Friday 1 July 2022


Chapter 32. Fighting wind and eating vinegar

At this time, Zhou Jun Peng, who was sitting on the side, suddenly stood up and walked to You Jin: "Little sister, do you need a hand?"

Before You Jin could react, Yue You Ting and Ge Liu-er immediately jumped up and uttered in unison, "No need!"
This sudden action startled the women who had yet to disperse. Seeing everyone's eyes fall on them, the two of them instantly blushed and opened their mouths. However, they didn't know what to say.

It was Yue Chang Hong who wrapped her head around first. Smilingly, she seamlessly stood between You Jin and Zhou Jun Peng. Her butt intentionally bumped into You Jin. On the surface, she showed no trace of this: "Gentleman Zhou, these chores should be done by the family. You're a distinguished guest. We can't let your hands get dirty, right? I just heard Wen Li say that he's going to take you somewhere to play? Why don't you go out explore while it's still bright?"

She winked at Wen Tao winked and Yue Wen Tao immediately caught on: "Yes! Jun Li, this is the so-called gentleman stay way from kitchen. Let them do these things, I will take you to Cui Feng River to play!"

As the sound of 'play', slightly bored Liu Ruo Shan perked up at once: "Alright! Let's go out to play!"
After saying that, he dragged Zhou Jun Peng outside.

Seeing everyone like this, Zhou Jun Peng couldn't anything else. Just smiled apologetically at Yue You Jin who was blocked by Yue Chang Hong before going out with Yue Wen Tao and others.

Seeing them go out, Mrs. Chen's mind spun and she hurriedly pushed Yue You Ting: "You Ting has been in the village for a long time. She is familiar with everywhere. Let You Ting go with you!"

Being pushed by Mrs. Chen so suddenly, You Ting stumbled a little. Fortunately, Zhou Jun Peng, who was standing closest to her, stretched out his hand to help her stand stable.

Just as she stood firm, Zhou Jun Peng let go of her: "I've offended you, Miss Yue. Be careful."

Although Yue You Ting wasn't very beautiful, she was still delicately attractive. She blushed and lowered her head as she murmured, "Thank you, Gentleman Zhou."

Seeing perfect the two looked together, Yue Chang Hong felt a little unwilling. It felt like she paved the way for others. She hurriedly pulled Ge Liu-er out: "Liu-er rarely go out. Now there's a chance to play with you, Wen Tao, you take Liu-er with you on your stroll around.”

On the spot, Wen Tao glanced at Zhou Jun Peng and Liu Ruo Shan. Seeing that neither of them said anything, he nodded. The group of four men and two women went to Cuifeng River.


After sending off the few youth, the clan's married women smilingly bid their goodbye. All at once, only old Mrs. Chen, her daughter, and Mrs. Chen were left in the main room.

Seeing that everyone was gone, Yue Chang Hong's gentle smile gradually disappeared off her face. She glared at Mrs. Chen with bulging eyes, "Eldest Sister-in-law, what are you doing?"
Yue Chang Hong had always disliked this sister-in-law. Before Mrs. Chen married into Yue Family, Mrs. Chen always loved to compete with her when they were still cousins. Never thought, she would still fight with her now when it came to her daughter's marriage?

Mrs. Chen looked at Yue Chang Hong with a 'clueless' expression: "Younger Sister, I don't understand what you're saying. What did I do?"

Seeing that she won't admit, Yue Chang Hong stuck to old Mrs. Chen's side and grabbed her arm: "Mother! Look at Eldest Sister-in-law. You watched Liu-er grow up. With her appearance and character, would it go wrong? If this is just missed, then won't Liu'er blame me in the future!"

Needless to say, old Mrs. Chen will protect Yue Chang Hong. She patted Yue Chang Hong's hand that was tugging at her clothes. Then she shot a glare at Mrs. Chen: "Look at you anxious expression. Don't think no one can see your thoughts. I only got this one daughter and you love to fight with her since you were a child. As long as you don't make trouble, would I get involved? You have been fighting all your life, this time let Yue Hong."

Mrs. Chen didn't agree. She clapped her hands, sat on the kang, and wailed, "My god! When did I bully Yue Hong! I'm going to be wronged to death by this old phrase of yours!"

"Stop howling! Can't you give us a day of piece!?" Old Mrs. Chen wasn't afraid of her throwing a tantrum, "This is settled. You will call You Ting back in a while."
Old Mrs. Chen was used to her daughter and daughters-in-law listening to her own words. So she won't give in because of Mrs. Chen's few dry hollers.

Mrs. Chen didn't expect old Mrs. Chen to be so heartless this time. Her mind spun and uttered, "Mother, our You Ting is also your granddaughter, no? Gentleman Zhou didn't say he fancy Liu-er, no? If Gentleman Zhou directly said he fancy Liu-er, I wouldn't let You Ting follow him."
Seeing Yue Chang Hong's expression become a little ugly, Mrs. Chen hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Mother, think about it. If Gentleman Zhou fell in love with You Ting and you didn't let You Ting go out to encounter him, you'll cut off a lot of marriages!"

"Pah! Only your, Chen Xiao Juan's, daughter is gold? How could Gentleman Zhou be attracted to that skinny vegetable from your family!" Yue Chang Hong fiercely spat on the ground: "A vegetable sprout that can be blown away by a bit of wind. Still want to climb high branches!"

"You don't want to climb high branch? Then why are you fighting with me on this!" Mrs. Chen was so annoyed with her that she started clawing. However, old Mrs. Chen got quick hand-eye coordination and slapped Mrs. Chen's outstretched assaulting hand: "What trouble are you trying to stir! All sit down!"

