Wednesday 3 July 2024

TISHW 160ii

【Haha, there is no real friendship in the entertainment industry. It is all about interests. Only simple people will believe this. 】

【Who knows if Jiang Yu is hugging someone's thigh, or holding a weakness over Qin Shiyu. She was able to threaten Qin Shiyu to go on a date with her last time, so why is it impossible to threaten him to take her on the show with him this time? 】

This was twisting words, forcing logic and forcibly reducing intelligence. Not to mention the fans, netizens who were watching the drama found it hilarious:

【Is this being black for the sake of being black? I was initially a little suspicious of Jiang Yu, but after hearing these remarks, I feel that I was as stupid as them if I believed them. 】

【So what you mean is that Qin Shiyu is very foolish and stupid and can be easily manipulated. Then why didn't Sun Lingqian manipulate him when she was ridiculed like that? 】

【Yes, your rich heiress is so powerful that she can even take down Qin Luochuan. But Qin Shiyu, who is nothing in front of Qin Luochuan, can't be taken down by her? 】

【Don’t tell us that it’s disdain. During the live broadcast, the video of her keeping on cueing Qin Shiyu’s video. Everyone isn't stupid. 】

【According to their logic, Sun Lingqian and Qin Luochuan are acting, right? What weakness did Sun Lingqian hold over Qin Luochuan to get an heir from a wealthy family to accompany her to record the show? 】

【Okay, stop arguing! The show has started and people are coming! 】

Amid the debate, the guests finally appeared one after another.

The shooting location this time was a leisure town under the jurisdiction of H City. This was known as a resort. The scenery was particularly beautiful, surrounded by green mountains and dotted with large and small lakes. When the camera was zooming from the roadside, squirrels holding fruits and chewing them could be seen. And the hedgehog slowly crawling into the grass, very beautiful and healing.

The four resident guests arrived first in pairs. The four of them were already very familiar with each other. After chatting enthusiastically and laughing for a while, a third-tier little flower, Hu Yao, put her hand against her eyebrow bone, "Is that, a Rolls-Royce?" ?”

The other three people’s attention were immediately attracted and looked toward the end of the road. Sure enough, they saw a black luxury car slowly driving up the asphalt road.

Jiang Feng, the Eldest Brother among the four, laughed, "Wow, the domineering president is here!"

He was obviously an excellent 6G online surfer. His friend Wu Qi was a slightly chubby girl. She put on a lovestruck expression, "So in this episode, do I have the opportunity to stage a love story between a domineering president and Cinderella?"

They were well-known comedians in the industry. They have partnered together countless times and have a perfect tact understanding. As long as these two were together, the atmosphere would be merry.

Jiang Feng looked at her with disgust, "It's an overbearing president and his little delicate wife. How are you little?"

Wu Qi lowered her head and glanced at her chest, "Wow, thank you for the compliment!" Then she educated him, "But your behavior isn't very suitable. You can't look at it even when it’s big."

Jiang Feng was speechless, while Zhuang Si and Hu Yao burst into laughter.

While they were talking and laughing, the shiny Rolls-Royce slowly stopped in front of them. The four of them became serious again, preparing to meet new friends.

The middle-aged driver got out of the car first, went around to the back seat, and opened the door. A handsome and elegant young man got out of the car. Looking at the driver's skillful movements, it was obvious that it was Qin Luochuan's personal car and driver.

Probably because it was a holiday, Qin Luochuan was wearing a T-shirt and jeans today. Compared with his elite appearance yesterday, he looked more youthful today. The strong contrast was refreshing to the audience who had been paying attention to him.

【Even without the overbearing president halo, Qin Luochuan is still a handsome young man. 】

【Haha, like a male college student. 】

【Male college students don’t have luxury car and driver. 】

【Male college students don’t have such expensive watches and shoes. 】

Just when netizens began to stir on the value of Qin Luochuan's belongings, thel guests who had arrived earlier had already begun to say hello.

Jiang Feng gave her full attention, "Hey, hello, Chief Qin, hello."

Wu Qi looked infatuated next to him, "Hello, Oppa." 

She put on a shy look and glanced at Qin Luochuan. This immediately made people laugh.

Qin Luochuan smiled politely, "Hello, beauty."

Wu Qi's eyes lit up and she quickly extended her hand, "Oppa, you have such a discerning eye."

With Jiang Feng and Wu Qi making jokes, the atmosphere was very relaxed. Zhuang Si and Hu Yao, who were somewhat reserved, stepped forward to shake hands with Qin Luochuan.

Jiang Feng's eyes turned to the car again. At this time, Sun Lingqian, who was sitting inside, moved over and was about to get out of the car.

Jiang Feng still had the same attitude toward Qin Luochuan now. His tone didn't change and  said attentively, "Hello, Miss."

Wu Qi followed him and acted like a housekeeper, "Welcome, Miss!"

Sun Lingqian smiled and greeted them, "Hello."

Today, she was uncharacteristically wearing a half-sleeved French waist-fitted dress. Her wavy hair was draped over her shoulders. She was indeed a bit noble and elegant.

She didn't talk as much as she usually did when facing fans. After politely greeting Zhuang Si and Hu Yao, she stood next to Qin Luochuan obediently, looking open and decent.

Fans of Sun Lingqian in the live broadcast room immediately started posting comments:

【Wow, have you noticed that our Elder Sister Qian has changed? 】

【Hahaha, doesn’t she love hot outfits and have a carefree temper? Why has she become so quiet now? 】

【Don’t understand? In front of the someone you care, no matter how careless a person is, she will instantly turn into a little girl. 】

Her fans seem to be set that there must be something between the two from this point on and have already begun to name the CP.

However, most netizens were still looking forward to the appearance of the mysterious guest. In addition to experiencing his charm from his work, they were more anxious to feed on Qin Shiyu’s gossip:

【Next is the mysterious guest’s turn to appear? 】

【If it isn’t Qin Shiyu, I would really send a razor blade to the program team. 】

【I think there is a high probability that it is With our Elder Brother Yu’s temperament, he will definitely be upright if the show crew dares to mislead his fans. 】

So with everyone's eager anticipation, a business car with the program team's logo on it slowly drove up.

"Coming, coming!" Wu Qi stretched out her neck. The others were also full of anticipation.

Of course, Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian knew very well who the incomers were, so there was no sense of mystery. But...

Sun Lingqian secretly glanced at Qin Luochuan, and seamlessly moved half a step toward him. From a certain angle, she looked as if she was right next to him, making it look very intimate.

Qin Luochuan noticed her movement, but only glanced and didn't move. Sun Lingqian was secretly delighted. It seemed that Young Master Qin didn't reject her. It wasn't that she had no chance... Then she turned to look at the vehicle that stopped in front of her. Sun Lingqian couldn't help but radiate pride in her eyes.

Wasn’t Qin Shiyu noble? Didn't he let fans laugh at her? Now it was his turn to taste the feeling of being ridiculed! She must appreciate the look of regret on his face.

Amidst everyone’s gaze, the door of the SUV slowly opened and everyone finally saw the people inside.

Wu Qi screamed and covered her face, "Wow, it's really Qin Shiyu!!! Master Chen Ming!"

Everyone clapped happily to welcome him. Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian both paid him close attention, each showing a different smile.

Qin Shiyu didn't seem to notice as he waved to everyone as a greeting. Then he took a long step out of the vehicle. After getting off the vehicle, he didn't rush to greet them, but turned around and directed to behind him, "Slow down."

Everyone was attracted by his behavior. Following his line of sight, Jiang Yu entered the screen.

Jiang Yu’s fans and CP fans were the first to exclaim:

【Damn, is this my Elder Sister Yu? My Elder Sister Yu has become a girl! 】

【Wow wow wow, where did this little sweet girl come from! 】

It turned out that Jiang Yu changed her style.

When recording 'All Rounder 3', all of them wore casual trousers for easy movement. Jiang Yu and Shu Hua's hair was either in a bun or in a high ponytail.

But today's Jiang Yu was completely different. She wore a bohemian style yellow floral suspender chiffon dress. It made her skin look like cream; she had flower bud princess braids on both sides hanging down in her slightly curly long hair. The palm-sized face had exquisite facial features, especially those clear eyes, which easily evoked people's protectiveness.

Seeing the camera directed at her, she raised her head, pursed her lips into a smile, and softly waved her hand, "Hello."

Everyone watching suddenly felt like they were hit:

【This, this is exactly what I imagined my daughter to look like. 】

【Ahhhhh, so sweet! 】

【Haha, no wonder Sun Lingqian’s fans never pull out Jiang Yu’s appearance. I instantly think she can’t be a bad person. 】

However, Jiang Yu’s fans’ comments aroused the curiosity of uninformed netizens:

【So why do her fans call her Elder Sister Yu? She is clearly a younger sister. 】

Fans of Jiang Yu and fans of 'Double A Couple' immediately laughed:

【Because she is super awesome! Don't be deceived by her appearance, she is rebellious, hahaha...]

