Saturday 31 August 2024


Chapter 31: Rising Internal strife

"Yes, Third Prince stole it from the palace. It was said to be a treasure passed down from generation to generation in the royal family," Yue Qinghai said, "Do you remember the Gu user before? He kept instigating me to take the Red Emperor Gu. This was what I found from his corpse."

"Corpse? Did you kill him?"

"He wants to use a gu on me and steal my Gu Experience. How hilarious. Would I be afraid of Gu’s bite?"

He was proud. "How about it? Do you want to take me with you? I promise that I want to get rid of the Gu in my body and will never think of using the Red Emperor Gu."

Chai Qi frowned and pondered deeply.

Now it seemed that Yue Qinghai had to be taken along.

"Yue Qinghai, Liu Shu, and I will go to the Emperor Gaozu's tomb." Chai Qi decided, "The others will stay here and wait for news."

Little Xiaoyu hurriedly said, "I will follow you!"

Chai Qi waved his hand, "You stay and take care of Mister Shi. Your martial arts are too weak and you don't know how to raid tombs. You will only be a burden if you go."

Little Xiaoyu wanted to say something, but Chai Qi gave him a gaze, eyes filled with majesty. He lowered his head and dared not speak.

When Luo Jin heard that he wasn't going to take her with him, she said anxiously, "I want to go too! I want to save the Princess!"

"You don't know martial arts, what's the point of going? Stay!" Chai Qi ordered.

Yue Qinghai was stunned, wondering what Chai Qi meant by that. He said Luo Jin didn't know martial arts? Was Luo Jin hiding it from him on purpose?

He naturally hoped that Luo Jin would go with him, so that the chances of winning would be much greater. Although it would be impossible for him to get the Red Emperor Gu, it wasn't that important compared to saving his life.

He didn't dare to say anything to upset Luo Jin and hurriedly said, "Let Miss Luo go with you. Isn't she... a lucky mascot? Tomb raiding is mysterious. It's not bad to bring a lucky mascot."

Luo Jin was a little surprised. Yue Qinghai actually spoke for her?

Chai Qi still shook his head, "How can you let her, a person who doesn't know martial arts, take risks for such a ridiculous reason? Absolutely not!"

Luo Jin pulled Chai Qi at the side and whispered, "This Yue Qinghai isn't easy to deal with. What if he steals the Red Emperor Gu? How can you deal with him alone? Liu Shu is from Xiyuan and can't be trusted at all. Even if you use ‘Thousand Tribulations’ and barely subdue Yue Qinghai. And the aftereffects of the secret medicine are strong. You can't get out by yourself. At this time, you must have someone to carry you back?"

Chai Qi was silent for a while, "Then I might as well take Little Xiaoyu with me. He at least knew a little bit of martial arts. "

Luo Jin said anxiously: "He can't be trusted! He’s still Liu Shu's apprentice. Think about it, if Liu Shu tell him to help rob the Red Emperor Gu, would he listen to you or his master? He is the kind of person who can die for his master. "

"You... can be trusted? I have other subordinates in Xiyuan..."

"I am the Princess's person. Of course I can be trusted. Is there anyone more trustworthy than me in this world? What if your subordinates betray you?"


Chai Qi lowered his head and thought. He didn't want to believe Luo Jin. But she was willing to go to such a dangerous place as Gaozu's tomb, a place that even Long Ying didn't dare to go!

He had to go for his younger sister, but Luo Jin obviously didn't have to go. She was risking her life by going.

She was obviously such a weak person. He finally stated, "Okay, you go with me."

Chai Qi told the group to prepare some useful items. In addition to some medicines made by Mister Shi to deal with gu insects, they also needed to bring food and water. Just in case, they even brought clothes.

Luo Jin saw Liu Shu with empty hands and found it a little strange. She asked him, "Elder Brother Liu, where are your professional tools? Compass, rope, shovel and other things... Don't you need to bring them?"

"No." Liu Shu said.

"Awesome!" Luo Jin gave a thumbs up. "Real masters don't need these equipment, right? Like high-level alchemists don't need to draw alchemy arrays, and high-level mages don't need to sing."

Liu Shu: "..."

Luo Jin noticed that Liu Shu had some scars on his face that had appeared recently. There were also many scars on his exposed hands. She remembered that he had fallen into Chai Qi's hands before and Chai Qi had tortured him many times in order to make him tell the secrets of Xiyuan. These scars probably were left from that time.

Liu Shu noticed Luo Jin's gaze. Frowning slightly, he met her gaze. There was slight displeasure.

Luo Jin retracted her gaze. It was impolite to stare at other people's scars, not to mention that these scars were caused by her master Chai Qi.

Fortunately, these scars didn’t leave a psychological shadow on Liu Shu. When he saw Chai Qi, his expression was always cold and indifferent, without any fear.

The things were loaded on the carriage. The group got on the carriage and drove toward the tomb of Emperor Gaozu.

The carriage passed through the woods and stopped at the entrance of the tomb.

The location of Emperor Gaozu’s tomb had excellent feng shui and mountains and rivers, but it was far away from the town. There were originally tomb keepers here. But many years ago a group of powerful tomb raiders killed the tomb keepers, opened the tomb door, and entered the tomb, but never came out again.

After that, the royal family sent another group of tomb keepers, but for some reason, these people didn’t live long. Later, no one dared to guard the tomb. So the royal family stopped sending people to guard it and only wove nets around it. In fact, these nets couldn't stop anyone at all.

Later, batches of tomb raiders entered the tomb, but no one came out alive. This place gradually became a terrifying legend and no one came here again. Although tomb raiders were greedy and covet the wealth in the tomb, their lives were more important. No one was willing to take such a big risk to enter the tomb.

The door of the tomb was open, probably because the last group of tomb raiders did it. The surrounding area was overgrown with weeds. It seemed that no one had set foot in it for many years.

Surrounding trees blocked the sky and the sun, so the light in the forest wasn't good. It was even darker when looking inside from the cave entrance.

After the carriage stopped, the coachman was left watching at the door. The group got off the carriage together, took some personal belongings, and walked toward the tomb.

Liu Shu walked fast and entered the tomb first. With him walking in front, the others weren't in a hurry. There must be a mechanism in the emperor's tomb, so it was safer for professionals to explore it first.

Chai Qi took two steps and saw Luo Jin following behind him. He stopped and waited for her to catch up, saying, "Follow me closely."

Luo Jin was slightly startled, let out an ‘oh’, and followed Chai Qi closely.

The three of them lit torches and entered the tomb one by one.

As soon as they entered, Luo Jin was nauseated by the fishy smell.

Under the light of the torch, she saw that it wasn’t a large stone chamber. But there were nearly a hundred dry bones on the ground. Some of the bones were stained with black dried blood. Many bones were covered with fragments of clothes, but the flesh on the bones had disappeared. No meat residue could be seen.

She finally understood what the three words ‘corpse-eating Gu’ meant. She involuntarily touched the sachet on her waist and her breathing became a little rapid.

Luckily, she had this sachet, otherwise she would have been dead as soon as she entered the door.

"Where is Liu Shu?" Luo Jin asked. She saw that there was a door on the left, right and front of the small space in front of her. Yue Qinghai walked in front and must have seen it.  

"I saw him enter on the right." Yue Qinghai replied.

"You judged the correct direction so quickly? As expected of a professional!" Luo Jin couldn't help but praise. She thought Liu Shu would have to ponder for a long time! She had read novels about tomb raiders. Professional tomb raiders often infer the correct direction from various aspects such as Feng Shui, geography, Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements. It was a job that required a lot of brainpower.

At this time, she heard a series of "ding-dong" and "clang-dong" noises coming from the passage on the right, like the sound of some mechanism being triggered and hitting the wall. Then, Liu Shu flew out of the passage on the right and went to the passage on the left.


The professional method was exhaustive, right? Trial and error one by one will always be right, right?

Then, the same commotion came from the passage on the left.

Luo Jin: "I think we should go to the tomb in front."


Chai Qi: "Does he understand tombs? Has he ever raided tombs before?"

