Tuesday 13 August 2024

LPMM 23.1

 Chapter 23 Kunlun Jade Shattered

"Evil?" Chai Jing repeated blankly.

Luo Jin looked at the sky above her head. It was late at night. The sky was gloomy, without a single star. It was so dark that it made people breathless.

She slowly said, "In our time, there is a profession called 'psychologist'. One day, a well-known psychologist found that her seven-year-old daughter used her father's scalpel to peel out the heart of a mouse in the laboratory alive." 

"The psychologist was a little worried, but she still comforted herself by saying that 'the child is just talented in anatomy'. That was until the eight years old daughter was called to the dormitory by a male teacher one day, saying that he was going to tutor her. This matter was accidentally slipped out by her classmates. A female teacher who learned about it was uneasy. She immediately called the security guard and rushed into the male teacher's dormitory." 

"Everyone was horrified by the sight of the little girl who had cut a certain organ of the male teacher into pieces, sprinkled seasoning on it, put it on a plate, and forced him to eat it. When she was taken away, she still looked innocent, saying that the male teacher said it was 'delicious' and she just wanted to help him, specially added seasoning to feed him."

"After a long operation, the male teacher’s life was finally saved, but he could no longer have children. Amidst the strange looks of the crowd, the psychologist silently transferred her daughter to another school . After returning home, she forcibly “hypnotized” her daughter. She wanted to eliminate the 'evil' in her daughter, make her forget all the roots of the 'evil'. For this, she erased all her related memories."

"She succeeded and her daughter became an innocent and lovely child again, living like a normal person. She even forgot her 'evil'. "

"Only on the night when no one was around, my daughter would be confused to find that her clothes were always stained with something like blood for no reason..."

"She is the eliminated 'evil' pure white. Then, I am the pure black 'evil' itself."

"I was awakened by ‘Elder Sister’. Unexpectedly after transmigrating to another time and space it’s still ‘Elder Sister’ that wakes me up again."



Chai Jing was befuddled. There were numerous words she never heard of.

Chai Qi's anxious voice sounded in the distance, "Ah Jing! How are you?"

Chai Qi galloped over from a distance. He jumped off his horse, squatted beside Chai Jing, and supported her with his hand. "How are you doing?"

"No...strength." Chai Jing panted hard, "I...used 'Thousand Tribulations'."

Chai Qi was silent for a moment, turned his head, and looked at Ruan Qin's body lying in the distance, "Did you kill her?"

He looked at Luo Jin who was standing at the side, frowned, and said with some disgust: "Princess is so badly injured, while you are unharmed. You really cherish yourself."

Luo Jin raised her bloody hand, lowered her eyes, and looked at it. She coldly uttered: "You can't even protect your own younger sister. A waste!"

"You..." Chai Qi clenched his fist.

She actually dared to talk to him like this!

He was about to say something when Chai Jing quickly pulled his sleeve, "Elder Brother... forget it, I feel unwell. Let's go home..."

Chai Qi was concerned about Chai Jing's injury and ignored Luo Jin. He carried Chai Jing onto the horse, turned around, instructed the guards who came with him to clean up the scene, and then rode away.

The head guard walked toward Luo Jin and asked, "Do Official want me to send someone to take you back?"

"No need." Luo Jin replied and turned to walk deep into the alley at the other end. When she reached the entrance of the alley, she suddenly turned around, changed her hands into claws, and grabbed into the darkness.

A black shadow flashed out from the darkness and avoided her attack. The man turned his head and stared at her, surprised: "Luo Jin? How could you..."

Luo Jin's eyes became crazy again, "Last time you wanted to attack me, right? I’m going to kill you!"

"When did I... Oh, the time when I assassinated Jiang Ge?" The man hurriedly dodged sideways, but the attack still tore off a piece of flesh from his shoulder. Blood immediately flowed.

"Crazy..." The man turned and ran. He utilized all his qinggong at the soles of his feet. The speed was extremely fast and he disappeared into the night in an instant.

Luo Jin's eyes slowly became clear at this time, she looked ahead in confusion, "That back seemed to be... Han Erniu? Ah... Princess!"


When Chai Jing returned to Lihua Palace, the emperor immediately sent all the imperial physicians. He himself also dropped everything and came to Lihua Palace to visit.

The imperial physicians knew that the emperor loved his only daughter much, so they naturally didn’t dare to be careless, so dedicated during the diagnosis and treatment that they wished to use all their special skills.

"Princess's injury isn't serious," the imperial physician replied, "but after using the secret medicine, her body is extremely exhausted. I will prescribe some tonic medicine and she will recover in one or two months."

The emperor was relieved and waved to let the imperial physicians go.

"Fortunately, you are safe and fine!" Chai Heng patted his chest, "Have me scared witless. How could you encounter such a terrible thing!"

Hearing that his younger sister was fine, Chai Qi turned his eyes to Luo Jin who was standing at the side and waved to her, "Come here!"