【Yes, she is the one who deceived Qin Shiyu in 'All Rounder' and would play tricks on the director team when she got mad. 】 

【Let’s put it this way, it’s like the King Kong Barbie in the IQ world. 】

Such an introduction had completely aroused everyone's curiosity. Some people have already expressed that they want to see 'All Rounder'. What’s more...

【I believe Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu are good friends. 】

The first thing he did after getting out of the car was to turn around to receive Jiang Yu. He considerately placed his hand on the roof of the car to prevent Jiang Yu bumping into it. After she got out of the car, he calmly turned around to greet everyone. During this moment, he kept taking care of Jiang Yu.

Wu Qi covered her heart, "Great Chen Ming, has anyone ever said that you are very unphotogenic! How can you be so much more handsome than when on TV!"

Jiang Feng joined in the fun, "Ah, am I going to lose my position as the most handsome man in the entertainment industry?"

Hu Yao laughed, "I'm going to faint from such handsomeness."

Qin Shiyu smilingly drawled out, "It's fine. Look more and it'll be better. It's a desensitization treatment. Look how calm Jiang Yu is. It’s because she sees it a lot."

Jiang Yu:……

This guy was obviously making a double entendre.

Seeing Jiang Yu secretly glaring at him, Qin Shiyu changed it, "Oh, I misspoke. It's not because she sees it a lot, but because she looks in the mirror every day and has become immune to beauty."


Seeing everyone looking over, Jiang Yu could only smile shyly and resisted the urge to glare at him this time.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shiyu added, "But she is a bit shy and is slow to warm up. Please bear with it."

Wu Qi teased with a gossipy expression, "Are you sure she is your good friend? Why don't I think so?"

The audience on the barrage was going crazy:

【Ahhhhh, who said Qin Shiyu is cold to others? Isn't he quite skilled? 】

【I feel the same way as Wu Qi. Is this a good friend? Isn’t this taking care of family members? Not only does he protect her shortcomings, he praises her at any time. Tell me, this isn't a CP fans’ rose colored glasses. 】

【Haha, I didn’t know them before, but I think it’s a little bit like that. Qin Shiyu really takes care of Jiang Yu. 】

【Yes, even if Jiang Yu doesn't speak, no one is ignoring her. 】

【On the other hand, Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian...are they really on good terms? 】

【Is Sun Lingqian quiet or reserved? 】

Indeed, the audience didn't think anything when Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian got out of the car, but when compared with Qin Shiyu's actions, they immediately noticed the difference.

Either he wasn't familiar with Sun Lingqian or he was a wealthy young man who only thinks of himself.

WLAEF afterward 15

 Academician Shen held him in his arms and began to pray to various gods and Buddhas for the safety of the mother and child. At the same time, he thought that if Jiang Yun Zhu could give birth to the child safely this time, it would be fine if she didn’t give birth in the future. Having these two children was enough. And Jiang Yun Zhu was much more important to them than a child.

In fact, Princess Danyang felt the same way at this time. Of course she hoped to have as many children as possible, but compared with the children, Jiang Yun Zhu's safety was more important.

At this moment, a cry broke the solemn atmosphere in the courtyard.

"It’s born, it’s born. It’s a miss. Congratulations, Madam." The midwife's voice was followed by congratulations.

It was born. It was a granddaughter. Academician Shen froze there until everyone around him knelt down to congratulate him. Then he was overjoyed and hugged Shen Heng and kissed him repeatedly.

Shen Heng was a little disgusted, but knowing that his mother was fine, a smile appeared on his face.

Jiang Yun Zhu gave birth to a daughter, whose name was chosen long ago. She was called Shen Pan.

Three days later, everyone in the Shen Family reached an agreement that these two children were enough and they wouldn't have any more children.

A month later, it was Shen Pan’s full month. For Shen Heng’s full month, the Shen Family held a full month banquet. Even the emperor and the empress dowager came and it was extremely lively.

This time, only some relatives and friends were invited. Compared to last time’s fanfare, this time it was more warm and affectionate.

In fact, with many people, it would be meaningless if all the people who came here were people who didn’t mean what they said. It was better like this, where close people gather together and everyone chattered and laughed.

When Yang Sheng came, he looked at the children, Shen Heng and Shen Pan and his eyes turned red with envy.

What was this? He thought that Shen Feng Ming would end up alone, so he wanted to help matchmake. But now he had a lovely wife in his arms and complete with a son and a daughter, while he was single.

No, he had to find one when he went back. He secretly made up his mind.

Qin Yao, Xie Lian, and Gu Qi Feng came. Also two people who Jiang Yun Zhu didn't expect came, Xie Chen and Gu Yan Zhou.

Now, the two of them were riding the high winds in the court, in a vague state of being like a dragon and a tiger, soaring into the sky.

In the past, when they were unknown, they stopped interacting with Jiang Yun Zhu. Now they were here...

"Don't be offended." Xie Chen said to Jiang Yun Zhu, cupping his hands. He had never forgotten her life-saving grace, but at that time he didn't know whether he would succeed or not and feared that Jiang Yun Zhu would be implicated.

Now that everything was over, he naturally came to apologize.

"Apologies," Gu Yan Zhou also said.

"Where did this come from?" Jiang Yun Zhu smiled, they didn't owe her anything.

Xie Chen and Gu Yan Zhou understood what she meant and they all grinned. The past was in the past and they would still be friends.

"Ah Pan, Ah Pan." At the side, Qin Yao teased Shen Pan as she thought of something and her cheeks turned red.

"Is there good news soon?" Jiang Yun Zhu noticed her and asked quietly. She and Xie Chen were lovers. They had not been together before because of some scruples. Now that the dust had settled, it was time for a joyous event, right?

Qin Yao openly nodded. She was indeed going to marry Xie Chen.

"Congratulations, has the date been set? I will definitely attend when the time comes." Jiang Yun Zhu said. It wasn’t easy for her and Xie Chen. Over the past few years, Qin Yao had grown from a romantic girl to a determined and brave young woman.

"It will be three months later. You must come then." Qin Yao said.

"Of course." Jiang Yun Zhu agreed.

This was Jiang Yun Zhu's sixth year in this world. Three months later, she went to drink Qin Yao and Xie Chen’s wedding wine.

Xie Chen was now the Minister of Justice. For his age, this official position was already very high and his future was bright. On Qin Yao's side, she was Qingxia County Lord. She had taken over many of her family's businesses and had a lot of gold and silver in her hands.

However, the two’s wedding banquet wasn't extravagant. They just invited their relatives and friends.

Everyone ate and drank, wishing the couple a happy marriage.

At the end of this year, Jiang Yun Zhu participated in another wedding. It was the marriage between Gu Qi Feng and Xie Lian, connecting the Gu Family and the Xie Family. Similarly, neither family made it big. In Gu Qi Feng's words, "I like her, she likes me. We are living our life together. Being happy is enough, it has nothing to do with anyone else."

The anyone he mentioned naturally referred to those who didn’t sincerely bless them.

Because of the previous experience, Xie Lian didn't like to deal with strangers. So Gu Qi Feng let her be. Just the two of them together was fine.

"Congratulations," Jiang Yun Zhu said. In the past few years, Gu Qi Feng had become more and more mature and responsible. He had opened his own shop and the business was booming. Although Xie Lian hadn’t completely emerged from the shadow of the past, at least she had a smile on her face when she was with Gu Qi Feng. This was enough, right?

They should be blissed.

"Thank you, boss." Gu Qi Feng said sincerely. He was used to calling this. Now he was still used to calling Jiang Yun Zhu Boss.

Jiang Yun Zhu let him be.

"Thank you, Boss." Xie Lian said sincerely. She was always grateful to Jiang Yun Zhu. If it weren't for her, she wouldn't know what she would be doing now!

"Is this husband singing and wife accompanying?" Jiang Yun Zhu joked.

Gu Qi Feng smiled heartily, while Xie Lian smiled with a blushing face. The smile was gentle. Everyone beamed along with joy.

In the spring of the next year, Shen Feng Ming recovered a little from his "illness" and went to the Division to handle the cases again.

In the morning, after he left, Jiang Yun Zhu prepared to take a nap.

"Mother, mother..." A soft voice sounded.

Jiang Yun Zhu knew that she might not be able to sleep now. When she opened her eyes, she saw the little one standing next to the bed. The little one had a small bun on her head, and her eyebrows were delicate and beautiful, just like a cute glutinous rice dumpling. At this time, she was staring at Jiang Yun Zhu without blinking.

This was little Shen Pan. Snow white and well-behaved. Jiang Yun Zhu was always a little more patient with her.

"Why so early?" She held Shen Pan in her arms and asked.

"Want to eat chive and egg pancakes," Shen Pan’s childish voice said.

"So you got up this early?" Jiang Yun Zhu asked.

Shen Pan nodded.