Yue Qinghai said: "Say, did he find the right way?"

Chai Qi: "..."

Liu Shu flew out of the passage on the left again and firmly entered the passage in front.

There was still a stone room in front. The bones in this stone room weren’t as many as those outside, but there were still many. Obviously, some people were bitten to death by the corpse-eating insect after entering this room. But the bones here were strange. They were not put together as well as those outside. Many of them have traces of fractures, while some were broken.

"Did they fight after entering?" Luo Jin asked.

"But this fight was too tragic, wasn't it?" Yue Qinghai observed the bones, "What kind of weapon can be used to fight like this? Some of them were broken into pieces! How can they be beaten like this?"

There were a few rope rings that could be pulled in this stone room. It seemed that the method to crack it was simple: pull the right rope ring and it should be fine.

But if the wrong one was wrong... won't they be a goner on the spot?

Everyone looked at Liu Shu.

Liu Shu said: "You guys step back."

The three of them complied with his words and stepped back a few steps.

Liu Shu said again: "Retreat again."

The three of them retreated to the door of the stone chamber together. Liu Shu stretched out his hand to pull the first rope ring.

Suddenly, the floor of the stone chamber flew up and hit the roof in an instant. In the astonished eyes of everyone, Liu Shu quickly rushed out of the stone chamber before the floor flew up, clapped his hands, and concluded: "Not the first one."


If his body movement was a little slower, he would have been squeezed into a pulp by the stone slabs on the ground, right?

Yue Qinghai couldn't resist praising: "Good body movement!"

With his ninth-level strength, he couldn't do such a neat body movement and couldn't help but compliment.

After waiting for a while, the floor fell back to the ground and returned to its original state. The bones on the ground fell back and became more broken.


Finally, they knew how these bones were broken.

Liu Shu walked in again. Everyone stood far away and watched.

Liu Shu pulled the second rope ring at a fast speed and then flew out of the stone room. His movements were so fast that it was difficult to see clearly.

But this time no mechanism fell, but a hole was cracked in the middle of the room.

Liu Shu said: "The second one is right."

Everyone: "..."

Did he need to say that?

The hole was dark. Chai Qi picked up a bone and threw it down. It took a long time to hear the echo. Clearly this hole was deep.

Liu Shu said: "You stay here, I'll go down and take a look first."

He said and jumped down.

Yue Qinghai wanted to make a contribution and also said: "I'll go too!"

Then he jumped down. Soon, Yue Qinghai shouted from below, "It's safe, you can come down."

Liu Shu's voice also sounded, "It's fine."

Chai Qi grabbed Luo Jin's arm, "I'll take you down!"

Luo Jin was pulled by him to jump down the stone cave. Her vision was pitch black. She could only hear the whistling of the wind in her ears. Although she couldn't see anything, she subconsciously closed her eyes until her feet stepped on the ground.

Chai Qi gently dropped a palm on the ground the moment they landed, removing the force of the fall and allowing them to stand steadily on the ground without any diving force.

Liu Shu and Yue Qinghai, who came down first, were looking for the next entrance with torches. This stone chamber was empty and surrounded by stone walls. It was unclear how to proceed to get to the next one.

There were also some bones on the ground, but the number was small, much less than when they were up there. It seemed that someone had come down, but was still eaten by the corpse-eating Gu.

Yue Qinghai said: "There are paintings on this wall. I don't know what they mean."

Under the light of the fire, one could see the exquisite murals carved around, depicting pictures of battles, with swords and horses, and full of murderous aura.

Luo Jin said: "The clue is in this mural. Speaking of which, the eyes in these paintings... are a bit strange. Is it a clue?"

As she was pondering, she saw Liu Shu walk to the mural, suddenly raise his palm, and hit the mural. The wall that was hit was dented, while the surrounding murals dropped a lot of stone chips due to the vibration.

Everyone: "..."

Luo Jin wanted to shout "Help."

This time it wasn’t the exhaustive method, but a miracle with great force, right?

He actually wanted to use brute force to find the hidden doors hidden around!

Thursday 29 August 2024


  Chapter 30. Rising Internal Strife


"Since you are the one he loves, you must know what happened to his body, right?" Luo Jin said.

"I know, it's... Gu." Jin Yan replied, with a hint of heartache in her eyes.

Luo Jin nodded, "As expected, he told you. Then it’s right. He was looking for the 'Gu Experience' to get rid of the Gu, but there was another person who is a Gu user who was with him that day. If this person wasn't sent by you, it was probably sent by Third Prince. Think about it. Once the 'Gu Experience' is in hand, what will this person do?"

Jin Yan finally couldn't hold it anymore and said in a trembling voice: "He... will find a way to kill him and take the book away!"

"That's right, although Yue Qinghai is a martial arts master, the other party is a Gu user. It's easy to trick him. If this person has bad intentions, it's simply impossible to guard against. Now we must find Yue Qinghai quickly, otherwise he will be killed by that person at any time."

Jin Yan stood up suddenly. She was emotional, "You are right, ... why didn't I think of this?"

Luo Jin breathed a sigh of relief and took the opportunity to point out: "In fact, there are other ways for us to find him. As long as the news that the Sixth Prince is captured spreads throughout the world, Yue Qinghai will naturally come to the rescue. But this will make your mother and son's situation even more difficult. My master is a kind person and had considered these and not spread the matter. You can trust us, we want to save people. "

Jin Yan's eyes were filled with tears, "That's right."

"There is one more thing," Luo Jin said, "Princess holds great importance in my master's heart. If she can't be saved in time..."

Her eyes were full of threats, "He will definitely kill Jiang Yan first. Then kill Yue Qinghai. No matter where Yue Qinghai runs to, Dongyuan will kill him with all its might and will never let him live!"

Jin Yan was terrified, "I... I know, but... but he doesn't know how to use Gu. The Princess's Gu couldn't have been cast by him."

She looked at Long Ying standing at the side anxiously.

Long Ying smiled, "That man is with him. Even if he didn't do it, he's not innocent. He should be held responsible. There's no need for Dongyuan's national strength. If our Qixiangmen are willing to do our best, it won't be difficult to kill Yue Qinghai. Although he is a ninth-level expert, I also happen to be a ninth-level expert. I only need to bring my little apprentice with me to kill him."

She narrowed her eyes, "What's more, if the Princess dies, I'm sure the other ninth-level expert, He Xiao won't sit still, right? If that's not enough, I still have a master..."

She sneered, "Speaking of which, I'm capable of gathering three of the five great masters on the continent."

Hearing Luo Jin coaxing and threatening, she also cooperated with the threat.

Jin Yan's face was pale, "You are right... If the Princess can't be saved, he can't survive."

Her breathing hitched up. After hesitating for a long time, she said: "I do have a way to find him, but... how can I believe that you won't hurt him?"

Long Ying smiled gently, "But do you... have a choice?"

Jin Yan lowered her head in silence, "I know. I will bring him to you tomorrow night at the latest. Can I see my son?"

"Sure, I will send your Highness to see him now."

Long Ying waved and ordered two men to accompany Jin Yan to see Jiang Yan. As soon as Jin Yan went out, a person came out from behind the screen.

Chai Qi looked at Luo Jin and said: "You are good at coaxing people."

Luo Jin chuckled and said: "I will take it as your highness praising me."

Chai Qi paused a bit and said: "I am praising you."

Luo Jin: "Huh?"


The next evening, Luo Jin and Long Ying chatted while waiting for Yue Qinghai. The content of the conversation between the two people was too boring for Chai Qi, so he grabbed a prepared book to read and refused to join their chat.

"Once I get the Gu Experience, my mission will be completed. I may not see you in the future," Long Ying said, "How about you join our Qixiang Sect?"

"No, I don't know martial arts."

"What about accounting?"

"No, and I have a job.  I don't want to change jobs for the time being."

"That's a pity. I'll find you when I have a mission that travel to Dongyuan. You can treat me to a meal then."

"No problem!"

As they were chatting, Long Ying suddenly stood up, "Here he comes!"

