Wednesday 24 July 2024


 Chapter 13 Kunshan Jade shattered

The next morning, Chai Heng's convoy took He Wenqian back to Wei City.

There was no rush and no mission along the way, so everyone felt much more relaxed. Chai Heng had already sent someone to report the situation here in advance, but he was a little nervous, afraid that he would be punished for his own actions.

Yue Qinghai left on his own after the hostage exchange. Luo Jin didn’t bother with him. This man was a villain in the novel and he was very difficult to deal with with his martial arts skills. It wasn't easy to control him with his past. But she knew that she could only control him for a while and not forever.

In the plot of the novel, Yue Qinghai lost his family in the famine when he was young and was adopted by a kind-hearted farmer couple. However, he killed his adoptive parents when he was twelve years old. Later, he fled to the military camp and served as a soldier under the general. He had a very high talent for martial arts, to the point that he was invincible on the battlefield, and was highly valued by the general.

But when the general's eldest daughter, who had become a noble concubine at that time, returned home to visit her parents, he did beastly things to her. The general was so angry that he chased him all over the city and issued a bounty. However, in order to protect his daughter's reputation, the reason for the bounty was written as murder and robbery.

After Yue Qinghai escaped from the military camp, he lived in seclusion for a long time. He practiced martial arts diligently and made great progress. When he came out again, he had changed his name and his appearance had changed a lot. No one would associate him with the fugitive Han Erniu.

After that, he followed the upright people in Jianghu to do some good things to punish evil and eliminate evil. Gradually, he accumulated fame.

At the current plot’s timeline, Yue Qinghai was still a good person in everyone's heart. He was currently relatively low-key and wasn't a very treacherous and evil person.

In the novel, he only showed his evil true face in the later period and started killing. In the early period, he was basically just an unimportant character and didn’t really do anything that hurt the world.

And the noble concubine who was defiled by him that year was the biological mother of the sixth prince.

Yue Qinghai always thought that the Sixth Prince was his son. Luo Jin guessed that he assassinated the Crown Prince to pave the way for his own son.

However, the Crown Prince wasn’t captured in the novel, but the plot of assassinating the Crown Prince didn’t exist.

The protagonist of the novel was He Xiao. He only fought with Xiyuan Kingdom a few times in the early stages of the novel. During this period, it explained some plots of Xiyuan Kingdom. But in the later stage, the map was changed. He Yuan soon went to fight with Hanyuan Kingdom. People from Xiyuan Kingdom never appeared again. Luo Jin only knew about the plots related to a few of He Xiao's battles.

The most explained in the novel was the plot of Yeyuan Kingdom where the heroine Feng Lingruo was. Unfortunately, Luo Jin wasn’t born in the Yeyuan Kingdom and these plot knowledge was useless to her.

She just hoped that Yue Qinghai will continue to have a few rounds with Xiyuan and not come to Dongyuan. It would be better if he got killed by He Xiao as soon as possible, so that many innocent people could be saved.

Although she didn't want Jiang Mo to die in her heart, she knew too little and there was really nothing she could do to help.


The convoy stopped a few times along the way. When they came across a prosperous town, Chai Heng allowed the guards to buy some specialties to bring back to their families. The guards were naturally delighted. Everyone bought something and put it on the carriage to take back.

When Luo Jin passed by a jewelry store, she bought a hairpin for the Princess. It was made of a special local red jade with naturally formed phoenix patterns on it, which was very special. But the price was also very special, almost one thousand taels. After a long time, Luo Jin gritted her teeth and bought it.

Although she thought the Princess might not like it, she still wanted to give it to her.

It took almost half a month for the convoy to finally return to Wei City.

Chai Heng went to see the emperor and got someone to send Luo Jin back to Lihua Palace.

"For me?" Chai Jing accepted the hairpin with a smile, plucked the hairpin from her hair in front of the mirror, and replaced it with the new one given by Luo Jin, "It's really beautiful, you have good taste!"

She took out a large stack of banknotes, "My Second Elder Brother asked me to give it to you."

Luo Jin's eyes lit up immediately. She took it and counted it, "Five thousand taels, this... so much?"

"Said to reward heavily. This isn't much. My Elder Brother told me about your matter when he wrote to me," Chai Jing suddenly reached out and linked Luo Jin's arm. her eyes sparkling, "Luckily you were there."

"Hehe... I didn't do anything."

[I was unlucky on this journey. I almost died a few times... sniff sniff...]

[Next time going out, must check the almanac, no matter if it’s accurate or not. ]

[Luckily I survived. Five thousand taels is enough for retirement hehe...]

[Retire, retire! ]

Chai Jing let Luo Jin to go back to rest and she got up to go to Chaoqian Hall. Chai Heng was still talking to the emperor in the palace. The Major Eunuch Wei was guarding the door. Chai Jing saw her elder brother, the crown prince Chai Qi, waiting at the door, and ran over.

"Elder Brother!" Chai Jing pulled Chai Qi's sleeve and twisted it gently, "Did you bring me any gifts when you went out to play?"

Chai Qi sighed, "Went out to play? Do you think I have time to play? Look at my big dark circles!"

Chai Jing got closer and took a closer inspection, "It’s true... By the way, Royal Father said you went to investigate the corruption case. It wasn’t easy to investigate?"

"Of course it's not easy to investigate. Those corrupt officials have been in the local area for more than ten years and their power aren’t small. Some people got anxious to the point of wanting to assassinate me... Fortunately, nothing happened. I just came back after closing the case." Chai Qi yawned, his face full of fatigue, "I didn't sleep well in the carriage. I went to the palace after getting off the carriage. I haven't taken a shower for several days."

Chai Jing immediately let go of his hand, took two steps back, and covered her nose.