Seeing that old Mrs. Chen was truly enraged a little, Mrs. Chen sat back down with her mouth shut. Old Mrs. Chen's next sentence made her feel a lot more relieved.

"Although your eldest sister-in-law is going too far, what she said is reasonable. Currently who Gentleman Zhou fancy is still unknown. It's just hanging out for a while. This is the end to this matter. But if Gentleman Zhou reveal his thoughts, the other one is not allowed to make trouble." Old Mrs. Chen stated in a calm voice. Then she comforted the somewhat unwilling Yue Chang Hong.

Yue Chang Hong originally wanted to say something else, but seeing old Mrs. Chen glance over, she didn't say anything. Fuming, she sat down on the edge of the kang as she ignored others.


Back to the few young people who went to Cuifeng River. When they got to Cuifeng River and were greeted by the sight of many village children holding boards and sliding down from the top. It was a distance of more than ten feet.

Liu Ruo Shan found it novel. On top of that, he was playful by nature. He urged Yue Wen Li to take the board and go to the place where the children were sliding down from. Cuifeng River originated in Cuifeng Mountain. Naturally, it flowed from high to low. At the entrance of Cuifeng Village's, the water flow slowed down and the river surface became wider. The children slid down from a height and headed to the edge of the place where Yue Wen Tao and others were standing. Full of merriment and liveliness.

Yue Wen Li was dragged away by Liu Ruo Shan. Only Yue Wen Tao, Zhou Jun Peng, ​​Yue You Ting and Ge Liu-er were left standing on the edge of the thick iced river. A moment of silence.

Noticing the gazes around her that seemed to be inquiringly peek at her, Yue You Ting lowered her head shyly. She was too embarrassed to talk to Zhou Jun Peng directly. So she spoke to Yue Wen Tao: "Eldest Brother, you bring Gentleman Zhou over to play then? You have to do the best of the local host."

Yue Wen Tao agreed with this thought. He glanced at Zhou Jun Peng: "Brother Zhou, what do you think?"
Although Yue Wen Tao asked like this, his eyes were full of contempt when he watched those who played. Really ignorant mudlegs. If it weren't for Brother Liu's playfulness, he disdained standing on the same side to these people who played.

Zhou Jun Peng observed how tatteredly dressed and red faced the country children were. Though he didn't like it on the inside, he didn't directly show contempt like Yue Wen Tao. Warmly smiling, he politely spoke. "I never liked these. While Ruo Shan does. Let him go wild then."

Taking in the jade-like-tree-in-the-snowy-environment Gentleman Zhou, the admiration in the eyes of Yue You Ting and Ge Liu-er had increased by a few more notch. Gentleman Zhou was really different from these mud legs!

Ge Liu-er recalled it was Yue You Ting who suggested Gentleman Zhou to play and looked at Yue You Ting with a disdainful smirk: "Exactly. This is rolling around on the ground, what is what the scholar called humiliating. Really Elder Cousin Sister. You actually made such a suggestion!"
After that, she moved a little bit with disgust. Expressing that she wasn't on the same page as her.

Glancing at Gentleman Zhou who had an unclear gaze, Yue You Ting looked embarrassed and stammered: "I-I didn't mean that. Younger Cousin Sister, you think too much..."

Yue Wen Tao didn't speak. Even his gaze toward Yue You Ting carried a hint of disapproval. No one was able to relieve the dire strait for a while. Embarrassment on Yue You Ting's face increased by slightly more. She even dropped her with slight aggrievances. She was just afraid of neglecting Gentleman Zhou. She never thought that much!

Just when Yue You Ting didn't know what to do, Zhou Jun Peng helped her out. First he gave Yue You Ting a scholar's bow before speaking with a faint smile: "Miss Yue must have made an unintentional mistake. I don't have any intention to blame anyone. Miss Yue don't need to feel guilty."

Ge Liu-er didn't expect Zhou Jun Peng to save Yue You Ting. Seeing Yue You Ting, who was like a blooming flower with a dog's wagging tail, Ge Liu-er snorted heavily. But after glancing Zhou Jun Peng, she still held back the displeasure in her heart. She merrily spoke, "It turns out that I misunderstood Elder Cousin Sister. I'm really sorry."

Blushing, Yue You Ting secretly glanced at Zhou Jun Peng, who was staring at her with a smile. Her maiden heart had already been occupied by Zhou Jun Peng. How could she still hear what Ge Liu-er said?

Ge Liu-er looked at the two people who were staring at each other. Her heart burned with anger. She and Yue You Ting were only half a year apart. She loved to fight with her since young. As long as Mother bring her to her maternal home, she secretly bully her. This time, she still fight with her! Her gaze toward Yue You Ting gradually filled with embarrassed anger. This time she won't lose!

At the other end, Liu Ruo Shan had already slid down the river twice. His face was flushed from the cold wind. He turned around and noticed the group was still standing in the distance. He waved to that side: "Brother Zhou, come play. It's fun!"

Seeing Liu Ruo Shan immersed in fun, everyone's face showed an unidentified smile. Zhou Jun Peng also waved at him: "I won't go down. Brother Liu, keep playing by yourself!"

Seeing that they won't join in, Liu Ruo Shan didn't bother. He happily dragged the board up again. The few people fell into silence again. Standing there, each had their own thoughts.


  1. Thank you for the chapter!

  2. Lol it’s nice seeing them fight amongst each other. Although I doubt it will happen…hopefully non of the sisters fall for the “gentlemen” Peng or Vice versa. That would be a disaster

  3. Friends of this family can’t be good things. This gentleman Zhou is not a gentleman at all. All of the children in the family will have bad reputations soon if they aren’t careful.

  4. They keep saying gentleman Zhou and that just makes me think he isn't one lol

    Thank you for the translation