Jiang Yun Zhu wasn't sleepy anymore, got up to wash up, and took her little hand to go to the kitchen together.

Soon, the fragrant chive and egg pancake was ready. At this time, a little head poked into the kitchen. It was Shen Heng.

"Come in if you want to eat." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Shen Heng came in, extremely well-behaved. If he hadn't beaten up High Official Zhou's son until he was bruised and swollen yesterday, she would have been fooled by him.

"Mother, that guy wanted to pinch Younger Sister's face. Didn't you say can't let anyone touch Young Sister? Of course I got to beat him up!" Shen Heng puffed out.

Jiang Yun Zhu stared at Shen Pan. Was that so?

Shen Pan nodded.

Okay, he had done it with good reason. But to beat someone like that... "Pay attention to the methods in the future!" Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Shen Heng’s mind spun. It was unknown what he thought of and he soon nodded.

Jiang Yun Zhu served him a chive and egg pancake and he immediately ate it with gusto.

"Slow down. If there's not enough, there’s more." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Shen Heng nodded while stuffing the egg pancake into his mouth.

Compared with him, Shen Pan was much more gentle, eating egg pancakes in small bites, with a pair of grape-like eyes curved into a crescent shape.

Jiang Yun Zhu stood nearby, watching the two children with the corners of her mouth raised.

Back in the room, she unintentionally glanced at the imperial calendar and discovered that Qingming Festival was only five days away. She paused for a moment. This year was her seventh year in this world and the dream she had when she was pulling out a tree branch ended abruptly today.

Pressing her finger on the corner of the table, she felt the pain. She breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t a dream now. How wonderful!

That night, Shen Feng Ming, Gu Yan Zhou, Xie Chen, and others had a dream.

In the dream, Shen Feng Ming went to Wuling Mine to investigate the case, but did not meet Jiang Yun Zhu. Instead, he stayed in another house and left the next morning to hide in the mountains to investigate the situation in Wuling Mine.

As a result, Wang Bin went mad, using the people of Changshi Village as threats to force him to show up.

He couldn't bear to see the people being killed and got Yang Sheng to mobilize manpower and set up a formation to meet the enemy.

After a whole night, countless people were killed. Yang Sheng and his men finally arrived and captured Wang Bin and others. However, all the people in Changshi Village died in this chaotic battle.

Looking at the broken walls and ruins around him, Shen Feng Ming inserted the Kunwu sword into the ground, blood dripping down the blade to the ground.

When Gu Yan Zhou came back from the county town, he saw this scene. The whole village had died and the man stood there covered in blood, like an evil Shura ghost.

He only felt that his vision had gone red and tasted blood in his throat. He wanted to rush over and ask him why! Why did he kill these innocent people?

But after taking two steps, his vision turned black and he fell to the ground.

The people of Qilin Guard soon discovered him and reported it to Shen Feng Ming. Shen Feng Ming assumed he was a commoner of the village and he sent him to the next village to recuperate. Then he personally escorted the Wang Bin group back to the capital.

After Gu Yan Zhou woke up, he ran back to the village like crazy and saw the corpses of his parents. They died in a miserable state, with their eyes open, dying unjustly.

And his uncle, aunt, cousin... all the villagers died!

But those murderous demons yesterday were nowhere to be seen.

Gu Yan Zhou sought for them. At this time, a group of government officials belatedly arrived. Along with these government officials, there was a young man. The young man had an extraordinary bearing. Later he found out that he was Lin Ting An, the eldest son of Anping Marquis.

Gu Yan Zhou learned a lot of things from him. For example, the man with bloody hands yesterday was Qilin Guard Commander Shen Feng Ming. He always used any means to achieve his goals.

From then on, Gu Yan Zhou never had a good night's sleep. Whenever he closed his eyes, he would see his parents, the villagers who died tragically, and Shen Feng Ming.

He chose to follow Lin Ting An and the fifth prince because they said they could help him get revenge.

Of course, he investigated this case during this period. However, Emperor Qinglong had already spared the sixth prince at that time. For the sake of the sixth prince's reputation, everything related to this case became a secret and there was very little he could investigate.

Four years later, in the year of the Major Competition, Gu Yan Zhou submitted a document to attack Shen Feng Ming.

Shen Feng Ming didn’t deny it. Or in other words, he expressed nothing. This irritated Gu Yan Zhou even more. He felt that Shen Feng Ming was indifferent to the lives of the people in the village. Of course, he was even more certain that Shen Feng Ming killed those people.

Emperor Qinglong didn’t punish Shen Feng Ming. Gu Yan Zhou was disappointed and chose to lie dormant and wait.

However, Shen Feng Ming noticed something strange and went to the Anping Marquis manor, where he met Jiang Yun Zhu.

At that time, everyone in the Marquis Anping Manor knew that Eldest Gentleman liked her and wanted to marry her, but the Marquis Anping thought she was of low origin and never agreed.

Shen Feng Ming asked Jiang Yun Zhu, "Do you like your current life?"

Jiang Yun Zhu answered affirmatively, "I like it." 

At that time, her face was full of smiles, warm and beautiful.

Shen Feng Ming left.

Half a year later, he heard the news that she was going to marry Lin Ting An.

That day, he hit the horse and ran three hundred miles in one breath, but stopped by a river. So what if he went?

He thought that he would forget her; he thought that as long as she lived happily, it would be fine.

But no, he tasted the heart-breaking feeling!

Startled out of the dream, he felt cold all over his body. He carefully mulled over the dream, but I couldn't remember anything. Thank god. Fortunately, it was just a dream.

Shen Feng Ming hugged the person in his arms tighter. He felt relieved when he felt that she was in his arms.

Gu Yan Zhou stood up and poured a bowl of tea. The tea was already cold, but he didn't detect this. He drank the whole bowl of tea in one breath and finally felt better.

Xie Chen and Qin Yao hugged each other and felt the fetal movement of the little life in Qin Yao's belly. The two cherished their current life more and were more grateful to Jiang Yun Zhu.

The next day, Jiang Yun Zhu found that Shen Feng Ming had become a little clingy. Alright, maybe it was her imagination.

The days passed like this, happy and beautiful.

Five years later, Emperor Qinglong died. The Crown Prince ascended the throne and changed the dynasty reign to Jiakang.

Emperor Jiakang wanted to remove Shen Feng Ming's military power, but the ministers led by Xie Chen and Gu Yan Zhou disagreed. Not long after, Emperor Jiakang fell ill.

In fact, his body had been in decline for a long time. He only relied on a belief to support him for so many years. Now that he finally sat in that position as he wished, his mind relaxed and he could no longer support it.

He searched for famous doctors to save his life, but there was nothing that could be done to save his life.

In the second year of Jiakang's reign, Emperor Jiakang died and Crown Prince Xiao Chenggui came to the throne. His reign was named Shunyuan.

This year, Shen Heng was thirteen years old. He didn’t want to be in the Qilin Guard and went to the border to join the army.

Since then, there had been an addition of a young general at the border.

In five years, this young general wiped out Xirong and Beidi, eliminating two of the Xia Dynasty's most important enemies and expanding the Xia Dynasty's territory thousands of miles outward.

The ordinary people rushed to spread the news, calling him the Warring God General of the Great Xia Dynasty. Some ordinary people even didn't know who the Holy Emperor was today, but they knew General Shen Heng, the God of War.

Emperor Shunyuan urgently summoned Shen Heng to return to the capital.

The next year, Emperor Shunyuan issued an edict to cede the throne to Shen Heng, saying that he had no talent or ability and in compliance with the will of the Heaven and the people, he ceded the throne to Shen Heng.

In the same year, Shen Heng ascended the throne as emperor. In the second month after Shen Heng ascended the throne, he returned to the Shen Manor with a dragon horse and phoenix chariot. He wanted to invite Jiang Yun Zhu and Shen Feng Ming to live in the palace.

They were his parents. Now he was the emperor, they were the Retired Emperor and the Empress Dowager. How could it do for them to live in Shen Manor all the time.

Entering the manor, everyone in the manor fell to their knees.

He didn't give it a glance and walked straight to the back.

Everything was so familiar that he could walk to the two’s courtyard with his eyes closed.

But after entering the courtyard, he didn't see that familiar figure.

He made a wide circle and his sharp eyes landed on a footboy in front of a small gate in the backyard. This young man had lively facial features and fair skin. If it wasn’t his own younger sister, who could it be.

"Ah Pan, what are you doing?" Shen Heng asked. His eyes were sharp and he was a natural born leader.

Shen Pan wasn't afraid of him and changed the subject, "Elder Brother, Father and Mother left you a letter. It's on the table in the room."

Shen Heng turned around to go back to the room to read the letter. Shen Pan was about to slip away, but Shen Heng caught her and dragged her into the room.

Shen Pan grimaced and walked half a step behind.

Shen Heng opened the letter and read it. The letter was very long and should have been written by Jiang Yun Zhu. She said that he had grown up and had become the emperor, so she could rest assured. From now on, she and Shen Feng Ming wanted to do something they liked and told him not to worry about them.

