautiful, surrounded by green mountains and dotted with large and small lakes. When the camera was zooming from the roadside, squirrels holding fruits and chewing them could be seen. And the hedgehog slowly crawling into the grass, very beautiful and healing.

The four resident guests arrived first in pairs. The four of them were already very familiar with each other. After chatting enthusiastically and laughing for a while, a third-tier little flower, Hu Yao, put her hand against her eyebrow bone, "Is that, a Rolls-Royce?" ?”

The other three people’s attention were immediately attracted and looked toward the end of the road. Sure enough, they saw a black luxury car slowly driving up the asphalt road.

Jiang Feng, the Eldest Brother among the four, laughed, "Wow, the domineering president is here!"

He was obviously an excellent 6G online surfer. His friend Wu Qi was a slightly chubby girl. She put on a lovestruck expression, "So in this episode, do I have the opportunity to stage a love story between a domineering president and Cinderella?"

They were well-known comedians in the industry. They have partnered together countless times and have a perfect tact understanding. As long as these two were together, the atmosphere would be merry.

Jiang Feng looked at her with disgust, "It's an overbearing president and his little delicate wife. How are you little?"

Wu Qi lowered her head and glanced at her chest, "Wow, thank you for the compliment!" Then she educated him, "But your behavior isn't very suitable. You can't look at it even when it’s big."

Jiang Feng was speechless, while Zhuang Si and Hu Yao burst into laughter.

While they were talking and laughing, the shiny Rolls-Royce slowly stopped in front of them. The four of them became serious again, preparing to meet new friends.

The middle-aged driver got out of the car first, went around to the back seat, and opened the door. A handsome and elegant young man got out of the car. Looking at the driver's skillful movements, it was obvious that it was Qin Luochuan's personal car and driver.

Probably because it was a holiday, Qin Luochuan was wearing a T-shirt and jeans today. Compared with his elite appearance yesterday, he looked more youthful today. The strong contrast was refreshing to the audience who had been paying attention to him.

【Even without the overbearing president halo, Qin Luochuan is still a handsome young man. 】

【Haha, like a male college student. 】

【Male college students don’t have luxury car and driver. 】

【Male college students don’t have such expensive watches and shoes. 】

Just when netizens began to stir on the value of Qin Luochuan's belongings, thel guests who had arrived earlier had already begun to say hello.

Jiang Feng gave her full attention, "Hey, hello, Chief Qin, hello."

Wu Qi looked infatuated next to him, "Hello, Oppa." 

She put on a shy look and glanced at Qin Luochuan. This immediately made people laugh.

Qin Luochuan smiled politely, "Hello, beauty."

Wu Qi's eyes lit up and she quickly extended her hand, "Oppa, you have such a discerning eye."

With Jiang Feng and Wu Qi making jokes, the atmosphere was very relaxed. Zhuang Si and Hu Yao, who were somewhat reserved, stepped forward to shake hands with Qin Luochuan.

Jiang Feng's eyes turned to the car again. At this time, Sun Lingqian, who was sitting inside, moved over and was about to get out of the car.

Jiang Feng still had the same attitude toward Qin Luochuan now. His tone didn't change and  said attentively, "Hello, Miss."

Wu Qi followed him and acted like a housekeeper, "Welcome, Miss!"

Sun Lingqian smiled and greeted them, "Hello."

Today, she was uncharacteristically wearing a half-sleeved French waist-fitted dress. Her wavy hair was draped over her shoulders. She was indeed a bit noble and elegant.

She didn't talk as much as she usually did when facing fans. After politely greeting Zhuang Si and Hu Yao, she stood next to Qin Luochuan obediently, looking open and decent.

Fans of Sun Lingqian in the live broadcast room immediately started posting comments:

【Wow, have you noticed that our Elder Sister Qian has changed? 】

【Hahaha, doesn’t she love hot outfits and have a carefree temper? Why has she become so quiet now? 】

【Don’t understand? In front of the someone you care, no matter how careless a person is, she will instantly turn into a little girl. 】

Her fans seem to be set that there must be something between the two from this point on and have already begun to name the CP.

However, most netizens were still looking forward to the appearance of the mysterious guest. In addition to experiencing his charm from his work, they were more anxious to feed on Qin Shiyu’s gossip:

【Next is the mysterious guest’s turn to appear? 】

【If it isn’t Qin Shiyu, I would really send a razor blade to the program team. 】

【I think there is a high probability that it is With our Elder Brother Yu’s temperament, he will definitely be upright if the show crew dares to mislead his fans. 】

So with everyone's eager anticipation, a business car with the program team's logo on it slowly drove up.

"Coming, coming!" Wu Qi stretched out her neck. The others were also full of anticipation.

Of course, Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian knew very well who the incomers were, so there was no sense of mystery. But...

Sun Lingqian secretly glanced at Qin Luochuan, and seamlessly moved half a step toward him. From a certain angle, she looked as if she was right next to him, making it look very intimate.

