Sunday 26 May 2024

The Shura Field After Little Palace Maid's Mind Got Exposed Teaser 1

Hi all,
As The Shura Field After Little Palace Maid's Mind Got Exposed got the highest like on Patreon, it's the first of the teaser release. Please enjoy. 
Mid-June, a poll will be put up to all on Patreon to vote for the next side project.

Chapter 1 Crush

Luo Jin was called up early in the morning to serve tea. She yawned and lamented in her heart: Even though she transmigrated, she couldn't escape the fate of being a worker. It was really sad.

She entered a novel called "Liu Feng Zui", and her identity was the palace maid by the side of the supporting female lead Chai Jing, the princess of Dongyuan Kingdom. This character had no sense of existence in the book. She only remembered that when Chai Jing was killed in the end, all the palace ladies around her and followed her probably ended up with the same fate.

She had to find a way to save the princess so that she could survive.

Luo Jin made tea, put it on a tray, and carried it into the room.

The second prince Chai Heng, who was sitting next to Chai Jing, was not in a hurry to drink tea. He took out a pearl flower from his sleeve and said, "I bought it outside. Although it's not worth much, it's really beautiful. What do you think? If I give this to Miss Hua Ying, will she be moved?"

Chai Jing pouted, "Don't you know to take me with you when you are choosing a gift? What kind of aesthetic do you have? It's so ugly! It's ugly and worthless. Even if she says she likes it on the surface, she’ll dislike it in her heart, right?"

Chai Heng looked at the beaded flower in his hand with some sadness, "Really that ugly... then give it to you?"

"Bah! What an ugly thing? I don't want it!" Chai Jing saw Luo Jin standing aside and casually uttered, "Reward her!"

Chai Heng sighed and handed the pearl flower to Luo Jin, "Reward for you!"

Luo Jin didn't expect that she would get an unexpected gain, so she accepted it at once and thanked him. She saw that the beaded flowers were made of pearls and the base was made of pure gold. Although both Chai Heng and Chai Jing felt it was worthless, to her it was more than two years' salary.

 【I didn’t expect these two pushovers to be so kind! 】

Chai Heng and Chai Jing were startled and looked at each other. They both recognized that the voice came from the little maid serving tea beside them.

They looked at her at the same time.

They observed that Luo Jin was suppressing her delight and looking down at the pearl flowers in her hand, not talking.

【Is this worth dozens of taels of silver? I made a small fortune! 】

Now the two of them could see clearly that Luo Jin did not speak, but the voice did come from her. There was no one else next to her.

Both of them were born in the royal family and received all kinds of strict education since they were young, so it goes without saying they wouldn’t lack shrewdness. Although they were surprised for a moment, the two of them quickly regained their superficial calm in a tacit understanding.

Chai Heng continued to say what he wanted to say, as if what just happened had not happened, "I will explain to my Royal Father tomorrow into marrying Miss Huaying to me! I have been pursuing her for five years and she has finally fallen in love with me. It can be said that sincerity leads to opening gold stones! ”

Luo Jin suddenly turned his attention to Chai Heng.

【Why do you think she suddenly showed favor to you? Isn't it because she’s pregnant and looking for you to be a pushover? She is pregnant with the enemy's prince's child. Sooner or later she will surrender to the enemy and cause your death! 】

Chai Heng and Chai Jing spent a lot of effort to not behave abnormally in front of Luo Jin. Because it was too hard to endure, Chai Jing waved her hand and let Luo Jin retreat first.

  【Ah? Off work now? How wonderful! 】

 【The two things I love most in life are bonuses and getting off work. They all happened at once. What a blessing! 】

Luo Jin ran away happily.

Chai Jing: "..."

Chai Heng: "..."

Chai Jing looked at the maids guarding the door. These people had not shown any strange expressions since just now.

She called a palace maid over and asked her: "Repeat everything you just heard?"

The palace maid was stunned, "Huh?"

Chai Jing pretended to be angry, "What? You’re not serving with all your heart? You were distracted, right?"

The palace maid hurriedly knelt down, "I'm not distracted! This servant remembers!"

She quickly repeated all the words she had just heard and even repeated Chai Heng's excited tone when he was planning to propose marriage.

Awkwardly, Chai Heng waved his hand, "Retreat... you all retreat!"

He immediately closed the door and his face became solemn, "She didn't hear those words! Only the two of us heard them!"

"Why? Did we do something special? Luo Jin has been serving me for five years and I haven’t heard this voice before."

"I speculate... we may have inadvertently heard her internal thoughts. She probably didn't realize it. But... she seems to know something we don't know!"

Chai Jing frowned, "I'll go find her and get to the bottom of it!"

Chai Heng stopped her at once, "Unintentionally heard thoughts are the most truthful. If she know, she’ll be on guard. Will she still tell the truth then? How are we going to judge whether what she said is true or false?"

Chai Jing sat back and pondered deeply for a while, "You just gave her the pearl flowers, right? For me... I told you to give it to her. What we have in common is that we did something to make her happy. Maybe this is a condition... …I still need to test it carefully.”

Chai Heng nodded, "You are her master, you have a way to find out. As for Miss Huaying... what she said can’t be true, right?"