Oh right, she told him to take care of himself.

After reading it, Shen Heng felt a little disappointed. He liked fighting on the battlefield as well as the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. But what he loved most in his heart was to stay with his family. That was why he wanted to take them into the palace.

Of course, he knew that it was a bit selfish for him to do this. Compared to power, his parents preferred a free life.

"Where did Father and Mother go?" Shen Heng asked Shen Pan.

"Went overseas. You know Mother has always wanted to go overseas. Father listens to Mother."

Shen Heng harrumphed, latched onto Shen Pan, and walked out. His parents were gone, but she was there...

Shen Pan hugged the pillar and said, "Elder Brother, I don't want to go to the palace. I want to travel around the world."

"My parents told me to take care of you." Shen Heng said confidently.

"I can take care of myself." Shen Pan said.

Shen Heng ignored her and insisted on dragging her away.

Suddenly, he felt that his fingers were stiff and his body couldn't move. How could he not understand that Shen Pan had drugged him. Shen Pan had been studying medicine with Celestial Doctor Wu since she was little. She was better than the master now and her medical skills were unparalleled in the world.

In other words, she could drug him without him detecting.

Seeing that he had stopped moving, Shen Pan let go of the pillar and said to him, "I'm sorry, Elder Brother, I didn't want to either. I can take care of myself. After a while, I will come back to see you. Take care." 

After saying that, she slipped away with her head turned every three steps.

After she left, Shen Heng moved his fingers, feeling helpless. Forget it, go then. Wait until he conquers all the territories that the sun shines on and see where else they can go!

At this time, a small boat was parked on the sparkling river. There was one person sitting on the bow of the boat, holding a fishing rod in his hand and fishing. Beside the cabin, one person was burning a stove and making tea.

Suddenly, the person at the bow of the boat quickly lifted the fishing rod and a big fish was caught.

"It's mandarin fish. We can steam the mandarin fish and eat it tonight." Jiang Yun Zhu grinned with delight when she saw the fish. As she said this, she grabbed the fish basket.

 "En." Shen Feng Ming responded with a smile and put the fish into the fish basket.

"In front of Xisai Mountain, egrets fly, peach blossoms water flow with fat mandarin fish. Green bamboo hats, green coir raincoats, the slanting wind and drizzle do not need to return."

They originally wanted to go overseas to visit, but considering that the mandarin fish was plump at this time of the year, they came here first.

After finishing eating the mandarin fish, it wouldn't be too late for them to go. Anyway, life was very long, they could take it slow and pass it slowly.



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Tuesday 2 July 2024

WLAEF afterward 14

 Shen Heng nodded obediently. His experience told him that he must listen to his mother, otherwise he would definitely be unlucky.

Seeing him like that, Jiang Yun Zhu shook her head and decided to discipline him well in the future. Thinking of this, she touched her belly.

In the evening, Shen Feng Ming came back. After returning home, he first changed clothes and washed up. Before entering the bathroom, he was the ruthless Commissioner-in-chief Shen. When he left the bathroom, he was just Shen Feng Ming. He didn't want to bring the matters outside to his home at all. So even when the capital was in chaos these days, Jiang Yun Zhu's life had not changed much.

Jiang Yun Zhu told him what Shen Heng did today and the two talked about Shen Heng.

"He is very smart." Shen Feng Ming said. Actually, Shen Heng knew that there were some things that he must not do and he wouldn't do them either.

"I know he was smart." Jiang Yun Zhu was happy but still had a headache. It wasn't easy to teach a child well.

"When he gets older, I'll teach him how to ride a horse and archery, so that he won't have nowhere to use his energy all day long." Shen Feng Ming said.

For a moment, Jiang Yun Zhu didn't know whether to agree or not. Shen Heng was already very difficult to manage now. If he could learn kung fu...

Shen Feng Ming hugged her, "I'm here! Don't worry, we will be able to teach him well."

The worries in Jiang Yun Zhu's heart suddenly disappeared. She leaned into his arms and nodded gently.

Shen Feng Ming wrapped her waist.

Jiang Yun Zhu suddenly halted his hand, "I'm afraid it won't be possible these days."

"Huh?" Shen Feng Ming had some guesses, but still asked.

Jiang Yun Zhu grabbed his hand and placed it on her lower abdomen, "I asked old Mister Wu to check for me yesterday. I am indeed pregnant."

"Really?" Shen Feng Ming bent down, trying to listen to the fetal movement in her abdomen like before, but he soon realized that she was just pregnant and there was no fetal movement yet.

Still, he was delighted and hugged Jiang Yun Zhu up. The corner of her skirt drew a beautiful arc in the air.

Jiang Yun Zhu hugged his neck with a smile on her face.

The next morning, the two went to see Princess Danyang and Academician Shen together.

Princess Danyang was quarreling with Academician Shen. Yesterday, Shen Heng used the golden lacquer brush from Jiansong Pavilion to draw on the wall. When Academician Shen found out, he couldn't help but lecture Shen Heng, but Princess Danyang wasn't happy about it.

Wasn't it just a broken writing brush? Her grandson could use it if he wanted. Why talk so much nonsense?

Look at how smart her grandson was. He could draw the Xia Dynasty's territory map after seeing it once. She couldn’t dote him enough!

Academician Shen was at a loss. With her behavior, Shen Heng will be spoiled crooked by her sooner or later.

"You’re good? Look how you taught Feng Ming." Princess Danyang huffed out.

"What's wrong with Feng Ming? Isn't he very good? Besides, didn't you teach him too!" said Academician Shen.

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Attendant Chang announced that Young Master and Young Madam were here. The two immediately stopped and sat at their own side, ignoring each other.

Jiang Yun Zhu and Shen Feng Ming came in. They greeted them first before Shen Feng Ming stated, "Father, Mother, Yun Zhu is pregnant for a month or so."

Princess Danyang and Academician Shen were thinking about what had just happened and did not pay attention to his words. But...the two people suddenly raised their heads and asked in unison, "Really?"

Shen Feng Ming nodded.

Both of them stood up, forgetting about what had just happened. Princess Danyang latched onto Jiang Yun Zhu and asked her questions, quite excited. Academician Shen couldn't join in at all. So he told Shen Feng Ming to take good care of Jiang Yun Zhu.

In fact, the two of them have always wanted Jiang Yun Zhu to have another child, but they couldn't say it out loud. Now that Jiang Yun Zhu had one, they both feel like their wish had been granted.

"It would be great if it’s a girl." Princess Danyang spoke. She had only given birth to one child, Shen Feng Ming, and was very envious every time she saw other people's daughters being cute and well-behaved. She quickly added, "A boy is good too. Ah Heng will have a playmate."

"If Mother gives birth to a little brother or sister, will she no longer govern me?" Shen Heng understood the meaning of pregnancy and asked immediately.

Jiang Yun Zhu glared at him, "Let your father govern you then."

Shen Heng looked at Shen Feng Ming and grimaced. It would be better for his mother to govern him.

The whole family was amused by his reaction.

The young madam was pregnant and the entire Shen’s house was filled with joy. However, this joy was quickly replaced by a sense of tension. In June, Emperor Qinglong killed more than a dozen high-ranking officials in the court. The lowest of these people was fifth grade, and they were all members of the crown prince's party.

All of the crown prince's factions were purged. In addition to the previous incident with the sixth prince, almost half of the officials in the court died. This almost shook the foundation of the court.

Fortunately, a group of young and talented officials immediately took over and the court wasn't in chaos.

However, it seemed that this matter wasn't over yet.

Even Jiang Yun Zhu felt uneasy this time. At this time, she was heavily pregnant. So she reduced the number of trips out of the house and discussed it with Shen Feng Ming. If it didn't work out, she would get Chi Zheng and the others prepare everything overseas.

"No need." Shen Feng Ming kissed her forehead. In the past, he might have considered retreating and left a way out for himself. But now that he had her, Shen Heng and the child in her belly, he won’t retreat.

He will protect her and let her live the life she wants.

Jiang Yun Zhu inexplicably believed him. If he said no, then there was no need.

In October, news suddenly came that the fifth prince was trying to siege the palace. There were soldiers everywhere in the capital and it was unknown which route they took. It was a mess. Princess Danyang and Academician Shen ordered the servants to guard the door and be ready.

But until the end, no one broke into Shen's home.

In November, the rebellion was quelled. Shen Feng Ming made great achievements in quelling the rebellion and was promoted to Major Commissioner-in-chief, taking charge of the five armies.

The fifth prince was convicted of treason and was rewarded a glass of poisoned wine to commit suicide. All his followers were imprisoned and punished according to law, including Lin Ting An.

The rain had finally passed in the capital and the sky was clear.

