Friday 5 July 2024

WLAEF sidestory 1

If that dream continues, the seventh year in the dream

In the spring of the twenty-fifth year of Qinglong's reign, the Crown Prince went to Honglu Temple to meet with Beidi envoys. He was assassinated on the way, shocking the entire Xia Dynasty.

His Highness, the Crown Prince, was assassinated on the street. Who was so audacious!

The Crown Prince’s faction were furious as well as panicked. They all pointed their fingers at the sixth prince, thinking that he must have done this.

When the sixth prince heard that the Crown Prince was dead, he couldn't believe it at first. When he saw his body with his own eyes, he looked extremely sad on the surface, but in fact he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The Crown Prince was dead and he had to be the heir. As for the crown prince’s faction’s accusation, he didn't take it to heart.

This time, it wasn’t him and he had a clear conscience.

Who would have known that on the third day, the constables who were arresting criminals inside and outside the capital would catch a suspicious woman. After interrogation, they revealed a shocking secret. This woman's name was Wu Min. She served the Crown Prince in the East Palace eleven years ago. That year, Concubine Wu told her to put some kind of powder into the incense burner in the crown prince's room. The Crown Prince fell ill. Though he barely escaped, it caused serious problems.

Both the witness and material evidence were present and couldn’t be denied.

Now everyone's eyes were focused on the Sixth Prince and Concubine Wu. It turned out that it was Concubine Wu who harmed the Crown Prince. Now... almost everyone thought that the Sixth Prince committed the act this time.

And some newly discovered evidence by the three divisions seemed to prove this.

Emperor Qinglong was furious. How dare Concubine Wu and the Sixth Prince! This was the woman he loved; as poisonous as snakes and scorpions. And this was the son he loved; so ruthless that he even murdered the Crown Prince on the street for the sake of being the heir.

Since he dared to kill the Crown Prince today, would he kill the emperor tomorrow?

What was the use of keeping such a rebellious son?

Concubine Wu was thrown into the cold palace and a piece of white silk ended her life. The sixth prince was given a glass of poisonous wine to committ suicide.

The crown prince was dead, and the sixth prince was dead. People in the court were in panic. What was the future’s direction?

At this time, the fifth prince stepped forward. It turned out that he wasn't mediocre. On the contrary, he was more heroic than the sixth prince and more benevolent than the crown prince. He was the best candidate as the crown prince. Many people immediately sided with him. There were some waiting and watching. Still. following the fifth prince seemed to be the general trend.

Emperor Qinglong noticed the fifth prince and was shocked to realize that his son was so outstanding. If the country was handed over to him...

On this day, Shen Feng Ming presented him with a long secret report. After reading it, Emperor Qinglong's eyes turned black and he fell directly on the dragon chair.

This cold dragon chair, which represents the supreme position in the world, could drive people crazy.

Emperor Qinglong called for the fifth prince to enter the palace. According to Shen Feng Ming's secret report, the fifth prince sent someone to kill the crown prince, and framed the crime on the sixth prince. And the old woman named Wu was linked to the fifth prince.

Who would have thought that the fifth prince had already placed an informant in the palace and received the news in advance. So he decided to bring his troops to besiege the palace. This was his last move. It was a dangerous move he prepared to make if he had to. He was 70% sure of succeeding.

Who would have thought that he lost and it was at the hands of Shen Feng Ming.

This man... The fifth prince regretted his mistake. Perhaps he should have listened to Lin Ting An and dealt with him first.

In desperation, he drew his sword and killed himself.

The fifth prince dared to besiege the palace and had almost succeeded. Emperor Qinglong was horrified and ordered his faction to be severely punished.

The moat was dyed red with blood.

Emperor Qinglong appointed the crown prince's son, Xiao Cheng Gui as the new crown prince to appease the people. However, after this battle, it was no longer possible for the important officials in the court to die and to be imprisoned.

Shen Feng Ming made meritorious service in suppressing the rebellion and was promoted to the post of Major Commissioner-in-chief, taking charge of the army and guard posts inside and outside the capital.

In the autumn of this year, Jiang Yun Zhu and the Lin Family were escorted to the capital to await trial.

Jiang Yun Zhu was sitting in the prison carriage. She didn't expect that she would have such a day. She felt that the ancient laws were unfair. Why should Lin Ting An implicate others when he committed a crime alone? Of course, she regretted even more that she shouldn't have softened her heart and agreed to marry Lin Ting An in the first place.

She couldn't disagree even if she wanted to. Her selling deed was in his hand. She could only say that this era wronged people.

With her mind spinning a thousand times, Jiang Yun Zhu covered her face with her hands, completely in despair.

At this time, the market, which had been lively just now, suddenly became quiet. Only the sound of horse-drawn carriages rumbling forward could be heard.

After a while, the carriage stopped.

Jiang Yun Zhu was surprised.

There was an inaudible voice nearby, "What's going on?"

"Stop talking, it's Commissioner-in-chief Shen. Don't want your head."

The person who asked the question immediately fell silent. Who didn’t know Commissioner-in-chief Shen. A few days ago, the water in the river dyed red from the killing. Now if one smelled it carefully, there seemed to be a smell of blood in the air. They don't want to die.

If they weren't afraid that leaving suddenly would be too conspicuous, many people would want to leave this place.

