Wednesday 7 August 2024


 Chapter 20 Kunshan Jade Shattering

"What's wrong?" Chai Jing turned her head and glanced at Luo Jin.

"I won't go!" Luo Jin became stubborn, "If he wants to drink tea, go make it himself!"

Chen Changmo hurriedly said, "Princess, I don't want to drink it. I dare not trouble the deputy envoy."

Chai Jing frowned and said coldly, "What? Now even this princess can't order you? It seems that you don’t have this princess in your eye..."

With a cold face, she stood up, "Go upstairs and copy the Heart Sutra for me three hundred times. You are not allowed to go downstairs until you finish copying! All of you should not go upstairs and no one is allowed to copy a word for her!"

"I..." Luo Jin was so anxious that tears came out, "Princess, I was wrong. Please don’t make me copy three hundred times, okay? How many days will it take me to copy it..."

"Whenever you finish copying it is whenever you can go downstairs!" Chai Jing waved her hand, "Give her paper and pen!"

Luo Jin wiped her tears and went upstairs with the paper and pen and the original text of the Heart Sutra that Ruan Qin had just handed over.

Looking back and seeing that no one followed her, she wiped her tears and smiled.

Sure enough, Chai Jing wouldn’t let her down.

This arrangement naturally gave her a reasonable excuse to search for clues upstairs without being suspected.

No one came upstairs all day. Luo Jin searched every corner of the second and third floors, but didn’t find any clues left by the previous music envoy.

In the evening, Luo Jin came downstairs. Chai Jing and Chen Changmo was getting on the carriage together.

Luo Jin hurried over and caught up with them and asked, "Your Highness, will you return to Changfeng Yard tonight?"

Chai Jing frowned slightly, but nodded in acknowledgement. "En”.


Chai Heng had an errand to do recently and came back after dark. As soon as he came back, he saw Luo Jin walking out of the gate and heading toward the corner of the street.

Seeing that it was already dark, Chai Heng was worried about her going out alone, so he followed her, "Deputy Envoy Luo, if you want something, you can tell the maids at home. You don't have to go in person."

Luo Jin stopped and waited for him to catch up. Then she responded, "Princess said she would come back today. Worried, I came out to welcome her. Your Highness, go back, it's cold at night."

Chai Heng said, "Don't wait for her. She has hidden guards following her... The last three eighth-level hidden guards were injured by Jiang Mo. They haven't come back yet. This time, it changed to three seventh-level ones. Their skills are also good, more than enough to protect her safety. "

Luo Jin was still worried, "Eighth-level master wasn’t able to protect her, right? A seventh-level master would be even more useless, right?"

Chai Heng said, "This is Wei City, no one dares to attack her. When I went to Sand City before, even a ninth-level master like Yue Qinghai didn't dare to attack me. What do you think is the reason?"


"Because he knows that if he dares to attack me, the Crown Prince will not let him go. Even if he is a ninth-level master, as long as the Crown Prince wants to kill him, it will be useless for him to escape to the ends of the earth!" Chai Heng said with unconcealed pride in his tone.

"Crown Prince is... that strong?"

"He is an expert at the upper eighth level, just one step away from the ninth level. What’s more, he has many eyes and ears. Plus, He Xiao is his subordinate. If he is determined to kill Yue Qinghai, Yue Qinghai will surely die! That's why he is so afraid of me when he tried to assassinate Jiang Ge that time."

Luo Jin still disagreed, "But didn't Jiang Mo still take action last time? I didn't even notice that he eliminated the three eighth-level hidden guards... He is at the upper eighth level, right? The lower eighth level hidden guards can't deal with the upper level of the eighth level, let alone the seventh level?"

"Don't compare him with others," Chai Heng got angry just thinking about it, "He isn't normal. He doesn't consider the consequences of what he says and does. He was probably a lunatic with a sick brain."

"You are the one with a sick brain!" A cold voice came from above Chai Heng's head.

Luo Jin and Chai Heng looked at the roof behind them at the same time and saw Jiang Mo jumping down from the roof and landing in front of Luo Jin.

"You...what do you want to do? If you dare to touch me, my elder brother will not let you go!" Chai Heng retreated repeatedly. He didn’t bring any guards with him. Even if he did, he would not be able to beat Jiang Mo. He didn’t know that Jiang Mo's martial arts were so strong before, but now that he heard about it, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Jiang Mo glanced at him, "Why would I touch you?"

He then turned his gaze to Luo Jin.

Chai Heng immediately shouted, "You are not allowed to touch her either! If you touch her, my elder brother will..."

But he said this without confidence. He also knew that the Crown Prince wouldn't care about Luo Jin's life or death.

"You are so noisy!" Jiang Mo frowned slightly. Suddenly, he grabbed Luo Jin's arm, "Let's talk somewhere else!"

Luo Jin was caught off guard and was taken away by him again. Fortunately, he flew more steadily this time and she didn’t feel like vomiting.

When Jiang Mo finally stopped, Luo Jin found herself on a high roof with a crescent moon above her head and green tiles under her feet.

Jiang Mo sat down. Luo Jin copied him.

"Why did you bring me here for?" Luo Jin asked.

"Watch the moon."

Luo Jin looked up at the crescent moon in the sky and was about to say what was so good about this crescent moon, but immediately remembered that Jiang Mo couldn't watch the full moon and didn’t speak.