When Jiang Yun Zhu heard the news, she was stunned for a long time. This was completely different from the situation in her dream. For seven years in the dream, the court had been very peaceful. The Crown Prince and the sixth prince have been fighting constantly, but nothing big had happened. Shen Feng Ming was impeached because of the Top Scholar case, but in the end there was no result. But now, the sixth prince's party was gone and the crown prince's faction was cut down. Even the dormant fifth prince committed suicide.

The change between the two was too great. Could this be the so-called butterfly effect? She and Jiang Yunxiu exchanged branches and the butterfly flapped its wings once, causing the following events.

She wasn't sure and couldn't control it, but as far as she was concerned, she felt that it was pretty good now and liked her current life.

Thinking of this, she rubbed her growing belly and smiled.

Shen Feng Ming was promoted to Major Commissioner-in-chief. Within a few days, he became "sick" again. Emperor Qinglong trusted him very much. If he hadn't turned the tide this time the fifth prince besieged the palace, the fifth prince might have been sitting on the throne now.

It was just that now there was only the Crown Prince left in the court. As he was in charge of the Qilin Guards and the commissioner-in-chief of the five armies of the capital, he was too eye-catching.

"Since there's nothing big going on in the court now, it's nice to spend a few leisurely days at home." Academician Shen twirled his beard and said in appreciation. Accompanying the emperor was like accompanying a tiger. Only when one knew how to advance and retreat could they last a long time.

Princess Danyang was very dissatisfied. Her son had made great contributions to suppressing the rebellion. He deserved all these, so why should he pretend to be ill? Of course, she wasn't stupid. She knew that Shen Feng Ming was right to do what he did and only felt injust for him.

Her royal brother was getting more and more muddled as he got older.

Jiang Yun Zhu was deep in her pregnancy. Of course she was happy about Shen Feng Ming staying at home. It was just, she suddenly remembered something.

In the evening, Shen Feng Ming helped Jiang Yun Zhu back to the room. As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Yun Zhu asked, "Recuperating?"

She was teasing. Shen Feng Ming immediately understood her question. She was talking about how he met her in Lu Prefecture on the fifteenth of January that year. At that time, he went to her house to "recuperate".

That matter was Yang Sheng's idea, but after Shen Feng Ming found out, he went along with it.

Now that Jiang Yun Zhu had exposed it, his eyes dodged, "It's all in the past."

The corners of his cold eyes were stained with a tint of red, as bright and brilliant as jade.

Jiang Yun Zhu's heart felt like a deer jumping around. This person... In fact, when she knew about it, she felt more sweet and happy. It turned out that he had done such ridiculous things for her.

How about she tell him something?

She tugged on his arm.

Shen Feng Ming lowered his head to listen to her words.

Jiang Yun Zhu whispered in his ear. In fact, they had already slept in the same bed, on the fifteenth of January that year...

Pieces of moonlight seemed to fall into Shen Feng Ming's eyes.

The two were entangled together and didn’t want to be separated for a long time.

Shen Feng Ming was "sick" and didn't even go to the royal banquet during the New Year. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about him, and the court was filled with singing and dancing.

On this day, the Shen Family became nervous again. Jiang Yun Zhu was about to give birth.

With the previous experience, everyone wasn't so panicked now. Still, their nerves were tense.

Shen Feng Ming accompanied Jiang Yun Zhu. This time Princess Danyang couldn’t be bothered to say anything. She only hoped that Jiang Yun Zhu could give birth to the child safely and that their family could live happily. If not...

"Mother seems to be in pain. Grandfather, please find a doctor for Mother." Shen Heng and Academician Shen couldn't enter the delivery room, so the old man and the young boy were waiting outside. When Shen Heng heard Jiang Yun Zhu's cry of pain, he was so anxious that he turned around to Academician Shen.

Though Academician Shen’s mind was in a mess, he had to explain to Shen Heng that Jiang Yun Zhu was giving birth and it was very painful for a woman to give birth. Doctor Wu was the best doctor in the Great Xia Dynasty and he was already treating Jiang Yun Zhu.

Taking the opportunity, he taught Shen Heng that he must be filial to his mother in the future. It wasn't easy for his mother to give birth to him.

Shen Heng kept nodding. He didn't want a little brother or sister, he just wanted Mother.



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 Chapter 160 Perfect Holiday

At ten o'clock on Wednesday morning, 'Perfect Holiday' officially started recording.

The matter between Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian had been stirred up for a few days. Last night, the big news came out that Qin Shiyu was very likely to be the mysterious guest on the show. All the information was mixed together. After a night of fermentation, netizens’ attention to the ‘Perfect Holiday’ program had reached its peak.

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, the audience rushed in quickly. The program director smiled from ear to ear at the sight of the rapidly rising numbers. The ratings for this episode have been stable.

There was such a level of discussion that even the most popular variety shows at the moment cannot match it. The opening credits have played and the screen was already filled with barrage. The daily greetings from fans of the four resident guests have been ignored by netizens who were curious about the four flying guests:


【Come and see the living wealthy CEO. 】

【Hahaha, come and see the living rich heiress. 】

【My wealthy husband is coming, please restrain yourself. 】


【By the way, are you sure the mysterious guest in this episode is my Elder Brother Yu? If it’s not, I'm going to cause trouble. 】

【They were photographed arriving in City H yesterday, so they must be. 】

【Ahhhh, I’m so happy to be able to see my Elder Brother Yu! 】

【The 'Double A Couple' looks great together! 】


【I want to know, what is the relationship between Qin Shiyu and Sun Lingqian like? If it was really bad, this program will become ‘Perfect Ripping’. 】

【I think the program team deliberately created a topic, right? There should be no conflict between the two people. Qin Shiyu's evaluation of Sun Lingqian was very polite. He said she was a colleague and it is uneducated to casually comment on girls. What's wrong with this? 】

【My Elder Sister Qian had never talked about topics related to Qin Shiyu, nor had she ever stepped on them. 】

【There is no problem between the involved parties, but some fans can’t stand each other. In the final analysis, Jiang Yu is the root cause of trouble. 】

【I think it is Jiang Yu. At that time, she was compared with Sun Lingqian and ridiculed by netizens. In the end, she pulled Qin Shiyu out and showed off around. After that, the person who was ridiculed became Sun Lingqian. 】

【Looking at it as a whole, Jiang Yu is pretty tea. 】

Fans of Jiang Yu and CP fans of 'Double A Couple' immediately retorted:

【How hilarious! How can people fake a stage? If you really want to say it, say it properly. Who made the first move in the first place? Do you think the Internet has no memory? Or do you think that whoever speaks louder and speaks more is the truth? 】

【Haha, I have never heard of any popular drama where the odd CP is more popular than the main CP. I have never heard of two unrelated CP from a TV series and a variety show being taken out and trampled to compare in real life. Treating everyone as a fool? 】

【That's right, the person who flirts first is detestable. When she isn't as strong as the other party, she starts pouring dirty water on the other party , tsk tsk...]

Fans of Sun Lingqian wouldn’t put up with it:

【How laughable! My Elder Sister Qian isn't as strong as Jiang Yu? How is she worse? Is it traffic, acting skills, or ambition. 】

【It’s even more funny to say that my Elder Sister Qian is obsessed with Qin Shiyu. In front of Qin Luochuan, what does Qin Shiyu amount to? 】

Qin Shiyu’s fans became displeased:

【We are going to die laughing. This is the outlook of Sun Lingqian’s fans. How is Sun Lingqian inferior to Jiang Yu? Why don't you list IQ as an option? If you really feel that the gap is too big, you can bring out looks. The only thing you can be absolutely sure is that she is better than Jiang Yu in terms of financial resources. 】

【How can I, Elder Brother Yu, be inferior to Qin Luochuan? Is it looks, acting skills, or IQ? Oh, it’s financial resources too. 】

【Money is justice, and when you have money, whatever you do is right. 】

【Is Sun Lingqian creating an image of a silly beauty and then treating our Qin Shiyu as a fool? Can't he decide for himself whether Jiang Yu is a green tea or not? When is it your turn to convict and sentence people, whom you have never met. 】

【Yes, if you don’t feel guilty, why did you drag Qin Luochuan to participate in the show and keep trying to step over our Elder Brother Yu? Isn’t it because you struggled with no result at the time and felt embarrassed. So now you drag Qin Luochuan to deliberately show off? 】

【Haha, let’s see if our Elder Brother Yu cares about it later. 】

It was said that fans were like their idols. Many fans of Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu, especially CP fans, basically started following 'All Rounder'. Although the number of these fans wasn't as large as that of Sun Lingqian's crazy fans, their expressive ability and logical ability weren’t inferior to them and their combat effectiveness wasn't weak at all.

Even netizens who were joining in the fun and watching gossip couldn’t stand it anymore:

【Stop arguing, won't we know if it’s true or not when Qin Shiyu comes? 】

【Yes, since they come to the show without any grudges, maybe there is nothing between them at all? 】

【By the way, if the mysterious guest in this episode is really Qin Shiyu, then he should be bringing Jiang Yu . 】

'Perfect Holiday' had a more interesting design, that was, the guests who participated in the show must bring a friend of the opposite sex.

