Sunday 7 July 2024

WLAEF sidestory 3

This room should belong to Shen Feng Ming. It was easy to tell. In the middle hall, there was a clothes rack with two pieces of clothes hanging on it, one of which was exactly what Shen Feng Ming wore yesterday. There was a knife rack next to the clothes rack, and what was placed on it was the Kunwu sword. This sword was Shen Feng Ming's personal sword. It heard that it was given to him by the emperor and it was the only one in the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

"Official Shen?" Jiang Yun Zhu stopped.

"Don't you want to take a bath?" Shen Feng Ming opened the door and walked in. There was a bathroom on the left side of the central hall.

"I'm afraid this is inconvenient." Jiang Yun Zhu said. This was his room and she would take a bath here?

Shen Feng Ming understood what she meant, "It’s fine."

Jiang Yun Zhu didn't understand him. A person's room should be a very private place, especially if it was his bedroom. Others should think twice before entering, let alone an extremely private matter like taking a bath.

She had thought before that he was being nice to her because he wanted to get information from her. But it seemed that he had gone too far. This was no longer just nice. It was overstepping the rules.

"I can't think of any other suitable place for bathing at the moment." Shen Feng Ming explained.

The prison cell had no cover and was a definite no. Other people’s rooms? Shen Feng Ming refused.

Jiang Yun Zhu didn't know how to answer his words.

Shen Feng Ming got people to prepare things for bathing.

Those people moved very quickly. In a short time, hot water was ready. They even prepared a change of clothes for Jiang Yun Zhu.

Jiang Yun Zhu stood at the door and did not move.

"En?" Shen Feng Ming asked.

"It troubles Official Shen too much. How about forgetting it." Jiang Yun Zhu wanted to say that she won't wash it.

"You don't have to worry about anything." Shen Feng Ming stated.

Jiang Yun Zhu lowered her head and clutched the corners of her clothes tightly with her hands. How could she not be worried? A woman takes a bath in a man's room...

Shen Feng Ming wanted to persuade her and tell her that he wouldn't do anything, but seeing her like that, he didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only put it in a different perspective, "If I want to do something, your defense is useless."

What he said was very true. So true that it made people feel chilled in their hearts.

Jiang Yun Zhu froze. Yes! Her defense was useless. If he wanted to do something, she had no room to resist.

Forget it, let him do whatever he wants.

She looked in the direction of the bathroom, where a large bucket of bath water was steaming.

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you outside." Shen Feng Ming said.

This made Jiang Yun Zhu feel a little more relaxed. She tentatively entered the room and found that Shen Feng Ming had no intention of following her. She held the door and looked at him.

However, Shen Feng Ming had already turned his back and walked toward the courtyard.

All Jiang Yun Zhu saw was his back, standing tall in the night. She closed the door, bolted it, and took in the room again.

On the right side of the room was a study room, and inside was a bedroom.

The Kunwu sword wasn't far to her left. The scabbard was simple and there was nothing special about it. Still it gave people a chilling feeling, as if there was a ferocious beast inside that would pounce out at any time and tear people into pieces.

It was unknown how many people were killed by this sword and how many people’s blood it drank to become like this.

Jiang Yun Zhu only hoped that she wasn't the soul killed by this sword.

Quickly looking away, she went to the bathroom.

After closing the door, it was quiet in the bathroom and there was no movement outside. She began to take off her clothes and then stepped into the water.

It had been too long since she had taken a proper bath. She sighed comfortably as her body was immersed in hot water.

The sound of rushing water wasn’t loud, but Shen Feng Ming had keen senses. Even standing in the courtyard, he heard the sound clearly.

The evening wind blew and the shadows of the trees swayed, just like his heart.

In two quarters of an hour, Jiang Yun Zhu finished the bath and put on clean clothes. She felt like she had relived again. But she didn't dare to drag her feet. She came to the door and opened it.

Shen Feng Ming heard the sound and turned around. First he smelled a light fragrance that carried water vapor. Then he saw a scene that made his blood boil. The person stood under the light. Because she had just taken a bath, her skin was fair and rosy, just like the freshest part of a peach blossom. Her black hair stuck to her snow-white skin, and her eyes were more moist and fragrant. Lips were wet...

His gaze made Jiang Yun Zhu feel oppressed. 

"Thank you, Official Shen." She said softly to ease the uneasiness.

 "En." Shen Feng Ming only responded with this word.

"Then I'm going back." Jiang Yun Zhu said, walking in the direction of the cell.

"Don’t." Shen Feng Ming said.

Jiang Yun Zhu's heart skipped a beat. What was he going to do?

She lowered her head, pretending not to hear, and wanted to head back to the cell quickly.

"Don't leave." Shen Feng Ming said.

Instead, Jiang Yun Zhu quickened her pace. Shen Feng Ming had no choice but to catch up with her and stop in front of her.

Jiang Yun Zhu almost bumped into his arms, but fortunately she stopped in time.

But when she looked at his thin waist, her heart was beating fast.

"It's getting cold and it's windy at night. If you just go back like this after taking a bath, it's easy to catch a cold." Shen Feng Ming lowered his head and looked at the person close at hand.

"It's no problem." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

"You can rest in my room, I’ll go back to the manor in a moment." Shen Feng Ming said.

