Tuesday 16 July 2024


Chapter 9 A lonely city

Fifth prince Jiang Mo had a blank expression and a cold attitude, "We have to go even if we don't want to. This is the imperial edict."

"Fifth Elder Brother, if they can't reach an agreement, will they... kill us all? I heard that Yue Qinghai... he just killed our entire team of masters, all by himself! He can kill so many people. It can’t be that he doesn’t dare to kill us?" 

Jiang Mo nodded, "Indeed, the team sent out to rescue people was all killed by Yue Qinghai's 'Double Flying Swallows'. His swordsmanship is very special and easy to recognize. As for our team... if he wants to, he can kill them all in an instant. It's very easy for him. And there is also He Xiao, whose martial arts skills are similar to his. The two of them can kill faster together. "

Jiang Yan cried even louder, "What should we do?"

Jiang Mo said again: "I heard that people killed by 'Double Flying Swallow' can see their bodies being divided into three parts before they die. It's very interesting."

Jiang Yan: "..."

"Your Highness, why are you scaring him?" Xia Wenxian said helplessly, "We are envoys going to negotiate. According to the rules, they will not kill envoys, don't worry. And..."

When he said this, he realized that he almost said the wrong thing, and quickly closed his mouth.

"Although we are both princes, we aren’t valued. There isn't much meaning in killing us." Jiang Mo finished what he didn't say for him.

"No... Your Highness, don't say that, I didn’t mean this." Xia Wenxian's forehead was sweating.

"It's okay. I'm not the kind of person who can't listen to the truth." Jiang Mo said calmly. "Originally, Third Elder Brother was supposed to handle the negotiation, but he obviously wanted to seek the position of crown prince. If he went to negotiate, he would definitely not let the crown prince come back alive. Second Elder Brother died early. Fourth Elder Brother is a stutterer, so us two princes with no strength were sent to negotiate... After all, the other party also sent a prince."

"..." Xia Wenxian wished he could immediately go deaf.

Although this was the truth, but... could this be said?

Jiang Mo continued to sigh, "I heard that the second prince of Dongyuan is a mediocre person, but his father and brother treat him very well. Their crown prince doesn't even hold any suspicion toward him. It's not like our side, just friendly on the surface, but secretly wants to kill each other... I’m really envious!"

"..." Xia Wenxian wanted to knock himself out.

Jiang Yan wiped away tears and interrupted, "Maybe it's because their crown prince is very strong and doesn't worry about anyone coveting his position. Unlike ours..."

Xia Wenxian: "..."

How come even the Sixth Prince was led into talking nonsense by him? Although he also felt that it was a bit outrageous that the crown prince was captured in the enemy country because of lust, he really couldn't say it!

It was so difficult for him, the prime minister!

Although the convoy was slow, it finally entered the city.

Along the way, passers-by could be heard talking about the thrilling competition.

"It was said that General He’s sword swung down and Mister Yue flew to avoid it. The sword chopped on the roof. Guess what, the roof was chopped off by his sword!"

"I heard that the convoy of Xiyuan Kingdom is coming soon. Tomorrow is the day of negotiation. I wonder if they dare to enter the city?"

"Hey... is that the convoy of Xiyuan Kingdom?"

"Feck! They actually entered the city!"

Jiang Yan held his head, "We shouldn't have come. We shouldn't have come..."

Jiang Mo poked his head out of the carriage and asked the passers-by who were curiously watching: "Which inn did the Dongyuan Kingdom's convoy stay in?"

The passerby's eyes spun, "The one in the west of the city. They came yesterday. There are only two inns in Sand City, so... go to the east of the city, there is another one there."

"Oh, thank you."

"Haha, you're welcome!"

When Jiang Mo closed the carriage curtain, several passers-by began to laugh.

Almost all the people living in Sand City were fugitives, thieves, illegal vendors and other wicked people. It wasn't easy for ordinary people to come here and get out alive. The reason why they didn't attack the convoy was just because they weren't strong enough and couldn't beat them.

It was harder than climbing to the sky to hear the truth from them.

"They went to the east of the city!"

"Haha, they really did. The Dongyuan Kingdom's convoy is also in the east of the city!"

"There's something interesting to watch..."

Xia Wenxian felt a little uneasy, "I heard that there are no good people in Sand City. Are they lying?"

Jiang Mo nodded, "Definitely lying."

Xia Wenxian was going crazy, "Then why are you going to the east of the city?"

Jiang Yan cried, "Fifth Elder Brother, do you want to die early and reincarnate early? Don't take me with you! I don't want to die yet..."

Jiang Mo was still expressionless and stated calmly, "Anyway, we will meet tomorrow, so it's not a bad thing to know more."

He paused before continuing, "It's not a bad thing to reincarnate early."

Jiang Yan: "Ahhh..."

The manager of the East City Inn was basking in the sun at the door with nothing to do. He saw a group of people coming here from a distance and thought he was seeing things.

Rubbing his eyes, he confirmed that it was indeed a group of people and the clothes were still the soldiers of the Xiyuan Kingdom.

His face turned pale instantly.

When these two parties meet, they won't... fight, right? With the two wreckers He Xiao and Yue Qinghai here, could the inn be saved if they fought?