A gust of wind blew outside the window and a figure rushed into the house from the window. The movement was extremely fast. Although Luo Jin was mentally prepared, she was still startled.

Yue Qinghai stood in the middle of the room and looked around. When his eyes fell on Luo Jin's face, his face suddenly changed and his voice trembled, " want to kill me, right? You don't keep your word!"

Long Ying frowned, "Who said I wanted to kill you? Where's the book?"

Yue Qinghai retreated to a corner farthest from Luo Jin, then took out a book from his arms and threw it to Long Ying, "I tore it open, but no pages is missing. Look, not a single page was missing."

Long Ying flipped through it and threw it to Chai Qi, "There are indeed no missing pages, but why did you tear it open? Why tear such a valuable thing just because you want to?"

Yue Qinghai said: "The Gu Master who was with me, he had always wanted to read this book. I know that he stole the book with me in order to get the method of raising Gu. After he reads it, would he still help me get rid of the Gu? Maybe he will use Gu to harm me... So I only let him read the first half, the method of removing the gu part of this book. I promised to only let him read the second half after he helps me remove the poison. "

Chai Qi flipped through the book and sneered softly, "You are not stupid!"

"I had some doubts back during Jiang Ge’s assassination before and now I am even more suspicious. I know it was definitely not Ah Yan who sent people to find me. She never wants me to take risks." 

When Yue Qinghai mentioned this name, his gaze was tender, "But I beat them at their own game. I am not stupid. It's just mutually using each other. Even if the gu is removed, I will not give him the second half of the book."

Chai Qi said, "Then have you removed the gu in your body?"

Yue Qinghai's eyes dimmed instantly, "No, the method to remove the gu is to find a gu called 'Red Emperor'. The book says... that thing is in the tomb of Emperor Gaozu. No one who had been to Emperor Gaozu's tomb came out alive, I..."

Mister Shi took the book and flipped through it for a long time. When he raised his head, his brows were tightly knitted.

"Your Highness, the Forget Dust Gu... also requires the Red Emperor Gu to resolve it."

"According to the book, the Red Emperor Gu is the king of all gu. It isn't an ordinary Gu. It does not need any feeding and can last for thousands of years without decay. The Red Emperor Gu has great benefits for the host. It can prolong life and prevent all diseases. If a practitioner obtains the Red Emperor Gu, it will also greatly benefit the practitioner."

"The Emperor Gaozu of Xiyuan lived for more than 150 years! He was invincible in martial arts during his lifetime. It turned out to be because of the Red Emperor Gu."

"The Red Emperor Gu will choose its master. If it doesn't meet the right person, it won't recognize its master. After the death of Emperor Gaozu, the Red Emperor Gu didn't recognize his descendants as its master and was taken to the tomb. But I think those people are too useless... Your Highness, Crown Prince will definitely have no problem."

"Of course, even if it doesn't recognize its master, finding it can still be a cure."

Yue Qinghai suddenly looked up, "You guys..."

"Go to Emperor Gaozu’s tomb." Chai Qi declared without hesitation.

Long Ying immediately waved her hand, "My mission is completed, you guys chat. I'm leaving!"

After saying that, she turned around and ran using Qinggong.

Luo Jin: "..."

Long Ying obviously didn't intend to accept such a dangerous commission. No one left Emperor Gaozu's tomb alive. Just thinking about it made people terrified.

"I'll go!" Luo Jin raised her hand, "I'll go with you, your Highness."

Yue Qinghai looked at Luo Jin and suddenly said, "If Miss Luo goes, then... I'm willing to go with her. Although it's a little risky, I want to try it."

Luo Jin frowned, "Not taking you, you're not a good person."

Yue Qinghai was a highly skilled martial arts expert. If he finds the Red Emperor Gu, he will definitely snatch it. Long Ying refused to go. There was no ninth-level master present, so he was a big threat.

Yue Qinghai smiled bitterly, "How could I possibly dare..."

Mister Shi, who had been flipping through the book, said, "This book records that the Red Emperor Gu is the King of Insect, and can control all insects in the world. I’m thinking... the reason why no one survived in the tomb of Emperor Gaozu was because the Red Emperor Gu manipulated many extremely lethal insects and caused all the people who entered the tomb to be bitten to death. This book records that there was a thing called 'corpse-eating Gu', which seems to be suitable for keeping in the tomb to guard the tomb."

Chai Qi asked, "Is there a solution?"

Mister Shi nodded, "Here is a medicine that can drive away the corpse-eating Gu. As long as you bring this medicine, the corpse-eating Gu will not dare to approach. I think this method is feasible. Generally speaking, no matter how dangerous the tomb is, as long as the people who enter aren’t too greedy and leave in time, they will not be in trouble. None of them could escape because of the corpse-eating Gu. This kind of Gu is extremely poisonous and a bite will kill you immediately. There was no time to detoxify. Moreover, as long as there is water and soil, the corpse-eating Gu can survive and reproduce. It is particularly suitable for living in tombs. "

"Then please prepare the medicine immediately, sir."


Chai Qi said: "Now we need someone who knows how to raid tombs. Even if we can solve the corpse-eating Gu, we may not be able to break the mechanism in the tomb just by ourselves. But I have no one here who know this."

Luo Jin said: "I'll go to Jiang Ge to ask."

Chai Qi: "..."

"We are going to rob the Jiang Family's tomb."


Luo Jin didn't expect that the person sent by Jiang Ge was a familiar face.

Little Xiaoyu was stunned when he saw the man and whispered "Master."

The man was Liu Shu.

The master and apprentice met again, but they belonged to different countries. Liu Shu's face showed no expression. His voice was a little hoarse as he said, "Get up."

He paused, "Come here, I have something to tell you."

Little Xiaoyu stood up and followed Liu Shu out of the yard.

Although Little Xiaoyu looked young, he was an adult in his twenties. Naturally, no one would go to watch him being scolded by his master. Everyone let them go out and no one followed them.

When the master and apprentice came back, Luo Jin saw that Little Xiaoyu's eyes were obviously red, as if he had cried. He lowered his head and said nothing, biting his lips gently.

"That..." Luo Jin couldn't bear to watch it, "Little Xiaoyu surrendered to the enemy to save you, so you shouldn't blame him too much."

Liu Shu let out a ‘hmm’ and didn't say anything.

Luo Jin let out a breath and rubbed Little Xiaoyu's head, "It's okay, don't cry."

Little Xiaoyu couldn't stop wiping the corners of his eyes. Liu Shu glanced at him and said woodenly, "Don't cry."

Little Xiaoyu was shocked and finally stopped crying.

Although his leg injury was healed, Liu Shu still walked with a little limp and his walking posture seemed a little weird. He wasn't tall, less than 1.6 meters, while his figure was a little bloated.

Chai Qi couldn't help asking, "How did you persuade Jiang Ge to send this man to you to raid his own great-grandfather's tomb?"

"I said Third Prince wants a treasure in the tomb to deal with him and he agreed to help me."


Yue Qinghai walked in from the door and glanced at Liu Shu, "Now that we have tomb raider, shall we set off?"

"Who said we’ll take you?" Luo Jin frowned.

"You have to take me with you this time," Yue Qinghai took out something from his arms, "This is the key to the Emperor Gaozu's tomb! You can't open the tomb without this thing!"

Chai Qi was stunned, "Key?"

Tuesday 27 August 2024


 Chapter 6 The sixth day of getting disliked

Kaiseki Restaurant on the 10th floor of Huaxing Shopping Mall

In the evening by the floor-to-ceiling windows, the night scene of the capital's bright lights, bars,  and bustling traffic was unobstructed from sight. In the distance, there was the towering city gate, which was a symbol of power and status in the city center.

Shi Wei and Sheng Jingchen sat by the window, quietly eating a dinner worth more than 100,000 yuan per person. No one spoke.

It had been a month since Shi Wei last saw Sheng Jingchen.

The man was wearing a straight, custom-made suit. His eyes were calm, while his cold and firm facial features were like the exquisite sculptures of ancient Greece. He exuded a sense of dignity and elegance.

