Thursday 1 August 2024


 Chapter 17 Kunshan Jade Shattered

Luo Jin knew before that Jiang Mo's martial arts should be quite high.

But she didn't expect that he could kill three eighth-level hidden guards silently. This strength was beyond her imagination.

A person with this strength was at least eighth-level and only one step away from ninth-level masters. But Jiang Mo was so young, was he really that strong?

"If you insist on not getting out of the carriage, I will split it in half." Jiang Mo stated calmly, as if he was talking about the weather.

Chai Jing had no choice but to bite the bullet and get out of the carriage with Luo Jin.

Jiang Mo saw Luo Jin and was slightly stunned, "Are you... Chai Heng's lover?"

"I'm not!" Luo Jin couldn't help but correct loudly.

"Do you know each other?" Chai Jing asked in confusion.

"He is Jiang Mo, the fifth prince of Xiyuan." Luo Jin said, "I met him in Sand City."

"Fifth prince of Xiyuan... why are you capturing me?" Chai Jing glanced at the driver lying on the ground, "Did you kill him?"

"He just fainted," Jiang Mo said, "You don't have to be afraid, I just want to use you to exchange for someone."


"Liu Shu."

Luo Jin was stunned, "Is Liu Shu so important? To make you come from Xiyuan to save him?"

Jiang Mo said nothing and reached out to grab Chai Jing's arm.

Chai Jing suddenly flashed and pulled out a dagger from her sleeve, stabbing toward Jiang Mo's eyes. The movement was fast and fierce. Luo Jin didn't see her movements clearly at all. She never expected Chai Jing to know martial arts. And she looked quite strong.

Jiang Mo's body remained slightly stagnant and he easily knocked the dagger out of her hand with a light wave of his palm. Shaking his head, he said, "Your little martial arts have no effort to me."

Luo Jin's mind was spinning fast, almost using up her IQ, which wasn’t high to begin with.

She suddenly shouted, "Princess is sick. We are going back to the palace to find the imperial physician. can't take her away. If she doesn't see the imperial physician in time, she will die! It's useless to take her corpse away, right?"

"Sick?" Jiang Mo asked doubtfully, "I think she is energetic. How can she be sick?"

In a hurry, Chai Jing suddenly recalled taking Luo Jin to the prison before and quickly went along, " stomach hurts so's over, child can’t be saved..."

"Child?" Jiang Mo took a step back and saw Chai Jing holding her stomach with her face twisted in pain.

Luo Jin quickly said, "Yes...yes, she is pregnant. She’s having a miscarriage due to fighting with you just now. If she isn't treated in time, it corpse and two lives!"

"She isn't married. Where did the child come from?" Jiang Mo was still suspicious. "You can have a baby even without getting married..." 

Chai Jing held her belly, "I... Can't I have an affair with someone?"

To save her life, she was completely desperate.

Jiang Mo tilted his head and stared at Chai Jing for a long time. Suddenly, he turned his gaze to Luo Jin and reached out and grabbed her arm, "Then it's your turn to come with me!"

Luo Jin's arm was hurt by his grip. She said anxiously: "It's useless to capture me! I'm just a palace maid. I can't exchange for Liu Shu."

"You are Chai Heng's lover!" Jiang Mo said.

"I'm not!"

Jiang Mo didn't let go, "I don't care. Anyway, I’m taking one back."

Chai Jing, who was initially squatting on the ground, stood up and said seriously: "Capture me then! I'm not pregnant, I was just pretending just now."

Luo Jin was stunned, "Princess..."

Chai Jing said: "If you capture me, you can definitely exchange for Liu Shu. The Crown Prince will not ignore my life or death. It's useless to capture her. The Crown Prince will not care about her life or death."

Luo Jin was stunned.

[Afraid that I would be killed by Jiang Mo, she volunteered to be a hostage? ]

[She is a princess. How can she be captured for a minor character like me? ]

[How could I be worthy of her to...]

Chai Jing raised her hand, "Capture me. Let her go! You... don't be too moved, I just... I just want to test my weight in the heart of the Crown Prince. Yes, it’s like that."

"But I changed my mind," Jiang Mo shook his head and kept his gaze on Luo Jin, "I want her!"

Chai Jing exclaimed. Jiang Mo had grabbed Luo Jin and leapt up, disappearing in an instant. A voice came from afar, "The day after tomorrow at noon at the Earth Temple, bring Liu Shu to exchange people!"


"Ugh..." Luo Jin almost vomited out the bountiful meal she had eaten in the restaurant that night.

Jiang Mo silently stood a little further away, waiting for her to finish vomiting.

"Why... why were you flying so fast? I'm dizzy!" Luo Jin complained.

It was her first time to be carried by someone using Qinggong, and the experience was much worse than taking a plane. 


After Luo Jin finished vomiting, she finally had the energy to carefully observe the place where she was.

She was in an ordinary house with a small courtyard. The door was bolted from the inside, and there were a few chickens in the courtyard.

“You’re not tying me up. Aren’t you afraid that I will run away?” Luo Jin saw Jiang Mo sitting far away and didn’t even look at her.

"There is no rope,” Jiang Mo looked back at her, “If you like to be tied up, I can also think of a way.”

“No…I don’t like it.” Luo Jin waved her hand quickly. she didn’t have this hobby.

Jiang Mo threw her a piece of clothes, “Put it on.”

Luo Jin was wearing the clothes of a palace maid, which was easy to recognize at a glance. She didn’t dare to disobey Jiang Mo’s order, took the clothes, and changed into them obediently.