Luo Jin was stunned, "Me?"


Chai Qi turned and walked toward the nearby study room. Luo Jin was somewhat afraid of the Crown Prince in her heart, but still followed him.

Luo Jin entered the study room. All of a sudden, Chai Qi swung his palm toward the door. The door was brought to a close by his palm force.

Luo Jin jumped up in fear. She took a step back and stammered: "Your Highness... what do you want to... do?"

This pervert who kills people at every turn, won't kill her here, right? She didn’t protect the Princess well, but it wasn't a crime worthy of death, right?

Chai Qi sat behind the desk, raised his eyes to stare into Luo Jin's eyes, and said thoughtfully: "I have reflected on it. You are right. I... am indeed a waste."

Luo Jin widened her eyes and waved her hands at once, "I didn't say that. Absolutely not! Your Highness must have remembered it wrongly. How could I dare to scold Your Highness? I respect and love Your Highness so much. The sun and the moon can testify!"

At most, I scolded a bit in my heart...

Chai Qi sighed lightly, lowered his eyes and said: "Let’s not mention this. Jing'er said she didn't see the person who saved her. What about you? You were there, did you see?"

"The person who saved her...?" Luo Jin recalled what happened that day. She was stunned at the time and somehow walked to the alley a hundred meters away. She remembered that the Princess told her to run quickly. She must have been too scared, abandoned the Princess and ran away. So, she really had no loyalty.

"Didn't the Princess kill that bad woman Ruan Qin and save me?"

"..." Chai Qi was a little disappointed, "That's right, you don't know martial arts and were scared at the time. Ruan Qin was killed by someone who ripped out her heart. She was an eighth-level master. To kill her with one move..."

Luo Jin suddenly thought of someone, "I seemed to see Han... Yue Qinghai that day! Could it be that he saved the Princess? Impossible... He doesn't rip out people's hearts, right? That pervert likes to chop people into three pieces. Come to think of it... the method of stealing people's hearts is indeed more perverted. "

"Yue Qinghai? He came to Wei City? What was he doing here?" Chai Qi's eyes sank, "He wasn't so kind as to save Jing'er. And with his skills, it would take at least ten moves to kill Ruan Qin. It’s impossible to kill her with one move. It was easy for a master of lower ninth level to deal with an upper eighth level, but it wasn't so easy to kill with one move. "

"Then... General He is back?" When mentioning He Xiao, Luo Jin's eyes lit up.

"He didn't come back. What’s more,... he couldn't do it either."

"Ah? Then who can do it? Ninth rank... is there still a distinction between upper, middle and lower? I thought ninth rank was already the most powerful."

"Of course there is. Could it be... Impossible! He can't come to Wei City..." Chai Qi muttered to himself, "Who could it be?"

Luo Jin said: "Anyway, since this person saved the Princess, he must be a good person, but he is indeed a pervert..."

After saying that, she sneezed and was a little confused, "Who said bad things about me?"

Chai Qi waved his hand: "Okay, you retreat."

Luo Jin opened the door and ran away as if she had been pardoned.

Chai Qi silently watched her back running faster than a rabbit.

Where did the energy that had been fierce to him before go?


Even until the Empress Dowager’s birthday, Chai Jing couldn't get out of bed. So the Empress Dowager came to see her in person after the birthday banquet and brought her some food.

Chai Jing felt a little embarrassed, "I told my eldest brother to capture all the people in the Imperial Music House and caused Royal Grandmother to only find an average group to play music. On top of that, I had trouble Royal Grandmother to come in person to see me..."

The Empress Dowager said cheerfully, "The imperial physician said that I should walk more as it is good for my health. In fact, I can't tell whether it's good or bad. Just a little music and liveliness is enough. I got such a scare. It turns out that the entire Imperial Music House, except for the qin player surnamed Chen, was all Han Yuan's spies! Emperor is too fatuous to let you go to such a tiger and wolf den!"

Chai Jing didn’t say that Chen Changmo was also a spy and had him buried with honor, saying only that he was an ordinary qin player who fought to the death to protect her when Ruan Qin attacked. She also had his broken qin repaired and buried with him.

Emperor: "..."

He didn't even dare to talk back when he was called fatuous in person. He did feel guilty. He underestimated the strength of this group of people and almost caused his own daughter’s death.  

But he still didn't know who saved his daughter. Seeing Chai Jing's flickering eyes, he knew that she knew, but she just refused to say it.

Seeing the emperor's awkward face, Chai Jing hurriedly said: "Aren't I fine? I have made a great contribution! Elder Brother Crown Prince said that those spies in the Imperial Music House have confessed a lot of useful information!"

Empress Dowager smiled and said: "It is indeed a great contribution. I will make the decision. When your injuries are fully healed... I will give you the title of king!"

Chai Heng’s mouth gaped open in shock and was about to drool crying.

