Tuesday 2 July 2024

WLAEF afterward 14

 Shen Heng nodded obediently. His experience told him that he must listen to his mother, otherwise he would definitely be unlucky.

Seeing him like that, Jiang Yun Zhu shook her head and decided to discipline him well in the future. Thinking of this, she touched her belly.

In the evening, Shen Feng Ming came back. After returning home, he first changed clothes and washed up. Before entering the bathroom, he was the ruthless Commissioner-in-chief Shen. When he left the bathroom, he was just Shen Feng Ming. He didn't want to bring the matters outside to his home at all. So even when the capital was in chaos these days, Jiang Yun Zhu's life had not changed much.

Jiang Yun Zhu told him what Shen Heng did today and the two talked about Shen Heng.

"He is very smart." Shen Feng Ming said. Actually, Shen Heng knew that there were some things that he must not do and he wouldn't do them either.

"I know he was smart." Jiang Yun Zhu was happy but still had a headache. It wasn't easy to teach a child well.

"When he gets older, I'll teach him how to ride a horse and archery, so that he won't have nowhere to use his energy all day long." Shen Feng Ming said.

For a moment, Jiang Yun Zhu didn't know whether to agree or not. Shen Heng was already very difficult to manage now. If he could learn kung fu...

Shen Feng Ming hugged her, "I'm here! Don't worry, we will be able to teach him well."

The worries in Jiang Yun Zhu's heart suddenly disappeared. She leaned into his arms and nodded gently.

Shen Feng Ming wrapped her waist.

Jiang Yun Zhu suddenly halted his hand, "I'm afraid it won't be possible these days."

"Huh?" Shen Feng Ming had some guesses, but still asked.

Jiang Yun Zhu grabbed his hand and placed it on her lower abdomen, "I asked old Mister Wu to check for me yesterday. I am indeed pregnant."

"Really?" Shen Feng Ming bent down, trying to listen to the fetal movement in her abdomen like before, but he soon realized that she was just pregnant and there was no fetal movement yet.

Still, he was delighted and hugged Jiang Yun Zhu up. The corner of her skirt drew a beautiful arc in the air.

Jiang Yun Zhu hugged his neck with a smile on her face.

The next morning, the two went to see Princess Danyang and Academician Shen together.

Princess Danyang was quarreling with Academician Shen. Yesterday, Shen Heng used the golden lacquer brush from Jiansong Pavilion to draw on the wall. When Academician Shen found out, he couldn't help but lecture Shen Heng, but Princess Danyang wasn't happy about it.

Wasn't it just a broken writing brush? Her grandson could use it if he wanted. Why talk so much nonsense?

Look at how smart her grandson was. He could draw the Xia Dynasty's territory map after seeing it once. She couldn’t dote him enough!

Academician Shen was at a loss. With her behavior, Shen Heng will be spoiled crooked by her sooner or later.

"You’re good? Look how you taught Feng Ming." Princess Danyang huffed out.

"What's wrong with Feng Ming? Isn't he very good? Besides, didn't you teach him too!" said Academician Shen.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Attendant Chang announced that Young Master and Young Madam were here. The two immediately stopped and sat at their own side, ignoring each other.

Jiang Yun Zhu and Shen Feng Ming came in. They greeted them first before Shen Feng Ming stated, "Father, Mother, Yun Zhu is pregnant for a month or so."

Princess Danyang and Academician Shen were thinking about what had just happened and did not pay attention to his words. But...the two people suddenly raised their heads and asked in unison, "Really?"

Shen Feng Ming nodded.

Both of them stood up, forgetting about what had just happened. Princess Danyang latched onto Jiang Yun Zhu and asked her questions, quite excited. Academician Shen couldn't join in at all. So he told Shen Feng Ming to take good care of Jiang Yun Zhu.

In fact, the two of them have always wanted Jiang Yun Zhu to have another child, but they couldn't say it out loud. Now that Jiang Yun Zhu had one, they both feel like their wish had been granted.

"It would be great if it’s a girl." Princess Danyang spoke. She had only given birth to one child, Shen Feng Ming, and was very envious every time she saw other people's daughters being cute and well-behaved. She quickly added, "A boy is good too. Ah Heng will have a playmate."

"If Mother gives birth to a little brother or sister, will she no longer govern me?" Shen Heng understood the meaning of pregnancy and asked immediately.

Jiang Yun Zhu glared at him, "Let your father govern you then."

Shen Heng looked at Shen Feng Ming and grimaced. It would be better for his mother to govern him.

The whole family was amused by his reaction.

The young madam was pregnant and the entire Shen’s house was filled with joy. However, this joy was quickly replaced by a sense of tension. In June, Emperor Qinglong killed more than a dozen high-ranking officials in the court. The lowest of these people was fifth grade, and they were all members of the crown prince's party.

All of the crown prince's factions were purged. In addition to the previous incident with the sixth prince, almost half of the officials in the court died. This almost shook the foundation of the court.

Fortunately, a group of young and talented officials immediately took over and the court wasn't in chaos.

However, it seemed that this matter wasn't over yet.

Even Jiang Yun Zhu felt uneasy this time. At this time, she was heavily pregnant. So she reduced the number of trips out of the house and discussed it with Shen Feng Ming. If it didn't work out, she would get Chi Zheng and the others prepare everything overseas.

