Sunday 25 August 2024


 Chapter 28 The internal strife

Long Ying smiled and rubbed Xiaolian's head, "Silly child, isn't he working with the Crown Prince now? What’s more, he’s doing good things, right? This is called abandoning darkness and joining the light, not betrayal."

Xiaolian let out a perplexed ‘Oh’.

"Thank you, Master Long." Little Xiaoyu said softly, turned around, and followed into the room.

The smell of dust in the room was strong. Luo Jin couldn't help sneezing a few times. The furnishings of this room were simple, with only some ordinary furniture, and a few dirty bottles and jars in the corners of the floor. The room was messy. It seemed that no one had come to clean it up after the murder.

"Can't see anything unusual, right?" Luo Jin scanned around the next room, "They are all common things. What can be found here? Oh... it would be nice if there was a diary or something, but unfortunately this rural couple was probably illiterate and can't write..." 

As she was talking, she saw something like a book under the table and reached out to pick it up. "So they could read?" When she picked it up, she found that it wasn't a book, but a booklet made by sewing several pieces of paper together with needle and thread. Because it was thrown on the ground and got damp, the pages had stuck together. The words on the cover had become a blur and not a single word could be seen clearly. She finally turned a page and saw some numbers written on it. She was a little surprised, "This family keeps accounts? And this much detail?"

Chai Qi took the book and took a look, "This doesn't look like accounting, does it?"

Mister Shi came over, took the book, and his eyes suddenly became panic, "This... This is..."

He was breathing rapidly, "Your Highness, this... This family was raising Gu! This was recording the growth time and reproduction number of Gu insects."

Everyone was stunned when he heard him say this. Chai Qi was silent for a while, and said: "So, there may be other hidden reasons for the death of this couple. The villagers said that they died miserably. That kind of death... may also be bitten by the Gu they raised."

Mister Shi said: "Speaking of which, that kind of death was similar to a poisonous Gu called 'Marrow Eater'. This kind of poisonous Gu would swiftly eat the brain marrow of the person after being bitten. The death was horrible. Could it be that these two people weren't killed by Yue Qinghai, but were bitten by the Gu they raised?"

Chai Qi said solemnly: "But since these two people want to secretly raise Gu here, why do they still adopt a child? Aren't they afraid that the child will leak the matter? They don't need to take such a risk, right? Unless... this child has some kind of use!"

All of a sudden, Mister Shi's eyes were filled with fear. He couldn't help but step back repeatedly, "Could it be... using living people to raise Gu? No... How could there be such heartless people..."

Luo Jin got goosebumps all over her body and felt like vomiting.

The word ‘Gu’ wasn't mentioned in the novel because this incident had no direct connection with the male lead and female lead, but it didn’t mean that it didn’t exist.

She remembered that Yue Qinghai went crazy later. She thought he was stimulated by emotions at that time. Now she understood that this crazy villain was tortured to madness because he  couldn't control the Gu insects in his body!

"So, he stole the 'Gu Experience' to get rid of the Gu in his body." Luo Jin took a deep breath, "I originally thought he wanted to do something more evil, such as raising Gu to kill people, control people, etc."

Chai Qi said coldly: "It may not be that he does not have this idea. When he gets rid of the Gu in his body, he may use it to do evil."

Luo Jin remembered that there was no plot of stealing the 'Gu Experience' in the novel, but it should be irrelevant to the male lead and female lead and not mentioned. Yue Qinghai must have stolen the 'Gu Experience' to cure the Gu in his body in the plot of the novel, but he still went crazy in the end.

She speculated that this book 'Gu Experience' might not record how to solve his special situation at all. Or it might record it, but it required certain conditions to be met to get rid of the Gu insect, but Yue Qinghai didn’t meet this condition.

"If a living person was used to raise Gu, the person who raised Gu would need to use these Gu. There must be a way to take them out, right?" Luo Jin said, "Does Mister Shi know some methods?"

Mister Shi was silent for a long time before slowly saying: "Cut the body... open."

Luo Jin couldn't help but let out a hiss. Her voice trembled, "If more than one was raised, then..." 

"The surface skin can be cut open, but if it is too deep, it will kill people."

Luo Jin silently went out and walked into the yard. She quickly recalled the plot about Yue Qinghai. This character appeared a little less. She did her best to recall the relevant plots.

Now she knew the truth about the death of Yue Qinghai's adoptive parents. At least he did nothing wrong in this matter. Even if he killed the two demons with gu insects, it was to get rid of evil in the world.

Yue Qinghai’s other black spoti...

She suddenly had an idea, "I know how to find Yue Qinghai!"

Chai Qi immediately said, "How to find him?"

"Catch his son!" Luo Jin said, "Although it's not good to do this, we don't have time. It will be too late to save the Princess and those people in the palace."