Commissioner-in-chief Shen, Shen Feng Ming. Jiang Yun Zhu heard this and shuddered, remembering his visit to the Marquis Anping Manor three years ago. Sure enough, when he came knocking, it was no different from the king of hell coming to the door.

At this moment, there was the sound of horse hooves ahead. She looked forward and saw a group of black-clad guards galloping over. They were like sharp arrows, full of murderous aura. Especially the leader with phoenix eyes and red lips, looking as sharp as a dagger, and making people dare not look at him any longer.

Jiang Yun Zhu withdrew her gaze. He was aloof and had all the power. She was in a prison carriage with a slim future. She didn't care why he appeared here. He probably didn't remember who she was.

Who knew that the sound of horse hoofbeats was getting closer and closer and finally stopped in front of Jiang Yun Zhu's prison carriage.

Jiang Yun Zhu lowered her head and could only see the horse's two front hooves and one foot by the horse's belly. On the foot was black short boots embroidered with cloud patterns, which were exquisite and expensive.

She didn't raise her head, waiting for the other party to leave.

But the man didn't leave or speak.

She could feel a cold gaze resting on her, making people shudder.

What did he want to do? Interrogate her? For a moment, Jiang Yun Zhu wanted to raise her head and beg him. She didn't know what Lin Ting An had done. Moreover, she had wanted to peacefully divorce with him for a long time, but he had always disagreed.

But she knew that it was useless to beg him as it would only bring humiliation to herself.

She simply buried her face in her knees to avoid his gaze.

At this time, Adjutant Li, who was escorting them to the capital, approached cautiously and asked Shen Feng Ming, "Commision-in-chief Shen, do you have any instruction?"

Shen Feng Ming then looked away from Jiang Yun Zhu, "These people will be sent to the Division."

This was unreasonable, but Adjutant Li immediately decided to comply, "Yes, Commissioner-in-chief Shen."

The carriage continued to move forward, but this time it was in the direction of Division.

The people in the carriage were already numb and panicked when they heard these words. Who didn’t know what kind of place was the Division. It was eighteen levels of torture like hell. Death was a luxury for them after entering there.

Someone immediately collapsed and wanted to crash against the carriage to commit suicide.

"How dare you!" Adjutant Li immediately whipped the man. Want to die? No way. Even if he died, he had to go to the Division before dying, otherwise he would be implicated.

Some people begged loudly, but were beaten by the soldiers escorting them. Then they dared not speak out again.

Jiang Yun Zhu had heard of the Division's name a long time ago. When she heard that she was about to be sent there, she couldn't help but tremble and clenched the pendant on her chest. There was a pill there. If it didn't work... She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to take those torture instruments.

The group of people was taken to the Division. Going down the stairs, there were rows of cells and a bloody stench from inside.

Jiang Yun Zhu was in the middle of the group.

"Marquis Anping manor, Lin Ting An's wife, Mrs. Jiang." Someone checked the name.

Jiang Yun Zhu didn't like this Mrs. Jiang, but could only nod.

But surprisingly, after checking, she wasn't made to go down. Instead, she was to follow another person.

Jiang Yun Zhu didn't dare to ask and followed the man to the left.

There was a cell here, but this cell looked very clean. There was even a bed and a chair inside. There was a small window at the back of the cell. The golden autumn sun shone into the cell through the small window, making this cell more spacious and a bit warmer.

"You stay here first. Do you need anything?" Nie Xin asked while observing Jiang Yun Zhu.

Jiang Yun Zhu was a little confused by this question. Did she need anything? Would he give her whatever she needed? Wasn't this a prison cell?

She shook her head. She didn't need anything.

Nie Xin turned around and left. After a while, another person came and was pushed into the cell.

"Young Madam." Yin Cui uttered in surprise when she saw Jiang Yun Zhu.

Jiang Yun Zhu was very happy to see her. Yin Cui was her personal maid. Ever since the manor got into trouble, she didn't know what happened to her. It was great to see that she was fine now.

"Don't call me Young Madam anymore." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Yin Cui knew what she was thinking and immediately changed and called her master.

"There’s no more Master?" Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Yin Cui insisted on this. Jiang Yun Zhu saved her life and would always be her master.

Jiang Yun Zhu wasn't in the mood to go on about this anymore. She could call as she wished. Anyway, she wouldn't be able to call for more than a few days.

Yin Cui immediately started to tidy up. Seeing that there was a water basin in the cell, she boldly asked the guard outside if there was any water.

There was. The man brought a bucket of water.

Yin Cui poured some water from the bucket into the basin and helped Jiang Yun Zhu wash her face first.

Jiang Yun Zhu was very moved when she saw the water. She was usually a tidy person, and being in the prison carriage for so many days was uncomfortable.

Forget it, leave future matters later. She washed her face with the basin of water, then turned around and did a simple wipe down.

Yin Cui helped her comb her hair with her hands. Then she wiped the entire cell.

After a while, the appearance of both the people and the cell changed.

Although Jiang Yun Zhu was wearing old clothes, her face was as smooth as ever and her hair was braided, revealing a section of her fair neck.

The cell was much cleaner and tidier. With the bed and chair, it didn't look like a cell, but like a room of some poor family.

Shen Feng Ming came to the prison carrying the food box and came across this scene. The beautiful and soft-looking person was sitting on the bed, with sultry eyebrows, snowy skin, and a full, sandalwood red mouth.

His grip holding the food box unconsciously became stronger.

Jiang Yun Zhu saw him and stood up in a hurry.



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