"Meet with kindred-spirit friend to go to new place, get to know new friends, have new stories, and experience a perfect holiday." - This was the slogan of the program 'Perfect Holiday', and the core was popularly recognized by the audience.

Of course, one needed to find people they were familiar with to have a comfortable holiday. And as a variety show, having acquaintances made it easier for people to blend in and could avoid the awkwardness of shy guests.

In the beginning, the show was actually positioned as friends, but the director found that if boys brought brothers and girls brought best friends, it would be difficult for them to play together during recording and it would be easy for men and women to play in separate groups. Even when forced by arrangement, as public figures, everyone invariably were much more cautious when it came to interacting between men and women, for fear of being called a scumbag or a green tea by netizens.

Later, the director simply designated friends of the opposite sex. This not only solved the problem of male-female ratio, but made it more harmonious to play together and have someone to mutually guide each other. In one episode of recording, a pair of friends even had an ambiguous spark. This made the audience scream from the sweetness. Not only did the traffic increase in that episode, the subsequent publicity lasted for a long time.

There were still people editing those clips. So the director who had mastered the key to traffic now simply invited some popular CPs. Not to mention the traffic itself, the follow-up publicity of the show could last for a long time.

When an audience member asked about this, the 'Double A Couple' was very excited: 【It was already photographed yesterday. It is them two. 】

【Even if the photo wasn't taken, beside Jiang Yu, Qin Shiyu has no one else. 】

【Hahaha, yes, Jiang Yu has many CPs, but our God Yu CP is only with Jiang Yu. 】

【The 'Double A Couple' is super sweet! 】

【Looking at it this way, Qin Shiyu has a really good relationship with Jiang Yu. He and Sun Lingqian have been working together for a few months while filming 'The Devil's Hour' and are still "unfamiliar colleagues". While,how long have he known Jiang Yu and he’s already starting to participated in the program with her. 】

The anti-fans wouldn’t admit it:

【Who says that being brought here means the relationship is really good? Aren’t there many people in the entertainment industry who are forcibly tied up? 】

【Aren’t Zhuang Si and Hu Yao forcibly tied together by the company? There was no tacit understanding at all in the first episode and Hu Yao didn't even know Zhuang Si was allergic to mango. 】

Monday 1 July 2024

EN1MP Teaser 5

 Chapter 5

The noise coming from the jungle was too great. The frightened screams, huge roars, and a series of heavy groans from the ground made Ye Wenya stand up immediately and reach out to where the paralysis powder was stored.

Song Jiale’s group of four who had just walked a few meters away heard the sound and anxiously stopped. They all pulled out the laser swords and particle guns from their waists. The two mecha boys directly turned into two beast forms: a bear and a wolf. They looked at the five black figures rushing toward them with vigilance!

"Waaaaa! Help, help!..."


When the two young figures in school uniforms running in front saw the fighting posture of the five people, their faces immediately lit up and hurriedly dashed over.

Following the two figures, three huge figures followed closely!

Those were three giant bulls that were about one storey high! Bull head and tiger tail. The turquoise hairs were like inverted green spikes, glowing with bursts of metallic light. The three giant bulls' eyes were scarlet at this time and each heavy foot on the ground would cause the ground to tremble.

"Damn! It’s actually a level four green bull and tiger tail beast!"

When Song Jiale, Mei Na and others saw these three green-furred beasts with bull heads, tiger tails, their pupils dilated and they turned pale with fright. All thoughts of rescuing their companions flew out of their mind in an instant! They turned around and ran into the jungle.

Three level four mutated beasts! Let alone saving people, just trying to escape safely from under the nose of these three level four mutated beasts was a difficult task!

This was a fourth-level mutated beast that required four B-level beastmen to deal with! What's more, there were three this time!  

Song Jiale and the others felt cold in their hearts and ran forward without looking back.

The more powerful the beasts were, the more they retained the instinct to chase prey. The three green bull and tiger-tailed beasts following the two figures in front immediately locked their red eyes on the four people when they saw something running away in front of them. .



One of the three green bull and tiger-tailed beasts locked on the two fleeing students in front, one chased in the direction of Song Jiale’s group of five. The last one rushed toward Ye Wenya like a strong wind!


The shrubs and rocks on the ground were directly trampled by the charging giant bull. The bloody smell of rock wolves in the air stimulated the three green bull and tiger-tailed beasts, making them run two minutes faster.

When a boy with short white hair in a school uniform ran away and passed by Ye Wenya, he saw that she was standing there with no intention of running away. He suddenly shouted anxiously: "Why don't you run away! Run away!! You don't want your life?"

While another boy with dark brown short hair gritted his teeth and stopped. His forehead was covered with sweat. Panting, his face was gray and white with many fine red scratches. It was obvious that he had suffered injuries from the grass and trees’ scratches while fleeing in the woods. The dark brown short-haired man took out the particle gun in his hand and shouted: "Bai Xia, take this classmate and run away quickly. Don't just stand here stupidly. I’ll stay and fight with them!"

"No! Pan Mu, either you run away with us, or I stay here with you! As a teammate, I will never run away alone!" The boy with short white hair also gritted his teeth, took out the particle gun and stopped. He turned around and shouted to Ye Wenya: "Classmate, run away! Why are you still standing here stupidly and not leaving?! Do you want to die here?! We can't withstand them for long. Hurry up, run away!"


Ye Wenya held two handfuls of paralyzing powder in her hands. Her gaze halted. She obviously didn't expect that the two stranger classmates she had just met would suddenly decide to stay and fend off the mutated beasts, allowing her to escape first.

Look at the way these two were previously running like crazy and escaping in front of them. Now look at the way the two people stopped now and decided to fight to the death with the remaining two mutated beasts. It wasn’t difficult for Ye Wenya to guess that the two people in front of her must have stopped because of her. They probably felt that they had involved an innocent classmate in the trouble and wanted to make amends.

"Bang! Bang!..."

The particle gun fiercely collided with the two green bull and tiger tails. However, the bullets of the particle gun only broke a few bull hairs. It failed to harm the body of the green bull and tiger tail beasts at all. Instead, it stimulated the two mutated beasts to become more manic,

With a roar, the two mutated beasts slammed toward the two of them like two large trucks.

The sharp black horns glowed with a sharp metallic luster. If they were hit now, the two boys in front of them would probably die on the spot.

"You two, get out of the way!"

Ye Wenya spoke coldly, elbowed Bai Xia and Pan Mu away, and hit the heads of the two green bull and tiger-tailed beasts with the white paralyzing powder in her hand.

The green bull and tiger-tailed beast was breathing heavily from both nostrils, staring with its two pairs of scarlet eyes as it was about to sprint forward and hit the thin human in front of it to death.

However, the next second...



The two green bull and tiger-tailed beasts, which roared angrily like hills, hit the ground heavily. Their whole bodies were stiff and unconscious. Only their heavy breathing could confirm that the two mutated beasts were still alive at this time.

"This, this, this...this is...bang!——"

"I, I'm so dizzy... Bang!——"

Bai Xia and Pan Mu looked at the two green bull and tiger-tailed beasts that fell to the ground in surprise. Their mouth wer opened so wide that they were rendered speechless. However, the paralysis powder floating in the air that hadn’t completely dispersed had also been inhaled by their nasal cavity. The faint fragrance of grass and trees was mixed with an indescribable sweet fragrance. The next second, their heads felt dizzy and the two of them went 'Bang! ——’ They collapsed to the ground.

Because the distance between the two of them and the green bull and tiger-tailed beasts was very close, when they fell, they fell directly toward the two green bull and tiger-tailed beasts and their heads were almost pierced by the horns!

Fortunately, the little black cat who had been following Ye Wenya had quick reactions. The cat's paw directly slapped the two people's heads to the side. This prevented the tragedy of the two people accidentally dying. Still, the two people’s heads hit the ground heavily and made a muffled sound in pain.

Those who watched it felt numb all over.


"Me Na, be careful!"

"Bang! Bang bang bang!..."


After the matter here was settled, the voices of Song Jiale’s group on the other side of the jungle as well as the roars of the green bull and tiger-tailed beast continued to reach Ye Wenya's ears along with the mountain wind in the forest. Ye Wenya stood on the spot and raised her eyebrows. She raised her head to look in the direction of the sound.



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WLAEF afterward 13

According to their previous plan, they would take advantage of the fight between the Crown Prince and the Sixth Prince to quietly develop their power, such as those 50,000 cavalry and those fleets. When everything was ready, they would help the Sixth Prince get rid of the Crown Prince. Then they would push out Attendant Wu and drag the Sixth Prince down. At that time, the court will belong to the Fifth Prince.

Of course, Lin Ting An wanted to take the opportunity to eliminate Shen Feng Ming. He always felt that he was the biggest variable in this matter.