He lowered his head to eat the kaiseki. Still, he looked like a painting, pleasing to the eye.

Perhaps because the atmosphere was too quiet, Sheng Jingchen didn't speak. Nor did Shi Wei.

But the system in her mind couldn't hold it back: "Host, you asked the villain to take you to the most expensive restaurant and the villain really took you to a very expensive restaurant! I just hacked into the restaurant's network to check. Your meal will cost hundreds of thousands!"

Shi Wei's eyelids jumped.

"Hundreds of thousands for a meal?" She lowered her head and looked at the half-cooked egg in her spoon, "Doesn't it mean that I’m spending several thousand for this bite?"

"Almost!" The system sighed, "This isn't a meal, it's gold!"

At this time, Sheng Jingchen, who had been focused on eating, raised his head.

He looked at Shi Wei. His calm eyes revealed an indescribable confusion.

Shi Wei:?

"The villain is looking at you!" The system snorted, "His eyes are so black and bright! So beautiful!"

Sheng Jingchen frowned.

Who was this mechanical voice...?

Who was talking to Shi Wei?

Then, the mechanical voice sounded from the other side again, "It's strange. Why is the villain not eating and instead looking at you?"

"I don't know?" Shi Wei was perplexed.

Sheng Jingchen confirmed that it was Shi Wei who was talking to the mechanical voice. He could hear the conversation between the two in his head.

Shi Wei was unaware of the strangeness on Sheng Jingchen's side.

She looked at Sheng Jingchen who had been staring at her and then looked at the raw egg in her bowl.

Then, she silently pushed the raw egg in front of Sheng Jingchen, "Do you want to eat the egg?"

Sheng Jingchen:?

"No need," Sheng Jingchen coughed twice and whispered, "Let's eat."

Shi Wei had no choice but to pull the raw egg back in front of her.

"The villain is really weird!" System evaluated.

"Ain't that right?" Shi Wei pouted, "He covets my egg, but is too shy to. Alas, we are an engaged couple after all, I am willing to share a bite of the egg with him!"

Sheng Jingchen: "..."

So noisy, could you shut up.

Dinner continued.

The waiter brought two small desserts.

"Mister Sheng, Miss Xia, hello. This is the after dinner dessert. Cheesecake made of mango and blueberry."

Shi Wei was fighting with her raw egg, while Sheng Jingchen sat up straight, wiped the corner of his lips elegantly with a tissue, and responded to the waiter, "Change to another dessert."

"Young Master Sheng, do you have any requirements for other desserts?"

"No mango."


The waiter withdrew. Shi Wei paused while listening to the conversation between the two.

"Host, Sheng Jingchen is so selfish! He doesn't eat mangoes himself, so why doesn't he let you eat it?" the system angrily puffed, "That mango blueberry cheesecake is delicious. It's the signature dish of this restaurant!"

Shi Wei stared at Sheng Jingchen with a complicated expression.

But Sheng Jingchen seemed to have just said something insignificant and continued to cut the steak on his plate.

"It's not that Sheng Jingchen can't eat mangoes," Shi Wei replied to the system in her mind, "It's me who can't eat it. I'm allergic to mangoes."

Few people knew about this.

Shi Wei only told the people in the Xia Family when she first arrived at the Xia Family.

But mango was Xia Duoduo's favorite food.

"I remember that on my birthday last year, my mom ordered a mango cake for Xia Duoduo and me, but I didn't eat a bite. So she said I was not being sensible. She had prepared a birthday party for me, but I gave her a cold face." Shi Wei smiled bitterly, "Then I took a piece of cake and took a big bite."

"After that, I was hospitalized and stayed in the hospital alone for an afternoon with an IV drip."

Shi Wei told the system about these past events calmly,

But her eyes were still red.

The system was even more tearful, " had it so miserable in the Xia Family before!"

"It's okay, it's all over!" Shi Wei smiled, "At that time, I did it out of slight anger. I thought that if I was allergic, they would definitely feel guilty and not force me to eat mangoes again. I didn't expect that they didn't know about this at all."

"Now I thought it through. Why get upset about this kind of thing? Mangoes can hurt me, so just stay away from mangoes."

Stay away from those who will hurt me and I will be safe.

Sheng Jingchen listened quietly to the conversation between Shi Wei and the system. He raised his head and looked at Shi Wei, with a trace of...sympathy in his calm eyes.

Shi Wei:?

"Tongzi, Sheng Jingchen is a little weird today!" Shi Wei was frightened by Sheng Jingchen's eyes, "Isn't Sheng Jingchen a sinister and paranoid pervert in the novel? Why does he have such a strange gaze? This isn't the expression he should have!"

Sheng Jingchen: "..."

The system was confused, but as a system and only born two days ago, it didn't have enough to understand the situation in front of it.

Shi Wei suddenly thought of Sheng Jingchen last night.

That gentleness and lingering, like a dream hidden deep in the heart that could not be told.

A circle of red appeared on the earlobes. Shi Wei asked the system with a stiff face, "Tongzi, were you there when I was in trouble last night?"

"Last night?" The system pondered for a while, "No, I didn't appear until you awakened the plot. What's the matter?"

Shi Wei was silent for a moment, "I seem to have slept with Sheng Jingchen last night."


System: ???

System: ??? ??? ???

Shi Wei: "But it should be fake. Because there was no dislike value from Sheng Jingchen."

"Great Aunt, could you dish it out  full?" The system wiped the cold sweat. Like the emoji, its expression showed relief, "You scared me to death! Scared me to death!"

Sheng Jingchen: "..."

"But since you suspect it’s a dream, it must be a dream!" The system analyzed seriously, "This kind of thing would definitely be etched into the memory! Unless the villain is too small and the time is too short, how could you not remember it?"

Shi Wei pondered about it, "It makes sense. Since I can't remember it, it must be Sheng Jingchen who can’t do it! But how can Sheng Jingchen, as a villain, not do it? So this must be a dream!"

In Shi Wei's sea of ​​consciousness, the system nodded repeatedly like a pecking chick.

On the opposite side, Sheng Jingchen, who was holding a knife and fork to cut steak... the veins on the back of his hand bulged.

It was enough that they badmouthed him behind his back, but now slandering that he couldn’t do it? How can he not do it? Obviously last night, Shi Wei...

Sheng Jingchen took a deep breath.

Be calm! Be calm!

But the metal knife and fork in his hand was still broken in half!

[Dislike value from Sheng Jingchen +10...]

Shi Wei:?


What was going on!

One person and one system stared at Sheng Jingchen in shock.

"Why did the villain suddenly give me dislike value?" Shi Wei was confused, "I didn't provoke him!"

"Could it be because Xia Duoduo tattletail to him and he’s taking his anger out on you?" The system made a guess.

Shi Wei pondered about it and found that apart from this, there seemed to be no other possibility. In the novel, Xia Duoduo had an affair with Sheng Jingchen, so it was normal to say bad things about her behind her back.

Angered, Shi Wei furrowed her eyebrows and chewed Sheng Jingchen in her heart, "No way. Sheng Jingchen is too petty, isn't he? I just refuted a few words to his mistress. Is there a need?!"

Sheng Jingchen:?

Mistress? Xia Duoduo? What the hell was this? !

"Oh, host, don't be angry. It's all money anyway. The more the better!" The system advised, "The villain is moody. If not, how could he blacken and become a villain? People who can become villains have some psychological problems. Relax, relax!"

Sheng Jingchen: "..."

[Dislike value from Sheng Jingchen +20...]

System: "Look, look! Am I right! The dislike value starts to increase for no reason. This is the precursor of a psychopath!"

[Dislike value from Sheng Jingchen +50...]

System: "So don't worry. The villain is a psychopath. Don't bother with a psychopath!"

[Dislike value from Sheng Jingchen +99...]


Shi Wei looked at the full dislike value of Sheng Jingchen on the panel... and felt that the system made sense.

Never expect that Sheng Jingchen looked well-dressed on the outside, but he was actually a moody pervert on the inside!

