Friday 28 June 2024

WLAEF afterward 11

Mrs. Chen didn’t even want to talk. On such a good day, why bring up something so unlucky. But Jiang Yun Zhu kept looking at her, so she could only speak.

It turned out that there was a drought in Changfeng Manor two years ago. Old Madam Jiang and Jiang Hai's family relied on their family's money and food to stay in Changfeng manor. Later, the disaster became more and more serious. One night, a group of refugees who fled the famine crawled directly over their house wall and robbed them of their food and money.

They had no choice but to escape. However, they didn’t come to Wuling County, but to Taoyuan County next door.

Jiang Cheng often gave rides everywhere. At the end of last year, he went to Taoyuan County and happened to meet Jiang Hai.

Jiang Hai was now in poverty, but seeing that Jiang Cheng had horses and carriages, he naturally latched on him and refused to let go.

Later, he and old Madam Jiang came to Jiang's house to make trouble. They even wanted to occupy the magpie's nest and refused to leave.

Old Mister Chen took out the house deed to prove that the house belonged to him and then kicked them out. Still they refused to give up and often came to Jiang's house to freeload.

Speaking of this, old Mister Chen was very grateful to Jiang Yun Zhu. She put the property deed in his name so that he could stably live here now.

Jiang Yun Zhu frowned when she heard this, "It's not an option to keep doing this, right?" She didn't have a good impression of old Madam Jiang and Jiang Hai at all. At the beginning, their family was starving to death and begged them to lend them some food to survive, but they refused. Now that they were better off, they were making trouble?

Mrs. Chen glared at Jiang Cheng. She was extremely disappointed with old Madam Jiang and Jiang Hai. They just watched their daughter get sold and refused to lend them any grain. Did they treat them as a son and relatives?

When Jiang Yun Zhu got married the year before last, Mrs. Chen and others went to the capital and quietly inquired about Jiang Yun Xiu. They were surprised and helpless to learn that she had become a concubine to a king who was older than Mrs. Chen.

Jiang Cheng had also thought of these and even more. The veins on his forehead jumped.

"It's better not to talk about this." He said. He would deal with this matter. He had always been soft-hearted before, but there was definitely no next time.

"Need help?" Jiang Yun Zhu asked.

Jiang Cheng quickly shook his head. His face turned red with embarrassment. He was a man and a father. He wouldn't let his wife or children down this time.

With his attitude, Mrs. Chen felt relieved and smoothed things over for him, "No need. Oh right, did you guys come for a matter this time? If there’s nothing, stay at home for a few more days."

"Nothing major. Just came to see you." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

At noon, everyone had a meal together, celebrating old Mister Chen’s birthday. The whole family was merry.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yun Zhu took out some things for everyone. It was the house deeds and land deeds of Qishanju and Chabuliang, as well as a stack of banknotes.

When it was time to pay rent again, Jiang Yun Zhu directly bought the property for Qishanju last year. Now these two shops were her property.

"This is?" Jiang Cheng and others were surprised.

"I'm far away in the capital. It's not convenient to manage these two stores." Jiang Yun Zhu said.

"I can help you..." Mrs. Chen said hurriedly.

Jiang Yun Zhu stopped her words, "I have a new business now and can earn much more than this. These two shops are dispensable to me." 

She was telling the truth. This trip back, she wanted to take care of this matter.

"These two shops were built by our family together. I can't bear to close them, so I want to hand them over to you." She continued.

Of course Chen and others refused to take it. Those two shops were nothing to Jiang Yun Zhu, but to them, they were worth a lot of money.

Jiang Yun Zhu had already decided. She pushed the house deed and land deed of Qishanju into Mrs. Chen's hand, "Mother, Qishanju will be given to you. Back when we sold breakfast together and delivered meals to the mines, you were the hardest worker."

Thinking of those days in the past, she emotionally sighed. At that time, Mrs. Chen was busy all day long, snatching to do all the dirty work. If it weren't for her, her business wouldn't be doing so well and there wouldn't be the matters that happened later.

"I am your mother, of course I should work harder." Mrs. Chen responded.

Jiang Yun Zhu closed her hand and made her hold the house deed. Then she looked at Jiang Yunxue and said, "Yunxue, this Chabuliang, I want to leave it to you. Consider it my selfishness."

Jiang Yunxue had put in a lot of help when starting the business at that time. In this era, compared to Jiang Lin, she knew that Jiang Yunxue would definitely have a harder time in the future. She hoped that she would be able to live more calmly now that she had CHabuliang.

Jiang Yunxue understood what she meant and her eyes turned red instantly, "Elder Sister..."

Jiang Yun Zhu picked up the stack of banknotes.

"Elder Sister, don't give it to me. I can earn it myself." Jiang Lin said quickly.

Jiang Yun Zhu smiled and handed the banknote to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng didn't want it. In the end, he had no choice but to accept it. He then obediently handed the banknote to Mrs. Chen.

Everyone laughed. Jiang Yun Zhu was in a good mood. This way, she was at ease.

At night, Jiang Yun Zhu and Shen Feng Ming stayed in the same room where Jiang Yun Zhu lived before. Mrs. Chen had always kept this room for her and cleaned it frequently. Nothing in it had changed.

Jiang Yun Zhu looked at the familiar and simple room and reminisced many things in an instant. She turned her head to look at Shen Feng Ming. She had many things to ask him.

Shen Feng Ming took in the furnishings in the room.

Jiang Yun Zhu pressed him on a stool at the side, "Do you remember Wei Kang Ping?"

Of course Shen Feng Ming remembered.

Jiang Yun Zhu looked at him, "I felt strange at that time, how could this case be solved so quickly? Moreover, before the case was closed, the government returned the money we lost to us. Wasn't it you?"