Qin Luochuan noticed her movement, but only glanced and didn't move. Sun Lingqian was secretly delighted. It seemed that Young Master Qin didn't reject her. It wasn't that she had no chance... Then she turned to look at the vehicle that stopped in front of her. Sun Lingqian couldn't help but radiate pride in her eyes.

Wasn’t Qin Shiyu noble? Didn't he let fans laugh at her? Now it was his turn to taste the feeling of being ridiculed! She must appreciate the look of regret on his face.

Amidst everyone’s gaze, the door of the SUV slowly opened and everyone finally saw the people inside.

Wu Qi screamed and covered her face, "Wow, it's really Qin Shiyu!!! Master Chen Ming!"

Everyone clapped happily to welcome him. Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian both paid him close attention, each showing a different smile.

Qin Shiyu didn't seem to notice as he waved to everyone as a greeting. Then he took a long step out of the vehicle. After getting off the vehicle, he didn't rush to greet them, but turned around and directed to behind him, "Slow down."

Everyone was attracted by his behavior. Following his line of sight, Jiang Yu entered the screen.

Jiang Yu’s fans and CP fans were the first to exclaim:

【Damn, is this my Elder Sister Yu? My Elder Sister Yu has become a girl! 】

【Wow wow wow, where did this little sweet girl come from! 】

It turned out that Jiang Yu changed her style.

When recording 'All Rounder 3', all of them wore casual trousers for easy movement. Jiang Yu and Shu Hua's hair was either in a bun or in a high ponytail.

But today's Jiang Yu was completely different. She wore a bohemian style yellow floral suspender chiffon dress. It made her skin look like cream; she had flower bud princess braids on both sides hanging down in her slightly curly long hair. The palm-sized face had exquisite facial features, especially those clear eyes, which easily evoked people's protectiveness.

Seeing the camera directed at her, she raised her head, pursed her lips into a smile, and softly waved her hand, "Hello."

Everyone watching suddenly felt like they were hit:

【This, this is exactly what I imagined my daughter to look like. 】

【Ahhhhh, so sweet! 】

【Haha, no wonder Sun Lingqian’s fans never pull out Jiang Yu’s appearance. I instantly think she can’t be a bad person. 】

However, Jiang Yu’s fans’ comments aroused the curiosity of uninformed netizens:

【So why do her fans call her Elder Sister Yu? She is clearly a younger sister. 】

Fans of Jiang Yu and fans of 'Double A Couple' immediately laughed:

【Because she is super awesome! Don't be deceived by her appearance, she is rebellious, hahaha...]

【Yes, she is the one who deceived Qin Shiyu in 'All Rounder' and would play tricks on the director team when she got mad. 】 

【Let’s put it this way, it’s like the King Kong Barbie in the IQ world. 】

Such an introduction had completely aroused everyone's curiosity. Some people have already expressed that they want to see 'All Rounder'. What’s more...

【I believe Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu are good friends. 】

The first thing he did after getting out of the car was to turn around to receive Jiang Yu. He considerately placed his hand on the roof of the car to prevent Jiang Yu bumping into it. After she got out of the car, he calmly turned around to greet everyone. During this moment, he kept taking care of Jiang Yu.

Wu Qi covered her heart, "Great Chen Ming, has anyone ever said that you are very unphotogenic! How can you be so much more handsome than when on TV!"

Jiang Feng joined in the fun, "Ah, am I going to lose my position as the most handsome man in the entertainment industry?"

Hu Yao laughed, "I'm going to faint from such handsomeness."

Qin Shiyu smilingly drawled out, "It's fine. Look more and it'll be better. It's a desensitization treatment. Look how calm Jiang Yu is. It’s because she sees it a lot."

Jiang Yu:……

This guy was obviously making a double entendre.

Seeing Jiang Yu secretly glaring at him, Qin Shiyu changed it, "Oh, I misspoke. It's not because she sees it a lot, but because she looks in the mirror every day and has become immune to beauty."


Seeing everyone looking over, Jiang Yu could only smile shyly and resisted the urge to glare at him this time.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shiyu added, "But she is a bit shy and is slow to warm up. Please bear with it."

Wu Qi teased with a gossipy expression, "Are you sure she is your good friend? Why don't I think so?"

The audience on the barrage was going crazy:

【Ahhhhh, who said Qin Shiyu is cold to others? Isn't he quite skilled? 】

【I feel the same way as Wu Qi. Is this a good friend? Isn’t this taking care of family members? Not only does he protect her shortcomings, he praises her at any time. Tell me, this isn't a CP fans’ rose colored glasses. 】

【Haha, I didn’t know them before, but I think it’s a little bit like that. Qin Shiyu really takes care of Jiang Yu. 】

【Yes, even if Jiang Yu doesn't speak, no one is ignoring her. 】

【On the other hand, Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian...are they really on good terms? 】

【Is Sun Lingqian quiet or reserved? 】

Indeed, the audience didn't think anything when Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian got out of the car, but when compared with Qin Shiyu's actions, they immediately noticed the difference.

Either he wasn't familiar with Sun Lingqian or he was a wealthy young man who only thinks of himself.

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