Could it be that Shen Feng Ming did this? But it didn't feel like it.

"In the past few years, there had been a new force in the court. They are quite mysterious." The fifth prince spoke at this time.

"New force?" Lin Ting An had been busy with the cavalry and the fleet and hadn’t noticed it.

The fifth prince nodded.

The water in the court had become increasingly turbid. On the surface, nothing could be seen, but in fact, there was a turbulent undercurrent.

And this time, they were going to wait and see what happens, or get involved?

When they thought about this, the two of them were fuming. They weren't ready. Those people did this and disrupted all their plans. If they wait and see, it was very likely that it would eventually be concluded as Concubine Wu harming the Crown Prince was false. In the future, it will be very difficult for them to pull out Attendant Wu to reverse the case.

By then, Concubine Wu will be prepared. Maybe the truth will be turned into a lie.

But if they got involved, they might be able to bring down Concubine Wu, but what about the Crown Prince? What's more, they had a niggling feeling that they were being used as borrowed knives.

It was neither good to advance nor to retreat. How could it not be infuriating?

Maybe the person who did this had this idea in mind. Thinking this way, the two of them felt even more displeased, feeling like they were being plotted and led around.

The two discussed for a long time and finally decided on a plan.

The fifth prince stood up and left. Lin Ting An stood there, his eyes becoming sharper.

A man should achieve meritorious deeds, and the greatest merit was the merit of serving the dragon. However, he didn’t want to support the crown prince or the sixth prince. There were already many people around them. One more person wasn't more, and one less wasn't less. Even if he succeeds, what can he gain?

But supporting the fifth prince was different. If successful, he will be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!

This year's winter was extremely cold. Everyone felt uneasy, as if something big was about to happen.

As expected, the three division’s investigation found nothing.

On Shen Feng Ming's side, there was a dramatic turn. After verification, he found that the old woman wasn't Attendant Wu at all and the letter was fake. At this moment, he suddenly discovered the real Attendant Wu.

Attendant Wu still had some unused powder in her hand. With witnesses and physical evidence present, Concubine Wu couldn't deny it.

Murdering the Crown Prince was a serious crime of treason and the nine clans should be punished.

Of course, the crown prince's party wouldn't miss this opportunity. Whether it was verbal or written, they criticized the sixth prince and his followers, listing eight major crimes and requesting Emperor Qinglong to severely punish them.

At the end of this year, Concubine Wu was first demoted to the cold palace. Then she was rewarded a glass of poisonous wine to commit suicide.

The Sixth Prince's accomplices were arrested and killed. Almost all of them were eradicated. He himself was under house arrest.

The crown prince's party was about to celebrate this hard-won victory when someone accused them of forming a clique for personal gain and grouping together to go against those against them.

At this time, the fifth prince officially came into everyone's sight. Everyone discovered that this prince was talented, knowledgeable, and good at literature and martial arts.

With the fall of the sixth prince, a large area in the court was left empty. It was a good time for the fifth prince to cultivate his own power.

At this side, impeachment memorials against the crown prince's party fell like snowflakes on Emperor Qinglong's desk. Each memorial had something to say, it was obvious that it had been investigated in detail.

In a certain inn, Xie Chen met Gu Yan Zhou. It was them who planned the fake Attendant Wu incident. According to their plan, they would first remove the sixth prince, and then cut down the crown prince's fraction, so that the Great Xia Dynasty could be restored to a bright and clear sky.

While they were plotting against others, others were plotting against them. Now that the fifth prince wanted to be the fisherman and the oriole, it would be impossible for them to advance or retreat.

Advance, eradicate all the crown prince's party and the Crown Prince will definitely be affected. Wouldn’t that mean letting the fifth prince pick the fruit.

It would be okay to retreat and maintain the status quo, but with the sixth prince gone and the fifth prince here, their work was in vain.

What to do? Gu Yan Zhou looked at Xie Chen.

Xie Chen looked in the direction of the Division. When Xie Chen met Shen Feng Ming, he didn’t reveal his identity and still he felt that he wasn't simple. Later, it turned out that he was the famous Commissioner-in-chief Shen.

The longer he served as an official in the court, the more he learned about Shen Feng Ming, and found that some things weren't like the legend.

The officialdom was like a big dye vat. Even he himself couldn't come out clean. He began to re-examine Shen Feng Ming.

The more one knew about this person, the more difficult it was to figure him out. For example, he never interfered in the affairs of the court and only focused on investigating cases. He was like a sharp blade that anyone could use, but was this the case?

If the world was a chessboard, who was the chess player?

Xie Chen admitted that he was just a pawn!

"Why don't we go see Commissioner-in-chief Shen." He suddenly said.

Gu Yan Zhou was so surprised that he opened his mouth to refute, but in the end he said nothing. In this situation, maybe they had to meet Shen Feng Ming.

It was spring again. The grass was growing, the orioles were flying, the flowers were red, and the willows were green. But people in the capital have no intention of enjoying the spring scenery. The situation in the court became more and more turbulent. Officials in front of the Meridian Gate died one after another. Who knew when the knife would strike at them.

Jiang Yun Zhu felt that the capital was different from before, but it did not have much impact on her life. Officials rarely come to Shiguang Restaurant, but wealthy businessmen flock there. She didn't worry about running out of business.

And her fleet. Last fall, she added a new fleet. Now she only had a fleet of ships that go back and forth on the sea. They could bring back a lot of wealth every time. She planned to use some of the money to do some good things, such as building more girls' schools that allowed girls to read and write.

She had always felt that only by studying could people understand things and understand themselves and the world better.

Of course, it was true that the economy determined the superstructure. While teaching these females how to read, it was equally important to teach them some skills to make a living.

She told Shen Feng Ming about this idea and he supported her very much. The new school was already under construction and was expected to admit its first batch of students in the fall.

It was good to have money. Jiang Yun Zhu only had an idea about this matter and someone helped her implement it.

Her days were as idle as before.

The peach blossoms were in bloom recently. She planned to make several jars of peach blossom wine. While she was picking petals, a small figure ran over from the side. Seeing her, the little one immediately stopped, put his hands into his sleeves, and crisply called, "Mother."

It was Shen Heng. He was almost two years old now, as cute as a porcelain doll.

Jiang Yun Zhu had seen him a long time ago. 

"What's in your hand?" she asked.

Shen Heng shook his head.


Shen Heng obediently took out the things in his hands and showed them to Jiang Yun Zhu. He was most afraid of her. If she was angry, she would not prepare delicious food for him. And more importantly, when she got angry, Father would punish him.

Jiang Yun Zhu saw clearly what was in his hand and knew that he was in trouble again. Don’t know who this kid took after. He was so wild. Give him a stick and he’d dare to poke a hole in the sky. What he was holding in his hand was the Jiansongge gold-lacquered writing brush cherished by Academician Shen. Now that this brush was half bald. It was estimated that when Academician Shen sees it, he will feel distressed for a long time.

When Shen Heng saw that she was angry, he quickly said, "Mother, I drew a picture. For you."

"What painting?" Jiang Yun Zhu said while suppressing her anger.

Shen Heng came over with his short legs, took Jiang Yun Zhu's hand and took her to see the paintings he painted.

As expected, there was a painting on the snow-white wall of Academician Shen's study room. The painting was crooked, but Jiang Yun Zhu recognized it as a territorial map of the Great Xia Dynasty.

He used such a precious brush to draw on the wall and it looked very powerful. No wonder the brush turned out like that.

"What are you painting this for?" Jiang Yun Zhu asked.

"Give it to Mother." Shen Heng replied.

"Tell the truth." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

Shen Heng hesitated before confessing. A few days ago, Academician Shen showed him the territory map of the Xia Dynasty and told him about the customs of each place. He remembered the map.

Jiang Yun Zhu couldn't help but educate him again. He was a thief and a bad person since he stole his grandfather's writing brush. Also, for drawing on his grandfather's wall... In the end, she told him to clean the painting himself and then went to see Academician Shen to apologize.



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Chapter 159 The perfect holiday

Like most variety shows today, 'Perfect Holiday' was a live broadcast plus editing. The recording time was from Wednesday to Friday, three days and two nights.

At noon on Tuesday, the program team officially announced the broadcast time of the program and opened a warm-up window on the live broadcast platform, live broadcasting the preparations of the six guests who were confirmed to attend. The details were the process of preparing their luggage.

There was nothing unusual about the four permanent guests. They were all supported by their own fans. The live broadcast room with the largest number of people was this time's newcomers Sun Lingqian and Qin Luochuan.

Although Sun Lingqian's fans didn't explode as much as Qin Shiyu's after 'The Devil's Hour' officially ended, they increased a lot. The wealthy daughter persona she intended to stir was a big plus for her.

For example, in today’s warm-up, many passers-by and netizens flocked to her live broadcast room, all wanting to see the lives of rich people.