Luo Jin was all smiles. Not only did the Princess not die, she also got titled king. Then in the future, she would follow the Princess and become a female official in the Princess' fiefdom. Wouldn't she be able to get whatever she wants?

"Oh right, Deputy Envoy Luo also contributed to this case... and the rebellion case of King Ruchuan that was just investigated was also discovered by Deputy Envoy Luo," Emperor glanced back at Luo Jin, "I will reward her according to her merits."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Luo Jin's edict was sent down the next day. The emperor made her a fourth-rank official, vice minister of the court of imperial sacrifice, and sent the female official's uniform along with the imperial edict.

Luo Jin was puzzled and asked Chai Jing: "What does this position do? Fourth rank... sounds like an important official! Does it have great power?"

Chai Jing was lying on the bed reading a storybook. Hearing this, she shook her head, "It's just a sinecure to manage trivial matters such as rituals, music, ancestral temples and sacrifices. It has no real power."

Although Luo Jin had made contributions, Chai Jing knew that the emperor wouldn’t give her power because of this. So it would only be an irrelevant sinecure. The person who could make the emperor give up power must be a confidant after repeated inspections. Luo Jin wasn't at that level yet.

She thought Luo Jin would be unhappy, but when she turned around, she saw Luo Jin beaming joyfully.

She smiled, "It just so happens that I have a vacant house near the Court of Imperial Sacrifice. Although it isn't big, it is considered clean. I'll give it to you. It will be convenient for you to go to work in the future."

"Ah? Really?"

[Boss actually gave me a house! ]

[The job of the vice minister of the Court of Imperial Sacrifice is perfect for me. This job sounds like a good job where I can just slack off! It's actually a fourth-rank job! I heard that the salary of a fourth-rank official is good and the retirement benefits are also great. ]

[Life is perfect...]

Chai Jing grinningly watched her and shook her head helplessly.

She was indeed a person without ambition. Everyone wanted power, but she just thought about slacking off and old age care all day long. Completely unmotivated.

But seeing her so happy, Chai Qing couldn't help but feel happy.


At night, Chai Jing had just fallen asleep when she was suddenly awakened by a sound. She stood up and asked, "What happened?"

"It seemed that there is an assassin in the palace!" A little maid's voice trembled, "I heard someone shouting ‘catch the assassin’... Don't know where he ran to..."

The guards of the entire palace were dispatched and the movements were loud. Awakened, Luo Jin put on her clothes and walked out.

"Protect the Princess!" Luo Jin hurried to Chai Jing's room.

A vicious voice sounded from outside the door, "These guards are really annoying. Go and capture an Empress Dowager, princess, or someone of high status who has no power to resist. With hostages, they won't dare to chase us."

"I know! It's written on the map that the Lihua Palace where the Princess lives is in front of us. Go and capture the Princess! The Princess should be easier to capture than the Empress Dowager, right?"

The guards outside the Lihua Palace shouted, "Catch the assassins!"

A few screams rang out and the door was pushed open by someone from outside. Two figures flashed into the Lihua Palace like ghosts and rushed directly to the Princess's bedroom. The two were so fast that the maids in the courtyard had no time to stop them. They broke into the Princess's bedroom with just a lift of their feet.

The maids outside shouted anxiously, "Help! An assassin broke into the Princess' bedroom!"

Chai Jing's body had recovered by more than half, but seeing the two people coming and going like the wind, she knew that the other party's strength was far superior to hers. She wasn't yet fully recovered, so it was impossible for her to use the secret medicine again to boost herself in a short period of time. Moreover, the other party had the ability to run rampant in the palace. Their strength was beyond her imagination. Even if she was promoted to the eighth level now, it would be of no use.

Her hands were shaking slightly and pulled Luo Jin behind her, "Who... who are you? What do you want to do?"

Luo Jin recognized one of them at a glance. Although she was afraid, she still plucked up her courage and shouted loudly: "Han Erniu! It's you again. What do you want to do? Do you want me to..."

When Yue Qinghai saw Luo Jin, his face instantly changed. He grabbed his companion's arm and ran back, shouting: "This person wasn't to be trifled with, run! Quick!"

His companion didn't understand why, so he grabbed something, threw it out, and ran away.

Chai Jing saw Yue Qinghai's frightened face and uttered in surprise: "Why did they... run away?"

She turned her head and glanced at Luo Jin. Recalling the previous events in her heart, she probably had some clues.

Luo Jin was puzzled, "Is he so concerned about his reputation? So afraid that his past would be known... he didn't even hesitate. And ran so fast!"

She thought of what happened a month ago, "I was saying I seemed to see Yue Qinghai at that time. It was him! What did he come to the palace for? To assassinate?"

"Then Royal Father and Royal Grandmother..." Chai Jing ran out anxiously, "Go and see!"

"Okay!" Luo Jin followed closely.

When they ran to the yard, the noise outside had become smaller. The sound of chasing and shouting had gone far away. It sounded like Yue Qinghai and his accomplice had run far away. Chai Jing suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground.

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