Forget it, let him be a pervert. Anyway he could bring dislike value! Shi Wei mentally comforted herself.


On the other side, Sheng Jingchen listened to the conversation between the system and Shi Wei. His breath was stuck in his throat, unable to go up or down.

He thought that his fiancée was well-behaved and sensible, never causing trouble for him. An excellent and worry-free fiancée...

Today, he found out that his fiancée was actually a hole-filling freak!

And said that she couldn't remember clearly and suspected it was a dream... Wasn't this nonsense? The x drug could disintegrate a person's mind and the side effects could make people temporarily forget the memory when the drug was effective. Wasn't it normal to mistake it for a dream!

Because she couldn't remember clearly, she suspect that he was small? Suspecting him couldn’t do it?

[Dislike value from Sheng Jingchen +10+10+10...]

How infuriating. Want to explain!

But if he explained everything now, the mechanical voice called Tongzi in Shi Wei's mind would definitely grumble, "Ah! So you guys really did that last night? Surprisingly, the villain really can’t do it!"

Surprisingly, really can’t do it...

Really can’t do it...

Can’t do it...

Can’t do it...

Sheng Jingchen was choked with anger.

Forget it, won't talk about it anymore!

[Dislike value from Sheng Jingchen +10+10+10...]


 Chapter 29: Internal strife

Jiang Yan was beating vigorously when he suddenly saw a person standing in front of him. He was immediately annoyed, "Who are you? You dare to come to me and seek death! Believe it or not, I will have you pinned to the ground and whip you?"

Long Ying said with a smile: "Me? I am Long Ying."

Hearing this name, everyone subconsciously took a step back, even the two men who were crying stopped crying and quietly crawled back.

"Long... Ying? This name sounds familiar." Jiang Yan held his chin with his fingers and pondered for a long time, "Could it be... Qi... Qi... Qixiang Sect Master?"

Long Ying smiled happily, "Congratulations, you guessed it right."

Frightened, Jiang Yan cried on the spot, "What... what do you want from me?"

Long Ying ignored him and glanced at the guards who were on guard, "Go back and tell your Noble Concubine to take the 'Gu Experience' to Qixiang Sect to replace him within three days. If it's too late... he won't live to celebrate the New Year!"

"What? You ninth-level master...  Why are you targeting me one by one?" Jiang Yan wailed even louder, "You won't watch me being taken away, right? Help!"

None of the accompanying guards dared to step forward. The name Long Ying sounded too scary. They knew well that with their little strength, they couldn't withstand two moves from the opponent even if they risked their lives. Even if they went forward, they would die.

Long Ying suddenly reached out, grabbed Jiang Yan, and threw him into the forest. like throwing a stone. He disappeared into the forest. Everyone only heard Jiang Yan's scream from the forest, accompanied by a crisp voice of a little girl, "What is that? Oh, uncle, it's a person!"

Long Ying flew back to the tree, took Luo Jin with her, and disappeared in an instant.

The guards were all stunned. It took them a long time to react, "Go back and report to the Noble Concubine!"

Jiang Yan cried all the way. Irked, Chai Qi made him faint from acupuncture and threw him on the horse.

Chai Qi also had a place to stay in Tancheng, so he took Jiang Yan back, tied his hands and feet, and threw him into the woodshed. Seeing that he was about to cry again, he simply took a piece of cloth and stuffed it into his mouth.

Long Ying commented while eating melon seeds: "This Xiyuan Emperor gave birth to so many sons, but none of them are raised to be normal. Each one is more twisted than the other. It's eye-opening."

At lunch time, Chai Qi told Luo Jin to bring food to Jiang Yan. Luo Jin gritted her teeth and went into the woodshed with the food box.

She opened the door of the woodshed. Jiang Yan was tied to a pillar and was crying. When he saw her come in, he made a muffled sound from his mouth.

"Let’s agree first. I'll take your cloth off and you're not allowed to cry anymore." Luo Jin raised the food box in her hand. "If you don't cry, I'll feed you something. If you cry, I'll leave and let you starve."

Jiang Yan nodded repeatedly. Luo Jin went over to take the cloth ball out of his mouth.

Jiang Yan's mouth pursed, but when he saw Luo Jin's fierce gaze, he stopped crying and asked in a sobbing voice: "Why did you capture me? I'm useless. Go capture my eldest brother or my third brother. They are useful. Let me go, okay? My mother will be worried. She can't sleep when she is worried."

"You care about your mother," Luo Jin put a spoonful of rice to Jiang Yan's mouth. Jiang Yan hesitated for a moment, but still opened his mouth and ate it.

Luo Jin asked: "Why did you beat those two people today? Did they do anything wrong?"

Jiang Yan shook his head, "No."

"Then why did you beat him?"

"I... I was bullied by my third brother even when I did nothing wrong," Jiang Yan incoherently replied, "So I... I also want to bully others."

"So you beat them... for no reason? Want to hear them cry?"


Luo Jin’s movement stopped. She stood up, swung her arms, and slapped Jiang Yan in the face.

Jiang Yan's face instantly reddened and he burst into tears again, "Why did you hit me?"

"For nothing," Luo Jin covered the lunch box and stuffed the cloth back into Jiang Yan's mouth. She walked to the door, turned her head at the door, "Only the weak will swing their knives at the weaker, while the strong will always challenge the stronger. Jiang Yan, you are a lowly coward!"

Jiang Yan's crying came to an abrupt halt. He looked up and saw the door slowly closing and was silent for a long time.

"So you didn't feed him. And beat him?" Chai Qi asked.

"Looking at him makes me angry..." Luo Jin said angrily.

Chai Qi sighed, picked up the lunch box himself, and went into the woodshed. He saw Jiang Yan sitting there blankly, not crying anymore, in a daze.

He took the cloth ball out of Jiang Yan's mouth and put the food to his mouth, "Probably eat. If you make me angry, you will go hungry. Speaking of which... I have never fed anyone before, you'd better be tactful"

Jiang Yan opened his mouth, but didn’t eat. Instead, he asked: "Say... what is a strong man?"

Chai Qi stuffed the food into his mouth, and then replied: "I am a strong man."


That evening, Long Ying's men came to report: "Someone came to Qixiangmen, but..."

"It isn't Yue Qinghai?"

"It's Noble Concubine Jin."

Luo Jin followed Long Ying to the place where Qixiangmen was located. It was a small teahouse on the corner of the street. The entrance had the words ‘Qixiangmen’ in large characters written. There were four small characters "Xiyuan Branch" afterward. Qixiangmen had such small teahouses in various countries, accepting various commissions. As long as one paid, there was almost nothing that Qixiangmen couldn't do.  

Entering the inner room, Luo Jin saw a woman in plain clothes sitting there. She looked to be in her thirties and was pretty. She didn't wear makeup, but still looked radiant.

This person must be the Noble Concubine Jin.

"I am Jin Yan." The woman said. Her expression was quite calm.

"I'm Long Ying." Long Ying also introduced herself, "I said for Yue Qinghai to bring the 'Gu Experience' in exchange for someone, not you coming to exchange. Is your understanding slightly off?"

Jin Yan shook her head gently, "I don't know where Yue Qinghai is. Worried about my son, I came."

Long Ying frowned, "Isn't this necessary? You took the book, read it, and copied it. Even if the original book is returned, there is no loss, right? To be honest, I’m taking this book to save people. Dozens of lives depend on this book! So can we not beat around the bush? Give me the book, okay?"

"Dozens of lives?" Jin Yan was stunned for a moment. Finally, a little more anxious appeared on her face, "What to do? But I don't know where he went. I haven't seen him for many years."

Luo Jin sighed, "Noble Concubine is indeed a powerful character, but you don't have to act. You said you haven't seen him for many years, so how did he enter the palace to steal books with the help of Dongyuan's insider? How did he get the news and go to assassinate Jiang Ge?"

"He went to... assassinate Jiang Ge?" Jin Yan was stunned, "Why did he assassinate Jiang Ge?”

"To make the Sixth Prince the Crown Prince."