Jiang Mo took out something wrapped in oil paper and handed it to Luo Jin, "Food."

Slightly startled, Luo Jin took the paper package, opened it, and saw a small bag of osmanthus candy inside.

It turned out that he still remembered what she said, that she liked to watch the moon while eating.

She picked up a piece of osmanthus candy and put it in her mouth. It was sweet.

After a long silence, Jiang Mo said, "Before I go back, I suddenly wanted to see you, so I came."

"You’re... going back to Xiyuan?" Luo Jin's face changed, "But if you go back, the third prince will definitely get you to deal with the Crown Prince and the Crown Prince will definitely kill you!"

Jiang Mo lowered his head, put his hand on his heart, and whispered, "If I don't go back... I will die."

Luo Jin's nose had the urge to sniff and she wanted to cry. He really had no way out. No matter what he did, he would die.

When she read the novel, she had no feelings for this character. But after getting to know him, she realized the helplessness behind the death ending.

"Then can you... not fight with Jiang Ge on New Year's Eve?" Luo Jin whispered.

She clearly remembered that Jiang Mo was killed by the Crown Prince on the snowy night of New Year's Eve. His corpse was tied with stones and put into the river. On the cold winter night, it sank in the icy river water.

Jiang Mo thought about it, "Then I will take action on the first day of the new year?"

Luo Jin: "..."

Indeed, it made no difference to Jiang Mo which day he took action. The gap between his strength and Jiang Ge's was too big. Even if he fought to the death, it would only cause Jiang Ge to lose his secret guards.

But he had no choice. For him, it was nothing more than choosing a way to die.

"We probably... won’t see each other again, right?"

Jiang Mo reached out, gently held Luo Jin's waist, flew down from the roof, and returned to the previous street corner in a few leaps.

Chai Heng was still running around looking for Luo Jin. He was relieved to see her come back. Just when he wanted to complain to Jiang Mo, he saw his figure flash a few times and disappeared into the vast night.

Luo Jin stared at the back for a long time, feeling a sense of loss as if something was taken away.

A few horse neighs sounded. Chai Jing's carriage stopped beside Luo Jin. Chai Jing got off the carriage, and reached out to grab Luo Jin's hand, "Why are you waiting here? Your hands are so cool. It’s cold, right?"

Luo Jin stared at Chai Jing's eyes, suddenly her emotions broke down. She hugged Chai Jing and cried loudly.

Chai Jing patted Luo Jin's back in a panic and comforted her: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have lost my temper with you... Don't cry, I was wrong..."

But Luo Jin cried even louder.


"I know Princess was scheming and wants to test Chen Changmo's bottom line," Luo Jin wiped her tears while choking up, "I'm not angry with the Princess. How could I be angry with Princess..."

"Then why are you crying?"

"I just want to cry..."

Chai Jing handed Luo Jin a handkerchief and sighed, "I won't make you cry next time. You're so hard to comfort."

Luo Jin sobbed, "I searched the second and third floors all day today, but didn't get any useful clues. I'll… I’ll continue searching tomorrow."

"I’ll take you out to have fun tomorrow. Distress a bit," Chai Jing said, "Madam Ji's autumn flower party has many beautiful flowers, I'll take you to see them."

Luo Jin raised her misty eyes, "Then... will Chen Changmo go?"

"Yes," Chai Jing said and explained quickly, "If I don't take him, he will be suspicious. I must take him... Just treat it as acting, okay? Cooperate a bit!"

"Oh..." Luo Jin cried again, "I will cooperate..."

Chai Jing: "..."


The next morning, Luo Jin got up and put on makeup for a long time. Her eye circles were a little swollen. She had to use thick makeup to cover them.

When she went out, Chai Jing's carriage was already waiting outside the door. She got on the carriage and saw Chen Changmo sitting in the carriage at a glance.

She rolled her eyes at once and turned her face away to ignore him.

Chen Changmo's voice was gentle, "Miss Luo must have some misunderstanding about me, right? Can we clear up the misunderstanding and get along well? After all, you are important to Princess and I also want to get along with you."

"Impossible!" Luo Jin bluntly stated.

"Why? Because I come from a poor family and you think I must be greedy for wealth, right?" Chen Changmo shook his head helplessly.

"Bah, why are you starting to stack armor ?"

"Huh? What is stacking armor?"

"I can't tell you!"

Chen Changmo lowered his head. After a long while, he raised his head, "Miss Luo, why can't you believe that I really love the Princess?"

"I absolutely don't believe it! Unless you dig out your heart and let me see it!" Luo Jin's tone was firm.

"..." Chen Changmo could only shake his head and sigh, "How can a young girl say such violent words? This isn't good."


At this time, Chai Jing got in the carriage and saw the two chatting. She smiled, "You guys are having a good chat. It should be getting along well like this."

Luo Jin rolled her eyes at Chen Changmo, "Next life! I will definitely get along well with him in the next life. In this life... forget it."

Chen Changmo smiled bitterly, "It's my fault. I made Miss Luo unhappy."

Luo Jin: "I don't know if Mister Chen is good at other things, but his tea art is really impeccable."

Chai Jing smiled, "He is skilled at making tea."

"And it’s green tea? Right?"

"How do you know? You had a good chat just now!"


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