"No need." Shen Feng Ming kissed her forehead. In the past, he might have considered retreating and left a way out for himself. But now that he had her, Shen Heng and the child in her belly, he won’t retreat.

He will protect her and let her live the life she wants.

Jiang Yun Zhu inexplicably believed him. If he said no, then there was no need.

In October, news suddenly came that the fifth prince was trying to siege the palace. There were soldiers everywhere in the capital and it was unknown which route they took. It was a mess. Princess Danyang and Academician Shen ordered the servants to guard the door and be ready.

But until the end, no one broke into Shen's home.

In November, the rebellion was quelled. Shen Feng Ming made great achievements in quelling the rebellion and was promoted to Major Commissioner-in-chief, taking charge of the five armies.

The fifth prince was convicted of treason and was rewarded a glass of poisoned wine to commit suicide. All his followers were imprisoned and punished according to law, including Lin Ting An.

The rain had finally passed in the capital and the sky was clear.

When Jiang Yun Zhu heard the news, she was stunned for a long time. This was completely different from the situation in her dream. For seven years in the dream, the court had been very peaceful. The Crown Prince and the sixth prince have been fighting constantly, but nothing big had happened. Shen Feng Ming was impeached because of the Top Scholar case, but in the end there was no result. But now, the sixth prince's party was gone and the crown prince's faction was cut down. Even the dormant fifth prince committed suicide.

The change between the two was too great. Could this be the so-called butterfly effect? She and Jiang Yunxiu exchanged branches and the butterfly flapped its wings once, causing the following events.

She wasn't sure and couldn't control it, but as far as she was concerned, she felt that it was pretty good now and liked her current life.

Thinking of this, she rubbed her growing belly and smiled.

Shen Feng Ming was promoted to Major Commissioner-in-chief. Within a few days, he became "sick" again. Emperor Qinglong trusted him very much. If he hadn't turned the tide this time the fifth prince besieged the palace, the fifth prince might have been sitting on the throne now.

It was just that now there was only the Crown Prince left in the court. As he was in charge of the Qilin Guards and the commissioner-in-chief of the five armies of the capital, he was too eye-catching.

"Since there's nothing big going on in the court now, it's nice to spend a few leisurely days at home." Academician Shen twirled his beard and said in appreciation. Accompanying the emperor was like accompanying a tiger. Only when one knew how to advance and retreat could they last a long time.

Princess Danyang was very dissatisfied. Her son had made great contributions to suppressing the rebellion. He deserved all these, so why should he pretend to be ill? Of course, she wasn't stupid. She knew that Shen Feng Ming was right to do what he did and only felt injust for him.

Her royal brother was getting more and more muddled as he got older.

Jiang Yun Zhu was deep in her pregnancy. Of course she was happy about Shen Feng Ming staying at home. It was just, she suddenly remembered something.

In the evening, Shen Feng Ming helped Jiang Yun Zhu back to the room. As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Yun Zhu asked, "Recuperating?"

She was teasing. Shen Feng Ming immediately understood her question. She was talking about how he met her in Lu Prefecture on the fifteenth of January that year. At that time, he went to her house to "recuperate".

That matter was Yang Sheng's idea, but after Shen Feng Ming found out, he went along with it.

Now that Jiang Yun Zhu had exposed it, his eyes dodged, "It's all in the past."

The corners of his cold eyes were stained with a tint of red, as bright and brilliant as jade.

Jiang Yun Zhu's heart felt like a deer jumping around. This person... In fact, when she knew about it, she felt more sweet and happy. It turned out that he had done such ridiculous things for her.

How about she tell him something?

She tugged on his arm.

Shen Feng Ming lowered his head to listen to her words.

Jiang Yun Zhu whispered in his ear. In fact, they had already slept in the same bed, on the fifteenth of January that year...

Pieces of moonlight seemed to fall into Shen Feng Ming's eyes.

The two were entangled together and didn’t want to be separated for a long time.

Shen Feng Ming was "sick" and didn't even go to the royal banquet during the New Year. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about him, and the court was filled with singing and dancing.

On this day, the Shen Family became nervous again. Jiang Yun Zhu was about to give birth.

With the previous experience, everyone wasn't so panicked now. Still, their nerves were tense.

Shen Feng Ming accompanied Jiang Yun Zhu. This time Princess Danyang couldn’t be bothered to say anything. She only hoped that Jiang Yun Zhu could give birth to the child safely and that their family could live happily. If not...

"Mother seems to be in pain. Grandfather, please find a doctor for Mother." Shen Heng and Academician Shen couldn't enter the delivery room, so the old man and the young boy were waiting outside. When Shen Heng heard Jiang Yun Zhu's cry of pain, he was so anxious that he turned around to Academician Shen.

Though Academician Shen’s mind was in a mess, he had to explain to Shen Heng that Jiang Yun Zhu was giving birth and it was very painful for a woman to give birth. Doctor Wu was the best doctor in the Great Xia Dynasty and he was already treating Jiang Yun Zhu.

Taking the opportunity, he taught Shen Heng that he must be filial to his mother in the future. It wasn't easy for his mother to give birth to him.

Shen Heng kept nodding. He didn't want a little brother or sister, he just wanted Mother.



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