"But even if Jiang Ge died, there is still Third Prince. Sixth Prince can't be the Crown Prince."

"Then kill Third Prince as well."

Jin Yan sighed, "You overestimate him. He... isn't as strong as you think. His health has never been good and he often gets sick. How can I let him do such a dangerous thing? I have prayed every day these years, hoping that he can live a long and healthy life."

Luo Jin and Long Ying looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

"It can’t be that you ... like him?" Luo Jin asked in disbelief.

"Of course, he is the only man I love in my life." Jin Yan calmly replied.

"Uh... so toward you back then... he didn't force you?"

"I took the initiative, but my Father found out by accident. Afraid that my Father would punish me, he insisted that he forced me. We are in love, but my Father forced me to become a Noble Concubine in order to please the emperor," Jin Yan lowered her head, "I shouldn't have told you this. I only want to tell you that I won't make him do anything dangerous. I don't know who told him to steal your book, but I didn't... I can't find him."

She suddenly knelt on her knees, "Kill me if you want to. Let my son go, please!"

Countless thoughts flashed through Luo Jin's mind in an instant.

Assuming what Jin Yan said was true, who instructed Yue Qinghai?

Jiang Ge couldn't have instructed Yue Qinghai to assassinate him. It could only be Third Prince, Jiang Xu! He had always wanted to kill Jiang Ge. It wasn't difficult to investigate Jin Yan and Yue Qinghai. After learning about this, he sent a message in the name of Jin Yan, asking Yue Qinghai to help him assassinate Jiang Ge.

Jiang Xu was also capable of planting his own insider in the Dongyuan Palace. He used the insider to help Yue Qinghai steal the 'Gu Experience'. It seemed that he wanted to play a big game!

If the 'Gu Experience' had fallen into Jiang Xu's hands now, she can't think of what kind of crazy things this pervert will do.

She realized a problem.

The plot of this broken novel wasn't credible at all. Almost everything wasn't as described in the novel. All kinds of hidden secrets weren’t mentioned in the novel. Yue Qinghai's two major black spots in the novel were killing his adoptive parents and raping the Noble Concubine. In reality, his adoptive parents were demons on earth and the Noble Concubine was willing.

But anyone who read the novel would think that Yue Qinghai was a despicable and bloodthirsty lunatic, right? But now that she knew the truth, she felt that this person was a completely tragic character.

Was the author's mental state alright?

She still remembered that she bought the novel "Liu Feng Zui" from an old bookstore. When she saw it at first sight, she had a strange feeling. After turning a page, she saw the name ‘Luo Jin’ in the novel. At that time, she thought it was destined to be with her, so she casually bought it.

After returning, she found that this name only appeared once. She even doubted why the author carefully named such a character that was casually called by the Princess.

Was it because the author's surname was Luo? She remembered that the author's name was Luo Xin. She didn't know whether it was a real name or a pen name.

Although what Jin Yan said might not be true, Luo Jin felt that the mastermind behind it was more likely to be Third Prince in her opinion. If Jin Yan was capable, Jiang Yan wouldn’t have been bullied in the palace and developed his abnormal personality.

Luo Jin said: "Based on your understanding of him, if you want, there should be a way to find him, right?"

She stared at Jin Yan's eyes and saw that the latter's eyes were indeed moving, as if thinking about something.

"Help us find him. Since he had seen the book, the book is of no use to him," Luo Jin said, "My princess and dozens of people in the palace are waiting for the book to save their lives. Noble Concubine, you won't watch them die, right?"

Jin Yan's eyes moved, remaining silent.

Luo Jin continued: "Don't worry, we only want the book. We have no intention to hurt him. And he is highly skilled in martial arts. It’s just coming to deliver a book. No one can stop him if he wants to leave, right?"

Jin Yan still didn't speak.

Luo Jin said again: "I can save his life."

Jin Yan raised her head at once, "What?"

Sunday 25 August 2024


 Chapter 28 The internal strife

Long Ying smiled and rubbed Xiaolian's head, "Silly child, isn't he working with the Crown Prince now? What’s more, he’s doing good things, right? This is called abandoning darkness and joining the light, not betrayal."

Xiaolian let out a perplexed ‘Oh’.

"Thank you, Master Long." Little Xiaoyu said softly, turned around, and followed into the room.

The smell of dust in the room was strong. Luo Jin couldn't help sneezing a few times. The furnishings of this room were simple, with only some ordinary furniture, and a few dirty bottles and jars in the corners of the floor. The room was messy. It seemed that no one had come to clean it up after the murder.

"Can't see anything unusual, right?" Luo Jin scanned around the next room, "They are all common things. What can be found here? Oh... it would be nice if there was a diary or something, but unfortunately this rural couple was probably illiterate and can't write..." 

As she was talking, she saw something like a book under the table and reached out to pick it up. "So they could read?" When she picked it up, she found that it wasn't a book, but a booklet made by sewing several pieces of paper together with needle and thread. Because it was thrown on the ground and got damp, the pages had stuck together. The words on the cover had become a blur and not a single word could be seen clearly. She finally turned a page and saw some numbers written on it. She was a little surprised, "This family keeps accounts? And this much detail?"

Chai Qi took the book and took a look, "This doesn't look like accounting, does it?"

Mister Shi came over, took the book, and his eyes suddenly became panic, "This... This is..."

He was breathing rapidly, "Your Highness, this... This family was raising Gu! This was recording the growth time and reproduction number of Gu insects."

Everyone was stunned when he heard him say this. Chai Qi was silent for a while, and said: "So, there may be other hidden reasons for the death of this couple. The villagers said that they died miserably. That kind of death... may also be bitten by the Gu they raised."

Mister Shi said: "Speaking of which, that kind of death was similar to a poisonous Gu called 'Marrow Eater'. This kind of poisonous Gu would swiftly eat the brain marrow of the person after being bitten. The death was horrible. Could it be that these two people weren't killed by Yue Qinghai, but were bitten by the Gu they raised?"

Chai Qi said solemnly: "But since these two people want to secretly raise Gu here, why do they still adopt a child? Aren't they afraid that the child will leak the matter? They don't need to take such a risk, right? Unless... this child has some kind of use!"

All of a sudden, Mister Shi's eyes were filled with fear. He couldn't help but step back repeatedly, "Could it be... using living people to raise Gu? No... How could there be such heartless people..."

Luo Jin got goosebumps all over her body and felt like vomiting.

The word ‘Gu’ wasn't mentioned in the novel because this incident had no direct connection with the male lead and female lead, but it didn’t mean that it didn’t exist.

She remembered that Yue Qinghai went crazy later. She thought he was stimulated by emotions at that time. Now she understood that this crazy villain was tortured to madness because he  couldn't control the Gu insects in his body!

"So, he stole the 'Gu Experience' to get rid of the Gu in his body." Luo Jin took a deep breath, "I originally thought he wanted to do something more evil, such as raising Gu to kill people, control people, etc."

Chai Qi said coldly: "It may not be that he does not have this idea. When he gets rid of the Gu in his body, he may use it to do evil."

Luo Jin remembered that there was no plot of stealing the 'Gu Experience' in the novel, but it should be irrelevant to the male lead and female lead and not mentioned. Yue Qinghai must have stolen the 'Gu Experience' to cure the Gu in his body in the plot of the novel, but he still went crazy in the end.

She speculated that this book 'Gu Experience' might not record how to solve his special situation at all. Or it might record it, but it required certain conditions to be met to get rid of the Gu insect, but Yue Qinghai didn’t meet this condition.

"If a living person was used to raise Gu, the person who raised Gu would need to use these Gu. There must be a way to take them out, right?" Luo Jin said, "Does Mister Shi know some methods?"

Mister Shi was silent for a long time before slowly saying: "Cut the body... open."

Luo Jin couldn't help but let out a hiss. Her voice trembled, "If more than one was raised, then..." 

"The surface skin can be cut open, but if it is too deep, it will kill people."

Luo Jin silently went out and walked into the yard. She quickly recalled the plot about Yue Qinghai. This character appeared a little less. She did her best to recall the relevant plots.