While packing her luggage, Sun Lingqian introduced the uses; clothes, shoes, bags, all kinds of luxury skin care products, and skin care equipment were packed into three large boxes for three days and two nights.

The audience watched in amazement.

Before departure, the program team took a tour of the Sun family's mansion under her guidance. The three-story villa had the word ‘rich’ everywhere.

Afterward, the three assistants each took a suitcase and they drove to the airport in a luxury car, attracting a large number of passers-by and fans.

As for Qin Luochuan, it surpassed it.

This person took great pains to suppress Qin Shiyu. He directly asked the program team to go to the Qin Family's old residence. In the center of B City where every inch of land was precious, the European classical architectural style that was popular in the early years was a world that ordinary people cannot imagine; the flower fields and lawns, the angel fountain, as well as the main building and two auxiliary buildings. 

According to the housekeeper who led them to the young master's bedroom, one of the two auxiliary buildings was for storing things, and the other was their staff dormitory.

The audience thought that the Sun family was exaggerated enough, but they didn't expect that they were nothing compared to the Qin Family.

The program team members didn't see Qin Luochuan himself, but his two life assistants packed his luggage for him.

The two even made a list, from clothes to daily accessories and various items they would use. They were clear and thorough. Their packing techniques were extremely professional. Even though they only used one suitcase, it packed a lot of things. 

After packing the luggage, the program team went to the Qin Group. The majestic office building gave Qin Group a wave of publicity.

The members of the program team were led by the secretary to the president's office floor. When they got out of the elevator, they saw Qin Luochuan coming out of the conference room in a well-tailored haute couture suit, followed by people who could be seen in financial magazines.

He straightened his tie a little, raised his hand to look at the time,, "Fortunately, I'm not late. Sorry, for the sake of a perfect holiday, I can only make the schedule a little bit tight."

Jiang Yu looked at the diamond collar clip, gemstone cufflinks and million-dollar watch on his wrist that he inadvertently displayed, and couldn't help but laugh, "In a sense, he is quite similar to Sun Lingqian." 

They both liked to show off their wealth.

Qin Shiyu came over, "Usually he has so much free time, but now he’s busy. A few vice presidents are accompanying him to the meeting. They are quite high-level in Qin Xingye's place. As he is being targeted by Qin Xingye recently, he doesn’t have a lot of big projects in his hand.”

Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing, so he is showing off from beginning to end?

"But the effect is significant. Look, the hot search is coming up?"

When other members of the program were doing warm up for the live broadcast, Jiang Yu and Qin Shiyu were on the plane. After landing, they turned on their mobile phones and saw the topic #The wealthy male protagonist is brought into reality#. This had become ‘hot’ now.

The content was Qin Luochuan's live broadcast. At this time, the comments below about Qin Luochuan's mansion, clothes, and accessories were being heatedly discussed by netizens. The price of each item was amazing.

Jiang Yu was stunned, "This hot search has already surpassed that of Sun Lingqian."

Qin Shiyu came closer, "Sun Lingqian shouldn't feel offended this time."

Jiang Yu laughed, "Of course." 

She had seen how Sun Lingqian treated her and Qin Luochuan, arrogant to the former and respectful to the latter. She would probably feel very honored that Qin Luochuan could take advantage of her traffic.

"But Qin Luochuan's main contribution to his popularity is..."

"What?" Qin Shiyu looked at her innocently.

Jiang Yu looked at his handsome face that was so close and said expressionlessly, "You can check your phone."

The two of them had already arrived at the hotel. Qin Shiyu felt that the hotel arranged by the program team was too crowded, so he found another one with better privacy. Although they got two rooms, Qin Shiyu left his luggage and ran off to find Jiang Yu.

At that time, Jiang Yu was preparing to go online to learn about the situation she might face during the recording of tomorrow's program. He sat over and expressed his willingness to join her. Now, he was already looking at her mobile phone with her.

After being discovered, Qin Shiyu didn't feel the embarrassment of being caught. Instead, he put his arm around Jiang Yu's waist with a smile and drawled out, "Your phone looks better. Come closer, I’m short-sighted."

Shortsighted my ass.

Amused by him, Jiang Yu pretended to hit him, but she was no match for his scoundrel behavior. After confirming the relationship, he felt confident in everything he did. The two laughed and joked for a while. The final result was Jiang Yu nestled comfortably in his arms. as the two looked at her mobile phone together.

Qin Shiyu rubbed his chin against the top of her hair and listened as she continued to analyze the topic, "Although Qin Luochuan is known to netizens because of his involvement in CP with Sun Lingqian, it’s still rely on you to achieve such a high level of spotlight. "

After the official announcement of "Perfect Holiday" last Saturday, Sun Lingqian and Qin Luochuan worked together on marketing and even rode on the success of 'The Devil's Hour'. Still, their popularity was far behind Qin Shiyu.

However, the marketing accounts kept stirring up trouble with the classic cliché of ‘You used to be indifferent to me, but today I'm let you understand unreachable.’ Everyone's attention was easily drawn to Qin Shiyu and Sun Lingqian’s bad blood that happened because of CP stirring.

The incident wasn’t so long ago. Although the two didn't directly confront each other, the quarrel between the fans was indeed ugly. At that time, Sun Lingqian was ridiculed for using any means to stick, completely a Green Tea. Now that Qin Luochuan came out, it was her fans' turn to be proud and express how hilarious Qin Shi Yu was for overthinking.

He was a little better than ordinary people, but in front of Qin Luochuan, he was completely worthless.

Qin Shiyu's fans naturally refused to sit still to this stepping over So in such a dispute, Qin Luochuan's information was revealed by various real or fake insiders; his academic background, projects he had done, his past magazine interviews and so on have been unearthed. Netizens have learned more about him from the simple concept of ‘heir to the Sheng Qin Group’ and found him to be quite superior.

In all aspects of quality, he was on par with Qin Shiyu, but just being ‘successor to Sheng Qin’ had left Qin Shiyu a few streets behind.

In short, because of this comparison, Qin Luochuan's spotlight was temporarily raised to the same level as Qin Shiyu's.

Jiang Yu raised her head and asked Qin Shiyu, "Will this recording be safe?"

As soon as she finished asking, the alarm on her phone rang. The two of them had a new hot search, so they opened it and took a look: # Double A Couple ‘Perfect Holiday’ Mysterious Guest#

Below was a photo of Qin Shiyu and Jiang Yu coming out of the airport. The two of them were tightly covered, but familiar fans recognized the two people by their body shape and expression.

The program group of 'Perfect Holiday' and 'All Rounder' were completely different styles.

'All Rounder' focused on content. They didn't even have any publicity warm-up for each episode. During the recording, they tried their best to show the high-spec moments of each guest and the interesting sparks between the guests.

And 'Perfect Holiday', just looking at the hot search this week, one knows that they prefer to create topics among the guests to arouse heat.

In every previous episode, they used mysterious guests to stir up topics. Usually three or four popular celebrities would be pulled out to accompany them. If everyone attracted a batch of fans, it would be considered a success.

This time was no exception. Netizens have been guessing who the mysterious guests were. In fact, not many people guessed Qin Shiyu. After rational analysis, many netizens and fans feel that the possibility of Qin Shiyu accepting this show was very small; but the expectations for him were the highest. After all, everyone liked to watch dramas. Netizens wanted to know whether Qin Shiyu will regret after ‘rejecting’ Sun Lingqian now that she was having a relationship with the heir of a wealthy family.

Fans hoped that Qin Shiyu would confront Qin Luochuan and Sun Lingqian and slap those trolls in the face.

In short, as soon as this confirmed topic comes out, one didn’t need to think about it to know that it will detonate the entire network. There will definitely be a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room tomorrow.

Jiang Yu said, "The program team will definitely take the opportunity to hype it up. Even if they don't want to, there’s the status of Sun Lingqian and Sheng Qin's heir. So they don't daren't listen."

Hearing her serious sarcasm, Qin Shiyu found it cute. He rubbed her hair and said deliberately, "Then let's make it official and scare them. No matter how much they jump around, we are true love. When the time comes, Sun Lingqian will be the green tea if she makes trouble and Qin Luochuan is a scumbag if he makes trouble. The program team is immoral if they make trouble and no serious celebrity will be willing to participate in the future. This show will be over then."

The final summary is, ‘Invincible with one move, no one of them can play any tricks.’

Jiang Yu stared at him expressionlessly, "Then I will be trending every day?" 

She harrumphed again, "Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts. Not making it official."

Qin Shiyu's face was full of regret, "Such a good traffic..."

Jiang Yu glanced at him sideways, "Yes, with such good traffic, I don't believe you didn't come up with a bad idea."

Qin Shiyu looked at her and smiled mischievously, "You seen through me?"

His smile was a little strange. Jiang Yu had a bad feeling in her heart, "What on earth do you want to do?"

Qin Shiyu suddenly leaned forward and pressed her on the sofa, grinning, "It must be very thrilling to date in front of so many people's eyes."

Jiang Yu:……