His expression was a little depressed.

Chai Jing sneered slightly, "If she is pregnant, don't we have a way to find out? Don't worry, she and I are good friends. I will find a chance to help you confirm next time. But right now... I’m more interested in that Luo Jin girl."


Luo Jin returned to her room. She lived in the palace maid's room. The room was small, short, and a little damp. There was no furniture in the room except for a table and a cabinet. There was not even a stool. So she could only sit on the bed.

She had inquired before that palace maids could be released from the palace when they reached the age of twenty-five. She was now seventeen years old. After another eight years of work, she will be able to leave the palace and be at ease. If she's lucky, the princess will reward her with some valuable things and she could directly retire.

Of course, the premise was that she saves the princess’s life. If the princess dies, it would probably be the end game. She wasn’t the protagonist nor did have a life-saving halo.

Just as she was thinking about it, Attendant Zhao opened the door and came in. She placed a pear wood stool next to her table and said, "I happen to have an unused stool in my room. I have no place to put it, so I will leave it here for you to use!”

Luo Jin froze. She hurriedly stood up to convey thanks, "Thank you much, Attendant."

  "No need."

Attendant Zhao came out of Luo Jin's room and went directly into the princess's room.

"This servant had given the stool to Luo Jin as Princess ordered." Attendant Zhao bowed and said.

"Have you ever heard any strange sounds?" Chai Jing asked, "You are my most trusted person and will never lie to me."

"I just heard her say thank you and nothing else."


"I swear on the lives of my whole family!"

"Okay, retreat!"

Chai Jing frowned. It seemed that this method of winning her favor to hear her voice didn’t work for just anyone. There must be something else that she hadn't thought of. 

She stood up and walked out of the room. She stood for a while in the yard and saw Luo Jin coming out of the room and happily bowing when she saw her.

"I'm going out on a trip, you can follow me," Chai Jing said to Luo Jin.

Luo Jin was startled. Although the princess sometimes went out, she was never allowed to follow her. Normally, Attendant Zhao and a few other maids would wait on her. It wouldn't be her turn.

She must obey her master's orders and had no right to choose. She could only respond: "Yes!"

"This time we are going to wear casual clothes... dress up like ordinary people." Chai Jing continued.

She didn't hear Luo Jin's voice again, thinking that maybe it had a time limit.

Luo Jin responded: "Yes!"

There were clothes in her wardrobe that she wore before entering the palace. It could be used for this occasion.

Chai Jing waved to Attendant Zhao, "Find her some clothes, don't let her wear something too shabby."

Attendant Zhao responded and walked to the corner room. Shortly later, she took out a set of clothes and handed them to Luo Jin, "This one then. It should fit you."

Luo Jin took the clothes and couldn't believe it.

This was a fine brocade skirt with peony patterns embroidered with gold thread. The fabric alone was worth at least a few hundred taels!

【This is lent to me to wear, right? It can't be given to me, right? So precious... 】

Chai Jing couldn't resist smiling a bit. Sure enough, this little money-lover! As long as one gives her something valuable, her heart will open up immediately.

"The color of this dress is too old. I don't like it. I'll reward you if you can wear it." Chai Jing stated.

【Really giving it to me! Getting rich, getting rich... 】

 【Encountering such a prodigal... kind-hearted master, I’m realizing the freedom of wealth in advance! 】

【Better not let her die...】

 【Hey, how can I let her know that her future royal elder sister-in-law is a villain? If I tell her directly, she won't believe it, right? She and Qin Huaying seems to be childhood friends. 】

Chai Jing: "..."

This girl had quite a lot of inner drama.

Chai Jing also changed into regular clothes. Hers was a white gauze dress, quite elegant.

The coachman was Chai Jing's personal bodyguard. At this time, he also changed into regular clothes and was waiting in the yard with the carriage.

"Get in!" Chai Jing pointed to the carriage.

"Me?" Luo Jin pointed to herself, "I... servant, sitting in front is fine..."

Chai Jing frowned, "You... dislike this princess?"

"This servant don't dare."

【Oh, is there something wrong with her today? 】

【The princess is moody. Got to be careful and not to make her angry. 】

Luo Jin could only get on the carriage and sit down carefully in a corner.

Chai Jing rolled her eyes at her, "What? Does this Princess eat people? Aren’t you sitting so far away?"

Luo Jin could only sigh in her heart and sit closer.

"Today is the fifteenth day," Chai Jing said. "On the fifteenth day of every month, the Grand Tutor Manor invites the opera troupe to perform. Sometimes I go to watch the opera. The eldest daughter of the Grand Tutor Mansion, Qin Huaying, is my good friend. I’m going find her."

Luo Jin only responded softly, "Yes."

 【Have to find a way to let the princess find out that Qin Huaying is pregnant! 】

【This villain needs to be dealt with, otherwise it will be troublesome. 】

【But I am just a little palace maid, what can I do? 】

 【Have to be careful not to attract hatred to myself. With my status, anyone can crush me to death... 】

 【I wonder if this princess is smart... 】

Chai Jing had a smile on her lips.

She, the princess... seemed pretty smart, right?


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