Now she knew the truth about the death of Yue Qinghai's adoptive parents. At least he did nothing wrong in this matter. Even if he killed the two demons with gu insects, it was to get rid of evil in the world.

Yue Qinghai’s other black spoti...

She suddenly had an idea, "I know how to find Yue Qinghai!"

Chai Qi immediately said, "How to find him?"

"Catch his son!" Luo Jin said, "Although it's not good to do this, we don't have time. It will be too late to save the Princess and those people in the palace."

Chai Qi frowned, "But he didn't get married... Wait, you’re saying..."

"That's right, Your Highness should have found out that Han Erniu was wanted for killing people in the army, but in fact he didn't kill anyone. This crime was forced upon him by General Jin. His real crime was raping the general's daughter, Noble Concubine Jin." Luo Jin said, "After that, Noble Concubine Jin gave birth to the Sixth Prince. Yue Qinghai always thinks that the Sixth Prince is his son. If we catch the Sixth Prince, Yue Qinghai won’t ignore it... He tried to assassinate the Crown Prince for the Sixth Prince last time."

Chai Qi pondered for a while, "This Noble Concubine Jin is a character. I think the theft is connected to her. Yue Qinghai is a man of Jianghu. How can he find an insider in the palace? Most likely Noble Concubine Jin had arranged it in advance. And Jiang Ge's capture was also a secret at that time. Without Concubine Jin's instructions, Yue Qinghai would not have appeared at that time."

"That's right. This Noble Concubine Jin always stays in the palace. We have no chance to do it, but I heard that... the Sixth Prince likes hunting!"

Little Xiaoyu, who had been silent throughout, suddenly exclaimed in astonishment: "His Highness, Sixth Prince... is actually Yue Qinghai's son? Oh my God!"

As the only local, he was completely shocked by this big gossip.

"It's hard to say," Chai Qi said, "but Concubine Jin obviously let Yue Qinghai believe this. This way she can instruct this master to do things for her."

Little Xiaoyu scratched his head, "Why are these people in the palace so cunning? Don't they ever get tired?"

After he finished speaking, he realized that his master was also a person from the palace and hurriedly explained, "I'm not saying that Your Highness..."

Long Ying moved her wrist, looked at her slender fingers, and smiled, "Finally it's my turn to take action! Come on, let me prove that your 100,000 taels of silver aren’t wasted."

Luo Jin exclaimed, "How much?"


The next morning, Chai Qi received a letter from his subordinates and it was discovered that the sixth prince Jiang Yan was going out hunting today and there were only a dozen guards around him.

Since there were only a dozen ordinary guards, even if Long Ying didn't take action, Chai Qi could handle it himself. But for the sake of safety and the money had already been spent, Chai Qi let Long Ying follow.

"Do you want to join the fun, Younger Sister Luo?" Long Ying suddenly asked Luo Jin, "It's interesting!"

"Forget it, I don't know martial arts and can't fly." Luo Jin was helpless, "I'll stay at home to take care of Mister Shi."

"Little Xiaoyu can take care of Mister Shi. He's not good at martial arts, not taking him," Long Ying pulled up Luo Jin's sleeve, "I'll take you flying!"

"Ah? Take" Luo Jin's heart was moved.

"Don't mess around!" Chai Qi frowned, "Bringing her along for this kind of thing is a burden. Let her stay at home!"

"Hmph, do you think you can order me around because you've spent money?" Long Ying sneered, "Don't worry, I'll put her in a safe place. No one will hurt her. Let's go, if we go too late, he'll have to go back to the palace."

Chai Qi stopped talking and let Long Ying pull Luo Jin onto the horse's back and ride toward the hunting ground. 

"Hey, why didn't Master wait for me?" Xiaolian scratched her head and looked back at Chai Qi, "Uncle, take me there. My legs are too short to ride a horse."

"Uncle..." Chai Qi coughed, "Okay, get on the horse."

An hour later, the group stopped outside the hunting ground and heard crying from afar. Long Ying helped Luo Jin off the horse and whispered, "Follow me closely."


The group quietly moved into the woods and got closer. Long Ying stopped and closed her eyes.

"Seventeen people, the best martial artist is a waste, lower eighth level. there are skilled masters." Long Ying opened her eyes, "I'm too lazy to take action. There's no challenge at all. But  why are those two crying? It's so strange... Let's go and see!"

She grabbed Luo Jin's arm, tapped her toes on the ground lightly, and her body took off as lightly as a butterfly. She landed lightly on a tall tree, with light movements, without alarming anyone.

From this angle, Luo Jin could clearly see a dozen people gathered in an open space. Jiang Yan was holding a horse whip in his hand and there were two shirtless men in front of him. The crying came from these two men. There were streaks of blood on their backs. Because of the cold weather, their bodies kept shrinking.

Jiang Yan suddenly laughed up to the sky. His laughter was extremely harsh to the ear. He waved the whip in his hand and hit one of the men on the back again, shouting: "Cry! Cry louder!"

The man started crying loudly, almost tearing his throat by crying with all his strength.

Luo Jin was staring from the tree, "This kid, is he so... perverted?"

Long Ying shook her head. Her expression seemed to be choked, "I didn't expect it either. Whose child is taught to be so bear-like? I can't stand it..."

She jumped down from the tree and landed in front of Jiang Yan silently.

Friday 23 August 2024


 Chapter 27: Rising the Strife

Luo Jin thought of the piercing wounds on Jiang Mo's body and her blood boiled. She blurted out: "That wasn't done by him! It must have been done by Third Prince and got pushed onto him."

He had the Heart-Devouring Gu in his body and couldn’t deny it. Like this, he was considered the original murderer.

No wonder Jiang Mo tried his best to stop her when she wanted to go with Third Prince, saying that if she went, she would become ‘a pile of minced meat’.

Since she came to this world, she had never thought of wanting someone to die so much.

The look in Chai Qi's eyes when he looked at Luo Jin was a little hard to describe. He only sighed in his heart that people trapped by love in this world were pitiful. Their eyes were blinded and couldn't see anything clearly.

His silly younger brother was the same. Don’t know what he would think if he knew the woman he pined for was like this.

Luo Jin noticed the look in Chai Qi's eyes, "Your Highness, It can’t be that you think I'm in love, right? I'm not, I'm telling the truth."

Chai Qi nodded, "Love brain... this word is quite appropriate."

Luo Jin: "..."

She didn't tell him what happened now. She didn't believe Chai Qi. If he leaked the news, it would hurt Jiang Mo.

What happened was too sudden and she still hasn't pieced together the clues.

At present, it seemed that Jiang Mo had already contacted Jiang Ge. Before, the two seemed to have a bad relationship. Jiang Mo even deliberately let Jiang Ge be exchanged in front of the army and embarrassed himself in public. But if one thought about it carefully, this was indeed the only way to protect Jiang Ge's life at that time.

Then the assassination on New Year's Eve in the novel became illogical. Jiang Mo couldn't really want to assassinate Jiang Ge. From the results, the Iron Guards were annihilated, the Dark Guards were severely injured, and Jiang Mo died. It could be said that both sides suffered losses.

But what if this matter was colluded by Jiang Mo and Jiang Ge?

Jiang Mo's plan was probably to lead the Iron Guards into the ambush of the Dark Guards, so that Jiang Ge had the opportunity to eliminate all the Iron Guards. The mention of the Dark Guards being severely injured in the novel was Jiang Ge's statement. Perhaps he pretended that the Dark Guards were severely injured, but in fact it was to mislead Jiang Xu.

If so, Jiang Ge wouldn’t kill Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo was probably killed by Jiang Xu. Jiang Mo led the Iron Guards to death, so Jiang Xu would certainly not let him go.

According to the plot in the book, Jiang Ge didn’t admit to having a secret relationship with Jiang Mo in the end and had sunk Jiang Mo's body and the Iron Guards into the river together.

This must be the truth of that New Year's Eve!

"By the way, have you gathered any news? Where are we going next?" Luo Jin asked.

