Thursday 30 May 2024

MLMCR Teaser 2

 Chapter 02

Gu Yanfei's throat tasted sweetness and she vomited a mouthful of blood. Her forehead was already covered with beads of sweat, flowing down her temples.

She wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her sleeves and muttered to herself: "Without spiritual energy... my hands and legs are tied."

Every world had its own laws. If she were to save a mortal in the Yao Ling Realm, it would be effortless for her. However, the spiritual air of this world was too weak. She was bound by the laws of heaven and couldn’t use many methods. 

In this world, the living dead were against nature. She must pay a certain price for it.

Juan Bi slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes in a trance without focus. Until the moment she meet her eyes with Gu Yanfei, her eyes suddenly widened and she weakly called out: "Mi...Miss..."

Juan Bi tried to raise her right hand, but was grabbed by Gu Yanfei.

"I'm here." Gu Yanfei seamlessly checked Juan Bi's pulse again and said with relief, "You will be fine."

Gu Yanfei curved her lips and smiled, her blood-stained lips as red as peonies.

From Juan Bi's angle at this moment, she couldn't see Gu Yanfei's red, swollen and bleeding left forehead, only the intact right half of her face.

Her hair was dyed like ink, her lips were like scarlet, and her skin was as bright as snow.

A young girl in her prime was like a flower emerging from the green slope. Her beauty was so beautiful that people want to pour all the most gorgeous words in the world onto her.

This smile could be described as overwhelming the country and alluring.

Dazed by the sight, Juan Bi stupidly grinned, vaguely feeling that this quiet and reserved Second Miss seemed to be a little different.

A gust of cool wind blew suddenly, causing the tattered curtains to flutter as well as blowing away the ashes originally stained on Juan Bi's temples. In the blink of an eye, the ashes disappeared, leaving only a faint burning smell filling the air. 

The tip of Juan Bi's nose twitched slightly. Just as she was about to say something, Gu Yanfei said again: "Juan Bi, we have to leave here quickly."

Gu Yanfei held Juan Bi's cold hand firmly, her eyes as firm as rock.

In her previous life, everyone else died. Though she managed to survive, she had passed out due to the violent impact. The last memory she had of this carriage was the blood and corpses.

She had a high fever and was in a daze. When she woke up, she was already in Danyang City.

What happened on this day became a nightmare that would linger in her life.


She was no longer the same person she was in her previous life.

"Miss is right. It's too dangerous here. We have to leave at once!" Juan Bi nodded repeatedly without any objection.

She packed a bundle as quickly as possible, feeling somewhat uneasy: Today she and Miss went to Daxing Temple in the western suburbs to offer incense, but unexpectedly encountered a landslide on the way back. This area was too remote. No one had been seen for miles around...


Gu Yanfei pushed open the shaky door of the carriage and stepped out of the carriage.

Outside the carriage, dust was flying, forming a thick gray fog. Rocks of all sizes could be seen everywhere. Some scattered gravel rolled down from the high cliffs from time to time, leaving everything devastated.

There was a smell of blood in the air that lingered and made people nauseous.

The horse pulling the carriage was dead, as were the coachman and the chore woman. Their bodies were lying next to the carriage. The ground was stained red with pools of blood. There was almost no place to put the foot.

Taking in this tragic scene, Gu Yanfei's eyes gradually darkened like a bottomless pool. She leaned down, closed the eyes of the driver and the chore woman who died unjustly and recited the rebirth mantra silently.

A few living lives were ruined just because of Fang Mingfeng's selfishness!

​And this was just the beginning...

Memories that had become somewhat blurred after two lifetimes gradually resurfaced in her mind. Gu Yanfei's eyes gradually became colder. Under the setting sun, the corners of her eyes were reddish, as if they were stained with blood.

The elegant and beautiful girl was in sharp contrast to the tragedy around her.

As soon as Gu Yanfei finished reciting the mantra for rebirth, Juan Bi, who had packed a bundle, also got out of the carriage.

Looking at the tragic death of the coachman and the chore woman, Juan Bi couldn't help but gasp, feeling for the first time the fragility of human life.

"Miss..." Ill at ease, Juan Bi leaned toward Gu Yanfei. Her face turned pale.

Gu Yanfei quietly calculated a prediction with her fingers in her sleeves. Then she raised her fingers to point in the direction of the setting sun: "Let's go that way."

According to the prediction, the opportunity was in the west.

Juan Bi quickly put a cloak on Gu Yanfei and helped her make way to the west. Because the ground was full of gravel and the road was rugged, the master and servant walked slowly.

There were gusts of mountain wind. The oncoming cool breeze made Gu Yanfei's cloak bulge and make a rustling sound.

The sun was setting in the west, the golden-red sunshine was pouring on the mountains and fields.

Shortly later, they finally made their way out of the rock-strewn valley. When Juan Bi looked back, she could no longer see the carriage behind them.

Gu Yanfei stopped and touched her lower abdomen calmly. She felt a dull pain in her abdomen and an indescribable discomfort. She thought to herself: Could it be that she suffered some internal injury?

Should she find some herbs nearby...

Just as she was thinking about it, she heard the high-pitched drake voice of a young man not far ahead:

"I didn’t see it wrongly. Something fell down from the mountain. It should be a carriage."

"Xiao Shi, maybe the rocks slipped." Then, another calm male voice followed, "If the carriage fell from such a high place, it would be very dangerous."

As the two people talked, the sound of horse hoofbeats approached this side, mixing with the sound of wheels and horse bells.

Soon, a simple green-covered carriage came into Gu Yanfei and Juan Bi’s view and drove slowly toward this side. The bells on the horse's neck jingled.

The driver was a plain-looking young man in his early twenties in gray clothes. Sitting next to him was a dark-skinned boy of thirteen or fourteen years old.

They also saw Gu Yanfei's master and servant. The carriage stopped two feet away.

"Why are you two misses here?" The young man known as Xiao Shi had a rough voice and peered at Gu Yanfei curiously.

"My carriage accidentally encountered a landslide and fell off the cliff over there. Only my maid and I are lucky enough to keep our two lives. Everyone else..." As she said that, Gu Yanfei pointed toward the direction she came from and solemnly sighed.

"Miss is lucky." Xiao Shi emotionally remarked. He gave the young man beside him a proud look, as if to say, he was right about a carriage falling from the mountain.


A strange sound suddenly sounded. It was extremely loud at the bottom of this quiet cliff.

The other three people all looked at Gu Yanfei.

Gu Yanfei: "..."

This sound? Could it be... Her expression showed astonishment, but also carried a strange novelty.

The next moment, an unfamiliar male voice came from the green-covered carriage, cold but pleasant to the ear:

"I have some food here. If Miss doesn't mind, you can eat some to fill your stomach."

The young male voice was neither fast nor slow, just like the strings of a guqin being plucked as well as like a clear spring flowing from a mountain stream.

While he was speaking, Xiao Shi opened the door of the carriage. A leaf happened to be blown into the carriage by the mountain wind, spinning slowly and falling on a short boot embroidered with silver moiré.

In the carriage, there sat a young gentleman who was seemingly weak.

His eyes were like bright stars, his nose was like a hanging pear, his lips were red, his teeth were white, and his hair was as black as ink.

The exquisite facial features and sharp angular lines form a face that was extremely handsome. It was beautiful, elegant, and extraordinarily noble, making people attracted by it.

He was wearing a frost-white cloak with white fox fur, and his slender figure was slightly thin, as if he would fall over if the wind blew.


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