Monday 22 July 2024


 Chapter 12 A lonely city

Two days later, Luo Jin followed Chai Heng to the military camp in Qingjiangyuan.

This was the border between the two countries. Unlike the Sand City, this was an endless plain with a wide view. When Luo Jin came here, she heard that many battles had been fought here. It wasn’t an empty talk that loyal bones were buried everywhere in Qingjiangyuan.

The general stationed here was named Qiu Xue. Luo Jin had seen this name in the novel. Although she had no sense of existence, it was when she saw this name that she realized that this world was different from the ancient world she lived in. This wasn’t an ancient worldview of male superiority and female inferiority. There was no strict difference between women and men. Women could also join the army and become generals.

The subsequent plot also mentioned the female emperor of a foreign country. The status of men and women here mainly depended on personal strength and family status.

Qiu Xue's father was also a general. She liked to practice martial arts from a young age and had extremely high martial arts skills. She became a general with her own ability and was deeply loved by the soldiers.

That night, Qiu Xue arranged for Chai Heng and He Xiao to live in the men's camp and let Luo Jin stay with her in the women's camp.

"Are you... the lover of the second prince?" Qiu Xue asked.

Luo Jin, who was drinking tea, choked, "Why can't I stay with him by my own strength?"

Qiu Xue laughed, "If you really have personal strength, would you still be a palace maid? At least you would be a female official, right?"

Luo Jin: "What you say... makes sense, but I am not anyone's lover. I am a lucky mascot!"

Qiu Xue laughed, "Okay, a lucky mascot it is. It is also considered useful. Do you need someone to serve you, lucky mascot? Do you want me to find someone to get you hot water?"

"No, I can do it myself."

Luo Jin went to the barracks to get hot water to wash and then slept in the room Qiu Xue arranged for her.

Early the next morning, Luo Jin was awakened by the sound of training in the barracks. Before dawn, Qiu Xue had already led the soldiers to practice hacking. She was dressed in armor, looking majestic. Every move was heroic and her momentum wasn’t inferior to He Xiao.

It was the first time for Luo Jin to see a real female general. Unlike the delicate ones in TV dramas, Qiu Xue gave her the feeling of a strong person who could really kill the enemy with one swing of a sword on the battlefield.

While Qiu Xue was resting, Luo Jin ran over and handed her a cup of tea, "Elder Sister, drink tea. Elder Sister, you have worked hard!"

Qiu Xue took the tea and her lips curved, "You don't have to please me. After today, you and I will never meet again. I am just following orders to take care of you."

Luo Jin sat down next to her and smiled, "I am not trying to please you, I just feel closeness, like a real sister. I don't have an elder sister and always envy others who have older sisters."

Qiu Xue picked up the tea and drank it all. She stood up and smiled, "You are really likable."

"Let's go!" Qiu Xue pointed in the direction of the stable, "I'll take you to see the horses."

"I... I can't ride a horse." Luo Jin stood up as well.

"It's okay. This is the second prince's favorite horse. It has a very gentle temperament. Even if you don't know how to ride a horse, you don't have to worry as long as you sit on it." Qiu Xue brought Luo Jin to the stable. After turning a few corners, there was a pure white horse at the innermost. The groom was carefully checking the saddle.

Qiu Xue gently patted the white horse's head and the white horse lowered its head docilely, looking very well-behaved.

"The second prince never lets anyone touch his horse," Qiu Xue led the white horse over, "He is quite amiable to you. Try riding it."

"I..." Luo Jin still didn't dare.

Qiu Xue came over and held Luo Jin's arm, "Don't worry, I'm here."

Luo Jin was a little more confident, holding Qiu Xue's arm, and climbed onto the horse by stepping on the stirrup.

Qiu Xue couldn't help laughing, "Your posture... haha..."

"Elder Sister, stop laughing..."


Qiu Xue also climbed onto a black horse, turned to Luo Jin, and said, "Just follow me. Let's go! It's time."

Luo Jin gently touched the reins and the white horse moved forward obediently, which was more convenient than riding a bike.

Qiu Xue's army had already assembled. Tens of thousands of soldiers were wearing armor. The silver light reflected a huge light curtain in the sun. Luo Jin was dazzled by the sight.

The direction of the army's advance was the border five miles away. Chai Heng and He Xiao had already led people there to wait. Next to He Xiao stood the dejected Jiang Ge.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Jiang Ge looked much more haggard and his unshaven beard looked very decadent.

The army stopped a hundred meters from the border line. The army of Dongyuan country assembled on the other side of the border line at about the same time.

Luo Jin followed He Xiao's gaze and recognized He Wenqian at a glance.

With all his hair white, He Wenqian looked to be in his fifties. He was dressed in cloth. Though he looked pale, he was in good spirits.

Xia Wenxian stood beside He Wenqian, while Jiang Mo was arranged to a relatively far place. Obviously, he didn't want Jiang Mo to intervene in this matter.

Jiang Mo wore armor today and still had that expressionless look, as if he didn't care about anything around him. He didn't even look at Jiang Ge.

Luo Jin was some distance away from Chai Heng and He Xiao. She saw He Xiao and Jiang Ge walking toward the middle between the two armies. Xia Wenxian also got someone to bring He Wenqian to them.