"Okay, go to sleep." Jiang Mo pointed to a pile of straw in the room, "You sleep there."

Luo Jin just noticed that there was no bed in this room. Jiang Mo was just lying on a long bench. The whole room was small and shabby, with only a table, a bench, a shabby cabinet by the wall, and the straw there. A small oil lamp was lit on the table and the room was dim.

She was aggrieved, "I'm hungry."

"Didn't you just eat?" Jiang Mo glanced at her, "I followed you all the way and saw you eat, and... ate a lot."

"...Didn't I vomit it all?"


Jiang Mo stood up and took out a pancake from a bundle on the table and threw it to Luo Jin.

Luo Jin muttered in dissatisfaction, "Just this? No dishes?"



Luo Jin chewed the pancake twice. However, it was too dry and she couldn't eat it. She had just had a hearty meal and couldn't stomach this.

Looking back at Jiang Mo, she vaguely saw him lying on a bench, closing his eyes as if he had fallen asleep. It was a good opportunity to escape.

She stood up on tiptoe and slowly walked toward the door.

Suddenly, a cold light flew out from behind Luo Jin. She was stunned for a moment and then her gaze landed on a dagger nailed to the door panel next to her ear, only one finger away from her head.

She raised her hand quickly, "I understand, I understand..."

She ran back to her straw pile and laid down to sleep.

Since she couldn't run away at all and was a person who took things as they came, she just went to sleep. The other party was an eighth-level master. It was impossible for her to run away.

Jiang Mo opened his eyes and heard Luo Jin's even breathing.

She really could sleep.

He waved his palm gently and extinguished the oil lamp.

The next morning.

"Only... pancakes?" Luo Jin was dissatisfied with her breakfast.

"What else?"

"Then... I can light a fire and roast it, right? It's too hard!"


Luo Jin went to the kitchen to light a fire. Jiang Mo's voice came from behind, "This is all residential areas, even if you light a fire, it won't attract other people's attention."

"I... I don't want to attract other people's attention."

"You'd better not."

Seeing that there was rice in the kitchen, Luo Jin also cooked some congee.

She put breakfast on the table and called Jiang Mo to come and eat. Jiang Mo didn't say much, picked up a fragrant baked pancake and took a bite.

"You must have a special relationship with Liu Shu, right?" Luo Jin asked while eating. 

"I don't know him."

"Then why are you going through so much trouble to save him?"

"It isn't trouble. I think he might be useful, so I am trying to save him."

"What if you can't save him?"

"If I can't save him...then I can't save him!"

Luo Jin mulled over it carefully. Jiang Mo didn't really spend much effort. He just sent away the hidden guards and then inexplicably gave up the Princess and brought her here. She had a feeling that this person followed his own temperament no matter what he did, and didn't seem to care much about the result.

"If...if the Crown Prince is unwilling to exchange Liu Shu for me, will you kill me?" Luo Jin asked cautiously.

"No." Jiang Mo paused, "I will take you back to Xiyuan."

Luo Jin said, "Ah, why do you want to take me back to Xiyuan?"

Jiang Mo took a sip of congee, "You cook good congee."

"Just... just want me to cook congee for you?"

"Not entirely," Jiang Mo looked at Luo Jin, "I have always been unlucky. Aren't you a lucky mascot? With you around, maybe my luck will be better."

Luo Jin: "..."

He actually believed it?

"Then why don't you go to the temple to get a peace charm? It doesn't take up space..." Luo Jin said.

For once, Jiang Mo's lips curled up a little, "You still remember what I said."

"Sometimes I have a good memory."

Jiang Mo was distracted for a while, "I had prayed, but it didn't work. So I threw it away."

Lunch was still pancakes. Luo Jin couldn't help but cast her eyes on the chickens in the yard. Her eyes flashed a fierce glint.

She picked up the kitchen knife, but gave up in the end.

She didn't know how to kill chickens at all. [It would be nice if Jiang Mo is willing to help me kill a chicken. But would he agree? ]

[I really want to eat chicken...]

[His dagger looks like an antique. Is it passed down from the ancestors? I wonder how much it is worth. ]

[Will he agree to use the dagger inherited from his ancestors to kill a chicken for me? ]

Jiang Mo froze. Then he cast his eyes on Luo Jin, who was sighing at a group of chickens in the yard. He picked up a small stone and threw it out.

A big rooster was instantly hit in the head and fell to the ground, motionless.

Luo Jin was startled. After catching on, she quickly grabbed the big rooster, ran into the kitchen, and boiled water.

In addition to the baked pancakes, there was also a large pot of chicken soup for lunch. Luo Jin ate in relish. She even ate one more pancake than usual.

Turning her head, she looked at Jiang Mo. He ate a lot. He ate two more pancakes than her. The whole chicken was eaten by two people and there was no soup left.

"Oh, you eat so much, how come you are still so thin?" Luo Jin was a little jealous. She had to exercise if she ate more, otherwise she would gain weight.

Jiang Mo: "..."


In the evening, Luo Jin planned to cook some congee.

She looked up and saw a bright moon hanging high in the sky. The sky was clear and the moonlight was beautiful.

"It would be great if I could sit up high and enjoy the moon with delicious food on such a good day." Luo Jin sighed.

"Full moon..." Jiang Mo frowned, "And it’s clear sky... I really... have bad luck..."


Luo Jin turned around and saw Jiang Mo frowning and covering his chest, as if he was enduring severe pain.

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