"No," Chai Qi said, "None of the spies I planted here have any news about Yue Qinghai, but there were some useful clues."

He looked around. It was obvious that this odd place wasn't a place to talk. "Let's talk about it when we get back."

Luo Jin followed Chai Qi back to the earlier small courtyard. As soon as she entered the door, she saw a young woman sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard, drinking a pot of tea gracefully. There were a few plates of snacks on the stone table next to her. The woman was beautiful. Next to her stood a girl in her teens, looking at the three people who walked into the yard with her big eyes.

"Master has been waiting for you for an hour." Miss unhappily chipped out.

The woman sighed and showed a disappointed expression, "I thought He Xiao would come... It turns out that only the Crown Prince is here."

Chai Qi said calmly: "If He Xiao comes, why should I spend money to hire you?"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Jin immediately thought of someone.

One of the five masters could be hired. She was the easiest among the five masters to invite. As long as the money was enough, anything can be entrusted to her.

This person was called Long Ying, the leader of the Qixiang Sect. In the original novel, she had fought with He Xiao, fell in love with He Xiao, and often cropped things up for the heroine. This person was both good and evil, with a strange temper and mood swings. She wasn't an easy person to get along with. When Luo Jin was reading the novel, she had a headache when she saw Long Ying appear. She hoped that this character could go offline soon.

Luo Jin stepped forward and said with a smile: "It turns out that the number one beauty in Jiuyuan Continent, the leader of Qixiang Sect has arrived. I only heard about you before, but I didn't expect that the Sect leader Long is more beautiful than rumor."

Long Ying was a little confused by her flattery, "Number Who said that?"

"Everyone says so!" Luo Jin looked sincere, "If you don't believe it, ask someone. It’s recognized by Jiuyuan Continent!"

Long Ying smiled, "Where did you come from, lass? Your mouth is so sweet. Elder Sister likes you."

"Little Elder Sister is so beautiful. Everyone will like little Elder Sister." Luo Jin smiled.

Long Ying liked to hear people say she was ‘little’ the most. After all, she was getting older and older. When she hears ‘little’, she felt that she was still young.

Long Ying sighed, "It's a pity that someone is blind and always avoids me."

"You mean He Xiao..." Luo Jin thought, "He is blind. You can find someone better. Don't want him!"

Her favorite character was the heroine Feng Lingruo, so she hoped that Long Ying wouldn’t crop things up for Feng Lingruo. It would be best if she could persuade her.

"But you also know, Elder Sister... no, little Elder Sister is one of the five masters of Jiuyuan Continent. Isn't he the only one who can match me? Look..." Long Ying counted on her fingers, "My master is one, she is a woman, so she must be excluded. Yue Qinghai is an old man. Old and perverted, so he is excluded. The rest are He Xiao and Jiyuan Emperor Zun. I can't afford to climb up to Emperor Zun. So there is only He Xiao."

Luo Jin smiled, "Little Elder Sister, don't think like this. There is no one else who is suitable for the Emperor except for little Elder Sister, right? "

Long Ying waved her hands at once, "He is the emperor of a country. How could I possibly dare to think about it? Besides, I have never seen him. I heard that he looks fierce and aggressive, I don't like that. What’s more, I can't beat him... I still prefer He Xiao, he’s handsome. "

Luo Jin smiled helplessly, "Okay."

She tried her best. She didn't persuade Long Ying to pursue the great devil of Jiyuan Country. Feng Lingruo will have a headache due to Long Ying in the future.

Chai Qi closed his eyes slightly, "It's time to go."

"Ah?" Long Ying seemed surprised, "Go? Oh... I remember, I got paid. Okay, let's go!"

She sighed, "It's hard to make money. I have to go out in person. I'll be tanned by the sun..."

Luo Jin ran into the room, got an oil-paper umbrella, and ran back happily, "I'll hold an umbrella for little Elder Sister! Your lass is too short to hold an umbrella."

She remembered that the lass's name was Xiaolia. She was Long Ying's apprentice. Although the little girl was only ten years old, she had already broken through the eighth level. She was an absolute genius and would probably be a ninth level in the future.

"By the way, where are we going?" Luo Jin asked.

Chai Qi replied, "Wu Village."

"Wu Village?"

Chai Qi said, "Where Yue Qinghai's adoptive parents live."

Luo Jin frowned, "Do you think he would go back there? Not likely, right?"

"Of course he won't go back," Chai Qi said calmly, "but there may be some clues there. We can't find Yue Qinghai right now, so this is the only way."

"Yes, I heard that a person's childhood experience will have a great impact on people." Luo Jin said, with a bit of confusion in her eyes, "Speaking of it... I can't remember my childhood."

Xiao Lian had been standing there without saying anything. Hearing this, she suddenly piped up, "Same as me. I don't have any memory before the age of seven. I remember that my master saved me, otherwise I would have died."

Long Ying sighed lightly and rubbed her little head, "Since there’s none, let it be. Anyway, it's not a good thing."

Luo Jin remembered that Xiao Lian's life in the novel was tragic. Her mother died when she was young and got abused by her stepmother. When she was seven years old and was nearly beaten to death, Long Ying passed by. Long Ying killed her stepmother and took her away. She found that she had a high talent for martial arts and accepted her as her apprentice.

But her situation was different from Xiaolian's. Her mother and father were both elites in the industry. They dearly loved her their only daughter. For her mental health, her mother gave her psychological tests every week, fearing that the pressure of work would make her depressed. With such parents, her childhood must have been happy, right? Why did she forget it?

The carriages were parked outside the door. There were still two carriages. Luo Jin and Long Ying sat in one, Chai Qi took Little Xiaoyu to sit in the other. Mister Shi was already waiting in the carriage.

The carriages left Wujie City and took a whole day to reach Wu Village. It was almost dark.

Wu Village was remote and there weren’t many people living in the village. Everyone knew each other. Seeing outsiders entering the village, passing villagers stopped and curiously asked them what they were doing.

Chai Qi got off the carriage and stated seriously: "We are officials. We have recently investigated Han Erniu's case and found this place. You live in this village. How much do you know about Han Erniu's family?"

Appearing righteous and awe-inspiring, he had the air of an official.

The villager said ‘Oh’ and stood in awe. "Han Erniu, I remember. That child usually seemed honest. Alas, no one would have thought that he would do such a thing! The couple of the Han family were also honest people. The husband was in poor health and couldn't farm. He relied on the female to do some needlework to support the family. Life was quite hard. As expected, even when you can't give birth to a child, you can't support someone else's child. If it's not your own child, you don't know what you have raised!"

He pointed to the distance, "Go to the end of this road. The small courtyard that turns west is the Han Family’s. Since something happened to his family, the villagers dare not go there for fear of bad luck. I heard that it was a horrifying sight when they died. Their eyeballs were about to fall out. The people who saw it had nightmares for a month after going out!"

Soon, the group arrived at Han Erniu's former home. This was a small, dilapidated courtyard, with dead leaves all over the courtyard. The gate was open. One could see two dilapidated earthen houses when going in. The houses were low. Half of the open door had broken and fallen to the ground. It was surrounded by moss.

Long Ying covered her nose, "It smells bad. I don't like it, I don't want to go in... You go, call me when you want to fight."

Chai Qi went into the house first. Followed by Luo Jin and Mister Shi. When Little Xiaoyu was about to go in, Xiao Lian stopped him, "Don't go in. Master said it's not good for children to see those things."

"Child... ren?" Little Xiaoyu patted his chest and stated proudly, "I'm twenty-one this year!"

"Ah?" Xiao Lian compared the top of his head curiously, "Shorter than me, I thought you were eight years old at most!"

Little Xiaoyu lowered his head and said after a while: "I was raised in a small cage since I was a child and can't grow tall. I'm the same as you. If Master hadn't saved me, I would have died long ago."

"What about your Master?" Xiao Lian asked curiously, tilting her head.

"I... I betrayed him." Little Xiaoyu bit his lips.

"Ah? Then you are a bad guy!" Xiaolian said and retreated behind Long Ying, "Master, he is a bad guy!"