Monday 24 June 2024

WLAEF afterward 9

Of course, Jiang Yun Zhu didn't need to be like this now.

After following Jiang Yun Zhu to another courtyard, Mrs. Chen was finally relieved. Jiang Yun Zhu's life was much better than she thought. That was good!

The closer to the Mid-Autumn Festival, the mre outside atmosphere was of joy and reunion outside, the more the Shen Family felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

On the night of August 14th, Jiang Yun Zhu went to bed early. It was unknown how long passed, but she suddenly felt a pain from her belly.

Shen Feng Ming had been paying attention to her these days. When she moved, he woke up immediately.

"I might be giving birth." Jiang Yun Zhu grabbed his arm. Since it was the first time giving birth, she was very nervous.

Shen Feng Ming was also nervous, but he knew he couldn't panic. He stood up immediately, lit the candle, and called Attendant Zhong in.

It was almost 1am at this time. Everyone was soundly asleep . But soon, the lights in the manor were lit up and were as bright as daylight. Everyone busied away.

"Heat the hot water. Yes, bring a bowl of the warm porridge in the kitchen to Young Madam." Attendant Zhong stayed calm in the face of danger and stood there to give orders.

Jiang Yun Zhu's pregnancy had just started. It was unknown how long it would take for her to give birth. Taking advantage of the pain being not that painful, it was better to eat something quickly to have strength.

Someone brought a bowl of hot porridge, but Jiang Yun Zhu didn't want to eat it.

"Eat some." Shen Feng Ming urged, holding the bowl.

"Gentleman, why are you here? Get out quickly." Attendant Zhong said when she saw him.

Shen Feng Ming was unmoved. He wanted to stay with Jiang Yun Zhu here.

Attendant Zhong didn't dare to do anything to him, and fidget at the side.

At this time, Princess Danyang, Academician Shen, Chen, and Celestial Doctor Wu came. Celestial Doctor Wu didn’t go out to sea with the fleet this time and stayed here specifically to look after Jiang Yun Zhu.

Mrs. Chen immediately entered the room and dived into helping.

Princess Danyang looked at Shen Feng Ming and whispered, "Still not going out!"

"Mother, leave me be." Shen Feng Ming responded. He'd almost lost her twice and didn't want a third time.

Princess Danyang couldn’t do anything with him and was getting anxious...

"Shen Feng Ming..." Jiang Yun Zhu uttered.  Originally she wanted him to drop it and go out as there were so many people in the room, but as soon as she opened her mouth, her belly started to hurt.

"I'm here!" Shen Feng Ming said, holding her hand.

"It's starting." The midwife said at this time.

Jiang Yun Zhu screamed in pain. Now Princess Danyang no longer cared about Shen Feng Ming and was pacing around.

After basins of hot water were brought in, Celestial Doctor Wu was at the outer door, always paying attention to the situation inside. Only Academician Shen was left outside. He was anxious and helpless. Listening to the screams of pain inside, he, who never believed in gods and Buddhas, began to pray to the gods and Buddhas in the sky, hoping that the Buddha would protect Jiang Yun Zhu mother and child.

Otherwise...he wouldn't even dare to think about it!

Time seemed to pass very slowly. This moment was a kind of torture for everyone.

In the huge courtyard, apart from Jiang Yun Zhu's increasingly low voice, there were only slight footsteps and the sound of everyone breathing.

Academician Shen almost held his breath, standing there looking in with a pounding heart.

The sun rose. The first ray of sunshine in the morning broke through the clouds and shone into the yard.

A baby cry wailed out.

"It's been born, it's been born, congratulations, Madam, it’s a little gentleman." The midwife's congratulatory voice sounded from the room. When Academician Shen outside heard this, he knew that the mother and son were safe inside and his feet softened and he almost fell there.

"Congratulations, Master! Congratulations, Master, it’s a little gentleman." Shen Fu congratulated from the side. Then the courtyard was full of congratulations.

"Good, good, reward! Reward everyone!" Academician Shen was so joyful that he could only utter this.

Shen Heng was newly born. He needed to be washed in warm water. At this time, he cried louder and louder.

"Young Master is strong. I have never seen a child cry so loudly."

"Ain’t that right! Little Gentleman will definitely be strong in the future."


Because of Shen Heng's loud cries, the Shen manor became more and more lively.

After Jiang Yun Zhu gave birth, her mind was on the baby. She didn't fall asleep until she saw that the baby was safe and sound.

Shen Feng Ming had been by her side all the time. Mrs. Chen had nowhere to go and could only go over to the side to see Shen Heng.

At this time, Shen Heng had already finished taking a bath and was wrapped in a soft cloth. The newborn baby had rosy skin. The eyebrows were faint, but his eyes were dark and bright, looking full of energy.

"The face is like Feng Ming, the eyes are like Yun Zhu, the nose and mouth..." Academician Shen wanted to say that the nose and mouth were a bit like him.

However, Princess Danyang beat him to it, "The nose and mouth are like mine! Isn't it, isn't it?" She asked Shen Heng with a grin, as if Shen Heng would answer her.