Chai Qi frowned, "But he didn't get married... Wait, you’re saying..."

"That's right, Your Highness should have found out that Han Erniu was wanted for killing people in the army, but in fact he didn't kill anyone. This crime was forced upon him by General Jin. His real crime was raping the general's daughter, Noble Concubine Jin." Luo Jin said, "After that, Noble Concubine Jin gave birth to the Sixth Prince. Yue Qinghai always thinks that the Sixth Prince is his son. If we catch the Sixth Prince, Yue Qinghai won’t ignore it... He tried to assassinate the Crown Prince for the Sixth Prince last time."

Chai Qi pondered for a while, "This Noble Concubine Jin is a character. I think the theft is connected to her. Yue Qinghai is a man of Jianghu. How can he find an insider in the palace? Most likely Noble Concubine Jin had arranged it in advance. And Jiang Ge's capture was also a secret at that time. Without Concubine Jin's instructions, Yue Qinghai would not have appeared at that time."

"That's right. This Noble Concubine Jin always stays in the palace. We have no chance to do it, but I heard that... the Sixth Prince likes hunting!"

Little Xiaoyu, who had been silent throughout, suddenly exclaimed in astonishment: "His Highness, Sixth Prince... is actually Yue Qinghai's son? Oh my God!"

As the only local, he was completely shocked by this big gossip.

"It's hard to say," Chai Qi said, "but Concubine Jin obviously let Yue Qinghai believe this. This way she can instruct this master to do things for her."

Little Xiaoyu scratched his head, "Why are these people in the palace so cunning? Don't they ever get tired?"

After he finished speaking, he realized that his master was also a person from the palace and hurriedly explained, "I'm not saying that Your Highness..."

Long Ying moved her wrist, looked at her slender fingers, and smiled, "Finally it's my turn to take action! Come on, let me prove that your 100,000 taels of silver aren’t wasted."

Luo Jin exclaimed, "How much?"


The next morning, Chai Qi received a letter from his subordinates and it was discovered that the sixth prince Jiang Yan was going out hunting today and there were only a dozen guards around him.

Since there were only a dozen ordinary guards, even if Long Ying didn't take action, Chai Qi could handle it himself. But for the sake of safety and the money had already been spent, Chai Qi let Long Ying follow.

"Do you want to join the fun, Younger Sister Luo?" Long Ying suddenly asked Luo Jin, "It's interesting!"

"Forget it, I don't know martial arts and can't fly." Luo Jin was helpless, "I'll stay at home to take care of Mister Shi."

"Little Xiaoyu can take care of Mister Shi. He's not good at martial arts, not taking him," Long Ying pulled up Luo Jin's sleeve, "I'll take you flying!"

"Ah? Take" Luo Jin's heart was moved.

"Don't mess around!" Chai Qi frowned, "Bringing her along for this kind of thing is a burden. Let her stay at home!"

"Hmph, do you think you can order me around because you've spent money?" Long Ying sneered, "Don't worry, I'll put her in a safe place. No one will hurt her. Let's go, if we go too late, he'll have to go back to the palace."

Chai Qi stopped talking and let Long Ying pull Luo Jin onto the horse's back and ride toward the hunting ground. 

"Hey, why didn't Master wait for me?" Xiaolian scratched her head and looked back at Chai Qi, "Uncle, take me there. My legs are too short to ride a horse."

"Uncle..." Chai Qi coughed, "Okay, get on the horse."

An hour later, the group stopped outside the hunting ground and heard crying from afar. Long Ying helped Luo Jin off the horse and whispered, "Follow me closely."


The group quietly moved into the woods and got closer. Long Ying stopped and closed her eyes.

"Seventeen people, the best martial artist is a waste, lower eighth level. there are skilled masters." Long Ying opened her eyes, "I'm too lazy to take action. There's no challenge at all. But  why are those two crying? It's so strange... Let's go and see!"

She grabbed Luo Jin's arm, tapped her toes on the ground lightly, and her body took off as lightly as a butterfly. She landed lightly on a tall tree, with light movements, without alarming anyone.

From this angle, Luo Jin could clearly see a dozen people gathered in an open space. Jiang Yan was holding a horse whip in his hand and there were two shirtless men in front of him. The crying came from these two men. There were streaks of blood on their backs. Because of the cold weather, their bodies kept shrinking.

Jiang Yan suddenly laughed up to the sky. His laughter was extremely harsh to the ear. He waved the whip in his hand and hit one of the men on the back again, shouting: "Cry! Cry louder!"

The man started crying loudly, almost tearing his throat by crying with all his strength.

Luo Jin was staring from the tree, "This kid, is he so... perverted?"

Long Ying shook her head. Her expression seemed to be choked, "I didn't expect it either. Whose child is taught to be so bear-like? I can't stand it..."

She jumped down from the tree and landed in front of Jiang Yan silently.

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