The combined armies of both sides had nearly 100,000 people, but the whole scene was silent. Not even a cough could be heard.

Qiu Xue's expression was solemn, her hand on the sword, staring in the direction of He Xiao, as if ready to fight at any time. Although there was a high probability that they would not really fight, she was still prepared.

Luo Jin was watching the exchange in the middle of the field intently. Suddenly, the white horse she was riding suddenly rushed forward and dashed toward the camp of the Dongyuan Army like crazy.

Luo Jin was caught off guard and subconsciously grabbed the reins. The white horse led her to rush toward the Dongyuan Army.

The two armies were only two hundred meters apart, which was only a few seconds at the speed of the white horse.

The Dongyuan Army was already on full alert. When they saw the enemy suddenly rushing, they immediately put up their shields and raised their spears to meet the galloping white horses.

Luo Jin was completely unable to control the white horse. Seeing the spear getting closer and closer, she closed her eyes in fear.

She only thought in her heart that even if she was not the protagonist, she would not be so unlucky! Why did all the bad things happen to her?

The moment she approached the Xiyuan Army, her waist suddenly tightened and her whole body flew up.

When she finally landed on the ground, she opened her eyes and found herself standing in front of the Xiyuan Army. Looking back, she saw that the white horse had been pierced by countless long spears and fell to the ground with blood all over the ground.

Jiang Mo released his arm from her waist and frowned slightly, "What's wrong with you?"

"The horse...suddenly..." Luo Jin pointed at the white horse nervously and stammered, "I can't ride a"

When Chai Heng saw the change, he immediately rushed over on horseback. He jumped off the horse and looked at Luo Jin nervously, "Are you...ok?"

"I...seem...still alive." Luo Jin looked down at her body and was indeed not injured.

"How could my horse..." Chai Heng's face still had a bit of panic that was difficult to conceal, "Did you do anything? Did you pull its reins randomly, or..."

"No, I didn't move at all." Luo Jin said, "I was sitting there just now and my hands didn't even touch the reins, and it suddenly ran away, and I couldn't stop it."

"How could..."

Jiang Mo walked to the corpse of the white horse and took a look. Then he walked back and said, "The horse had been tampered with. If it wasn't for this… lucky mascot girl riding it and rushing in front of me, I'm afraid..."

Chai Heng's face changed color.

If he was riding this horse, then he was the one who rushed into the enemy camp just now!

The Xiyuan Army was trained to directly raise their spears to fight in this situation. The incident happened suddenly. Even if the commander saw it, it would be too late to stop it. He might have ended up like the white horse at this time.

Jiang Mo's voice was cold, "If that were the case, the two armies would have started fighting at once, right?"

Chai Heng lowered his head and said nothing. His mood was complicated.

By some strange coincidence, Luo Jin saved him again.

Qiu Xue also came along. She was only paying attention to what was happening over there. By the time she noticed, it was too late.

She jumped off her horse and knelt down to apologize: "Your Highness, it was my fault. I am willing to accept the punishment!"

Chai Heng frowned and said: "Go back and check the groom... and everyone who has touched my horse. There must be spies in the barracks."


Jiang Mo shook his head and said: "I'm afraid he has already run away."

Qiu Xue gritted her teeth: "Even if he ran away, I will chase him to the ends of the earth and catch him back. Your Highness, don't worry!"

"Let's go! This isn't a place to stay for long." Chai Heng said.

Besides, it was in front of the Xiyuan Army. It wasn't good for a prince of the Dongyuan Kingdom and a general of the Dongyuan Kingdom to stay for long.

Jiang Mo didn't say anything and watched them leave.

[Just now... was it Jiang Mo who saved me? ]

[He seemed to be quite strong, although I didn't see it clearly. 】

【Jiang Ge's strength has greatly decreased now. Jiang Mo probably ... shouldn’t die in the decisive battle on New Year's Eve, right? 】

【I hope he can survive. 】

Jiang Mo's pupils suddenly contracted.

This voice...


The exchange ceremony was not affected. He Xiao took He Wenqian back and handed Jiang Ge to Xia Wenxian. Both sides retreated, returned to their own ranks, and withdrew their troops.

He Xiao sent He Wenqian back to the barracks and came to visit Luo Jin. He also saw what happened just now, but couldn't spare the time to check it out.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Luo Jin stretched out her arms, "Look, there's no injury."

Qiu Xue walked in at this time. When she saw He Xiao, she lowered her head and said, "I failed in my duty and let the groom run away. I have sent someone to chase him."

She turned to Luo Jin again, "Apologies, I didn't take good care of you."

Luo Jin waved her hands, "I'm fine, you don't have to make a fuss. Isn't it all good? No one was hurt and the spies in the camp were discovered. This is a good thing!"

Qiu Xue shook her head, "In the end, it was my failure and had almost caused a big mistake."

Luo Jin crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows, "You have apologized eight hundred times, then what? Do you want me to comfort you in return? That's too miserable for me, right? If you have time, why not... treat me to something delicious?"

Qiu Xue froze before smiling "Okay!"

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