The convoy arrived and the manager hurriedly went to meet them, smiling and saying, "This... our inn already has a convoy staying, so I'm afraid there's not enough room for so many of you. How about...  go to the one in the west of the city? There are many empty rooms there and can accommodate you!"

Xia Wenxian looked at Jiang Mo, with a look of expectation on his face and nodding his head desperately.

Jiang Mo finally nodded, "Okay, the convoy will stay in the west of the city."

Xia Wenxian breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to give an order, he saw Jiang Mo lift the curtain of the carriage, jump out of the carriage, and said to the manager: "Can accommodate me alone, right?"

"Can...accommodate." The manager was slight in disbelief. Although he wasn’t a good person, he couldn't help but remind him, "That...General He and Mister Yue...also stay here."

"Your Highness...you can't stay here alone!" Xia Wenxian said anxiously, "It's too dangerous here. Let's go to the west of the city together!"

Jiang Mo seemed not to hear, "Which room will I stay in?"


As soon as Luo Jin woke up, a guard came to tell her that the person living next door to her was Jiang Mo, the fifth prince of Xiyuan Kingdom.

She carefully recalled for a long time before she remembered who Jiang Mo was.  

The fifth prince of Xiyuan Kingdom had very few roles in the novel. It was only mentioned that he was born in a bad family and had a low status among the princes. This person was also at odds with the crown prince and later participated in the plan to assassinate the crown prince, but was killed because of his lack of strength. However, the crown prince also suffered a huge loss and his most important secret guards all died in the fight.

There was no plot of Jiang Ge being captured in the novel. Naturally there would be no scenes of Jiang Mo coming to negotiate. According to the development of the novel, it wasn't yet time for Jiang Mo to appear.

He actually came over to stay by himself. Was he brave or had his brain gone bad?

As she was pondering about it, a guard came to call her, saying that Chai Heng was looking for her.

Luo Jin followed the guard to Chai Heng's room and saw He Xiao was there too.

"What I mean is, find an opportunity to scare him. With his air dented, he will be more likely to compromise during the negotiation tomorrow." He Xiao said, "There are two princes among the people who came to negotiate. The sixth prince is young. So he is probably leading the negotiation." 

"But the other party should be well prepared, right? Will we end up making things worse by doing this?" Chai Heng was a little worried, "If it gets out, it will have a bad impact." 

Luo Jin heard them discussing important matters and didn't know why she was called. Hearing what He Xiao said, she was a little worried, "You can't be thinking of... throwing some bloody animal corpses on his bed, right? So disgusting..."

He Xiao smiled, "Animal corpses? That's too low-level..."

Luo Jin widened her eyes, "It won't be... human…”

"Uh... am I so violent in your heart?" He Xiao smiled bitterly, "Although I have killed many people, they were all on the battlefield. And I wouldn’t kill innocent people indiscriminately... Even when there aren’t that many innocent people in this Sand City."

Luo Jin smiled embarrassedly, "Indeed, General He is a very upright person. I think, he is a prince after all. Bloody things may not scare him. And since he dared to come to the inn alone, I think he isn't afraid of these tricks. How about... pretending to be a ghost? Let's get some ghost lights and phantom flying around in his room. I think the effect will be better. "

"Ghost light? Where can ghost lights be found? Does phantom refer to flying ghost shadow? I'm familiar with this. I'm very good at qinggong. "

"For ghost lights, just use phosphorus powder. It shouldn't be difficult to buy. "Luo Jin pondered for a while, "If you can catch fireflies, stick them on his window with honey and write the word 'death'. The effect should be good!"

"Luo Jin was a little excited, "You go prepare the materials. I'll help! It sounds fun!"

He Xiao nodded, "I'll catch fireflies. I think... it's fun."

Chai Heng: "..."

Why did they start playing? Think of proper business!


Jiang Mo didn't go out after entering the room. It was almost dark when someone sent some food.

When the guard dressed as a server went to collect the dishes, the sky was completely dark.

The guard reported, "There is only one candle in his room. A map and a few books on the table."

He Xiao waved his hand to let him go, "It's my turn to take action! Miss Luo, let’s follow the plan!”

Luo Jin made an OK gesture, "Understood!"

He Xiao was slightly startled. Then he imitated her and made the same gesture, "Let's go!"

There was no moon tonight and a few sparse stars in the sky. It was pitch black outside.

A few groups of blue light slowly rose in the night and slowly floated to Jiang Mo's window.

An extremely tall white figure floated gently in the sky and blue flames burned around the body of this person, looking like a devil from hell.

"Ghost!" Passersby who saw the figure screamed in fear.

Luo Jin was guarding outside Jiang Mo's door. Her plan was to wait for Jiang Mo to get frightened and run out. Then she would go into the house and write the word "death" on his window with honey and release fireflies. Fireflies will form the word "death" because of the eating honey. This double horror effect would definitely scare Jiang Mo to death.

It was said that people in ancient times were very superstitious. Look, everyone who passed by just now was scared.

At this time, Jiang Mo's door was indeed opened. A figure walked out of the room and went down the stairs on one side.

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