Jiang Yun Zhu felt that she had seen too many strange things today and was already a bit used to it. En, a prisoner sleeping in the room of Commissioner-in-chief Shen? If others know this...

"No, thank you Commissioner-in-chief Shen, I'm going back." Jiang Yun Zhu walked around him and picked up the pace. She made up her mind to go back.

Shen Feng Ming stood there, wanting to reach out, but finally held back.

Jiang Yun Zhu returned to the cell. The person guarding the cell opened the door, let her in, and then locked the cell, as if everything was normal.

"Master, Official Shen actually let you take a bath?" Yin Cui had been waiting for Jiang Yun Zhu. Upon her return, she immediately came up to greet her and asked with concern.

Jiang Yun Zhu was confused. She didn't speak and just nodded.

Yin Cui picked up the towel next to her and wiped her hair. Jiang Yun Zhu's hair was long and plentiful. If she didn't dry it a little, it would be difficult to dry it before going to bed and she would easily get a headache tomorrow.

Jiang Yun Zhu sat there and absentmindedly let her work away.

While sleeping, the moon rose in the east, but Jiang Yun Zhu felt very hot. First she lifted the quilt. Afterward, she was woken up by the heat again. She felt her mouth was dry and wanted to drink water.

Yin Cui was sleeping next to her, but she didn't want to wake her up and wanted to get up to pour it herself.

As soon as she stood up, her vision went dark and she collapsed on the bed.

Yin Cui was awakened and came to Jiang Yun Zhu's side at once, "Master?"

"I'm thirsty." Jiang Yun Zhu said. She opened her mouth and her voice was unusually hoarse.

Yin Cui sensed something was wrong and quickly touched her forehead with her hand. It was so hot, "Master, you have a fever!" 

Yin Cui was so anxious that her voice changed. Fever was usually very dangerous. In prison, wasn't it waiting to die?

Jiang Yun Zhu also felt that she must have a fever and regretted taking a bath yesterday. But it had already happened and there was no use regretting it.

"Pour me some water. It'll be okay." She said.

Yin Cui quickly poured her a bowl of water.

The water was already cold, but Jiang Yun Zhu found it perfect. She drank the bowl of water in a few gulps and felt a severe headache.

"I'll sleep for a while and be fine when I wake up." Saying this, she laid down on the bed, feeling drowsy.

"Master..." Yin Cui called, but Jiang Yun Zhu didn't respond.

She touched Jiang Yun Zhu's forehead with her hand again. It seemed to be even hotter. What to do? She turned around, took a towel and poured cold water over it, put it on Jiang Yun Zhu's forehead. She called again, "Master?"

Jiang Yun Zhu didn't respond.

Yin Cui felt that this couldn't go on or a life would be endangered.

She turned around and came to the cell door, "Is anyone there? Is anyone there?" 

At first she called out very quietly before deciding to shout at the top of her lungs.

Someone on night watch came over and said, "What are you shouting for?"

"My master is ill, gravely ill. Please, please find a doctor, please." Yin Cui said anxiously.

If it were someone else, then be sick. Who cared if they died from sickness. As for calling a doctor, what kind of place would this be? This was the prison of the Division.

But it was Jiang Yun Zhu.

The night watchman did not dare to neglect. He took a lamp and looked inside with the aid of the light of the lamp. He saw a person lying on the bed. The person was motionless, as if she was sick.

"Wait, I'll help you find someone." The night watchman said immediately. There were orders from above to take good care of Jiang Yun Zhu. If anything happened to her, they would all be sinner.

Nie Xin was on duty at the Division tonight and was inspecting various places when a man ran over in a panic.

He knew the man and snorted in displeasure, "What big thing had happened? No composure at all! How can you be a Qilin Guard!"

The night watchman stopped and said, "The prisoner in Room No. 2 is sick, seems to be gravely ill."

"Room No. 2?" Nie Xin caught on and his expression instantly changed, "You’re saying Room No. 2?"


"Then what are you standing there? Call the doctor!" Nie Xin said angrily.

The night watchman was startled. Didn't he say he had to be calm? His behavior had nothing to do with composure.

Nie Xin wanted to kick him, but at this moment, there was no time to think about all this.

The night watchman jogged off to seek a doctor, while Nie Xin was immersed in hesitation. Commissioner-in-chief Shen had said that if anything happened to Jiang Yun Zhu, he should be informed. Now that she was sick, he should report it to him.

But it was midnight.

To report or not to report? Reporting it would be enlarging a small fuss. But if he didn't report it, he wouldn't be able to bear the responsibility if Commissioner-in-chief Shen blamed him tomorrow.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and reported it.

A fast horse galloped toward Shen's manor. There was a curfew in the capital. It was running wildly on the street so late at night and soldiers on patrol soon stopped the horse.

But when the person on the horse took out the token, the patrolling people immediately stepped back and let him go forward.

After a while, the horse came to Shen's home. The man on the horse got off his horse and knocked on the door of Shen's home.

Someone coming to report had happened before. If someone came from the Division late at night, something big must have happened in the court or at the Division, so no one dared to delay it.

Soon, Shen Feng Ming received the news that Jiang Yun Zhu was gravely ill.

He didn't even know how he put on his clothes and went out. When he got on the horse and was blown by the cold wind, he finally recovered his senses.

Beating the horse, he galloped toward the Division. ​



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