Chai Qi: "..."

At this time, Eunuch Wei came over, "His Majesty summoned your Highness, Crown Prince and your Highness, Princess into the palace!"

Chai Jing and Chai Qi followed Eunuch Wei into the Chaoqian Palace.

Chai Jing saw Chai Heng standing at the side and winked at him, asking him about the result of his mission in Sand City. After all, he was her dearest brother and she was very concerned about Chai Heng's affairs.

Chai Heng nodded gently, indicating that she didn't need to worry. Chai Jing was relieved.

"I heard from Heng'er about the crown prince exchange matter. He did a good job and acted decisively, which was quite like my style when I was young. If it were me who made the decision, I would definitely choose to exchange General He. Whether it is to win people's hearts or out of sincerity, Heng'er's move really pleased me! He deserves a reward!"

Chai Jing took the opportunity to help speak: "Second Elder Brother also captured Liu Shu of the Seven Realms Hall! The number one figure in the Seven Realms Hall! Although he didn't confess anything, his apprentice surrendered on the first day and revealed a lot of information about the Seven Realms Hall. It’s also a great achievement, Royal Father!”

"Reward!" The emperor slapped the table, "Heavily reward! Hmm... let me think about what reward to give?"

"How about making him a king?" Chai Jing suggested with a smile.

"Qi'er did a good job this time. There are many officials involved in this corruption case. It was rare to be able to handle all of them without missing a single one. Deserves a reward." The emperor suddenly changed the subject, "What reward?"

"It's my responsibility, no reward is needed." Chai Qi bowed.

"That's true... Then I'll reward you to go home and rest for three days. Go! Take a good bath, you smell..."

"Thank you, Royal Father!" Chai Qi turned and left.

Chai Jing scratched his head and exchanged glances with Chai Heng.

The Crown Prince handled such a big case and was only rewarded with three days of rest. How could he have the nerve to ask for a title of king for such a small contribution?

Obviously, the emperor suddenly changed the subject for this reason. These two people weren't ignorant people. Of course they wouldn’t mention the title of king again.

"By the way, I have had Qi Deguang's house in Wei City raided. He was indeed greedy. There are countless treasures in the house, a total of 700,000 taels of silver! I have already collected them all into the national treasury." The emperor turned to Chai Heng, "Heng'er, you have made a contribution this time, so I will reward you with Qi Deguang's house. The house is quite large and the interior is beautiful. The back garden is bigger than my imperial garden."

Although Chai Heng wasn’t very satisfied, he had no choice but to bow and say, "Thank you, Royal Father!"

Chai Jing smilingly said, "Royal Father, what about me? I also get rewarded, right? Give me a big house too? I'm tired of living in the palace..."

The emperor rolled his eyes at her, "What contribution have you made? You come here to ask for a reward?"

"I... I helped father save the baby in Qin Huaying's belly!" Chai Jing felt a little guilty.

As expected, the emperor responded disdainfully, "How dare you mention such a small matter? Go wherever you want!"

Chai Jing couldn’t accept it, "Father was partial! I didn't make any great achievements because Royal Father didn't give me any chances! I have no place to use my skills! If you give me the corruption case, I can investigate it!"

The emperor snorted, "Okay, I'll give you something to do, so you don't have nothing to do and cause trouble all day long."

Chai Jing was surprised and said, "What is it? Is it an investigation or an assassination? It's better to be a big problem that several groups of people can't solve. Give it to me and I'll solve it and let Father see my skills!"

The emperor couldn't help be amused, "You ah... okay , I now appoint you as the music envoy of the Imperial Music House, responsible for all matters of the music house. The 18th of next month is the 70th birthday of the Empress Dowager. There must be no mistakes with the music house’s matters. "

Chai Jing frowned, "What is there to manage in the music house? It's a waste of talent..."

"I say you are ambitious but incompetent! Take care of the music house first! If you do a good job, I will consider giving you a more important job."

Chai Jing had no choice but to nod, "Okay, then I’ll go to the music house first... By the way, since I am the music envoy, can I decide the deputy envoy?"

"Sure, you decide."

"Thank you, Royal Father!"


As soon as Luo Jin hid the money, she heard Attendant Zhao calling her, saying that the Princess was looking for her. Luo Jin didn’t delay and immediately entered the Crown Princess' bedroom.

"This princess just asked for an official position for you," Chai Jing said with a straight face, "You must work hard and don't let this princess down!"

When Luo Jin heard the word "official position", she was immediately delighted, "I...I'm an official? Really? The position? What rank?"

"Yes, there is. It's the ninth rank, if I remember correctly."

[Is there a position like that? ]

[I took the civil service exam for several years in my previous life but failed. I didn't expect to get it here! ]

[I got it! Great! ]

Chai Jing didn't understand what she was saying, but she knew she seemed very happy.

"Then, Princess, what exactly does this servant do?" Luo Jin asked.

Chai Jing discovered early on that Luo Jin wasn’t used to calling herself "servant" like other palace maids. She had never cared about it before and she wouldn’t care about it in the future.

She put on a serious look, "You will be a female official in the future. You don't need to call yourself 'servant'. In front of this princess... no, this official, call yourself 'this subordinate'."

Luo Jin was stunned, "This... official? Is the Princess going to be an official too?"

Chai Jing raised her chin proudly, "Yes, I am now the music envoy of the Imperial Music House! You are my subordinate, the deputy music envoy!"

Luo Jin's face changed slightly.

[Imperial Music House! Chen Changmo is the musician of the Imperial Music House! ]

[Is this bad fate about to begin? ]

[That can’t do. Definitely can’t let Princess fall in love with that scum, Chen Changmo]

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