She knew Shen Feng Ming's identity, so she suspected that he had helped. But it was difficult to ask at that time. Now that the past had come to mind, she could finally confirm.

"It can be considered me." Shen Feng Ming replied.

Jiang Yun Zhu was confused. Why was it phrased like this?

Shen Feng Ming briefly explained the situation at that time. When he came back with Yang Sheng, he found that Jiang Yun Zhu was involved in this case. Yang Sheng gave Mengzhi County a Qilin Guard token and he sent people to arrest Wei Kangping.

But Wei Kangping did not die in his hands, he was killed by Ji San Niang.

Then he talked about Ji San Niang’s past.

Jiang Yun Zhu began to feel as if she was listening to a story. She didn't even know that so many things had happened at that time. But after hearing about Ji San Niang, she felt sympathy and regret. When she heard that Wei Kangping and others wanted to break into Jiang's house in the middle of the night and abduct her, she felt chills all over.

No wonder Ji San Niang's coachman said to her at that time, "Madam told me to mind your own business from now on, or what will you do if someone comes to your house in the middle of the night?" 

It turned out that it had happened.

She didn't dare to think about what would have happened to her that night without Ji San Niang and Shen Feng Ming. And what would have happened to Mrs. Chen and the others!

"I'm here!" Shen Feng Ming noticed that she was in a bad mood, so he took her into his arms and comforted her.

Jiang Yun Zhu hugged his neck with her hands and pressed her face against his neck. She felt better when her whole body was wrapped in his air.

"Then I owe Ji San Niang a favor." She whispered. Of course, she owed him too.

"She’s probably buried with her husband." Shen Feng Ming said.

Ji San Niang’s justice was done and committed suicide.

Jiang Yun Zhu raised her head and kissed the side of his face. Like others, she used to be afraid of him and thought he would kill without blinking an eye. But what if he was the righteous party? Was there less injustice and more fairness in this world?

Shen Feng Ming didn't know why she suddenly kissed him, but he was very happy and wanted to kiss her.

Jiang Yun Zhu dodged, "What else don't I know?" 

She decided to ask clearly today.

Shen Feng Ming hesitated.

"Say it quickly." Jiang Yun Zhu said angrily. A bit like interrogating the prisoner, if she wasn't leaning in his arms.

Shen Feng Ming couldn't remember it for a moment.

Jiang Yun Zhu suddenly asked, "Old Mister Wu?" 

She didn't expect this at the time. But now she thought about it, Old Mister Chen's eyes couldn't be cured by Doctor Jin. What a coincidence, old Mister Wu appeared at her door within a few days.

"I sent someone to invite him here." Shen Feng Ming said.

Sure enough. 

"Invite?" She remembered that old Mister Wu hated him very much at that time. "That night, it was freezing cold. What were you doing standing in the yard?" Jiang Yun Zhu asked intuitively.

"I was thinking about something."

"Can't you think about it in the room?"

"It's getting late."

"If you don't tell me, I'll ask old Mister Wu." Jiang Yun Zhu insisted.

Shen Feng Ming was helpless, "He said that if I want him to help heal your maternal grandfather's eyes, he’ll discuss it after I stand in the courtyard all night."

Jiang Yun Zhu steadily stared at him, her voice trembling, "Did you stand all night that day?"

"It's just a little matter." He had forgotten it.

Jiang Yun Zhu hugged him, feeling all kinds of emotions in her heart. Why didn't he tell her these things before? Did it mean that if she didn't ask, he would never tell her?

Shen Feng Ming lowered his head and kissed her lightly.

Jiang Yun Zhu's heart was pounding. She asked him in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "When did you start liking me?"

She thought he only liked her later, but looking at it now, it should have been much earlier than that.

"En..." Shen Feng Ming seemed to be stunned by the question. When did he start liking her? Maybe it was that slight glance. Maybe it was the little interactions with her.

"Huh?" Jiang Yun Zhu raised her head.

"It's getting late." Shen Feng Ming said.

Jiang Yun Zhu said, "You have never said you like me."

Shen Feng Ming was speechless.

"Since you love me back then, why didn't you tell me?" Jiang Yun Zhu remembered that he had left twice.

In fact, after asking, she figured it out. In fact, he once said that her life was simple and happy, and he didn't want to get involved...

This man was good to her and worthy of her liking.

"Shen Feng Ming, I love you!" On the impulse, Jiang Yun Zhu suddenly declared. Now, at this moment, that was all she wanted to tell him.

Then she kissed him on the lips.

I love you too. I have loved you since a long time ago and will always love you. This was what Shen Feng Ming thought in his heart.

Under the warm yellow candlelight, the two were entangled with each other, as if they would never be separated again.

Jiang Yun Zhu, Shen Feng Ming, and Shen Heng stayed in Changshi Village for ten days. In the past ten days, they met Xu Qing Shan. He was now the father of two children.

They went to Qishanju and Chabuliang to meet Li He, Tan De Bao and others to reminisce with them. She told them that she had handed over Qishanju to Mrs. Chen and Chabuliang to Jiang Yun Xue.

They stayed at Jiang Yun Zhu's villa in the county for two days. It was by the lake in this courtyard that Shen Feng Ming kissed Jiang Yun Zhu for the first time.

Jiang Yun Zhu had to admit that she liked him a little back then.

They met Mrs. Liu. Now Ms. Liu had opened a store of her own, selling embroidery and helping people cut clothes. Her business was booming.

They met Escort Head Li and Li Yan. Now Li Yan's body had completely recovered and he had grown into a handsome young man.

Everything seemed to be very beautiful.



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