Academician Shen snorted, he was obviously like him. Forget it, only women and petty people were difficult to raise! He wouldn't stoop to her level.

Jiang Yun Zhu ate something in the middle and then fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, it was already night. A bright moon hung high outside. Through the white screen window, the round moon could be vaguely seen.

By this time, she was feeling much better. When she looked to the side, she happened to see Shen Heng's small face.

"Our child." Shen Feng Ming said softly. He knew that she would definitely want to see the child when she woke up, so he put Shen Heng next to her while he watched over the mother and son.

Jiang Yun Zhu took in the child first. The child was tiny. His eyes closed tightly, sleeping soundly. A small hand stretched out in front of his chest, as if he wanted to grab something.

This was her child! Her and Shen Feng Ming’s child! With joy in her heart, she reached out and touched Shen Heng's little hand with her index finger, but was immediately grabbed by the little hand.

The little hand was small and soft. With a little force, she could break away, but she didn't want to move. Her heart felt soft like a cotton ball.

She turned to lean sideways. Shen Feng Ming was afraid that she would be uncomfortable, so he put a soft pillow under her body.

Jiang Yun Zhu then looked at Shen Feng Ming. The candlelight in the room shone on him, making him seem to be dyed with a warm color.

Today, he had been by her side to accompany her...

"You should rest for a while." She said.

"I'm not tired and can't sleep either." Shen Feng Ming responded. Just looking at the mother and son made him feel extremely happy and satisfied. Now, he just wanted to guard them like this.

Jiang Yun Zhu had slept for such a long time and was no longer sleepy now. The two of them chatted softly, starting from who Shen Heng looked like, how to teach him in the future, and even how he would marry and have children in the future.

Speaking of this, Jiang Yun Zhu laughed. It was early and she was already thinking long-term. However, this was probably what it feels like to be a parent.

"It's enough for us to have Shen Heng." At this time, Shen Feng Ming suddenly stated.

Jiang Yun Zhu knew what he meant. He didn't want her to give birth again. When she gave birth today, she did have this thought. She felt it was too painful and just wanted this one child.

But now seeing the child's cute face, she felt that everything was worth it.

"He is too lonely alone." Jiang Yun Zhu replied.

"He will have friends." Shen Feng Ming said.

"How can friends and siblings be the same, like family and friendship?" Jiang Yun Zhu retorted.

Shen Feng Ming could never outspeak her.

"One more and then stop giving birth, no matter whether it’s a boy or a girl." Jiang Yun Zhu made the final decision.

During this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, Jiang Yun Zhu could only admire the moon through the screen window at home. But with Shen Feng Ming and Shen Heng accompanying her, she only felt that this year's moonlight was particularly moving.

A month later, Jiang Yun Zhu put on new clothes and came out of the room feeling lighter.

She had a natural birth and the birth process went smoothly. In fact, she felt able to move a few days after giving birth. But this time even Attendant Zhong insisted on letting her stay in the room for a month before going out. So she could only stay in the room for a month.

Now that she came out and saw the sunshine outside, her mood seemed to lift.

Today was Shen Heng’s full moon banquet. Princess Danyang decided to make it grand to let everyone know that she had a grandson!

All the prominent people in the capital received invitations from the Shen Family and there was a lot of excitement inside and outside the manor.

At this time, the emperor and the empress dowager came to the Shen Family together, pushing the excitement to the extreme.

Jiang Yun Zhu followed everyone to greet the emperor and the empress dowager. Mrs. Chen was so nervous, she didn’t dare to raise her head. She never dreamed that one day she would be able to see the emperor and empress dowager of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Quickly bring the child over and show him to me." The Empress Dowager said impatiently as soon as she sat down.

Jiang Yun Zhu hugged Shen Heng over. During her pregnancy, she had remained almost the same except that her belly had grown a bit bigger. Now that she had been nurtured in the room for another month, her black hair, snow-skinned skin, and beauty were becoming more and more attractive.

Everyone was first attracted by her appearance and then looked at the baby in her arms.

Shen Heng only ate and slept. Still, his appearance had changed in a month. He was fair, chubby, and very lovable.

He wasn't afraid of people at all. When he was carried to the Empress Dowager, he looked at the Empress Dowager with his dark eyes.

The Empress Dowager was surprised and reached out to take him.

He kept playing grab with one little hand. When he got excited, he even opened his little mouth.

"Little Gentleman smiled. He smiled at the Empress Dowager!" Attendant Qi said from the side.

In fact, Shen Heng wasn't necessarily smiling, but when attendant Qi said this, everyone felt that he was smiling at the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager was all smiles. This child truly aroused one’s doting. He would definitely be a promising person in the future.

Emperor Qinglong became interested and held Shen Heng. Shen Heng didn't smile this time, but he wasn't afraid of him either.

"He was born with a louder voice than other children, which shows that he will be a mischievous one in the future." Princess Danyang complained on the side, but everyone could hear the pride in her words.

The Empress Dowager glanced at her with a smile, benefitting and still playing it naive!

There was harmony and joy in the house.



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