Saturday 3 August 2024


Chapter 18 Kunshan Jade Shattered

"You... what's wrong with you?" Luo Jin hurried to Jiang Mo and supported him, "Heart disease? Epilepsy?"

Jiang Mo was about to say something, but he spat out a mouthful of blood His face instantly turned pale.

"Full aren’t a werewolf, are you?"


"That's not right. Werewolves will become stronger on a full moon night. You seem to be ill. Do you want me to call a doctor?"


Jiang Mo gritted his teeth and squeezed out, "No..."

Luo Jin realized that Jiang Mo suddenly had a sickness attack and there was no way to control her. She could leave.

Suddenly free, she was a little unaccustomed to it.

"Will you...will you die..." Luo Jin asked worriedly.


"Oh...then I'll leave?"


"You won't throw a dagger at me, will you?"

"Can’t thro..."

She tentatively walked toward the door and turned back to see that Jiang Mo didn't chase. He was vomiting blood again. Although she felt a little reluctant, she still pulled the bolt and opened the gate.

At the entrance, a group of people in soldier uniforms appeared at some unknown time and was running around. She saw someone not far away reporting loudly to a man in a cloak, "Your Highness, Crown Prince, there's nothing here... It's time to search over there!"

"En, go!"


Luo Jin slammed the door shut.

It was Chai Qi!

She wasn’t afraid of Jiang Mo. Although Jiang Mo captured her, he didn't do anything to hurt her.

But she was afraid of Chai Qi.

If Jiang Mo was discovered by Chai Qi at this time, he had no ability to resist. Will he be captured? But Jiang Mo's status in Xiyuan wasn't high. Will Xiyuan just give up on him?

Considering this situation, Chai Qi might just kill him. She didn't want him to die like this. After all, Jiang Mo had saved her life.

If she didn't get involved, at least he could live until New Year's Eve, even if his final fate was to die at the hands of Jiang Ge.

Luo Jin ran back to the house. Jiang Mo looked up at her and said weakly, "It's... Chai Qi."


"Luck... is really bad." He sighed lightly. There was no fear at all. Even his eyes were as calm as water.

"If you are caught by him now, he will kill you, right?" Luo Jin whispered.


"Aren't you afraid?"


Luo Jin was speechless. She could see that this man was really not afraid of death.

"Come with me!"

Luo Jin helped Jiang Mo up and let him lie in the straw. She took out a piece of clothing from the closet and covered him. After thinking for a while, she reached out and took off his hair crown. She grabbed it a few times and messed up his hair.

She messed up her own hair and smeared a handful of ash on her face.

At this time, the door was pushed open from the outside. Due to not fastening the door latch, the door opened all of a sudden.

"Your Highness, we've come to this family. It seems... there's a bloody smell, Your Highness, be careful!"

A woman's cry sounded from the room, "Husband, you can't die... Why are you vomiting blood all the time? Sniff sniff... I'll go sell the family’s chickens and buy you some medicine. Just hold on!"

A soldier entered the room, saw the blood on the ground, and turned back, "It seemed to be vomited blood. There are no signs of fighting."

Luo Jin covered her face and cried, "Mister Official... My husband has tuberculosis, please save him..."

When the soldier heard the word "tuberculosis", he couldn't resist covering his nose, left the room, and uttered with some disgust, "Your Highness, don't go in. Tuberculosis is contagious. Her husband has tuberculosis. This family is quite poor and doesn't look suspicious."

Chai Qi didn't respond and stepped into the room.

He walked to Luo Jin and saw that she covered half of her face. With disheveled hair and dirty face, she sobbed in sorrow. The man lying on the straw pile had a pale face and closed eyes, obviously quite ill.

He took out a silver ingot from his arms and handed it to Luo Jin, saying in a cold voice, "Take it to treat him."

He turned and left the house, led his soldiers out of the small courtyard, and closed the courtyard door.

Luo Jin stared at the silver in her hand in astonishment. After being stunned for a long time, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She guessed that Chai Qi wouldn't recognize Jiang Mo. Sure enough, he didn't recognize him. Although Chai Qi had seen her, they didn't have much communication every time, so she didn't think he would have a deep impression. She kept covering her face and crying and he didn't recognize her.

The silver Chai Qi gave her wasn’t small. A full hundred taels, which was really enough for medical treatment.

Jiang Mo closed his eyes and fainted at some point.

Luo Jin thought it was good for him to faint, at least he wouldn't feel pain.

The moonlight was slightly cool. After an unknown amount of time, the moon in the sky finally disappeared and dawn was close.

Luo Jin was taking a nap when she suddenly felt something covering her body. She opened her eyes and saw a piece of clothing on her body. 

Jiang Mo seemed to have fully recovered, as if what happened yesterday had not happened.

Luo Jin yawned and asked him: "What happened last night? It was so scary. I thought you were going to die. The disease occurred during the full moon... I have never heard of such a strange disease."

Jiang Mo lowered his head and pondered for a while before answering: "This is called the Heart-Devouring Gu, a kind of Gu is used to control people. The person who casts the Gu can also take the life of the person thousands of miles away. It’s quite useful."

Luo Jin heard that his tone was still calm, as if he was describing something that had nothing to do with him. It’s quite useful...

Jiang Mo continued to explain to her calmly, "The Heart-Devouring Gu will be agitated on a full-moon night, especially when the sky is clear. Because it is connected to the heart meridian, the person who is infected will be in pain. In serious cases, they will vomit blood."

Luo Jin: "..."

"But my situation isn't bad. I faint more easily, so it doesn't hurt much." Jiang Mo said again.


What did you mean by it's not bad? Was this something to be proud of?

But speaking of the Heart-Devouring Gu...was there such a setting in the novel? Just hearing the name, it was a scary thing. How could he, a prince, be infected with such a deadly thing?

A bug lived in his heart and was agitated from time to time. It made her scalp numb. What's more, his life was in the hands of others and had to worry about losing his life at any time.

But how could he be so calm?

"Who did it?" Luo Jin asked. Jiang Mo shook his head, "I can't say that. He won't let me."

Luo Jin was silent for a while, "It’s the Third Prince! You are going against the First Prince, so it’s definitely not him. The Third Prince is the only one in Xiyuan who has the ability. So you are forced to go against the First Prince by the Third Prince, right?"

Jiang Mo didn't say anything.

Luo Jin didn't know what to say. Should she comfort him? But he didn't seem to need anyone's comfort at all.

She coughed dryly, "That... is there any way to cure the Heart-Devouring Gu?"

"Yes," Jiang Mo said, "There is a book called "Gu Experience", which records it."

"Where is the book?"

"Dongyuan Palace."

Luo Jin nodded, "So your aim is to find the "Gu Experience". Liu Shu's Qinggong is top notch. You save him to get him to help you steal the book. No, why don't you just exchange the Princess for the "Gu Experience"?"


"Oh, you are afraid that the third prince will know, right?"


Jiang Mo didn’t respond, but stood up, "Let's go!"

"Hmm? Where to?"

"Send you back."

Luo Jin then remembered that the agreed time for the exchange had come.

But he said to send her back, not to trade her.

Jiang Mo got a carriage from somewhere and drove Luo Jin all the way to the Earth Temple.

This was an abandoned Earth Temple and the location was also remote. Usually few people came here.

After getting off the carriage, Jiang Mo suddenly said, "Last night when I was unconscious, I seemed to hear someone calling me...husband?"

Of course, Luo Jin denied it, "Must be hallucination. You heard it wrong."



After walking a distance, they saw the Earth Temple. Chai Jing was standing at the entrance of the temple. When she saw Luo Jin, she jumped up and greeted, "Here, here!"

"Princess!" Luo Jin felt closeness when she saw Chai Jing and ran over quickly.

Chai Heng heard the sound and walked out of the temple. He was dragging a man with him. The man was covered in blood. When he saw Jiang Mo, he shouted, "Fifth Prince!"

Jiang Mo took a look, "You really brought Liu Shu here?"

Chai Heng said, "It took a lot of effort. My elder brother didn't allow me to bring him. I stole him... I will definitely be scolded by my elder brother later."

Jiang Mo looked at Liu Shu, "Broken leg?"

Chai Heng nodded, "He was tortured and endured it."

Jiang Mo took a step back with some disgust, "Forget it, don't want..."

Chai Heng: "..."

Liu Shu was so anxious that he was about to cry and hurriedly said, "Fifth Prince, I am loyal to you. You can't ignore me..."

Jiang Mo shook his head, "Loyal to the Crown Prince. I don't have a good relationship with the Crown Prince."

"No... I am loyal to Xiyuan Kingdom!"

"I am not loyal to Xiyuan Kingdom." Jiang Mo said.

Chai Heng was speechless. How could a prince say such treasonous words?

 Helplessly, he tried to persuade him: "I finally brought him out. You can't let me take him back, right? He will die if he goes back. How about trouble Fifth Prince tp... take him away while you are at it?"

Chai Jing was a little confused, "Didn't we say we are exchanging hostages? Why don't he suddenly want him? And let us take him back?"

Luo Jin was speechless, "It seems that Second Prince... doesn't want to take him back either. Can you respect the hostage?"

Jiang Mo sighed, grabbed Liu Shu's collar, jumped up, and disappeared from everyone's sight. He was so fast that before Luo Jin caught on, his shadow was out of sight.

Chai Jing held Luo Jin's shoulders and examined her carefully, "Did he bully you? Why is there blood on your body? Are you injured?"

"No." Luo Jin shook her head, "It's not my blood."

"That's good. Let's go back and change clothes, I've asked Xiaolu and the others to boil water as well as prepare delicious food for you!"


[Princess and Second prince are so nice! ]

[Many people are completely different from the novels. Did I not understand when I read the novel? ]

[Crown Prince is so scary. I must avoid him next time. I don't want to see this person again. ]

[Is the "Gu Experience" in the palace? ]

[It won't be easy. This thing hurts people a lot. The emperor won't let anyone take it to hurt people. If it were me, I would directly burn it, right? ]

[Let's think about how to deal with Chen Changmo. This bastard won't hate me, right? Did he kill the former music envoy? Will he kill me too? Better be careful...]

Chai Jing and Chai Heng were both stunned. When they looked at each other, they saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

Gu Experience?

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